LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
pma::PMAlgTracker::Config Struct Reference

#include "PMAlgTracking.h"

Public Types

using Name = fhicl::Name
using Comment = fhicl::Comment

Public Attributes

fhicl::Atom< size_t > MinSeedSize1stPass
fhicl::Atom< size_t > MinSeedSize2ndPass
fhicl::Atom< float > TrackLikeThreshold
fhicl::Atom< bool > RunVertexing
fhicl::Atom< bool > FlipToBeam
fhicl::Atom< bool > FlipDownward
fhicl::Atom< bool > FlipToX
fhicl::Atom< bool > AutoFlip_dQdx
fhicl::Atom< bool > MergeWithinTPC
fhicl::Atom< double > MergeTransverseShift
fhicl::Atom< double > MergeAngle
fhicl::Atom< bool > StitchBetweenTPCs
fhicl::Atom< double > StitchDistToWall
fhicl::Atom< double > StitchTransverseShift
fhicl::Atom< double > StitchAngle
fhicl::Atom< bool > MatchT0inAPACrossing
fhicl::Atom< bool > MatchT0inCPACrossing
fhicl::Atom< std::string > Validation
fhicl::Sequence< double > AdcValidationThr
fhicl::Table< img::DataProviderAlg::ConfigAdcImageAlg

Detailed Description

Definition at line 159 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 160 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Member Data Documentation

fhicl::Table<img::DataProviderAlg::Config> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::AdcImageAlg
Initial value:
Comment("ADC based image used for the track validation")}

Definition at line 238 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Referenced by pma::PMAlgTracker::PMAlgTracker().

fhicl::Sequence<double> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::AdcValidationThr
Initial value:
Comment("thresholds for not-empty pixel in the ADC track validation")}

Definition at line 234 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Referenced by pma::PMAlgTracker::PMAlgTracker().

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::AutoFlip_dQdx
Initial value:
Comment("set the track direction to increasing dQ/dx (overrides FlipToBeam, FlipDownward and "
"FlipToX if significant rise of dQ/dx at the track end)")}

Definition at line 190 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::FlipDownward
Initial value:
Comment("set the track direction to decreasing Y values (like cosmic rays)")}

Definition at line 182 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::FlipToBeam
Initial value:
Comment("set the track direction to increasing Z values")}

Definition at line 179 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::FlipToX
Initial value:
Comment("set the track direction to decreasing X values (like cosmic rays in dual phase)")}

Definition at line 186 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MatchT0inAPACrossing
Initial value:
Comment("match T0 of APA-crossing tracks using PMAlgStitcher")}

Definition at line 223 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MatchT0inCPACrossing
Initial value:
Comment("match T0 of CPA-crossing tracks using PMAlgStitcher")}

Definition at line 227 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<double> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MergeAngle
Initial value:
Comment("max. angle [degree] between tracks (nearest segments)")}

Definition at line 203 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<double> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MergeTransverseShift
Initial value:
Comment("max. transverse displacement [cm] between tracks")}

Definition at line 199 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MergeWithinTPC
Initial value:
Comment("merge witnin single TPC; finds tracks best matching by angle and displacement")}

Definition at line 195 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<size_t> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MinSeedSize1stPass
Initial value:
Comment("min. cluster size used to start building a track in the 1st pass")}

Definition at line 163 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<size_t> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::MinSeedSize2ndPass
Initial value:
Comment("min. cluster size used to start building a track in the 2nd pass")}

Definition at line 167 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::RunVertexing
Initial value:
"find vertices from PFP hierarchy, join with tracks, reoptimize track-vertex structure")}

Definition at line 174 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Referenced by trkf::PMAlgTrackMaker::produce().

fhicl::Atom<double> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::StitchAngle
Initial value:
Comment("max. angle [degree] between tracks (nearest segments)")}

Definition at line 219 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<bool> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::StitchBetweenTPCs
Initial value:
Comment("stitch between TPCs; finds tracks best matching by angle and displacement")}

Definition at line 207 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<double> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::StitchDistToWall
Initial value:
Comment("max. track endpoint distance [cm] to TPC boundary")}

Definition at line 211 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<double> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::StitchTransverseShift
Initial value:
Comment("max. transverse displacement [cm] between tracks")}

Definition at line 215 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

fhicl::Atom<float> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::TrackLikeThreshold
Initial value:
Comment("Threshold for track-like recognition")}

Definition at line 171 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Referenced by trkf::PMAlgTrackMaker::getPdgFromCnnOnHits(), and trkf::PMAlgTrackMaker::produce().

fhicl::Atom<std::string> pma::PMAlgTracker::Config::Validation
Initial value:
Comment("tracks validation mode: hits, adc, calib")}

Definition at line 231 of file PMAlgTracking.h.

Referenced by pma::PMAlgTracker::PMAlgTracker(), and trkf::PMAlgTrackMaker::PMAlgTrackMaker().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: