LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc:

Public Member Functions

 PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc ()
void Configure (fhicl::ParameterSet const &p, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine) override
std::vector< std::vector< double > > GetWeight (art::Event &e) override
void SetName (std::string name)
std::string GetName ()

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< std::vector< double > > MultiGaussianSmearing (std::vector< double > const &centralValues, std::vector< std::vector< double >> const &inputCovarianceMatrix, int n_multisims, CLHEP::RandGaussQ &GaussRandom)
 Applies Gaussian smearing to a set of data. More...
static std::vector< double > MultiGaussianSmearing (std::vector< double > const &centralValue, TMatrixD *const &inputCovarianceMatrix, std::vector< double > rand)
 Over load of the above function that only returns a single varied parameter set. More...
static std::vector< double > MultiGaussianSmearing (std::vector< double > const &centralValue, TMatrixD *const &LowerTriangleCovarianceMatrix, bool isDecomposed, std::vector< double > rand)

Private Attributes

std::string fGenieModuleLabel
std::vector< std::string > fInputLabels
std::string fPPFXMode
std::string fMode
std::string fHorn
std::string fTarget
int fSeed
int fVerbose
NeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweight * fPPFXrw

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc ( )

Definition at line 37 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

37 {}

Member Function Documentation

void evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::Configure ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  p,
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &  engine 

Implements evwgh::WeightCalc.

Definition at line 39 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

References fGenieModuleLabel, fHorn, fInputLabels, fMode, fPPFXMode, fPPFXrw, fSeed, fTarget, fVerbose, fhicl::ParameterSet::get(), and evwgh::WeightCalc::GetName().

41  {
42  //get configuration for this function
44  fGenieModuleLabel = p.get<std::string>("genie_module_label");
46  //ppfx setup
47  fInputLabels = pset.get<std::vector<std::string>>("input_labels");
48  fPPFXMode = pset.get<std::string>("ppfx_mode");
49  fVerbose = pset.get<int>("verbose");
50  fMode = pset.get<std::string>("mode");
51  fHorn = pset.get<std::string>("horn_curr");
52  fTarget = pset.get<std::string>("target_config");
53  fSeed = pset.get<int>("random_seed", -1);
55  gSystem->Setenv("MODE", fPPFXMode.c_str());
57  fPPFXrw = NeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweight::getInstance();
58  std::cout << "PPFX instance " << fPPFXrw << std::endl;
60  std::string inputOptions; // Full path.
61  std::string mode_file = "inputs_" + fPPFXMode + ".xml"; // Just file name.
62  cet::search_path sp("FW_SEARCH_PATH");
63  sp.find_file(mode_file, inputOptions);
65  if (fSeed != -1) fPPFXrw->setBaseSeed(fSeed); // Set the random seed
66  std::cout << "is PPFX setup : " << fPPFXrw->AlreadyInitialized() << std::endl;
67  std::cout << "Setting PPFX, inputs: " << inputOptions << std::endl;
68  std::cout << "Setting Horn Current Configuration to: " << fHorn << std::endl;
69  std::cout << "Setting Target Configuration to: " << fTarget << std::endl;
70  if (!(fPPFXrw->AlreadyInitialized())) { fPPFXrw->SetOptions(inputOptions); }
71  std::cout << "PPFX just set with mode: " << fPPFXMode << std::endl;
72  }
std::string GetName()
Definition: WeightCalc.h:26
std::vector< std::string > fInputLabels
T get(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:314
NeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweight * fPPFXrw
std::vector< std::vector< double > > evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::GetWeight ( art::Event e)

Implements evwgh::WeightCalc.

Definition at line 74 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

References fHorn, fInputLabels, fMode, fPPFXrw, fTarget, fVerbose, evgb::MCTruthAndFriendsItr::GetDk2Nu(), evgb::MCTruthAndFriendsItr::GetLabel(), art::ProductRetriever::getMany(), evgb::MCTruthAndFriendsItr::GetMCTruth(), evgb::MCTruthAndFriendsItr::Next(), REGISTER_WEIGHTCALC, and weight.

75  {
76  std::vector<std::vector<double>> weight;
78  //calculate weight(s) here
80  int nmctruth = 0, nmatched = 0;
81  bool flag = true;
82  int ievt = -1;
83  std::vector<art::Handle<std::vector<bsim::Dk2Nu>>> dk2nus2 =
84  e.getMany<std::vector<bsim::Dk2Nu>>();
85  for (size_t dk2 = 0; dk2 < dk2nus2.size(); ++dk2) {
86  art::Handle<std::vector<bsim::Dk2Nu>> dk2nus = dk2nus2[dk2];
87  }
88  while ((flag = mcitr.Next())) {
89  std::string label = mcitr.GetLabel();
90  const simb::MCTruth* pmctruth = mcitr.GetMCTruth();
91  // const simb::GTruth* pgtruth = mcitr.GetGTruth();
92  //not-used//const simb::MCFlux* pmcflux = mcitr.GetMCFlux();
93  const bsim::Dk2Nu* pdk2nu = mcitr.GetDk2Nu();
94  //not-used//const bsim::NuChoice* pnuchoice = mcitr.GetNuChoice();
95  // art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> mctruthptr = mcitr.GetMCTruthPtr();
97  ++ievt;
98  ++nmctruth;
99  if (fVerbose > 0) {
100  std::cout << "FluxWeightCalculator [" << std::setw(4) << ievt << "] "
101  << " label \"" << label << "\" MCTruth@ " << pmctruth << " Dk2Nu@ " << pdk2nu
102  << std::endl;
103  }
104  if (!pdk2nu) continue;
105  ++nmatched;
107  //RWH//bsim::Dk2Nu* tmp_dk2nu = fTmpDK2NUConversorAlg.construct_toy_dk2nu( &mctruth,&mcflux);
108  //RWH//bsim::DkMeta* tmp_dkmeta = fTmpDK2NUConversorAlg.construct_toy_dkmeta(&mctruth,&mcflux);
109  //RWH// those appear to have been memory leaks
110  //RWH// herein begins the replacment for the "construct_toy_dkmeta"
112  static bsim::DkMeta
113  dkmeta_obj; //RWH// create this on stack (destroyed when out-of-scope) ... or static
114  dkmeta_obj.tgtcfg = fTarget;
115  dkmeta_obj.horncfg = fHorn;
116  (dkmeta_obj.vintnames).push_back("Index_Tar_In_Ancestry");
117  (dkmeta_obj.vintnames).push_back("Playlist");
118  bsim::DkMeta* tmp_dkmeta = &dkmeta_obj;
119  //RWH// herein ends this block
121  // sigh ....
122  //RWH// this is the signature in NeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweight :
123  // //! create an interaction chain from the new dk2nu(dkmeta) format
124  // void calculateWeights(bsim::Dk2Nu* nu, bsim::DkMeta* meta);
125  //RWH// these _should_ be "const <class>*" because we don't need to change them
126  //RWH// and the pointers we get out of the ART record are going to be const.
127  bsim::Dk2Nu* tmp_dk2nu = const_cast<bsim::Dk2Nu*>(pdk2nu); // remove const-ness
128  try {
129  fPPFXrw->calculateWeights(tmp_dk2nu, tmp_dkmeta);
130  }
131  catch (...) {
132  std::cerr << "Failed to calcualte weight" << std::endl;
133  continue;
134  }
135  //Get weights:
136  if (fMode == "reweight") {
137  double ppfx_cv_wgt = fPPFXrw->GetCVWeight();
138  std::vector<double> wvec = {ppfx_cv_wgt};
139  weight.push_back(wvec);
140  }
141  else {
142  std::vector<double> vttpckaon = fPPFXrw->GetWeights("ThinTargetpCKaon");
144  std::vector<double> tmp_vhptot;
145  for (unsigned int iuniv = 0; iuniv < vttpckaon.size(); iuniv++) {
146  tmp_vhptot.push_back(float(vttpckaon[iuniv]));
147  }
148  weight.push_back(tmp_vhptot);
149  }
150  }
151  return weight;
152  }
std::vector< std::string > fInputLabels
NeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweight * fPPFXrw
double weight
Definition: plottest35.C:25
Event generator information.
Definition: MCTruth.h:32
std::vector< Handle< PROD > > getMany(SelectorBase const &selector=MatchAllSelector{}) const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > evwgh::WeightCalc::MultiGaussianSmearing ( std::vector< double > const &  centralValues,
std::vector< std::vector< double >> const &  inputCovarianceMatrix,
int  n_multisims,
CLHEP::RandGaussQ &  GaussRandom 

Applies Gaussian smearing to a set of data.

centralValuesthe values to be smeared
inputCovarianceMatrixcovariance matrix for smearing
n_multisimsnumber of sets of smeared values to be produced
a set of n_multisims value sets smeared from the central value

If centralValues is of dimension N, inputCovarianceMatrix needs to be NxN, and each of the returned data sets will be also of dimension N.

Definition at line 14 of file WeightCalc.cxx.

References col, art::errors::Configuration, n, and art::errors::StdException.

19  {
21  std::vector<std::vector<double>> setOfSmearedCentralValues;
23  //Check that covarianceMatrix is of compatible dimension with the central values
24  unsigned int covarianceMatrix_dim = centralValue.size();
26  if (inputCovarianceMatrix.size() != covarianceMatrix_dim) {
28  << "inputCovarianceMatrix rows " << inputCovarianceMatrix.size()
29  << " not equal to entries of centralValue[]: " << covarianceMatrix_dim;
30  }
32  for (auto const& row : inputCovarianceMatrix) { // Range-for (C++11).
33  if (row.size() != covarianceMatrix_dim) {
35  << "inputCovarianceMatrix columns " << row.size()
36  << " not equal to entries of centralValue[]: " << covarianceMatrix_dim;
37  }
38  }
40  //change covariance matrix into a TMartixD object
41  int dim = int(inputCovarianceMatrix.size());
42  TMatrixD covarianceMatrix(dim, dim);
43  int i = 0;
44  for (auto const& row : inputCovarianceMatrix) {
45  int j = 0;
46  for (auto const& element : row) {
47  covarianceMatrix[i][j] = element;
48  ++j;
49  }
50  ++i;
51  }
53  //perform Choleskey Decomposition
54  TDecompChol dc = TDecompChol(covarianceMatrix);
55  if (!dc.Decompose()) {
57  << "Cannot decompose covariance matrix to begin smearing.";
58  return setOfSmearedCentralValues;
59  }
61  //Get upper triangular matrix. This maintains the relations in the
62  //covariance matrix, but simplifies the structure.
63  TMatrixD U = dc.GetU();
65  //for every multisim
66  for (int n = 0; n < n_multisims; ++n) {
68  //get a gaussian random number for every central value element
69  int dim = centralValue.size();
71  std::vector<double> rands(dim);
72  GaussRandom.fireArray(dim,;
74  //compute the smeared central values
75  std::vector<double> smearedCentralValues;
76  for (int col = 0; col < dim; ++col) {
77  //find the weight of each col of the upper triangular cov. matrix
78  double weightFromU = 0.;
79  for (int row = 0; row < col + 1; ++row) {
80  weightFromU += U(row, col) * rands[row];
81  }
82  //multiply this weight by each col of the central values to obtain
83  //the gaussian smeared and constrained central values
84  // smearedCentralValues.push_back(weightFromU * centralValue[col]);
85  smearedCentralValues.push_back(weightFromU + centralValue[col]);
86  }
88  //collect the smeared central values into a set
89  setOfSmearedCentralValues.push_back(smearedCentralValues);
90  } //loop over multisims
91  return setOfSmearedCentralValues;
92  } // WeightCalc::MultiGaussianSmearing() - gives a vector of sets of smeared parameters
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
Char_t n[5]
std::vector< double > evwgh::WeightCalc::MultiGaussianSmearing ( std::vector< double > const &  centralValue,
TMatrixD *const &  inputCovarianceMatrix,
std::vector< double >  rand 

Over load of the above function that only returns a single varied parameter set.

Definition at line 97 of file WeightCalc.cxx.

References col, and art::errors::StdException.

100  {
102  //compute the smeared central values
103  std::vector<double> smearedCentralValues;
105  //
106  //perform Choleskey Decomposition
107  //
108  // Best description I have found
109  // is in the PDG (Monte Carlo techniques, Algorithms, Gaussian distribution)
110  //
111  // (Page 5)
112  //
113  //
114  TDecompChol dc = TDecompChol(*(inputCovarianceMatrix));
115  if (!dc.Decompose()) {
117  << "Cannot decompose covariance matrix to begin smearing.";
118  return smearedCentralValues;
119  }
121  //Get upper triangular matrix. This maintains the relations in the
122  //covariance matrix, but simplifies the structure.
123  TMatrixD U = dc.GetU();
125  for (unsigned int col = 0; col < centralValue.size(); ++col) {
126  //find the weight of each col of the upper triangular cov. matrix
127  double weightFromU = 0.;
129  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < col + 1; ++row) {
130  weightFromU += U(row, col) * rand[row];
131  }
133  //multiply this weight by each col of the central values to obtain
134  //the gaussian smeared and constrained central values
135  // smearedCentralValues.push_back(weightFromU * centralValue[col]);
136  smearedCentralValues.push_back(weightFromU + centralValue[col]);
137  }
138  return smearedCentralValues;
139  } // WeightCalc::MultiGaussianSmearing() - Gives a single set of smeared parameters
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
std::vector< double > evwgh::WeightCalc::MultiGaussianSmearing ( std::vector< double > const &  centralValue,
TMatrixD *const &  LowerTriangleCovarianceMatrix,
bool  isDecomposed,
std::vector< double >  rand 

Definition at line 151 of file WeightCalc.cxx.

References col, and art::errors::StdException.

156  {
158  //compute the smeared central values
159  std::vector<double> smearedCentralValues;
161  // This guards against accidentally
162  if (!isDecomposed) {
164  << "Must supply the decomposed lower triangular covariance matrix.";
165  return smearedCentralValues;
166  }
168  for (unsigned int col = 0; col < centralValue.size(); ++col) {
169  //find the weight of each col of the upper triangular cov. matrix
170  double weightFromU = 0.;
172  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < col + 1; ++row) {
173  weightFromU += LowerTriangleCovarianceMatrix[0][row][col] * rand[row];
174  }
176  //multiply this weight by each col of the central values to obtain
177  //the gaussian smeared and constrained central values
178  // smearedCentralValues.push_back(weightFromU * centralValue[col]);
179  smearedCentralValues.push_back(weightFromU + centralValue[col]);
180  }
181  return smearedCentralValues;
182  } // WeightCalc::MultiGaussianSmearing() - Gives a single set of smeared parameters
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
void evwgh::WeightCalc::SetName ( std::string  name)

Definition at line 25 of file WeightCalc.h.

25 { fName = name; }
std::string fName
Definition: WeightCalc.h:54

Member Data Documentation

std::string evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fGenieModuleLabel

Definition at line 23 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure().

std::string evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fHorn

Definition at line 28 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure(), and GetWeight().

std::vector<std::string> evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fInputLabels

Definition at line 25 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure(), and GetWeight().

std::string evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fMode

Definition at line 27 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure(), and GetWeight().

std::string evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fPPFXMode

Definition at line 26 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure().

NeutrinoFluxReweight::MakeReweight* evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fPPFXrw

Definition at line 32 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure(), and GetWeight().

int evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fSeed

Definition at line 30 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure().

std::string evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fTarget

Definition at line 29 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure(), and GetWeight().

int evwgh::PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc::fVerbose

Definition at line 31 of file PPFXThinKaonWeightCalc.cxx.

Referenced by Configure(), and GetWeight().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: