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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information More...
Classes | |
class | DirectHitParticleAssns |
class | IHitParticleAssociations |
class | IndirectHitParticleAssns |
class | MCParticleHitMatching |
class | MCParticleShowerMatching |
class | MCParticleTrackMatching |
class | MCTruthT0Matching |
Typedefs | |
using | HitParticleAssociations = art::Assns< simb::MCParticle, recob::Hit, anab::BackTrackerHitMatchingData > |
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
Class: MCParticleHitMatching Module Type: producer File: MCParticleHitMatching_module.cc
Author: Wesley Ketchum and Yun-Tse Tsai E-mail address: wketc and hum@ fnal. govyunts e@st anfor d.ed u
This module uses the larsoft backtracker to match hits to truth-level MCParticles (from LArG4 output). It originated from MCTruthT0Matching module, and follows a similar strategy. All MCParticles matching the hit are associated, with information on the amount of contributing energy and number of electrons stored in assn metadata.
Input: MCParticles (via Backtracker) and recob::Hit collection Output: recob::Hit/simb::MCParticle assns, with BackTrackerHitMatchingData.
Class: MCParticleShowerMatching Module Type: producer File: MCParticleShowerMatching_module.cc
Author: Wesley Ketchum E-mail address: wketc hum@ fnal. gov
This module uses existing hit<–>MCParticle assns to make assns of showers to mcparticles. It also stores some idea of cleanliness of the matching. Note: it's probably better to do fancier things with the hit<->particle info, but this is a start of sorts.
Input: recob::Showers, recob::Hit collection, recob::Hit<—>simb::MCparticle assns Output: recob::Shower/simb::MCParticle assns, with BackShowererMatchingData.
Class: MCParticleTrackMatching Module Type: producer File: MCParticleTrackMatching_module.cc
Author: Wesley Ketchum E-mail address: wketc hum@ fnal. gov
This module uses existing hit<–>MCParticle assns to make assns of tracks to mcparticles. It also stores some idea of cleanliness of the matching. Note: it's probably better to do fancier things with the hit<->particle info, but this is a start of sorts.
Input: recob::Tracks, recob::Hit collection, recob::Hit<—>simb::MCparticle assns Output: recob::Track/simb::MCParticle assns, with BackTrackerMatchingData.
Class: MCTruthT0Matching Module Type: producer File: MCTruthT0Matching_module.cc
Author: Thomas Karl Warburton E-mail address: k.war burt on@sh effi eld.a c.uk
Generated at Wed Mar 25 13:54:28 2015 by Thomas Warburton using artmod from cetpkgsupport v1_08_04.
This module accesses the Monte Carlo Truth information stored in the ART event and matches that with a track. It does this by looping through the tracks in the event and looping through each hit in the track. For each hit it uses the backtracker service to work out the charge which each MCTruth particle contributed to the total charge desposited for the hit. The MCTruth particle which is ultimately assigned to the track is simply the particle which deposited the most charge. It then stores an ART anab::T0 object which has the following variables; 1) Generation time of the MCTruth particle assigned to track, in ns. 2) The trigger type used to assign T0 (in this case 2 for MCTruth) 3) The Geant4 TrackID of the particle (so can access all MCTrtuh info in subsequent modules). 4) The track number of this track in this event.
The module has been extended to also associate an anab::T0 object with a recob::Shower. It does this following the same algorithm, where recob::Track has been replaced with recob::Shower.
The module takes a reconstructed track as input. The module outputs an anab::T0 object
using t0::HitParticleAssociations = typedef art::Assns<simb::MCParticle, recob::Hit, anab::BackTrackerHitMatchingData> |
Definition at line 34 of file IHitParticleAssociations.h.