LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
evgen Namespace Reference

Event Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles. More...




class  ActiveVolumeVertexSampler
class  BaseRadioGen
class  clhep_random
 Wrapper functor for a standard random number generator. More...
class  CORSIKAGen
 LArSoft interface to CORSIKA event generator. More...
class  CosmicsGen
 A module to check the results from the Monte Carlo generator. More...
class  Decay0Gen
class  FileMuons
 module to produce single or multiple specified particles in the detector More...
class  GaisserParam
 module to produce single or multiple specified particles in the detector More...
class  GeneratedEventTimestamp
 Plugin to assign an empty event a time stamp from the clock. More...
class  GENIEGen
 A module to check the results from the Monte Carlo generator. More...
class  larg4SingleGen
 module to produce single or multiple specified particles in the detector More...
class  LightSource
 A module for optical MC testing and library building. More...
class  MarleyGen
class  MARLEYHelper
class  MarleyParameterSetWalker
class  MarleyTimeGen
class  MUSUN
 module to produce single or multiple specified particles in the detector More...
class  NDKGen
 A module to check the results from the Monte Carlo generator. More...
class  NeutronOsc
class  NucleonDecay
class  NueAr40CCGenerator
class  PhotonGen
class  RadioGen
 Module to generate particles created by radiological decay, patterned off of SingleGen. More...
class  SingleGen
 module to produce single or multiple specified particles in the detector More...
class  SNNueAr40CCGen
class  SpectrumVolumeGen
class  TestGENIEHelper
 A module to check the results from the Monte Carlo generator. More...
class  TextFileGen

Detailed Description

Event Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles.

Monte Carlo event generation.