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This is the complete list of members for geo::PlaneGeo, including all inherited members.
ActiveArea() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
BoundingBox() const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
ClosestWireID(geo::WireID::WireID_t wireNo) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ClosestWireID(geo::WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ComposePoint(WireDecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ComposePoint(double distance, WireCoordProjection_t const &proj) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ComposePoint(WDDecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ComposePoint(double distance, WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ComposeVector(WireDecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ComposeVector(double distance, WireCoordProjection_t const &proj) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
CosPhiZ() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DecomposePoint(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DecomposePointWidthDepth(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DeltaFromActivePlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
DeltaFromActivePlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double margin=0.0) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double margin=0.0) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
Depth() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DepthDir() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
details::ActiveAreaCalculator | geo::PlaneGeo | friend |
DetectGeometryDirections() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
DistanceFromPlane(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DriftPoint(geo::Point_t &position, double distance) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
DriftPoint(geo::Point_t &position) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ElementIteratorBox typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
fActiveArea | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fCenter | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fCosPhiZ | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fDecompFrame | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fDecompWire | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fFrameSize | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fID | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
FirstWire() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
fNormal | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fOrientation | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fSinPhiZ | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fTrans | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fView | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fVolume | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fWire | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
fWirePitch | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
GeoNodePath_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
GetBoxCenter() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
GetCenter() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
GetElement(WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
GetElementPtr(WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
GetIncreasingWireDirection() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
GetNormalAxis() const | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
GetNormalDirection() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
GetWireDirection() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
HasElement(unsigned int iwire) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
HasElement(geo::WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
HasWire(unsigned int iwire) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
HasWire(geo::WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ID() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ID_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
InterWireDistance(geo::Vector_t const &dir) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
InterWireProjectedDistance(WireCoordProjection_t const &projDir) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
InterWireProjectedDistance(Vector_t const &dir) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
isProjectionOnPlane(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
IterateElements() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
IterateWires() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
LastWire() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
LocalPoint_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
LocalTransformation_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
LocalVector_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
MaxVerbosity | geo::PlaneGeo | static |
MiddleWire() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
MovePointOverPlane(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
MoveProjectionToPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
NearestWire(geo::Point_t const &pos) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
NearestWireID(geo::Point_t const &pos) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
NElements() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
Nwires() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
Orientation() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
OrientationName(geo::Orient_t orientation) | geo::PlaneGeo | static |
PhiZ() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
PlaneCoordinate(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
PlaneCoordinateFrom(geo::Point_t const &point, geo::WireGeo const &refWire) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
PlaneGeo(TGeoNode const &node, geo::TransformationMatrix &&trans, WireCollection_t &&wires) | geo::PlaneGeo | |
PlaneInfo(std::string indent="", unsigned int verbosity=1) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
PointProjection(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
PointWidthDepthProjection(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
PrintPlaneInfo(Stream &&out, std::string indent="", unsigned int verbosity=1) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
Projection(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
Projection(geo::Vector_t const &v) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ProjectionReferencePoint() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
Rect typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
SetView(geo::View_t view) | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
shouldFlipWire(geo::WireGeo const &wire) const | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
SinPhiZ() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
SortWires(geo::GeoObjectSorter const &sorter) | geo::PlaneGeo | |
ThetaZ() const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
toLocalCoords(geo::Point_t const &world) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
toLocalCoords(geo::Vector_t const &world) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t const &local) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
toWorldCoords(LocalVector_t const &local) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
UpdateActiveArea() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateAfterSorting(geo::PlaneID planeid, geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &TPCbox) | geo::PlaneGeo | |
UpdateDecompWireOrigin() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateIncreasingWireDir() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateOrientation() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdatePhiZ() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdatePlaneNormal(geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &TPCbox) | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateView() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateWidthDepthDir() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateWireDir() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateWirePitch() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateWirePitchSlow() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
UpdateWirePlaneCenter() | geo::PlaneGeo | private |
VectorWidthDepthProjection(geo::Vector_t const &v) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
View() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
ViewName(geo::View_t view) | geo::PlaneGeo | static |
WDDecomposedVector_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
Width() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
WidthDepthDecomposer_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WidthDepthDisplacement_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WidthDepthProjection_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WidthDir() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
Wire(unsigned int iwire) const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
Wire(WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
WireCollection_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WireCoordinate(geo::Point_t const &point) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
WireCoordProjection_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WireDecomposedVector_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WireDecomposer_t typedef | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WireIDincreasesWithZ() const | geo::PlaneGeo | |
WirePitch() const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
WirePtr(unsigned int iwire) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |
WirePtr(WireID const &wireid) const | geo::PlaneGeo | inline |