LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
evgb::GENIEHelper Class Reference

#include "GENIEHelper.h"

Inheritance diagram for evgb::GENIEHelper:

Public Member Functions

 GENIEHelper (fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset, TGeoManager *rootGeom, std::string const &rootFile, double const &detectorMass)
 ~GENIEHelper ()
void Initialize ()
bool Stop ()
bool Sample (simb::MCTruth &truth, simb::MCFlux &flux, simb::GTruth &gtruth)
double TotalHistFlux ()
double TotalExposure () const
double SpillExposure () const
std::string FluxType () const
std::string DetectorLocation () const
std::vector< TH1D * > FluxHistograms () const
double TotalMass () const
genie::EventRecord * GetGenieEventRecord ()
TRandom3 * GetHelperRandom ()
genie::GFluxI * GetFluxDriver (bool base=true)
std::string GetTuneName () const
std::string GetEventGeneratorList () const

Private Member Functions

void RegularizeFluxType ()
void SqueezeFilePatterns ()
void AtmoFluxCheck ()
void HistogramFluxCheck ()
void InitializeGeometry ()
void InitializeFiducialSelection ()
void InitializeRockBoxSelection ()
void InitializeFluxDriver ()
void ConfigGeomScan ()
void SetMaxPathOutInfo ()
void BuildFluxRotation ()
void ExpandFluxPaths ()
void ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect ()
void ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH ()
bool StringToBool (std::string v)
void SetGXMLPATH ()
void StartGENIEMessenger (std::string prodmode)
void ReadXSecTable ()

Private Attributes

TGeoManager * fGeoManager
 pointer to ROOT TGeoManager More...
std::string fGeoFile
 name of file containing the Geometry description More...
genie::EventRecord * fGenieEventRecord
 last generated event More...
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
 real flux driver More...
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD2GMCJD
 flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender More...
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
ifdh_ns::ifdh * fIFDH
 (optional) flux file handling More...
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
 random # generator for GENIEHelper More...
bool fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE
 use fHelperRandom for gRandom during Sample() More...
 generator for time offset within a spill More...
std::string fFluxType
std::string fFluxSearchPaths
 colon separated set of path stems More...
std::vector< std::string > fFluxFilePatterns
 wildcard patterns files containing histograms or ntuples, or txt More...
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
 flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection More...
int fMaxFluxFileMB
 maximum size of flux files (MB) More...
int fMaxFluxFileNumber
 maximum # of flux files More...
std::string fFluxCopyMethod
 "DIRECT" = old direct access method, otherwise = ifdh approach schema ("" okay) More...
std::string fFluxCleanup
 "ALWAYS", "/var/tmp", "NEVER" More...
std::string fBeamName
 name of the beam we are simulating More...
std::string fFluxRotCfg
 how to interpret fFluxRotValues More...
std::vector< double > fFluxRotValues
 parameters for rotation More...
TRotation * fFluxRotation
 rotation for atmos / astro flux coord systems More...
std::string fTopVolume
 top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events More...
std::string fWorldVolume
 name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry More...
std::string fDetLocation
 name of flux window location More...
std::vector< TH1D * > fFluxHistograms
 histograms for each nu species More...
double fFluxUpstreamZ
 z where flux starts from (if non-default, simple/ntuple only) More...
double fEventsPerSpill
double fPOTPerSpill
 number of pot per spill More...
double fHistEventsPerSpill
 number of events per spill for histogram fluxes - changes each spill More...
int fSpillEvents
 total events for this spill More...
double fSpillExposure
 total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill More...
double fTotalExposure
 pot used from flux ntuple More...
double fMonoEnergy
 energy of monoenergetic neutrinos More...
std::string fFunctionalFlux
int fFunctionalBinning
double fEmin
double fEmax
double fXSecMassPOT
 product of cross section, mass and POT/spill for histogram fluxes More...
double fTotalHistFlux
 total flux of neutrinos from flux histograms for used flavors More...
TVector3 fBeamDirection
 direction of the beam for histogram fluxes More...
TVector3 fBeamCenter
 center of beam for histogram fluxes - must be in meters More...
double fBeamRadius
 radius of cylindar for histogram fluxes - must be in meters More...
double fDetectorMass
 mass of the detector in kg More...
double fSurroundingMass
double fGlobalTimeOffset
 overall time shift (ns) added to every particle time More...
double fRandomTimeOffset
 additional random time shift (ns) added to every particle time More...
std::string fSpillTimeConfig
 alternative to flat spill distribution More...
bool fAddGenieVtxTime
 incorporate time from flux window to interaction point and (possibily) proton-on-target to flux window More...
bool fForceApplyFlxWgt
 apply GFluxI::Weight() before returning event More...
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
 pdg codes for flavors to generate More...
double fAtmoEmin
 atmo: Minimum energy of neutrinos in GeV More...
double fAtmoEmax
 atmo: Maximum energy of neutrinos in GeV More...
double fAtmoRl
 atmo: radius of the sphere on where the neutrinos are generated More...
double fAtmoRt
double fAtmoSpectralIndex
 atmo: Spectral index for power spectrum generation More...
std::vector< std::string > fEnvironment
 environmental variables and settings used by genie More...
std::string fXSecTable
 cross section file (was $GSPLOAD) More...
std::string fTuneName
 GENIE R-3 Tune name (defines model configuration) More...
std::string fEventGeneratorList
 control over event topologies, was $GEVGL [Default] More...
std::string fGXMLPATH
 locations for GENIE XML files More...
std::string fGMSGLAYOUT
 format for GENIE log message [BASIC]|SIMPLE (SIMPLE=no timestamps) More...
std::string fGENIEMsgThresholds
 additional XML file setting Messager level thresholds (":" separated) More...
int fGHepPrintLevel
 GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel(), -1=no-print. More...
std::string fMixerConfig
 configuration string for genie GFlavorMixerI More...
double fMixerBaseline
 baseline distance if genie flux can't calculate it More...
bool fUseBlenderDist
 get neutrino's travel distance from blender (default: true) More...
std::string fFiducialCut
 configuration for geometry selector More...
std::string fGeomScan
 configuration for geometry scan to determine max pathlengths More...
std::string fMaxPathOutInfo
 output info if writing PathLengthList from GeomScan More...
unsigned int fDebugFlags
 set bits to enable debug info More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

evgb::GENIEHelper::GENIEHelper ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  pset,
TGeoManager *  rootGeom,
std::string const &  rootFile,
double const &  detectorMass 

Determine which flux files to use Do this after random number seed initialization for stability

For atmos_ / astro_ fluxes we might need to set a coordinate system rotation

Set the GENIE environment if using entries in the fEnvironment vector

Definition at line 214 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References AtmoFluxCheck(), BuildFluxRotation(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), ExpandFluxPaths(), fAddGenieVtxTime, fAtmoEmax, fAtmoEmin, fAtmoRl, fAtmoRt, fAtmoSpectralIndex, fBeamCenter, fBeamDirection, fBeamRadius, fDebugFlags, fDetectorMass, fDetLocation, fEmax, fEmin, fEnvironment, fEventGeneratorList, fEventsPerSpill, fFiducialCut, fFluxCopyMethod, fFluxRotation, fFluxType, fFluxUpstreamZ, fForceApplyFlxWgt, fFunctionalBinning, fFunctionalFlux, fGenFlavors, fGENIEMsgThresholds, fGeomScan, fGHepPrintLevel, fGlobalTimeOffset, fGMSGLAYOUT, fGXMLPATH, fHelperRandom, fHistEventsPerSpill, fMixerBaseline, fMixerConfig, fMonoEnergy, fPOTPerSpill, fRandomTimeOffset, fSelectedFluxFiles, fSpillEvents, fSpillExposure, fSpillTimeConfig, fSurroundingMass, fTimeShifter, fTopVolume, fTotalExposure, fTuneName, fUseBlenderDist, fWorldVolume, fXSecTable, evgb::EvtTimeShiftFactory::GetEvtTimeShift(), evgb::EvtTimeShiftI::GetRandomGenerator(), evgb::GetRandomNumberSeed(), HistogramFluxCheck(), evgb::EvtTimeShiftFactory::Instance(), evgb::EvtTimeShiftI::IsRandomGeneratorSeeded(), art::left(), evgb::EvtTimeShiftFactory::Print(), evgb::EvtTimeShiftI::PrintConfig(), RegularizeFluxType(), SetGMSGLAYOUT(), SetGXMLPATH(), SqueezeFilePatterns(), and StartGENIEMessenger().

218  : fGeoManager (geoManager)
219  , fGeoFile (rootFile)
220  , fGenieEventRecord (0)
221  , fGeomD (0)
222  , fFluxD (0)
223  , fFluxD2GMCJD (0)
224  , fDriver (0)
225  , fIFDH (0)
226  , fHelperRandom (0)
227  , fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE(pset.get< bool >("UseHelperRndGen4GENIE",true))
228  , fTimeShifter (0)
229  , fFluxType (pset.get< std::string >("FluxType") )
230  , fFluxSearchPaths (pset.get< std::string >("FluxSearchPaths","") )
231  , fFluxFilePatterns (pset.get< std::vector<std::string> >("FluxFiles") )
232  , fMaxFluxFileMB (pset.get< int >("MaxFluxFileMB", 2000) ) // 2GB max default
233  , fMaxFluxFileNumber (pset.get< int >("MaxFluxFileNumber",9999) ) // at most 9999 files
234  , fFluxCopyMethod (pset.get< std::string >("FluxCopyMethod","DIRECT")) // "DIRECT" = old direct access method
235  , fFluxCleanup (pset.get< std::string >("FluxCleanup","/var/tmp") ) // "ALWAYS", "NEVER", "/var/tmp"
236  , fBeamName (pset.get< std::string >("BeamName") )
237  , fFluxRotCfg (pset.get< std::string >("FluxRotCfg","none") )
238  , fFluxRotValues (pset.get< std::vector<double> >("FluxRotValues", {} ) ) // default empty vector
239  , fFluxRotation (0)
240  , fTopVolume (pset.get< std::string >("TopVolume") )
241  , fWorldVolume ("volWorld")
242  , fDetLocation (pset.get< std::string >("DetectorLocation") )
243  , fFluxUpstreamZ (pset.get< double >("FluxUpstreamZ", -2.e30) )
244  , fEventsPerSpill (pset.get< double >("EventsPerSpill", 0) )
245  , fPOTPerSpill (pset.get< double >("POTPerSpill", 0.0) )
246  , fHistEventsPerSpill(0.)
247  , fSpillEvents (0)
248  , fSpillExposure (0.)
249  , fTotalExposure (0.)
250  , fMonoEnergy (pset.get< double >("MonoEnergy", 2.0) )
251  , fFunctionalFlux (pset.get< std::string >("FunctionalFlux", "x") )
252  , fFunctionalBinning (pset.get< int >("FunctionalBinning", 10000) )
253  , fEmin (pset.get< double >("FluxEmin", 0) )
254  , fEmax (pset.get< double >("FluxEmax", 10) )
255  , fBeamRadius (pset.get< double >("BeamRadius", 3.0) )
256  , fDetectorMass (detectorMass)
257  , fSurroundingMass (pset.get< double >("SurroundingMass", 0.) )
258  , fGlobalTimeOffset (pset.get< double >("GlobalTimeOffset", 1.e4) )
259  , fRandomTimeOffset (pset.get< double >("RandomTimeOffset", 1.e4) )
260  , fSpillTimeConfig (pset.get< std::string >("SpillTimeConfig", "") )
261  , fAddGenieVtxTime (pset.get< bool >("AddGenieVtxTime", false) )
262  , fForceApplyFlxWgt (pset.get< bool >("ForceApplyFlxWgt", true) )
263  , fGenFlavors (pset.get< std::vector<int> >("GenFlavors") )
264  , fAtmoEmin (pset.get< double >("AtmoEmin", 0.1) )
265  , fAtmoEmax (pset.get< double >("AtmoEmax", 10.0) )
266  , fAtmoRl (pset.get< double >("Rl", 20.0) )
267  , fAtmoRt (pset.get< double >("Rt", 20.0) )
268  , fAtmoSpectralIndex (pset.get< double >("SpectralIndex", 2.0) )
269  , fEnvironment (pset.get< std::vector<std::string> >("Environment") )
270  , fXSecTable (pset.get< std::string >("XSecTable", "") ) //e.g. "gxspl-FNALsmall.xml"
271  , fTuneName (pset.get< std::string >("TuneName","${GENIE_XSEC_TUNE}") )
272  , fEventGeneratorList(pset.get< std::string >("EventGeneratorList", "Default") )
273  , fGXMLPATH (pset.get< std::string >("GXMLPATH", "") )
274  , fGMSGLAYOUT (pset.get< std::string >("GMSGLAYOUT", "") ) // [BASIC] or SIMPLE
275  , fGENIEMsgThresholds(pset.get< std::string >("GENIEMsgThresholds", "") ) // : separate list of files
276  , fGHepPrintLevel (pset.get< int >("GHepPrintLevel", -1) ) // see GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel() -1=no-print
277  , fMixerConfig (pset.get< std::string >("MixerConfig", "none") )
278  , fMixerBaseline (pset.get< double >("MixerBaseline", 0.) )
279  , fUseBlenderDist (pset.get< bool >("UseBlenderDist", true) )
280  , fFiducialCut (pset.get< std::string >("FiducialCut", "none") )
281  , fGeomScan (pset.get< std::string >("GeomScan", "default") )
282  , fDebugFlags (pset.get< unsigned int >("DebugFlags", 0) )
283  {
285  // fEnvironment is (generally) deprecated ... print out any settings
286  // but for some make it fatal because it's no longer supported and
287  // can lead to unexpected behaviour
288  if ( fEnvironment.size() > 0 ) {
289  bool fatal = false;
290  std::ostringstream fenvout, fenvfatal;
291  fenvout << " fEnviroment.size() = " << fEnvironment.size();
292  for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnvironment.size(); i += 2) {
293  fenvout << std::endl << " [" << std::setw(20) << std::left
294  << fEnvironment[i] << "] ==> "
295  << fEnvironment[i+1];
296  // fatal: GEVGL, GSPLOAD
298  if ( fEnvironment[i] == "GEVGL" ||
299  fEnvironment[i] == "GSPLOAD" ) {
300  fatal = true;
301  std::string altparam = "";
302  if ( fEnvironment[i] == "GEVGL" ) altparam = "EventGeneratorList";
303  if ( fEnvironment[i] == "GSPLOAD" ) altparam = "XSecTable";
305  fenvfatal << std::endl << "use of \"" << fEnvironment[i] << "\""
306  << " is no longer supported as a Environment fcl parameter pair key,"
307  << "\n"
308  << " please remove it from from the list and use"
309  << " the appropriate direct fcl parameter \""
310  << altparam << "\"" << std::endl;
311  }
312  }
313  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
314  << " Use of fEnvironment parameters is deprecated:\n"
315  << fenvout.str();
316  if ( fatal ) {
317  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper") << fenvfatal.str();
318  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
319  << " bad use of Environment fcl parameter";
320  }
321  }
323  // for histogram, mono-energetic, functional form fluxes ...
324  std::vector<double> beamCenter (pset.get< std::vector<double> >("BeamCenter") );
325  std::vector<double> beamDirection(pset.get< std::vector<double> >("BeamDirection"));
326  fBeamCenter.SetXYZ(beamCenter[0], beamCenter[1], beamCenter[2]);
327  fBeamDirection.SetXYZ(beamDirection[0], beamDirection[1], beamDirection[2]);
329  // special processing of GSEED (GENIE's random seed)... priority:
330  // if set in .fcl file RandomSeed variable, use that
331  // else if already set in environment use that
332  // else use evgb::GetRandomNumberSeed()
333  int dfltseed;
334  const char* gseedstr = std::getenv("GSEED");
335  if ( gseedstr ) {
336  dfltseed = strtol(gseedstr,NULL,0);
337  } else {
338  dfltseed = evgb::GetRandomNumberSeed();
339  }
340  int seedval = pset.get< int >("RandomSeed", dfltseed);
341  // initialize random # generator for use within GENIEHelper
342  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Init HelperRandom with seed " << seedval;
343  fHelperRandom = new TRandom3(seedval);
345  // clean up user input
346  // also classifies flux type to simplify tests
347  // e.g. atmo_ tree_
353  // for tree-based fluxes
354  // (e.g. "tree_numi" (nee "ntuple"), "tree_simple" and "tree_dk2nu")
355  // we don't care about order and don't want duplicates
356  // for others order might matter
357  if ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) SqueezeFilePatterns();
359  ExpandFluxPaths();
360  if ( fFluxCopyMethod == "DIRECT" ) ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect();
365  if ( fFluxType.find("atmo_") == 0 ||
366  fFluxType.find("astro_") == 0 ) {
368  }
372  // they should come in pairs of variable name key, then value
374  // Process GXMLPATH extensions first, so they are available
375  // when GENIE starts to get initialized; these might be
376  // alternative locations for configurations (including
377  // the GENIE Messenger system).
378  SetGXMLPATH();
380  // Also set GENIE log4cpp Messenger layout format before
381  // initializing GENIE (can't be changed after singleton is created)
384  // Now initialize GENIE Messenger service
385  StartGENIEMessenger(pset.get<std::string>("ProductionMode","false"));
387  // In case we're printing the event record, how verbose should it be
388  genie::GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel(fGHepPrintLevel);
390  // Set GENIE's random # seed
391  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
392  << "Init genie::utils::app_init::RandGen() with seed " << seedval;
393  genie::utils::app_init::RandGen(seedval);
395  // special things for atmos fluxes
396  if ( fFluxType.find("atmo_") == 0 ) AtmoFluxCheck();
398  // make the histogram associations
399  if ( fFluxType.find("histogram") == 0 ) HistogramFluxCheck();
401  std::string flvlist;
402  for ( std::vector<int>::iterator itr = fGenFlavors.begin(); itr != fGenFlavors.end(); itr++ )
403  flvlist += Form(" %d",*itr);
405  if ( fFluxType.find("mono") == 0 ) {
406  fEventsPerSpill = 1;
407  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
408  << "Generating monoenergetic (" << fMonoEnergy
409  << " GeV) neutrinos with the following flavors: "
410  << flvlist;
411  } else if ( fFluxType.find("function") == 0 ) {
412  fEventsPerSpill = 1;
413  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
414  << "Generating neutrinos using the functional form: "
415  << fFunctionalFlux << " E [" << fEmin << ":" << fEmax
416  << "] GeV with " << fFunctionalBinning << " bins "
417  << "with the following flavors: " << flvlist;
418  } else if (fFluxType.find("PowerSpectrum") != std::string::npos) {
419  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
420  << "Generating neutrinos using the a power spectrum with Spectral index = "
422  << ", with the following flavors: " << flvlist
423  << "\nThe energy range is between: " << fAtmoEmin << " GeV and "
424  << fAtmoEmax << " GeV."
425  << '\n'
426  << " Generation surface of: (" << fAtmoRl << ","
427  << fAtmoRt << ")";
428  } else {
430  // flux methods other than "mono" and "function" require files
431  std::string fileliststr;
432  if ( fSelectedFluxFiles.empty() ) {
433  fileliststr = "NO FLUX FILES FOUND!";
434  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper") << fileliststr;
435  }
436  else {
438  for ( ; sitr != fSelectedFluxFiles.end(); sitr++) {
439  fileliststr += "\n\t";
440  fileliststr += *sitr;
441  }
442  }
443  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
444  << "Generating flux with the following flavors: " << flvlist
445  << "\nand these file patterns: " << fileliststr;
447  }
449  // disallow conflicting settings here
450  if ( ( fEventsPerSpill != 0 && fPOTPerSpill != 0 ) ||
451  ( fEventsPerSpill == 0 && fPOTPerSpill == 0 ) ) {
452  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
453  << "one or the other of EventsPerSpill ("
454  << fEventsPerSpill << ") or "
455  << "POTPerSpill ("
456  << fPOTPerSpill << ") needs to be zero (but not both)";
457  }
459  if ( fEventsPerSpill != 0 ) {
460  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Generating " << fEventsPerSpill
461  << " events for each spill";
463  } else {
464  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Using " << fPOTPerSpill
465  << " pot for each spill";
466  }
468  // how to distribute events in time
469  if ( fSpillTimeConfig != "" ) {
471  fTimeShifter = timeShiftFactory.GetEvtTimeShift(fSpillTimeConfig);
472  if ( fTimeShifter ) {
474  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
475  << "Initialize spill time random generator with seed " << seedval;
476  fTimeShifter->GetRandomGenerator()->SetSeed(seedval);
477  }
479  } else {
480  timeShiftFactory.Print();
481  }
482  }
484  return;
485  }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
std::vector< std::string > fFluxFilePatterns
wildcard patterns files containing histograms or ntuples, or txt
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:143
bool fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE
use fHelperRandom for gRandom during Sample()
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:136
double fEventsPerSpill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:160
std::string fDetLocation
name of flux window location
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:156
double fAtmoEmax
atmo: Maximum energy of neutrinos in GeV
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:188
int fMaxFluxFileNumber
maximum # of flux files
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:146
double fMixerBaseline
baseline distance if genie flux can&#39;t calculate it
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:203
std::string fTuneName
GENIE R-3 Tune name (defines model configuration)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:196
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
ifdh_ns::ifdh * fIFDH
(optional) flux file handling
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:133
std::string fGXMLPATH
locations for GENIE XML files
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:198
std::string fFiducialCut
configuration for geometry selector
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:205
unsigned int GetRandomNumberSeed()
Definition: evgenbase.h:22
double fRandomTimeOffset
additional random time shift (ns) added to every particle time
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:181
TVector3 fBeamCenter
center of beam for histogram fluxes - must be in meters
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:175
double fGlobalTimeOffset
overall time shift (ns) added to every particle time
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:180
std::string fSpillTimeConfig
alternative to flat spill distribution
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:182
std::string fEventGeneratorList
control over event topologies, was $GEVGL [Default]
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:197
TGeoManager * fGeoManager
pointer to ROOT TGeoManager
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:123
std::string fGENIEMsgThresholds
additional XML file setting Messager level thresholds (":" separated)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:200
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
pdg codes for flavors to generate
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:186
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
evgb::EvtTimeShiftI * fTimeShifter
generator for time offset within a spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:137
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:130
void ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect()
void SqueezeFilePatterns()
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
genie::EventRecord * fGenieEventRecord
last generated event
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:126
std::string fXSecTable
cross section file (was $GSPLOAD)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:195
double fFluxUpstreamZ
z where flux starts from (if non-default, simple/ntuple only)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:159
double fSurroundingMass
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:178
int fGHepPrintLevel
GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel(), -1=no-print.
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:201
std::string fFluxRotCfg
how to interpret fFluxRotValues
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:150
TVector3 fBeamDirection
direction of the beam for histogram fluxes
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:174
std::string fBeamName
name of the beam we are simulating
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:149
std::string fWorldVolume
name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:155
bool fForceApplyFlxWgt
apply GFluxI::Weight() before returning event
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:184
double fTotalExposure
pot used from flux ntuple
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:166
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
std::string fTopVolume
top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:154
bool fUseBlenderDist
get neutrino&#39;s travel distance from blender (default: true)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:204
virtual void PrintConfig(bool verbose=true)=0
provide a means of printing the configuration
bool IsRandomGeneratorSeeded() const
Definition: EvtTimeShiftI.h:63
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
std::string fFluxSearchPaths
colon separated set of path stems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:142
std::string fGMSGLAYOUT
format for GENIE log message [BASIC]|SIMPLE (SIMPLE=no timestamps)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:199
double fBeamRadius
radius of cylindar for histogram fluxes - must be in meters
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:176
TRandom * GetRandomGenerator() const
Definition: EvtTimeShiftI.h:61
std::string fMixerConfig
configuration string for genie GFlavorMixerI
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:202
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
void StartGENIEMessenger(std::string prodmode)
bool fAddGenieVtxTime
incorporate time from flux window to interaction point and (possibily) proton-on-target to flux windo...
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:183
constexpr auto const & left(const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &a, const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &b)
Definition: AssnsIter.h:94
double fMonoEnergy
energy of monoenergetic neutrinos
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:167
double fDetectorMass
mass of the detector in kg
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:177
std::vector< double > fFluxRotValues
parameters for rotation
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:151
double fAtmoSpectralIndex
atmo: Spectral index for power spectrum generation
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:192
std::vector< std::string > fEnvironment
environmental variables and settings used by genie
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:194
double fSpillExposure
total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:165
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
double fAtmoEmin
atmo: Minimum energy of neutrinos in GeV
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:187
static EvtTimeShiftFactory & Instance()
std::string fGeoFile
name of file containing the Geometry description
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:124
double fAtmoRl
atmo: radius of the sphere on where the neutrinos are generated
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:189
void ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH()
unsigned int fDebugFlags
set bits to enable debug info
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:208
std::string fFluxCopyMethod
"DIRECT" = old direct access method, otherwise = ifdh approach schema ("" okay)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:147
std::string fFluxCleanup
"ALWAYS", "/var/tmp", "NEVER"
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:148
double fHistEventsPerSpill
number of events per spill for histogram fluxes - changes each spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:163
TRotation * fFluxRotation
rotation for atmos / astro flux coord systems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:152
std::string fGeomScan
configuration for geometry scan to determine max pathlengths
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:206
int fSpillEvents
total events for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:164
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD2GMCJD
flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:129
std::string fFunctionalFlux
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:168
int fMaxFluxFileMB
maximum size of flux files (MB)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:145
double fPOTPerSpill
number of pot per spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:162
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
evgb::EvtTimeShiftI * GetEvtTimeShift(const std::string &name, const std::string &config="") const
evgb::GENIEHelper::~GENIEHelper ( )

Definition at line 488 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References e, fDriver, ff, fFluxCleanup, fFluxD, fGenieEventRecord, fGeomD, fHelperRandom, fIFDH, fMaxPathOutInfo, fSelectedFluxFiles, and fTotalExposure.

489  {
490  // user request writing out the scan of the geometry
491  if ( fGeomD && fMaxPathOutInfo != "" ) {
492  genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer* rgeom =
493  dynamic_cast<genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer*>(fGeomD);
495  string filename = "maxpathlength.xml";
496  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
497  << "Saving MaxPathLengths as: \"" << filename << "\"";
499  const genie::PathLengthList& maxpath = rgeom->GetMaxPathLengths();
501  maxpath.SaveAsXml(filename);
502  // append extra info to file
503  std::ofstream mpfile(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::app);
504  mpfile
505  << std::endl
506  << "<!-- this file is only relevant for a setup compatible with:"
507  << std::endl
508  << fMaxPathOutInfo
509  << std::endl
510  << "-->"
511  << std::endl;
512  mpfile.close();
513  } // finished writing max path length XML file (if requested)
515  // protect against lack of driver due to not getting to Initialize()
516  // (called from module's beginRun() method)
517  if ( ! fDriver || ! fFluxD ) {
518  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
519  << "~GENIEHelper called, but previously failed to construct "
520  << ( (fDriver) ? "":" genie::GMCJDriver" )
521  << ( (fFluxD) ? "":" genie::GFluxI" );
522  } else {
524  double probscale = fDriver->GlobProbScale();
525  double rawpots = 0;
527  // rather than ask individual flux drivers for info
528  // use the unified interface
530  genie::flux::GFluxExposureI* fexposure =
531  dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GFluxExposureI*>(fFluxD);
532  if ( fexposure ) {
533  rawpots = fexposure->GetTotalExposure();
534  }
535  genie::flux::GFluxFileConfigI* ffileconfig =
536  dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GFluxFileConfigI*>(fFluxD);
537  if ( ffileconfig ) {
538  ffileconfig->PrintConfig();
539  }
541  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
542  << " Total Exposure " << fTotalExposure
543  << " GMCJDriver GlobProbScale " << probscale
544  << " FluxDriver base pots " << rawpots
545  << " corrected POTS " << rawpots/TMath::Max(probscale,1.0e-100);
546  }
548  // clean up owned genie object (other genie obj are ref ptrs)
549  delete fGenieEventRecord;
550  delete fDriver;
551  delete fHelperRandom;
553 #ifndef NO_IFDH_LIB
554  #ifdef USE_IFDH_SERVICE
556  if ( fFluxCleanup.find("ALWAYS") == 0 ) {
557  ifdhp->cleanup();
558  } else if ( fFluxCleanup.find("/var/tmp") == 0 ) {
559  auto ffitr = fSelectedFluxFiles.begin();
560  for ( ; ffitr != fSelectedFluxFiles.end(); ++ffitr ) {
561  std::string ff = *ffitr;
562  if ( ff.find("/var/tmp") == 0 ) {
563  mf::LogDebug("GENIEHelper") << "delete " << ff;
564  ifdhp->rm(ff);
565  }
566  }
567  }
568  #else
569  if ( fIFDH ) {
570  if ( fFluxCleanup.find("ALWAYS") == 0 ) {
571  fIFDH->cleanup();
572  } else if ( fFluxCleanup.find("/var/tmp") == 0 ) {
573  auto ffitr = fSelectedFluxFiles.begin();
574  for ( ; ffitr != fSelectedFluxFiles.end(); ++ffitr ) {
575  std::string ff = *ffitr;
576  if ( ff.find("/var/tmp") == 0 ) {
577  mf::LogDebug("GENIEHelper") << "delete " << ff;
578  fIFDH->rm(ff);
579  }
580  }
581  }
582  delete fIFDH;
583  fIFDH = 0;
584  }
585  #endif
586 #endif
588  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
ifdh_ns::ifdh * fIFDH
(optional) flux file handling
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:133
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:130
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
genie::EventRecord * fGenieEventRecord
last generated event
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:126
double fTotalExposure
pot used from flux ntuple
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:166
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
std::string fMaxPathOutInfo
output info if writing PathLengthList from GeomScan
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:207
TFile ff[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:26
std::string fFluxCleanup
"ALWAYS", "/var/tmp", "NEVER"
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:148
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35

Member Function Documentation

void evgb::GENIEHelper::AtmoFluxCheck ( )

Speical pre-checks for atmo_ fluxes

Definition at line 779 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fAtmoEmax, fAtmoEmin, fAtmoRl, fAtmoRt, fEventsPerSpill, fFluxType, fGenFlavors, and fSelectedFluxFiles.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

780  {
783  if ( fGenFlavors.size() != fSelectedFluxFiles.size() ) {
784  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
785  << "ERROR: The number of generated neutrino flavors ("
786  << fGenFlavors.size()
787  << ") doesn't correspond to the number of files ("
788  << fSelectedFluxFiles.size() << ")!!!";
789  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
790  << "ERROR: atmo_ flavors != files";
791  } else {
792  std::ostringstream atmofluxmatch;
793  for (size_t indx=0; indx < fGenFlavors.size(); ++indx ) {
794  atmofluxmatch << " " << std::setw(3) << fGenFlavors[indx]
795  << " " << fSelectedFluxFiles[indx] << "\n";
796  }
797  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
798  << "atmo flux assignment : \n" << atmofluxmatch.str();
799  }
801  if ( fEventsPerSpill != 1 ) {
802  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
803  << "ERROR: For Atmospheric Neutrino generation,"
804  << " EventPerSpill need to be 1!!";
805  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
806  << "ERROR: " << fFluxType << " EventsPerSpill wasn't 1 ("
807  << fEventsPerSpill << ")";
808  }
810  std::ostringstream atmofluxinfo;
812  if (fFluxType.find("FLUKA") != std::string::npos ){
813  atmofluxinfo << " The fluxes are from FLUKA";
814  }
815  else if (fFluxType.find("BARTOL") != std::string::npos ||
816  fFluxType.find("BGLRS") != std::string::npos ){
817  atmofluxinfo << " The fluxes are from BARTOL/BGLRS";
818  }
819  else if (fFluxType.find("HONDA") != std::string::npos ||
820  fFluxType.find("HAKKM") != std::string::npos ){
821  atmofluxinfo << " The fluxes are from HONDA/HAKKM";
822  }
823  else if (fFluxType.find("PowerSpectrum") != std::string::npos){
824  atmofluxinfo << " The fluxes are interpolated HONDA";
825  }
826  else {
827  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
828  << "Unknown atmo_ flux simulation: " << fFluxType;
829  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
830  << "ERROR: bad atmo_ flux type " << fFluxType;
831  }
833  atmofluxinfo
834  << '\n'
835  << " The energy range is between: " << fAtmoEmin << " GeV and "
836  << fAtmoEmax << " GeV."
837  << '\n'
838  << " Generation surface of: (" << fAtmoRl << ","
839  << fAtmoRt << ")";
841  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << atmofluxinfo.str();
843  }
double fEventsPerSpill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:160
double fAtmoEmax
atmo: Maximum energy of neutrinos in GeV
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:188
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
pdg codes for flavors to generate
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:186
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
double fAtmoEmin
atmo: Minimum energy of neutrinos in GeV
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:187
double fAtmoRl
atmo: radius of the sphere on where the neutrinos are generated
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:189
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
void evgb::GENIEHelper::BuildFluxRotation ( )

Definition at line 1818 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxRotation, fFluxRotCfg, fFluxRotValues, and scale.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

1819  {
1820  // construct fFluxRotation matrix
1821  // from fFluxRotCfg + fFluxRotValues
1822  if ( fFluxRotCfg == "" ||
1823  ( fFluxRotCfg.find("none") != std::string::npos ) ) return;
1825  size_t nval = fFluxRotValues.size();
1827  bool verbose = ( fFluxRotCfg.find("verbose") != std::string::npos );
1828  if (verbose) {
1829  std::ostringstream indata;
1830  indata << "BuildFluxRotation: Cfg \"" << fFluxRotCfg << "\"\n"
1831  << " " << nval << " values\n";
1832  for (size_t i=0; i<nval; ++i) {
1833  indata << " [" << std::setw(2) << i << "] " << fFluxRotValues[i] << "\n";
1834  }
1835  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << indata.str();
1836  }
1838  // interpret as a full 3x3 array
1839  if ( fFluxRotCfg.find("newxyz") != std::string::npos ||
1840  fFluxRotCfg.find("3x3") != std::string::npos ) {
1841  if ( nval == 9 ) {
1842  TRotation fTempRot;
1843  TVector3 newX = TVector3(fFluxRotValues[0],
1844  fFluxRotValues[1],
1845  fFluxRotValues[2]);
1846  TVector3 newY = TVector3(fFluxRotValues[3],
1847  fFluxRotValues[4],
1848  fFluxRotValues[5]);
1849  TVector3 newZ = TVector3(fFluxRotValues[6],
1850  fFluxRotValues[7],
1851  fFluxRotValues[8]);
1852  fTempRot.RotateAxes(newX,newY,newZ);
1853  // weirdly necessary; frame vs. obj rotation
1854  fFluxRotation = new TRotation(fTempRot.Inverse());
1855  return;
1856  } else {
1857  throw cet::exception("BadFluxRotation")
1858  << "specified: " << fFluxRotCfg << "\n"
1859  << " but nval=" << nval << ", need 9";
1860  }
1861  }
1863  // another possibility ... series of rotations around particular axes
1864  if ( fFluxRotCfg.find("series") != std::string::npos ) {
1865  TRotation fTempRot;
1866  // if series then cfg should also have series of rot{X|Y|Z}{deg|rad}
1867  std::vector<std::string> strs = genie::utils::str::Split(fFluxRotCfg," ,;(){}[]");
1868  size_t nrot = -1;
1869  for (size_t j=0; j<strs.size(); ++j) {
1870  std::string what = strs[j];
1871  if ( what == "" ) continue;
1872  // lower case for convenience
1873  std::transform(what.begin(),what.end(),what.begin(),::tolower);
1874  if ( what == "series" ) continue;
1875  if ( what == "verbose" ) continue;
1876  if ( what.find("rot") != 0 ) {
1877  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1878  << "processing series rotation saw keyword \"" << what << "\" -- ignoring";
1879  continue;
1880  }
1881  char axis = what[3];
1882  // check that axis is sensibly x, y or z
1883  if ( axis != 'x' && axis != 'y' && axis != 'z' ) {
1884  throw cet::exception("BadFluxRotation")
1885  << "specified: " << fFluxRotCfg << "\n"
1886  << " keyword '" << what << "': bad axis '" << axis << "'";
1887  }
1888  std::string units = what.substr(4);
1889  // don't worry if written fully as "radians" or "degrees"
1890  if (units.size() > 3) units.erase(3);
1891  if ( units != "" && units != "rad" && units != "deg" ) {
1892  throw cet::exception("BadFluxRotation")
1893  << "specified: " << fFluxRotCfg << "\n"
1894  << " keyword '" << what << "': bad units '" << units << "'";
1895  }
1896  // no units? assume degrees
1897  double scale = (( units == "rad" ) ? 1.0 : TMath::DegToRad() );
1899  ++nrot;
1900  if ( nrot >= nval ) {
1901  // not enough values
1902  throw cet::exception("BadFluxRotation")
1903  << "specified: " << fFluxRotCfg << "\n"
1904  << " asking for rotation [" << nrot << "] "
1905  << what << " but nval=" << nval;
1906  }
1907  double rot = scale * fFluxRotValues[nrot];
1908  if ( axis == 'x' ) fTempRot.RotateX(rot);
1909  if ( axis == 'y' ) fTempRot.RotateY(rot);
1910  if ( axis == 'z' ) fTempRot.RotateZ(rot);
1912  } // loop over tokens in cfg string
1914  // weirdly necessary; frame vs. obj rotation
1915  fFluxRotation = new TRotation(fTempRot.Inverse());
1917  if ( nrot+1 != nval ) {
1918  // call out possible user mistake
1919  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1920  << "BuildFluxRotation only used " << nrot+1 << " of "
1921  << nval << " FluxRotValues";
1922  }
1923  return;
1924  }
1926  // could put other interpretations here ...
1928  throw cet::exception("BadFluxRotation")
1929  << "specified: " << fFluxRotCfg << "\n"
1930  << " nval=" << nval << ", but don't know how to interpret that";
1932  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
Double_t scale
Definition: plot.C:24
std::string fFluxRotCfg
how to interpret fFluxRotValues
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:150
std::vector< double > fFluxRotValues
parameters for rotation
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:151
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
TRotation * fFluxRotation
rotation for atmos / astro flux coord systems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:152
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
void evgb::GENIEHelper::ConfigGeomScan ( )

Definition at line 1474 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References util::abs(), fDriver, fFluxD, fGeomD, fGeomScan, and SetMaxPathOutInfo().

Referenced by Initialize().

1475  {
1477  // trim any leading whitespace
1478  if( fGeomScan.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") != 0)
1479  fGeomScan.erase( 0, fGeomScan.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") );
1481  if ( fGeomScan.find("default") == 0 ) return;
1483  genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer* rgeom =
1484  dynamic_cast<genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer*>(fGeomD);
1486  if ( !rgeom ) {
1487  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper") << "fGeomD wasn't of type "
1488  << "genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer*";
1489  }
1491  // convert string to lowercase
1493  // parse out string
1494  vector<string> strtok = genie::utils::str::Split(fGeomScan," ");
1495  // first value is a string, others should be numbers unless "file:"
1496  string scanmethod = strtok[0];
1498  // convert key string to lowercase (but not potential file name)
1499  std::transform(scanmethod.begin(),scanmethod.end(),scanmethod.begin(),::tolower);
1501  if ( scanmethod.find("file") == 0 ) {
1502  // xml expand path before passing in
1503  string filename = strtok[1];
1504  string fullname = genie::utils::xml::GetXMLFilePath(filename);
1505  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1506  << "ConfigGeomScan getting MaxPathLengths from \"" << fullname << "\"";
1507  fDriver->UseMaxPathLengths(fullname);
1508  return;
1509  }
1511  vector<double> vals;
1512  for ( size_t indx=1; indx < strtok.size(); ++indx ) {
1513  const string& valstr1 = strtok[indx];
1514  if ( valstr1 != "" ) vals.push_back(atof(valstr1.c_str()));
1515  }
1516  size_t nvals = vals.size();
1517  // pad it out to at least 4 entries to avoid index issues
1518  for ( size_t nadd = 0; nadd < 4-nvals; ++nadd ) vals.push_back(0);
1520  double safetyfactor = 0;
1521  int writeout = 0;
1522  if ( scanmethod.find("box") == 0 ) {
1523  // use box method
1524  int np = (int)vals[0];
1525  int nr = (int)vals[1];
1526  if ( nvals >= 3 ) safetyfactor = vals[2];
1527  if ( nvals >= 4 ) writeout = vals[3];
1528  // protect against too small values
1529  if ( np <= 10 ) np = rgeom->ScannerNPoints();
1530  if ( nr <= 10 ) nr = rgeom->ScannerNRays();
1531  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1532  << "ConfigGeomScan scan using box " << np << " points, "
1533  << nr << " rays";
1534  rgeom->SetScannerNPoints(np);
1535  rgeom->SetScannerNRays(nr);
1536  } else if ( scanmethod.find("flux") == 0 ) {
1537  // use flux method
1538  int np = (int)vals[0];
1539  if ( nvals >= 2 ) safetyfactor = vals[1];
1540  if ( nvals >= 3 ) writeout = vals[2];
1541  // sanity check, need some number of rays to explore the geometry
1542  // negative now means adjust rays to enu_max (GENIE svn 3676)
1543  if ( abs(np) <= 100 ) {
1544  int npnew = rgeom->ScannerNParticles();
1545  if ( np < 0 ) npnew = -abs(npnew);
1546  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1547  << "Too few rays requested for geometry scan: " << np
1548  << ", use: " << npnew << "instead";
1549  np = npnew;
1550  }
1551  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1552  << "ConfigGeomScan scan using " << np << " flux particles"
1553  << ( (np>0) ? "" : " with ray energy pushed to flux driver maximum" );
1554  rgeom->SetScannerFlux(fFluxD);
1555  rgeom->SetScannerNParticles(np);
1556  }
1557  else{
1558  // unknown
1559  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper") << "fGeomScan unknown method: \""
1560  << fGeomScan << "\"";
1561  }
1562  if ( safetyfactor > 0 ) {
1563  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1564  << "ConfigGeomScan setting safety factor to " << safetyfactor;
1565  rgeom->SetMaxPlSafetyFactor(safetyfactor);
1566  }
1567  if ( writeout != 0 ) SetMaxPathOutInfo();
1568  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:130
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
std::string fGeomScan
configuration for geometry scan to determine max pathlengths
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:206
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::DetectorLocation ( ) const

Definition at line 77 of file GENIEHelper.h.

77 { return fDetLocation; }
std::string fDetLocation
name of flux window location
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:156
void evgb::GENIEHelper::ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect ( )

Definition at line 1953 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxFilePatterns, fFluxSearchPaths, fFluxType, fHelperRandom, fMaxFluxFileMB, fMaxFluxFileNumber, fSelectedFluxFiles, and geo::vect::indices().

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

1954  {
1955  // Using the the fFluxSearchPaths list of directories, apply the
1956  // user supplied pattern as a suffix to find the flux files.
1957  // The userpattern might include simple wildcard globs (in contrast
1958  // to proper regexp patterns).
1960  // After expanding the list to individual files, randomize them
1961  // and start selecting until a size limit is about to be
1962  // exceeded (though a minimum there needs to be one file, not
1963  // matter the limit).
1965  // older GENIE (pre r3669) can't handle vectors/sets of file names
1966  // but an only accept a pattern that will resolve to files. This
1967  // collection could exceed the desired size threshold, but for
1968  // pick the collection that expands to the largest list
1970  bool randomizeFiles = false;
1971  if ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) randomizeFiles = true;
1973  std::vector<std::string> dirs;
1974  cet::split_path(fFluxSearchPaths,dirs);
1975  if ( dirs.empty() ) dirs.push_back(std::string()); // at least null string
1977  glob_t g;
1978  int flags = GLOB_TILDE; // expand ~ home directories
1980  std::ostringstream patterntext; // for info/error messages
1981  std::ostringstream dirstext; // for info/error messages
1984  int ipatt = 0;
1986  for ( ; uitr != fFluxFilePatterns.end(); ++uitr, ++ipatt ) {
1987  std::string userpattern = *uitr;
1988  patterntext << "\n\t" << userpattern;
1990  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ditr = dirs.begin();
1991  for ( ; ditr != dirs.end(); ++ditr ) {
1992  std::string dalt = *ditr;
1993  // if non-null, does it end with a "/"? if not add one
1994  size_t len = dalt.size();
1995  if ( len > 0 && dalt.rfind('/') != len-1 ) dalt.append("/");
1996  if ( uitr == fFluxFilePatterns.begin() ) dirstext << "\n\t" << dalt;
1998  std::string filepatt = dalt + userpattern;
2000  glob(filepatt.c_str(),flags,NULL,&g);
2001  if ( g.gl_pathc > 0 ) flags |= GLOB_APPEND; // next glob() will append to list
2003  } // loop over FluxSearchPaths dirs
2004  } // loop over user patterns
2006  std::ostringstream paretext;
2007  std::ostringstream flisttext;
2009  int nfiles = g.gl_pathc;
2011  if ( nfiles == 0 ) {
2012  paretext << "\n expansion resulted in a null list for flux files";
2014  } else if ( ! randomizeFiles ) {
2015  // some sets of files should be left in order
2016  // and no size limitations imposed ... just copy the list
2018  paretext << "\n list of files will be processed in order";
2019  for (int i=0; i<nfiles; ++i) {
2020  std::string afile(g.gl_pathv[i]);
2021  fSelectedFluxFiles.push_back(afile);
2023  flisttext << "[" << setw(3) << i << "] "
2024  << afile << "\n";
2025  }
2026  } else {
2028  // now pull from the list randomly
2029  // do this by assigning a random number to each;
2030  // ordering that list; and pulling in that order
2032  paretext << "list of " << nfiles
2033  << " will be randomized and pared down to "
2034  << fMaxFluxFileMB << " MB or "
2035  << fMaxFluxFileNumber << " files";
2037  double* order = new double[nfiles];
2038  int* indices = new int[nfiles];
2039  fHelperRandom->RndmArray(nfiles,order);
2040  // assign random # for their relative order
2042  TMath::Sort((int)nfiles,order,indices,false);
2044  long long int sumBytes = 0; // accumulated size in bytes
2045  long long int maxBytes = (long long int)fMaxFluxFileMB * 1024ll * 1024ll;
2047  FileStat_t fstat;
2048  for (int i=0; i < TMath::Min(nfiles,fMaxFluxFileNumber); ++i) {
2049  int indx = indices[i];
2050  std::string afile(g.gl_pathv[indx]);
2051  bool keep = true;
2053  gSystem->GetPathInfo(afile.c_str(),fstat);
2054  sumBytes += fstat.fSize;
2055  // skip those that would push sum above total
2056  // but always accept at least one (the first)
2057  if ( sumBytes > maxBytes && i != 0 ) keep = false;
2059  flisttext << "[" << setw(3) << i << "] "
2060  << "=> g[" << setw(3) << indx << "] "
2061  << ((keep)?"keep":"skip") << " "
2062  << setw(6) << (sumBytes/(1024ll*1024ll)) << " "
2063  << afile << "\n";
2065  if ( keep ) fSelectedFluxFiles.push_back(afile);
2066  else break; // <voice name=Scotty> Captain, she can't take any more</voice>
2068  }
2069  delete [] order;
2070  delete [] indices;
2072  }
2074  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2075  << "ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect initially found " << nfiles
2076  << " files for user patterns:"
2077  << patterntext.str() << "\n using FluxSearchPaths of: "
2078  << dirstext.str() << "\n" << paretext.str();
2079  //<< "\"" << cet::getenv("FW_SEARCH_PATH") << "\"";
2081  mf::LogDebug("GENIEHelper") << "\n" << flisttext.str();
2083  // done with glob list
2084  globfree(&g);
2086  // no null path allowed for at least these
2087  if ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) {
2088  size_t nfiles = fSelectedFluxFiles.size();
2089  if ( nfiles == 0 ) {
2090  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper")
2091  << "For \"" << fFluxType <<"\" "
2092  << "(e.g. \"dk2nu\', \"ntuple\" (\"numi\") or \"simple\") "
2093  << " specification must resolve to at least one file"
2094  << "\n none were found. DIRECT user pattern(s): "
2095  << patterntext.str()
2096  << "\n using FluxSearchPaths of: "
2097  << dirstext.str();
2099  throw cet::exception("NoFluxFiles")
2100  << "no flux files found for: " << patterntext.str() << "\n"
2101  << " in: " << dirstext.str();
2103  }
2104  }
2106  } // ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect
std::vector< std::string > fFluxFilePatterns
wildcard patterns files containing histograms or ntuples, or txt
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:143
int fMaxFluxFileNumber
maximum # of flux files
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:146
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
constexpr std::array< std::size_t, geo::vect::dimension< Vector >)> indices()
Returns a sequence of indices valid for a vector of the specified type.
std::string fFluxSearchPaths
colon separated set of path stems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:142
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
int fMaxFluxFileMB
maximum size of flux files (MB)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:145
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
void evgb::GENIEHelper::ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH ( )

Definition at line 2109 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxCopyMethod, fFluxFilePatterns, fFluxSearchPaths, fFluxType, fHelperRandom, fIFDH, fMaxFluxFileMB, fMaxFluxFileNumber, fSelectedFluxFiles, and geo::vect::indices().

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

2110  {
2111  // Using the the FluxSearchPaths list of directories, apply the
2112  // user supplied pattern as a suffix to find the flux files.
2113  // The userpattern might include simple wildcard globs (in contrast
2114  // to proper regexp patterns).
2116  // After expanding the list to individual files, randomize them
2117  // and start selecting until a size limit is about to be
2118  // exceeded (though a minimum there needs to be one file, not
2119  // matter the limit).
2121  // Use the IFDH interface to get the list of files and sizes;
2122  // after sorting/selecting use IFDH to make a local copy
2124 #ifdef NO_IFDH_LIB
2125  std::ostringstream fmesg;
2126  std::string marker = "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n";
2127  fmesg << marker
2128  << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__
2129  << "\nno IFDH implemented on this platform\n"
2130  << marker;
2131  // make sure the message goes everywhere
2132  std::cout << fmesg.str() << std::flush;
2133  std::cerr << fmesg.str();
2134  throw cet::exception("Attempt to use ifdh class") << fmesg.str();
2135  assert(0);
2136 #else
2137  // if "method" just an identifier and not a scheme then clear it
2138  if ( fFluxCopyMethod.find("IFDH") == 0 ) fFluxCopyMethod = "";
2140  bool randomizeFiles = false;
2141  if ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) randomizeFiles = true;
2143  #ifdef USE_IFDH_SERVICE
2145  #else
2146  if ( ! fIFDH ) fIFDH = new ifdh_ns::ifdh;
2147  #endif
2149  std::string spaths = fFluxSearchPaths;
2151  const char* ifdh_debug_env = std::getenv("IFDH_DEBUG_LEVEL");
2152  if ( ifdh_debug_env ) {
2153  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "IFDH_DEBUG_LEVEL: " << ifdh_debug_env;
2154  fIFDH->set_debug(ifdh_debug_env);
2155  }
2157  // filenames + size
2158  std::vector<std::pair<std::string,long>>
2159  partiallist, fulllist, selectedlist, locallist;
2161  std::ostringstream patterntext; // stringification of vector of patterns
2162  std::ostringstream fulltext; // for info on full list of matches
2163  std::ostringstream selectedtext; // for info on selected files
2164  std::ostringstream localtext; // for info on local files
2165  fulltext << "search paths: " << spaths;
2167  //std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator uitr = fFluxFilePatterns.begin();
2169  // loop over possible patterns
2170  // IFDH handles various stems but done a list of globs
2171  size_t ipatt=0;
2172  auto uitr = fFluxFilePatterns.begin();
2173  for ( ; uitr != fFluxFilePatterns.end(); ++uitr, ++ipatt ) {
2174  std::string userpattern = *uitr;
2175  patterntext << "\npattern [" << std::setw(3) << ipatt << "] " << userpattern;
2176  fulltext << "\npattern [" << std::setw(3) << ipatt << "] " << userpattern;
2178  #ifdef USE_IFDH_SERVICE
2179  partiallist = ifdhp->findMatchingFiles(spaths,userpattern);
2180  #else
2181  partiallist = fIFDH->findMatchingFiles(spaths,userpattern);
2182  #endif
2183  fulllist.insert(fulllist.end(),partiallist.begin(),partiallist.end());
2185  // make a complete list ...
2186  fulltext << " found " << partiallist.size() << " files";
2187  for (auto pitr = partiallist.begin(); pitr != partiallist.end(); ++pitr) {
2188  fulltext << "\n " << std::setw(10) << pitr->second << " " << pitr->first;
2189  }
2191  partiallist.clear();
2192  } // loop over user patterns
2194  size_t nfiles = fulllist.size();
2196  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2197  << "ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH initially found " << nfiles << " files";
2198  mf::LogDebug("GENIEHelper")
2199  << fulltext.str();
2201  if ( nfiles == 0 ) {
2202  selectedtext << "\n expansion resulted in a null list for flux files";
2203  } else if ( ! randomizeFiles ) {
2204  // some sets of files should be left in order
2205  // and no size limitations imposed ... just copy the list
2207  selectedtext << "\n list of files will be processed in order";
2208  selectedlist.insert(selectedlist.end(),fulllist.begin(),fulllist.end());
2210  } else {
2212  // for list needing size based trimming and randomization ...
2213  // pull from the list randomly until a cummulative limit is reached
2214  // do this by assigning a random number to each;
2215  // ordering that list; and pulling in that order
2217  selectedtext << "list of " << nfiles
2218  << " will be randomized and pared down to "
2219  << fMaxFluxFileMB << " MB or "
2220  << fMaxFluxFileNumber << " files";
2222  double* order = new double[nfiles];
2223  int* indices = new int[nfiles];
2224  fHelperRandom->RndmArray(nfiles,order);
2225  // assign random # for their relative order
2227  TMath::Sort((int)nfiles,order,indices,false);
2229  long long int sumBytes = 0; // accumulated size in bytes
2230  long long int maxBytes = (long long int)fMaxFluxFileMB * 1024ll * 1024ll;
2232  for (size_t i=0; i < TMath::Min(nfiles,size_t(fMaxFluxFileNumber)); ++i) {
2233  int indx = indices[i];
2234  bool keep = true;
2236  auto p = fulllist[indx]; // this pair <name,size>
2237  sumBytes += p.second;
2238  // skip those that would push sum above total
2239  // but always accept at least one (the first)
2240  if ( sumBytes > maxBytes && i != 0 ) keep = false;
2242  selectedtext << "\n[" << setw(3) << i << "] "
2243  << "=> [" << setw(3) << indx << "] "
2244  << ((keep)?"keep":"SKIP") << " "
2245  << std::setw(6) << (sumBytes/(1024ll*1024ll)) << " MB "
2246  << p.first;
2248  if ( keep ) selectedlist.push_back(p);
2249  else break; // <voice name=Scotty> Captain, she can't take any more</voice>
2251  }
2252  delete [] order;
2253  delete [] indices;
2254  }
2256  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2257  << selectedtext.str();
2259  // have a selected list of remote files
2260  // get paths to local copies
2261  #ifdef USE_IFDH_SERVICE
2262  locallist = ifdhp->fetchSharedFiles(selectedlist,fFluxCopyMethod);
2263  #else
2264  locallist = fIFDH->fetchSharedFiles(selectedlist,fFluxCopyMethod);
2265  #endif
2267  localtext << "final list of files:";
2268  size_t i=0;
2269  for (auto litr = locallist.begin(); litr != locallist.end(); ++litr, ++i) {
2270  fSelectedFluxFiles.push_back(litr->first);
2271  localtext << "\n\t[" << std::setw(3) << i << "]\t" << litr->first;
2272  }
2274  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2275  << localtext.str();
2277  // no null path allowed for at least these
2278  if ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) {
2279  size_t nfiles = fSelectedFluxFiles.size();
2280  if ( nfiles == 0 ) {
2281  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper")
2282  << "For \"" << fFluxType <<"\" "
2283  << "(e.g. \"dk2nu\', \"ntuple\" (\"numi\") or \"simple\") "
2284  << "specification must resolve to at least one file"
2285  << "\n none were found. IFDH user pattern(s): "
2286  << patterntext.str()
2287  << "\n using FluxSearchPaths of: "
2288  << spaths;
2290  throw cet::exception("NoFluxFiles")
2291  << "no flux files found for: " << patterntext.str() << "\n"
2292  << " in " << spaths;
2294  }
2295  }
2296 #endif // 'else' code only if NO_IFDH_LIB not defined
2297  } // ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH
std::vector< std::string > fFluxFilePatterns
wildcard patterns files containing histograms or ntuples, or txt
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:143
int fMaxFluxFileNumber
maximum # of flux files
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:146
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
ifdh_ns::ifdh * fIFDH
(optional) flux file handling
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:133
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
constexpr std::array< std::size_t, geo::vect::dimension< Vector >)> indices()
Returns a sequence of indices valid for a vector of the specified type.
std::string fFluxSearchPaths
colon separated set of path stems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:142
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
std::string fFluxCopyMethod
"DIRECT" = old direct access method, otherwise = ifdh approach schema ("" okay)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:147
int fMaxFluxFileMB
maximum size of flux files (MB)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:145
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
void evgb::GENIEHelper::ExpandFluxPaths ( )

Definition at line 1934 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxCopyMethod, and fFluxSearchPaths.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

1935  {
1936  // expand any wildcards in the paths variable
1937  // if unset and using the old DIRECT method allow it to fall back
1938  // to using FW_SEARCH_PATH ... but not for the new ifdhc approach
1940  std::string initial = fFluxSearchPaths;
1942  if ( fFluxCopyMethod == "DIRECT" && fFluxSearchPaths == "" ) {
1943  fFluxSearchPaths = cet::getenv("FW_SEARCH_PATH");
1944  }
1945  fFluxSearchPaths = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fFluxSearchPaths.c_str());
1947  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1948  << "ExpandFluxPaths initially: \"" << initial << "\"\n"
1949  << " final result: \"" << fFluxSearchPaths << "\"\n"
1950  << " using: \"" << fFluxCopyMethod << "\" method";
1951  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fFluxSearchPaths
colon separated set of path stems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:142
std::string fFluxCopyMethod
"DIRECT" = old direct access method, otherwise = ifdh approach schema ("" okay)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:147
std::vector<TH1D*> evgb::GENIEHelper::FluxHistograms ( ) const

Definition at line 81 of file GENIEHelper.h.

81 { return fFluxHistograms; }
std::vector< TH1D * > fFluxHistograms
histograms for each nu species
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:157
std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::FluxType ( ) const

Definition at line 76 of file GENIEHelper.h.

76 { return fFluxType; }
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::GetEventGeneratorList ( ) const

Definition at line 96 of file GENIEHelper.h.

96 { return fEventGeneratorList; }
std::string fEventGeneratorList
control over event topologies, was $GEVGL [Default]
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:197
genie::GFluxI* evgb::GENIEHelper::GetFluxDriver ( bool  base = true)

Definition at line 91 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by evgen::TestGENIEHelper::produce(), and evgen::GENIEGen::produce().

92  { return ( (base) ? fFluxD : fFluxD2GMCJD ); }
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD2GMCJD
flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:129
genie::EventRecord* evgb::GENIEHelper::GetGenieEventRecord ( )

Definition at line 84 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by evgen::TestGENIEHelper::produce().

84 { return fGenieEventRecord; }
genie::EventRecord * fGenieEventRecord
last generated event
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:126
TRandom3* evgb::GENIEHelper::GetHelperRandom ( )

Definition at line 87 of file GENIEHelper.h.

87 { return fHelperRandom; }
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::GetTuneName ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file GENIEHelper.h.

95 { return fTuneName; }
std::string fTuneName
GENIE R-3 Tune name (defines model configuration)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:196
void evgb::GENIEHelper::HistogramFluxCheck ( )

Definition at line 846 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fBeamCenter, fBeamDirection, fBeamRadius, fFluxHistograms, fGenFlavors, fSelectedFluxFiles, and fTotalHistFlux.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

847  {
849  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
850  << "setting beam direction and center at "
851  << fBeamDirection.X() << " " << fBeamDirection.Y()
852  << " " << fBeamDirection.Z()
853  << " (" << fBeamCenter.X() << "," << fBeamCenter.Y()
854  << "," << fBeamCenter.Z()
855  << ") with radius " << fBeamRadius;
857  TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory;
859  fFluxHistograms.clear();
861  TFile tf((*fSelectedFluxFiles.begin()).c_str());
864  for ( std::vector<int>::iterator flvitr = fGenFlavors.begin(); flvitr != fGenFlavors.end(); flvitr++){
865  const char* histname = "none";
866  switch ( *flvitr ) {
867  case 12: histname = "nue"; break;
868  case -12: histname = "nuebar"; break;
869  case 14: histname = "numu"; break;
870  case -14: histname = "numubar"; break;
871  case 16: histname = "nutau"; break;
872  case -16: histname = "nutaubar"; break;
873  default: {
874  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
875  << "ERROR: no support for histogram flux with flavor PDG="
876  << *flvitr;
877  }
878  }
879  fFluxHistograms.push_back(dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get(histname)));
880  }
882  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fFluxHistograms.size(); ++i ) {
883  fFluxHistograms[i]->SetDirectory(savedir);
884  fTotalHistFlux += fFluxHistograms[i]->Integral();
885  }
887  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
888  << "total histogram flux over desired flavors = "
889  << fTotalHistFlux;
891  }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
double fTotalHistFlux
total flux of neutrinos from flux histograms for used flavors
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:173
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
TVector3 fBeamCenter
center of beam for histogram fluxes - must be in meters
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:175
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
pdg codes for flavors to generate
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:186
Definition: tf_graph.h:25
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
std::vector< TH1D * > fFluxHistograms
histograms for each nu species
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:157
TVector3 fBeamDirection
direction of the beam for histogram fluxes
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:174
double fBeamRadius
radius of cylindar for histogram fluxes - must be in meters
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:176
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
void evgb::GENIEHelper::Initialize ( )

Definition at line 606 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References ConfigGeomScan(), e, fDetectorMass, fDriver, fEventGeneratorList, fEventsPerSpill, fFluxD, fFluxD2GMCJD, fFluxType, fGeomD, fHelperRandom, fHistEventsPerSpill, fPOTPerSpill, fSpillEvents, fSpillExposure, fSurroundingMass, fTotalExposure, fTotalHistFlux, fTuneName, fXSecMassPOT, InitializeFluxDriver(), InitializeGeometry(), ReadXSecTable(), and evgb::SetEventGeneratorListAndTune().

Referenced by evgen::GENIEGen::beginJob(), and evgen::TestGENIEHelper::beginRun().

607  {
608 #ifdef GENIE_PRE_R3
609  // trigger early initialization of PDG database & GENIE message service
610  // just to get it out of the way and not intermixed with other output
611  genie::PDGLibrary::Instance();
612 #else
613  // get the GENIE banner out of the way
614  // no longer can use genie::PDGLibrary::Instance() to do this
615  // because that must happen, in some cases in v3_02_xx, after the tune
616  // is determined
617  // banner is triggered by first use of GENIE Messenger
618  // avoid using GENIE macros (possible conflict with mf macros)
619  // LOG("GENIE",pInfo) << "Trigger GENIE banner";
620  (*genie::Messenger::Instance())("GENIE") << log4cpp::Priority::INFO
621  << "Trigger GENIE banner";
622 #endif
625  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "GENIE EventGeneratorList using \""
626  << fEventGeneratorList << "\"";
630 #ifdef GENIE_PRE_R3
631  // no tunes ... so can report current setting if different from fcl
632 #else
633  genie::RunOpt* grunopt = genie::RunOpt::Instance();
635  // RunOpt's SetEventGeneratorList() wasn't introduced until R-3
636  // so above call could not have modified it in RunOpt
637  std::string currentEvtGenListName = grunopt->EventGeneratorList();
638  if ( currentEvtGenListName != fEventGeneratorList ) {
639  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << " EventGeneratorList name changed from \""
640  << fEventGeneratorList << "\" to \""
641  << currentEvtGenListName << "\""
642  << " by evgb::SetEventGeneratorListAndTune";
643  fEventGeneratorList = currentEvtGenListName;
644  }
646  std::string currentTuneName = grunopt->Tune()->Name();
647  if ( currentTuneName != fTuneName ) {
648  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << " TuneName name changed from \""
649  << fTuneName << "\" to \""
650  << currentTuneName << "\""
651  << " by evgb::SetEventGeneratorListAndTune";
652  fTuneName = currentTuneName;
653  }
654 #endif
657  fDriver = new genie::GMCJDriver(); // this needs to be before ConfigGeomScan
658  // let the driver know which list
659  // (for R-3 this is in _addition_ to setting it in RunOpt)
660  // pre-R-3 one could not set it in RunOpt directly (ie. without parsing
661  // command line args), thus don't try to fetch it from there.
662  // post-R-3 one *-could-* use
663  // fDriver->SetEventGeneratorList(RunOpt::Instance()->EventGeneratorList());
664  fDriver->SetEventGeneratorList(fEventGeneratorList);
666  // Figure out which cross section file to use
667  // post R-2_8_0 this actually triggers reading the file
668  ReadXSecTable();
670  // initialize the Geometry and Flux drivers
674  fDriver->UseFluxDriver(fFluxD2GMCJD);
675  fDriver->UseGeomAnalyzer(fGeomD);
677  // must come after creation of Geom, Flux and GMCJDriver
678  ConfigGeomScan(); // could trigger fDriver->UseMaxPathLengths(*xmlfile*)
680  fDriver->Configure(); // could trigger GeomDriver::ComputeMaxPathLengths()
681  fDriver->UseSplines();
682  fDriver->ForceSingleProbScale();
684  if ( fFluxType.find("histogram") == 0 && fEventsPerSpill < 0.01 ) {
685  // fluxes are assumed to be given in units of neutrinos/cm^2/1e20POT/energy
686  // integral over all fluxes removes energy dependence
687  // histograms should have bin width that reflects the value of the /energy bit
688  // ie if /energy = /50MeV then the bin width should be 50 MeV
690  // determine product of pot/spill, mass, and cross section
691  // events = flux * pot * 10^-38 cm^2 (xsec) * (mass detector (in kg) / nucleon mass (in kg))
692  fXSecMassPOT = 1.e-38*1.e-20;
695  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Number of events per spill will be based on poisson mean of "
698  fHistEventsPerSpill = fHelperRandom->Poisson(fXSecMassPOT*fTotalHistFlux);
699  }
701  // set the pot/event counters to zero
702  fSpillEvents = 0;
703  fSpillExposure = 0.;
704  fTotalExposure = 0.;
706  // If the flux driver knows how to keep track of exposure (time,pots)
707  // reset it now as some might have been used in determining
708  // the geometry maxpathlength or internally scanning for weights.
709  // Should be happen for all cases since R-2_8_0 .. but no harm doing it ourselves
711  fFluxD->Clear("CycleHistory");
713  return;
714  }
double fEventsPerSpill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:160
std::string fTuneName
GENIE R-3 Tune name (defines model configuration)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:196
double fTotalHistFlux
total flux of neutrinos from flux histograms for used flavors
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:173
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fEventGeneratorList
control over event topologies, was $GEVGL [Default]
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:197
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:130
double fXSecMassPOT
product of cross section, mass and POT/spill for histogram fluxes
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:172
double fSurroundingMass
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:178
double fTotalExposure
pot used from flux ntuple
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:166
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
double fDetectorMass
mass of the detector in kg
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:177
void SetEventGeneratorListAndTune(const std::string &evtlistname="", const std::string &tunename="${GENIE_XSEC_TUNE}")
Definition: GENIE2ART.cxx:128
double fSpillExposure
total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:165
double fHistEventsPerSpill
number of events per spill for histogram fluxes - changes each spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:163
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
int fSpillEvents
total events for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:164
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD2GMCJD
flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:129
double fPOTPerSpill
number of pot per spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:162
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
void evgb::GENIEHelper::InitializeFiducialSelection ( )

User defined fiducial volume cut [0][M]<SHAPE>:val1,val2,... "0" means reverse the cut (i.e. exclude the volume) "M" means the coordinates are given in the ROOT geometry "master" system and need to be transformed to "top vol" system <SHAPE> can be any of "zcyl" "box" "zpoly" "sphere" [each takes different # of args] This must be followed by a ":" and a list of values separated by punctuation (allowed separators: commas , parentheses () braces {} or brackets [] ) Value mapping: zcly:x0,y0,radius,zmin,zmax - cylinder along z at (x0,y0) capped at z's box:xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax - box w/ upper & lower extremes zpoly:nfaces,x0,y0,r_in,phi,zmin,zmax - nfaces sided polygon in x-y plane

Examples: 1) 0mbox:0,0,0.25,1,1,8.75 exclude (i.e. reverse) a box in master coordinates w/ corners (0,0,0.25) (1,1,8.75) 2) mzpoly:6,(2,-1),1.75,0,{0.25,8.75} six sided polygon in x-y plane, centered at x,y=(2,-1) w/ inscribed radius 1.75 no rotation (so first face is in y-z plane +r from center, i.e. hex sits on point) limited to the z range of {0.25,8.75} in the master ROOT geom coordinates 3) zcly:(3,4),5.5,-2,10 a cylinder oriented parallel to the z axis in the "top vol" coordinates at x,y=(3,4) with radius 5.5 and z range of {-2,10}

Definition at line 930 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFiducialCut, fGeomD, and InitializeRockBoxSelection().

Referenced by InitializeGeometry().

931  {
932  genie::GeomAnalyzerI* geom_driver = fGeomD; // GENIEHelper name -> gNuMIExptEvGen name
933  std::string fidcut = fFiducialCut; // ditto
935  if( fidcut.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") != 0) // trim any leading whitespace
936  fidcut.erase( 0, fidcut.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") );
938  // convert string to lowercase
939  std::transform(fidcut.begin(),fidcut.end(),fidcut.begin(),::tolower);
941  if ( "" == fidcut || "none" == fidcut ) return;
943  if ( fidcut.find("rock") != string::npos ) {
944  // deal with RockBox separately than basic shapes
946  return;
947  }
949  // below is as it is in $GENIE/src/support/numi/EvGen/gNuMIExptEvGen
950  // except the change in message logger from log4cpp (GENIE) to cet's MessageLogger used by art
966  // sphere:x0,y0,z0,radius - sphere of fixed radius at (x0,y0,z0)
978  genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer * rgeom =
979  dynamic_cast<genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer *>(geom_driver);
980  if ( ! rgeom ) {
981  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelpler")
982  << "Can not create GeomVolSelectorFiduction,"
983  << " geometry driver is not ROOTGeomAnalyzer";
984  return;
985  }
987  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "fiducial cut: " << fidcut;
989  // for now, only fiducial no "rock box"
990  genie::geometry::GeomVolSelectorFiducial* fidsel =
991  new genie::geometry::GeomVolSelectorFiducial();
993  fidsel->SetRemoveEntries(true); // drop segments that won't be considered
995  vector<string> strtok = genie::utils::str::Split(fidcut,":");
996  if ( strtok.size() != 2 ) {
997  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
998  << "Can not create GeomVolSelectorFiduction,"
999  << " no \":\" separating type from values. nsplit=" << strtok.size();
1000  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < strtok.size(); ++i )
1001  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1002  << "strtok[" << i << "] = \"" << strtok[i] << "\"";
1003  return;
1004  }
1006  // parse out optional "x" and "m"
1007  string stype = strtok[0];
1008  bool reverse = ( stype.find("0") != string::npos );
1009  bool master = ( stype.find("m") != string::npos ); // action after values are set
1011  // parse out values
1012  vector<double> vals;
1013  vector<string> valstrs = genie::utils::str::Split(strtok[1]," ,;(){}[]");
1014  vector<string>::const_iterator iter = valstrs.begin();
1015  for ( ; iter != valstrs.end(); ++iter ) {
1016  const string& valstr1 = *iter;
1017  if ( valstr1 != "" ) vals.push_back(atof(valstr1.c_str()));
1018  }
1019  size_t nvals = vals.size();
1020  // pad it out to at least 7 entries to avoid index issues if used
1021  for ( size_t nadd = 0; nadd < 7-nvals; ++nadd ) vals.push_back(0);
1023  //std::cout << "ivals = [";
1024  //for (unsigned int i=0; i < nvals; ++i) {
1025  // if (i>0) cout << ",";
1026  // std::cout << vals[i];
1027  //}
1028  //std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
1030  // std::vector elements are required to be adjacent so we can treat address as ptr
1032  if ( stype.find("zcyl") != string::npos ) {
1033  // cylinder along z direction at (x0,y0) radius zmin zmax
1034  if ( nvals < 5 )
1035  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper") << "MakeZCylinder needs 5 values, not " << nvals
1036  << " fidcut=\"" << fidcut << "\"";
1037  fidsel->MakeZCylinder(vals[0],vals[1],vals[2],vals[3],vals[4]);
1039  } else if ( stype.find("box") != string::npos ) {
1040  // box (xmin,ymin,zmin) (xmax,ymax,zmax)
1041  if ( nvals < 6 )
1042  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper") << "MakeBox needs 6 values, not " << nvals
1043  << " fidcut=\"" << fidcut << "\"";
1044  double xyzmin[3] = { vals[0], vals[1], vals[2] };
1045  double xyzmax[3] = { vals[3], vals[4], vals[5] };
1046  fidsel->MakeBox(xyzmin,xyzmax);
1048  } else if ( stype.find("zpoly") != string::npos ) {
1049  // polygon along z direction nfaces at (x0,y0) radius phi zmin zmax
1050  if ( nvals < 7 )
1051  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper") << "MakeZPolygon needs 7 values, not " << nvals
1052  << " fidcut=\"" << fidcut << "\"";
1053  int nfaces = (int)vals[0];
1054  if ( nfaces < 3 )
1055  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper") << "MakeZPolygon needs nfaces>=3, not " << nfaces
1056  << " fidcut=\"" << fidcut << "\"";
1057  fidsel->MakeZPolygon(nfaces,vals[1],vals[2],vals[3],vals[4],vals[5],vals[6]);
1059  } else if ( stype.find("sphere") != string::npos ) {
1060  // sphere at (x0,y0,z0) radius
1061  if ( nvals < 4 )
1062  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper") << "MakeZSphere needs 4 values, not " << nvals
1063  << " fidcut=\"" << fidcut << "\"";
1064  fidsel->MakeSphere(vals[0],vals[1],vals[2],vals[3]);
1066  } else {
1067  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper")
1068  << "Can not create GeomVolSelectorFiduction for shape \"" << stype << "\"";
1069  }
1071  if ( master ) {
1072  fidsel->ConvertShapeMaster2Top(rgeom);
1073  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Convert fiducial volume from master to topvol coords";
1074  }
1075  if ( reverse ) {
1076  fidsel->SetReverseFiducial(true);
1077  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Reverse sense of fiducial volume cut";
1078  }
1080  rgeom->AdoptGeomVolSelector(fidsel);
1082  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fFiducialCut
configuration for geometry selector
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:205
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
void InitializeRockBoxSelection()
void evgb::GENIEHelper::InitializeFluxDriver ( )

Definition at line 1180 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::AddFluxFile(), fAtmoEmax, fAtmoEmin, fAtmoRl, fAtmoRt, fAtmoSpectralIndex, fBeamCenter, fBeamDirection, fBeamRadius, fDebugFlags, fDetLocation, fEmax, fEmin, fFluxD, fFluxD2GMCJD, fFluxHistograms, fFluxRotation, fFluxType, fFluxUpstreamZ, fFunctionalBinning, fFunctionalFlux, fGenFlavors, fMixerBaseline, fMixerConfig, fMonoEnergy, fSelectedFluxFiles, genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::LoadFluxData(), genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::SetFlavors(), genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::SetMaxEnergy(), genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::SetMinEnergy(), genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::SetRadii(), genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::SetSpectralIndex(), genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux::SetUserCoordSystem(), w, and weight.

Referenced by Initialize().

1181  {
1183  // simplify a lot of things ...
1184  // but for now this part only handles the 3 ntuple styles
1185  // that support the GFluxFileConfig mix-in
1186  // not the atmos, histo or mono versions
1188  std::string fluxName = "";
1190  // what looks like the start of a fully qualified class name
1191  // or one of our tree_ classes "numi" "simple" "dk2nu"
1192  // but only know how to configure those that dervie from:
1193  // genie::flux::GFluxFileConfigI*
1194  if ( fFluxType.find("genie::flux::") != std::string::npos )
1195  fluxName = fFluxType;
1196  else if ( fFluxType.find("tree_numi") == 0 )
1197  fluxName = "genie::flux::GNuMIFlux";
1198  else if ( fFluxType.find("tree_simple") == 0 )
1199  fluxName = "genie::flux::GSimpleNtpFlux";
1200  else if ( fFluxType.find("tree_dk2nu") == 0 )
1201  fluxName = "genie::flux::GDk2NuFlux";
1203  if ( fluxName != "" ) {
1204  // any fall through to hopefully be handled below ...
1205  genie::flux::GFluxDriverFactory& fluxDFactory =
1206  genie::flux::GFluxDriverFactory::Instance();
1207  fFluxD = fluxDFactory.GetFluxDriver(fluxName);
1208  if ( ! fFluxD ) {
1209  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1210  << "genie::flux::GFluxDriverFactory had not result for '"
1211  << fluxName << "' (fFluxType was '" << fFluxType << "'";
1212  // fall through in hopes someone later picks it up
1213  } else {
1214  // got something
1215  // for the ones that support GFluxFileConfigI (numi,simple,dk2nu)
1216  // initialize them
1217  genie::flux::GFluxFileConfigI* ffileconfig =
1218  dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GFluxFileConfigI*>(fFluxD);
1219  if ( ffileconfig ) {
1220  ffileconfig->LoadBeamSimData(fSelectedFluxFiles,fDetLocation);
1221  ffileconfig->PrintConfig();
1222  // initialize to only use neutrino flavors requested by user
1223  genie::PDGCodeList probes;
1224  for ( std::vector<int>::iterator flvitr = fGenFlavors.begin(); flvitr != fGenFlavors.end(); flvitr++ )
1225  probes.push_back(*flvitr);
1226  ffileconfig->SetFluxParticles(probes);
1227  if ( TMath::Abs(fFluxUpstreamZ) < 1.0e30 ) ffileconfig->SetUpstreamZ(fFluxUpstreamZ);
1228  }
1229  }
1230  } // is genie::flux:: or tree_{numi|simple|dk2nu}
1232  if ( fFluxType.find("histogram") == 0 ) {
1234  genie::flux::GCylindTH1Flux* histFlux = new genie::flux::GCylindTH1Flux();
1236  // now add the different fluxes - fluxes were added to the vector in the same
1237  // order that the flavors appear in fGenFlavors
1238  int ctr = 0;
1239  for ( std::vector<int>::iterator i = fGenFlavors.begin(); i != fGenFlavors.end(); i++ ) {
1240  histFlux->AddEnergySpectrum(*i, fFluxHistograms[ctr]);
1241  ++ctr;
1242  } //end loop to add flux histograms to driver
1244  histFlux->SetNuDirection(fBeamDirection);
1245  histFlux->SetBeamSpot(fBeamCenter);
1246  histFlux->SetTransverseRadius(fBeamRadius);
1248  fFluxD = histFlux; // dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(histFlux);
1250  } // end if using a histogram
1251  else if ( fFluxType.find("mono") == 0 ) {
1253  // weight each species equally in the generation
1254  double weight = 1./(1.*fGenFlavors.size());
1255  //make a map of pdg to weight codes
1256  std::map<int, double> pdgwmap;
1257  for ( std::vector<int>::iterator i = fGenFlavors.begin(); i != fGenFlavors.end(); i++ )
1258  pdgwmap[*i] = weight;
1260  genie::flux::GMonoEnergeticFlux *monoflux = new genie::flux::GMonoEnergeticFlux(fMonoEnergy, pdgwmap);
1261  monoflux->SetDirectionCos(fBeamDirection.X(), fBeamDirection.Y(), fBeamDirection.Z());
1262  monoflux->SetRayOrigin(fBeamCenter.X(), fBeamCenter.Y(), fBeamCenter.Z());
1263  fFluxD = monoflux; // dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(monoflux);
1265  } //end if using monoenergetic beam
1266  else if ( fFluxType.find("function") == 0 ) {
1268  genie::flux::GCylindTH1Flux* histFlux = new genie::flux::GCylindTH1Flux();
1269  TF1* input_func = new TF1("input_func", fFunctionalFlux.c_str(), fEmin, fEmax);
1270  TH1D* spectrum = new TH1D("spectrum", "neutrino flux", fFunctionalBinning, fEmin, fEmax);
1271  spectrum->Add(input_func);
1273  for ( std::vector<int>::iterator i = fGenFlavors.begin(); i != fGenFlavors.end(); i++ ) {
1274  histFlux->AddEnergySpectrum(*i, spectrum);
1275  } //end loop to add flux histograms to driver
1277  histFlux->SetNuDirection(fBeamDirection);
1278  histFlux->SetBeamSpot(fBeamCenter);
1279  histFlux->SetTransverseRadius(fBeamRadius);
1281  fFluxD = histFlux; // dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(histFlux);
1282  delete input_func;
1283  } //end if using function beam
1285  else if(fFluxType.find("PowerSpectrum") != std::string::npos){
1287  power_flux->SetSpectralIndex(fAtmoSpectralIndex);
1288  power_flux->SetFlavors(fGenFlavors);
1289  power_flux->SetMinEnergy(fAtmoEmin);
1290  power_flux->SetMaxEnergy(fAtmoEmax);
1292  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "Setting Emin=" << fEmin << " ; Emax=" << fEmax;
1294  for ( size_t j = 0; j < fGenFlavors.size(); ++j ) {
1295  int flavor = fGenFlavors[j];
1296  std::string flxfile = fSelectedFluxFiles[j];
1297  power_flux->AddFluxFile(flavor,flxfile);
1298  }
1301  if ( fFluxRotation ){
1302  power_flux->SetUserCoordSystem(*fFluxRotation);
1303  std::ostringstream atmoCfgText;
1304  const int w=13, p=6;
1305  auto old_p = atmoCfgText.precision(p);
1306  atmoCfgText << "\n UserCoordSystem rotation:\n"
1307  << " [ "
1308  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->XX() << " "
1309  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->XY() << " "
1310  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->XZ() << " ]\n"
1311  << " [ "
1312  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->YX() << " "
1313  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->YY() << " "
1314  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->YZ() << " ]\n"
1315  << " [ "
1316  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->ZX() << " "
1317  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->ZY() << " "
1318  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->ZZ() << " ]\n";
1319  atmoCfgText.precision(old_p);
1320  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << atmoCfgText.str();
1321  }
1323  power_flux->LoadFluxData();
1325  // configure flux generation surface:
1326  power_flux->SetRadii(fAtmoRl, fAtmoRt);
1328  fFluxD = power_flux;
1329  }
1331  // Using the atmospheric fluxes
1332  else if ( fFluxType.find("atmo_") == 0 ) {
1334  // Instantiate appropriate concrete flux driver
1335  genie::flux::GAtmoFlux *atmo_flux_driver = 0;
1337  if ( fFluxType.find("FLUKA") != std::string::npos ) {
1338  genie::flux::GFLUKAAtmoFlux * fluka_flux =
1339  new genie::flux::GFLUKAAtmoFlux;
1340  atmo_flux_driver = dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GAtmoFlux *>(fluka_flux);
1341  }
1342  if ( fFluxType.find("BARTOL") != std::string::npos ||
1343  fFluxType.find("BGLRS") != std::string::npos ) {
1344  genie::flux::GBGLRSAtmoFlux * bartol_flux =
1345  new genie::flux::GBGLRSAtmoFlux;
1346  atmo_flux_driver = dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GAtmoFlux *>(bartol_flux);
1347  }
1348 #if __GENIE_RELEASE_CODE__ >= GRELCODE(2,12,2)
1349  if (fFluxType.find("atmo_HONDA") != std::string::npos ||
1350  fFluxType.find("atmo_HAKKM") != std::string::npos ) {
1351  genie::flux::GHAKKMAtmoFlux * honda_flux =
1352  new genie::flux::GHAKKMAtmoFlux;
1353  atmo_flux_driver = dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GAtmoFlux *>(honda_flux);
1354  }
1355 #endif
1357  atmo_flux_driver->ForceMinEnergy(fAtmoEmin);
1358  atmo_flux_driver->ForceMaxEnergy(fAtmoEmax);
1359  if ( fFluxRotation ) atmo_flux_driver->SetUserCoordSystem(*fFluxRotation);
1361  std::ostringstream atmoCfgText;
1362  atmoCfgText << "Configuration for " << fFluxType
1363  << ", Rl " << fAtmoRl << " Rt " << fAtmoRt;
1364  for ( size_t j = 0; j < fGenFlavors.size(); ++j ) {
1365  int flavor = fGenFlavors[j];
1366  std::string flxfile = fSelectedFluxFiles[j];
1367  atmo_flux_driver->AddFluxFile(flavor,flxfile); // pre-R-2_11_0 was SetFluxFile()
1368  atmoCfgText << "\n FLAVOR: " << std::setw(3) << flavor
1369  << " FLUX FILE: " << flxfile;
1370  }
1371  if ( fFluxRotation ) {
1372  const int w=13, p=6;
1373  auto old_p = atmoCfgText.precision(p);
1374  atmoCfgText << "\n UserCoordSystem rotation:\n"
1375  << " [ "
1376  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->XX() << " "
1377  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->XY() << " "
1378  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->XZ() << " ]\n"
1379  << " [ "
1380  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->YX() << " "
1381  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->YY() << " "
1382  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->YZ() << " ]\n"
1383  << " [ "
1384  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->ZX() << " "
1385  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->ZY() << " "
1386  << std::setw(w) << fFluxRotation->ZZ() << " ]\n";
1387  atmoCfgText.precision(old_p);
1388  }
1389  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << atmoCfgText.str();
1391  atmo_flux_driver->LoadFluxData();
1393  // configure flux generation surface:
1394  atmo_flux_driver->SetRadii(fAtmoRl, fAtmoRt);
1396  fFluxD = atmo_flux_driver;//dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(atmo_flux_driver);
1398  } //end if using atmospheric fluxes
1400  if ( ! fFluxD ) {
1401  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper")
1402  << "Failed to contruct base flux driver for FluxType '"
1403  << fFluxType << "'";
1404  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper")
1405  << "Failed to contruct base flux driver for FluxType '"
1406  << fFluxType << "'\n"
1407  << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "\n";
1408  }
1410  //
1411  // Is the user asking to do flavor mixing?
1412  //
1413  fFluxD2GMCJD = fFluxD; // default: genie's GMCJDriver uses the bare flux generator
1414  if( fMixerConfig.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") != 0) // trim any leading whitespace
1415  fMixerConfig.erase( 0, fMixerConfig.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") );
1416  std::string keyword = fMixerConfig.substr(0,fMixerConfig.find_first_of(" \t\n"));
1417  if ( keyword != "none" && keyword != "" ) {
1418  // Wrap the true flux driver up in the adapter to allow flavor mixing
1419  genie::flux::GFlavorMixerI* mixer = 0;
1420  // here is where we map MixerConfig string keyword to actual class
1421  // first is a special case that is part of GENIE proper
1422  if ( keyword == "map" || keyword == "swap" || keyword == "fixedfrac" )
1423  mixer = new genie::flux::GFlavorMap();
1424  // if it wasn't one of the predefined known mixers then
1425  // see if the factory knows about it and can create one
1426  // assuming the keyword (first token) is the class name
1427  if ( ! mixer ) {
1428  genie::flux::GFlavorMixerFactory& mixerFactory =
1429  genie::flux::GFlavorMixerFactory::Instance();
1430  mixer = mixerFactory.GetFlavorMixer(keyword);
1431  if ( mixer ) {
1432  // remove class name from config string
1433  fMixerConfig.erase(0,keyword.size());
1434  // trim any leading whitespace
1435  if ( fMixerConfig.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") != 0 )
1436  fMixerConfig.erase( 0, fMixerConfig.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") );
1437  } else {
1438  const std::vector<std::string>& knownMixers =
1439  mixerFactory.AvailableFlavorMixers();
1440  std::ostringstream mixers;
1441  for (unsigned int j=0; j < knownMixers.size(); ++j ) {
1442  mixers << "\n [" << std::setw(2) << j << "] " << knownMixers[j];
1443  }
1444  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1445  << " GFlavorMixerFactory known mixers: " << mixers.str();
1446  }
1447  }
1448  // configure the mixer
1449  if ( mixer ) mixer->Config(fMixerConfig);
1450  else {
1451  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1452  << "GENIEHelper MixerConfig keyword was \"" << keyword
1453  << "\" but that did not map to a class; " << std::endl
1454  << "GFluxBlender in use, but no mixer";
1455  }
1457  genie::GFluxI* realFluxD = fFluxD;
1458  genie::flux::GFluxBlender* blender = new genie::flux::GFluxBlender();
1459  blender->SetBaselineDist(fMixerBaseline);
1460  blender->AdoptFluxGenerator(realFluxD);
1461  blender->AdoptFlavorMixer(mixer);
1462  fFluxD2GMCJD = blender;
1463  if ( fDebugFlags & 0x01 ) {
1464  if ( mixer ) mixer->PrintConfig();
1465  blender->PrintConfig();
1466  std::cout << std::flush;
1467  }
1468  }
1470  return;
1471  }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
std::string fDetLocation
name of flux window location
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:156
double fAtmoEmax
atmo: Maximum energy of neutrinos in GeV
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:188
double fMixerBaseline
baseline distance if genie flux can&#39;t calculate it
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:203
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
TVector3 fBeamCenter
center of beam for histogram fluxes - must be in meters
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:175
A driver for a power spectrum atmospheric neutrino flux. Elements extensively reused from GAtmoFlux...
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
pdg codes for flavors to generate
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:186
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
double fFluxUpstreamZ
z where flux starts from (if non-default, simple/ntuple only)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:159
std::vector< TH1D * > fFluxHistograms
histograms for each nu species
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:157
void SetFlavors(std::vector< int > flavors)
void AddFluxFile(int neutrino_pdg, string filename)
TVector3 fBeamDirection
direction of the beam for histogram fluxes
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:174
double fBeamRadius
radius of cylindar for histogram fluxes - must be in meters
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:176
std::string fMixerConfig
configuration string for genie GFlavorMixerI
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:202
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
double weight
Definition: plottest35.C:25
double fMonoEnergy
energy of monoenergetic neutrinos
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:167
double fAtmoSpectralIndex
atmo: Spectral index for power spectrum generation
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:192
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
double fAtmoEmin
atmo: Minimum energy of neutrinos in GeV
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:187
double fAtmoRl
atmo: radius of the sphere on where the neutrinos are generated
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:189
void SetRadii(double Rlongitudinal, double Rtransverse)
unsigned int fDebugFlags
set bits to enable debug info
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:208
TRotation * fFluxRotation
rotation for atmos / astro flux coord systems
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:152
Float_t w
Definition: plot.C:20
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD2GMCJD
flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:129
std::string fFunctionalFlux
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:168
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
void evgb::GENIEHelper::InitializeGeometry ( )

Definition at line 894 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fDebugFlags, fGeoManager, fGeomD, fTopVolume, fWorldVolume, and InitializeFiducialSelection().

Referenced by Initialize().

895  {
896  genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer *rgeom =
897  new genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer(fGeoManager);
899  // pass some of the debug flag bits on to the geometry manager
900  int geomFlags = ( fDebugFlags >> 16 ) & 0xFF ;
901  if ( geomFlags ) {
902  int keep = ( geomFlags >> 7 );
903  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
904  << "InitializeGeometry set debug 0x"
905  << std::hex << geomFlags << std::dec
906  << " keepSegPath " << keep;
907  rgeom->SetDebugFlags(geomFlags);
908  if ( keep ) rgeom->SetKeepSegPath(true);
909  }
911  // get the world volume name from the geometry
912  fWorldVolume = fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetName();
914  // the detector geometry uses cgs units.
915  rgeom->SetLengthUnits(genie::units::centimeter);
916  rgeom->SetDensityUnits(genie::units::gram_centimeter3);
917  rgeom->SetTopVolName(fTopVolume.c_str());
918  rgeom->SetMixtureWeightsSum(1.);
919  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
920  << "GENIEHelper::InitializeGeometry using TopVolume '"
921  << fTopVolume << "'";
922  // casting to the GENIE geometry driver interface
923  fGeomD = rgeom; // dynamic_cast<genie::GeomAnalyzerI *>(rgeom);
926  return;
927  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
TGeoManager * fGeoManager
pointer to ROOT TGeoManager
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:123
std::string fWorldVolume
name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:155
std::string fTopVolume
top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:154
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
void InitializeFiducialSelection()
unsigned int fDebugFlags
set bits to enable debug info
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:208
centimeter_as<> centimeter
Type of space stored in centimeters, in double precision.
Definition: spacetime.h:441
void evgb::GENIEHelper::InitializeRockBoxSelection ( )

Definition at line 1085 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References e, fFiducialCut, fGeomD, fTopVolume, and fWorldVolume.

Referenced by InitializeFiducialSelection().

1086  {
1087  genie::GeomAnalyzerI* geom_driver = fGeomD; // GENIEHelper name -> gNuMIExptEvGen name
1088  std::string fidcut = fFiducialCut; // ditto
1090  if( fidcut.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") != 0) // trim any leading whitespace
1091  fidcut.erase( 0, fidcut.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") );
1093  // convert string to lowercase
1094  std::transform(fidcut.begin(),fidcut.end(),fidcut.begin(),::tolower);
1096  genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer * rgeom =
1097  dynamic_cast<genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer *>(geom_driver);
1098  if ( ! rgeom ) {
1099  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelpler")
1100  << "Can not create GeomVolSelectorRockBox,"
1101  << " geometry driver is not ROOTGeomAnalyzer";
1102  return;
1103  }
1105  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "fiducial (rock) cut: " << fidcut;
1107  // for now, only fiducial no "rock box"
1108  genie::geometry::GeomVolSelectorRockBox* rocksel =
1109  new genie::geometry::GeomVolSelectorRockBox();
1111  vector<string> strtok = genie::utils::str::Split(fidcut,":");
1112  if ( strtok.size() != 2 ) {
1113  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1114  << "Can not create GeomVolSelectorRockBox,"
1115  << " no \":\" separating type from values. nsplit=" << strtok.size();
1116  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < strtok.size(); ++i )
1117  mf::LogWarning("GENIEHelper")
1118  << "strtok[" << i << "] = \"" << strtok[i] << "\"";
1119  return;
1120  }
1122  string stype = strtok[0];
1124  // parse out values
1125  vector<double> vals;
1126  vector<string> valstrs = genie::utils::str::Split(strtok[1]," ,;(){}[]\t\n\r");
1127  vector<string>::const_iterator iter = valstrs.begin();
1128  for ( ; iter != valstrs.end(); ++iter ) {
1129  const string& valstr1 = *iter;
1130  if ( valstr1 != "" ) {
1131  double aval = atof(valstr1.c_str());
1132  mf::LogDebug("GENIEHelper") << "rock value [" << vals.size() << "] "
1133  << aval;
1134  vals.push_back(aval);
1135  }
1136  }
1137  size_t nvals = vals.size();
1139  rocksel->SetRemoveEntries(true); // drop segments that won't be considered
1141  // assume coordinates are in the *master* (not "top volume") system
1142  // need to set fTopVolume to fWorldVolume as Sample() will keep setting it
1144  rgeom->SetTopVolName(fTopVolume.c_str());
1146  if ( nvals < 6 ) {
1147  throw cet::exception("GENIEHelper") << "rockbox needs at "
1148  << "least 6 values, found "
1149  << nvals << "in \""
1150  << strtok[1] << "\"";
1152  }
1153  double xyzmin[3] = { vals[0], vals[1], vals[2] };
1154  double xyzmax[3] = { vals[3], vals[4], vals[5] };
1156  bool rockonly = true;
1157  double wallmin = 800.; // geometry in cm, ( 8 meter buffer)
1158  double dedx = 2.5 * 1.7e-3; // GeV/cm, rho=2.5, 1.7e-3 ~ rock like loss
1159  double fudge = 1.05;
1161  if ( nvals >= 7 ) rockonly = vals[6];
1162  if ( nvals >= 8 ) wallmin = vals[7];
1163  if ( nvals >= 9 ) dedx = vals[8];
1164  if ( nvals >= 10 ) fudge = vals[9];
1166  rocksel->SetRockBoxMinimal(xyzmin,xyzmax);
1167  rocksel->SetMinimumWall(wallmin);
1168  rocksel->SetDeDx(dedx/fudge);
1170  // if not rock-only then make a tiny exclusion bubble
1171  // call to MakeBox shouldn't be necessary
1172  // should be done by SetRockBoxMinimal but for some GENIE versions isn't
1173  if ( ! rockonly ) rocksel->MakeSphere(0,0,0,1.0e-10);
1174  else rocksel->MakeBox(xyzmin,xyzmax);
1176  rgeom->AdoptGeomVolSelector(rocksel);
1177  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fFiducialCut
configuration for geometry selector
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:205
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
std::string fWorldVolume
name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:155
std::string fTopVolume
top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:154
genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:127
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
void evgb::GENIEHelper::ReadXSecTable ( )

determine which cross section table to use fully expand the path

Definition at line 2449 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fEnvironment, fGXMLPATH, and fXSecTable.

Referenced by Initialize().

2450  {
2454  // priority order:
2455  // fcl fEnvironment GSPLOAD
2456  // fcl XSecTable
2457  // $GSPLOAD in environment
2458  // default 'gxspl-FNALsmall.xml'
2460  if ( fXSecTable == "" ) {
2461  // stand-alone value is not set
2462  const char* gspload_alt = std::getenv("GSPLOAD");
2463  if ( ! gspload_alt ) {
2464  const char* gspload_dflt = "gxspl-FNALsmall.xml"; // fall back
2465  gspload_alt = gspload_dflt;
2466  } else {
2467  throw cet::exception("$GSPLOAD")
2468  << "using env variable $GSPLOAD: " << gspload_alt
2469  << ", use fcl parameter 'XSecTable' instead.";
2470  }
2471  fXSecTable = std::string(gspload_alt);
2472  }
2474  // find GSPLOAD in the vector, if it exists
2475  int indxGSPLOAD = -1;
2476  for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnvironment.size(); i += 2) {
2477  if ( fEnvironment[i].find("GSPLOAD") == 0 ) {
2478  indxGSPLOAD = i;
2479  throw cet::exception("UsingGSPLOAD")
2480  << "using Environment fcl parameter GSPLOAD: "
2481  << fEnvironment[indxGSPLOAD+1]
2482  << ", use fcl parameter 'XSecTable' instead. "
2483  << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "\n";
2484  continue;
2485  }
2486  }
2488  if ( indxGSPLOAD < 0 ) {
2489  // nothing in fcl parameters
2490  indxGSPLOAD=fEnvironment.size();
2491  fEnvironment.push_back("GSPLOAD");
2492  fEnvironment.push_back(fXSecTable);
2493  } else {
2494  fXSecTable = fEnvironment[indxGSPLOAD+1]; // get two in sync
2495  }
2497  // currently GENIE doesn't internally use GXMLPATH when looking for
2498  // spline files, but instead wants a fully expanded path.
2499  // Do the expansion here using the extended GXMLPATH list
2500  // of locations (which included $FW_SEARCH_PATH)
2501  mf::LogDebug("GENIEHelper") << "GSPLOAD as originally: " << fXSecTable;
2503  // RWH cet::search_path returns "" if the input string is actually
2504  // the full path to the file .. this is not really what one wants,
2505  // one just wan't the full path to the file; seems to work if
2506  // "/" is made to be another possible PATH
2507  cet::search_path spGXML( "/:" + fGXMLPATH );
2508  std::string fullpath;
2509  spGXML.find_file(fXSecTable, fullpath);
2511  if ( fullpath == "" ) {
2512  mf::LogError("GENIEHelper")
2513  << "could not resolve full path for spline file XSecTable/GSPLOAD "
2514  << "\"" << fXSecTable << "\" using: "
2515  << fGXMLPATH;
2516  throw cet::exception("UnresolvedGSPLOAD")
2517  << "can't find XSecTable/GSPLOAD file: " << fXSecTable;
2518  }
2519  fXSecTable = fullpath;
2520  fEnvironment[indxGSPLOAD+1] = fXSecTable; // get two in sync
2522  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2523  << "XSecTable/GSPLOAD full path \"" << fXSecTable << "\"";
2525  TStopwatch xtime;
2526  xtime.Start();
2528  // can't use gSystem->Unsetenv() as it is really gSystem->Setenv(name,"")
2529  unsetenv("GSPLOAD"); // MUST!!! ensure that it isn't set externally
2530  genie::utils::app_init::XSecTable(fXSecTable,true);
2532  xtime.Stop();
2533  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2534  << "Time to read GENIE XSecTable: "
2535  << " Real " << xtime.RealTime() << " s,"
2536  << " CPU " << xtime.CpuTime() << " s"
2537  << " from " << fXSecTable;
2539  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fGXMLPATH
locations for GENIE XML files
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:198
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
std::string fXSecTable
cross section file (was $GSPLOAD)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:195
std::vector< std::string > fEnvironment
environmental variables and settings used by genie
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:194
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
void evgb::GENIEHelper::RegularizeFluxType ( )

Definition at line 717 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxType.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

718  {
719  // Regularize fFluxType string to sensible setting
721  std::string tmpFluxType = fFluxType;
723  // remove lead/trailing whitespace
724  size_t ftlead = tmpFluxType.find_first_not_of(" \t\n");
725  if ( ftlead ) tmpFluxType.erase( 0, ftlead );
726  size_t ftlen = tmpFluxType.length();
727  size_t fttrail = tmpFluxType.find_last_not_of(" \t\n");
728  if ( fttrail != ftlen ) tmpFluxType.erase( fttrail+1, ftlen );
730  // strip off leading catagories ... we'll put them back later
731  // so we don't accidently allow arbitrary strings
732  if ( tmpFluxType.find("atmos_") == 0 ) tmpFluxType.erase(0,6);
733  if ( tmpFluxType.find("atmo_") == 0 ) tmpFluxType.erase(0,5);
734  if ( tmpFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) tmpFluxType.erase(0,5);
736  // make reasonable inferences of what the user intended
738  // simple fluxes
739  if ( tmpFluxType.find("hist") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "histogram";
740  if ( tmpFluxType.find("func") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "function";
741  if ( tmpFluxType.find("mono") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "mono";
742  // Atmospheric fluxes
743  // prior to R-2_11_0 BGLRS was "BARTOL" and HAKKM was "HONDA"
744  if ( tmpFluxType.find("FLUKA") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "atmo_FLUKA";
745  if ( tmpFluxType.find("BARTOL") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "atmo_BGLRS";
746  if ( tmpFluxType.find("BGLRS") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "atmo_BGLRS";
747  if ( tmpFluxType.find("HONDA") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "atmo_HAKKM";
748  if ( tmpFluxType.find("HAKKM") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "atmo_HAKKM";
749  if ( tmpFluxType.find("POWER") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "atmo_PowerSpectrum";
750  // TTree-based fluxes (old "ntuple" is really "numi")
751  // we're allowed to randomize the order here, and squeeze out duplicates
752  if ( tmpFluxType.find("simple") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "tree_simple";
753  if ( tmpFluxType.find("ntuple") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "tree_numi";
754  if ( tmpFluxType.find("numi") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "tree_numi";
755  if ( tmpFluxType.find("dk2nu") != std::string::npos ) tmpFluxType = "tree_dk2nu";
757  fFluxType = tmpFluxType;
758  }
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
bool evgb::GENIEHelper::Sample ( simb::MCTruth truth,
simb::MCFlux flux,
simb::GTruth gtruth 

Definition at line 1662 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References bin, simb::MCParticle::E(), fAddGenieVtxTime, fAtmoSpectralIndex, fDebugFlags, simb::MCFlux::fdk2gen, fDriver, fEventsPerSpill, fFluxD, fFluxD2GMCJD, fFluxHistograms, simb::MCFlux::fFluxType, fFluxType, fForceApplyFlxWgt, simb::MCFlux::fgen2vtx, fGenFlavors, fGenieEventRecord, simb::MCFlux::fgenx, simb::MCFlux::fgeny, simb::MCFlux::fgenz, fGeoManager, fGHepPrintLevel, fGlobalTimeOffset, fHelperRandom, evgb::FillGTruth(), evgb::FillMCFlux(), evgb::FillMCTruth(), fRandomTimeOffset, fSpillEvents, fSpillExposure, fTimeShifter, fTopVolume, fTotalExposure, fTuneName, fUseBlenderDist, fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE, fWorldVolume, simb::MCTruth::GetNeutrino(), simb::kHistPlusFocus, evgb::kNue, evgb::kNueBar, evgb::kNuMu, evgb::kNuMuBar, evgb::kNuTau, evgb::kNuTauBar, simb::MCNeutrino::Nu(), simb::MCFlux::SetFluxGen(), evgb::EvtTimeShiftI::TimeOffset(), and util::to_string().

Referenced by evgen::TestGENIEHelper::produce(), and evgen::GENIEGen::produce().

1663  {
1664  // set the top volume for the geometry
1665  fGeoManager->SetTopVolume(fGeoManager->FindVolumeFast(fTopVolume.c_str()));
1667  if ( fGenieEventRecord ) delete fGenieEventRecord;
1669  // ART Framework plays games with gRandom, undo that if requested
1670  TRandom* old_gRandom = gRandom;
1671  if (fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE) gRandom = fHelperRandom;
1673  fGenieEventRecord = fDriver->GenerateEvent();
1675  if (fForceApplyFlxWgt) {
1676  //const issue: double flxweight = fDriver->FluxDriver().Weight();
1677  //genie::GFluxI& flx = const_cast<genie::GFluxI&>(fDriver->FluxDriver());
1678  //double flxweight = flx.Weight();
1679  // use the flux driver handle we already have, rather than fetch const one
1680  // from the GMCJDriver fDriver
1681  double flxweight = fFluxD->Weight();
1682  double curweight = fGenieEventRecord->Weight();
1683  fGenieEventRecord->SetWeight(flxweight*curweight);
1684  }
1686  if (fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE) gRandom = old_gRandom;
1688  // now check if we produced a viable event record
1689  bool viableInteraction = true;
1690  if ( ! fGenieEventRecord ) viableInteraction = false;
1692  // update the spill total information, then check to see
1693  // if we got an event record that was valid
1695  genie::flux::GFluxExposureI* fexposure =
1696  dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GFluxExposureI*>(fFluxD);
1697  if ( fexposure ) {
1698  fSpillExposure =
1699  (fexposure->GetTotalExposure()/fDriver->GlobProbScale()) - fTotalExposure;
1700  }
1701  // use GENIE2ART code to fill MCFlux
1702  evgb::FillMCFlux(fFluxD,flux);
1704  // if no interaction generated return false
1705  if ( ! viableInteraction ) return false;
1707  // fill the MCTruth & GTruth information as we have a good interaction
1708  // these two objects are enough to reconstruct the GENIE record
1709  // use the new external functions in GENIE2ART
1711  // choose a time within the spill (ns) to shift the vertex times by:
1712  double timeoffset = 0;
1713  if ( ! fTimeShifter ) {
1714  timeoffset = fHelperRandom->Uniform()*fRandomTimeOffset;
1715  } else {
1716  timeoffset = fTimeShifter->TimeOffset();
1717  }
1718  // mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "TimeShifter adding " << timeoffset;
1719  double spilltime = fGlobalTimeOffset + timeoffset;
1721  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> genConfig;
1723  if(fFluxType.find("PowerSpectrum") != std::string::npos){
1724  genConfig.emplace("SpectralIndex", std::to_string(fAtmoSpectralIndex));
1725  }
1727  evgb::FillMCTruth(fGenieEventRecord, spilltime, truth,
1728  __GENIE_RELEASE__, fTuneName, fAddGenieVtxTime );
1731  // check to see if we are using flux ntuples but want to
1732  // make n events per spill
1733  if ( ( fEventsPerSpill > 0 ) &&
1734  ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) ) ++fSpillEvents;
1736  // now check if using either histogram or mono fluxes, using
1737  // either n events per spill or basing events on POT per spill for the
1738  // histogram case
1739  if ( fFluxType.find("histogram") == 0 ) {
1740  // set the flag in the parent object that says the
1741  // fluxes came from histograms and fill related values
1744  // save the fluxes - fluxes were added to the vector in the same
1745  // order that the flavors appear in fGenFlavors
1746  int ctr = 0;
1747  int bin = fFluxHistograms[0]->FindBin(truth.GetNeutrino().Nu().E());
1748  std::vector<double> fluxes(6, 0.);
1749  for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = fGenFlavors.begin(); i != fGenFlavors.end(); i++){
1750  if(*i == 12) fluxes[kNue] = fFluxHistograms[ctr]->GetBinContent(bin);
1751  if(*i == -12) fluxes[kNueBar] = fFluxHistograms[ctr]->GetBinContent(bin);
1752  if(*i == 14) fluxes[kNuMu] = fFluxHistograms[ctr]->GetBinContent(bin);
1753  if(*i == -14) fluxes[kNuMuBar] = fFluxHistograms[ctr]->GetBinContent(bin);
1754  if(*i == 16) fluxes[kNuTau] = fFluxHistograms[ctr]->GetBinContent(bin);
1755  if(*i == -16) fluxes[kNuTauBar] = fFluxHistograms[ctr]->GetBinContent(bin);
1756  ++ctr;
1757  }
1759  // get the flux for each neutrino flavor of this energy
1760  flux.SetFluxGen(fluxes[kNue], fluxes[kNueBar],
1761  fluxes[kNuMu], fluxes[kNuMuBar],
1762  fluxes[kNuTau], fluxes[kNuTauBar]);
1764  ++fSpillEvents;
1765  }
1766  else if ( fFluxType.find("mono") == 0 ||
1767  fFluxType.find("function") == 0 ){
1768  ++fSpillEvents;
1769  }
1770  else if ( fFluxType.find("atmo_FLUKA") == 0 ||
1771  fFluxType.find("atmo_BARTOL") == 0 ||
1772  fFluxType.find("atmo_PowerSpectrum") == 0 ||
1773  fFluxType.find("atmo_BGLRS") == 0 ||
1774  fFluxType.find("atmo_HAKKM") == 0 ||
1775  fFluxType.find("atmo_HONDA") == 0 ) {
1776  if ( fEventsPerSpill > 0 ) ++fSpillEvents;
1778  }
1781  // fill these after the Pack[NuMI|Simple]Flux because those
1782  // will Reset() the values at the start
1783  TLorentzVector *vertex = fGenieEventRecord->Vertex();
1784  TLorentzVector nuray_pos = fFluxD->Position();
1785  TVector3 ray2vtx = nuray_pos.Vect() - vertex->Vect();
1786  flux.fgenx = nuray_pos.X();
1787  flux.fgeny = nuray_pos.Y();
1788  flux.fgenz = nuray_pos.Z();
1789  flux.fgen2vtx = ray2vtx.Mag();
1791  genie::flux::GFluxBlender* blender =
1792  dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GFluxBlender*>(fFluxD2GMCJD);
1793  if ( blender ) {
1794  if ( fUseBlenderDist ) flux.fdk2gen = blender->TravelDist();
1795  // / if mixing flavors print the state of the blender
1796  if ( fDebugFlags & 0x02 ) blender->PrintState();
1797  }
1799  if ( fDebugFlags & 0x04 ) {
1800  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "vertex loc " << vertex->X() << ","
1801  << vertex->Y() << "," << vertex->Z() << std::endl
1802  << " flux ray start " << nuray_pos.X() << ","
1803  << nuray_pos.Y() << "," << nuray_pos.Z() << std::endl
1804  << " ray2vtx = " << flux.fgen2vtx
1805  << " dk2ray = " << flux.fdk2gen;
1806  }
1807  if ( fGHepPrintLevel >= 0 ) {
1808  std::cout << *fGenieEventRecord;
1809  }
1811  // set the top volume of the geometry back to the world volume
1812  fGeoManager->SetTopVolume(fGeoManager->FindVolumeFast(fWorldVolume.c_str()));
1814  return true;
1815  }
double E(const int i=0) const
Definition: MCParticle.h:234
double fgenz
Definition: MCFlux.h:102
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
static const int kNuTauBar
bool fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE
use fHelperRandom for gRandom during Sample()
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:136
double fEventsPerSpill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:160
const simb::MCNeutrino & GetNeutrino() const
Definition: MCTruth.h:77
std::string fTuneName
GENIE R-3 Tune name (defines model configuration)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:196
void FillMCTruth(const genie::EventRecord *grec, double spillTime, simb::MCTruth &mctruth, const std::string &genieVersion="unknown", const std::string &genieTune="unknown", bool addGenieVtxTime=false, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > genConfig={})
Definition: GENIE2ART.cxx:182
double fgeny
Definition: MCFlux.h:101
double fgen2vtx
distance from ray origin to event vtx
Definition: MCFlux.h:104
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
void FillMCFlux(genie::GFluxI *fdriver, simb::MCFlux &mcflux)
Definition: GENIE2ART.cxx:834
const simb::MCParticle & Nu() const
Definition: MCNeutrino.h:146
double fgenx
origin of ray from flux generator
Definition: MCFlux.h:100
simb::flux_code_ fFluxType
Definition: MCFlux.h:98
static const int kNuTau
double fRandomTimeOffset
additional random time shift (ns) added to every particle time
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:181
double fGlobalTimeOffset
overall time shift (ns) added to every particle time
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:180
TGeoManager * fGeoManager
pointer to ROOT TGeoManager
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:123
static const int kNue
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
pdg codes for flavors to generate
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:186
evgb::EvtTimeShiftI * fTimeShifter
generator for time offset within a spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:137
double fdk2gen
distance from decay to ray origin
Definition: MCFlux.h:103
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:130
genie::EventRecord * fGenieEventRecord
last generated event
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:126
std::vector< TH1D * > fFluxHistograms
histograms for each nu species
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:157
Flux for positive horn focus.
Definition: MCFlux.h:18
int fGHepPrintLevel
GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel(), -1=no-print.
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:201
std::string fWorldVolume
name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:155
decltype(auto) constexpr to_string(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::to_string.
bool fForceApplyFlxWgt
apply GFluxI::Weight() before returning event
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:184
double fTotalExposure
pot used from flux ntuple
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:166
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
std::string fTopVolume
top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:154
bool fUseBlenderDist
get neutrino&#39;s travel distance from blender (default: true)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:204
static const int kNuMuBar
float bin[41]
Definition: plottest35.C:14
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
void SetFluxGen(double nue, double nuebar, double numu, double numubar, double nutau, double nutaubar)
Definition: MCFlux.cxx:214
bool fAddGenieVtxTime
incorporate time from flux window to interaction point and (possibily) proton-on-target to flux windo...
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:183
double fAtmoSpectralIndex
atmo: Spectral index for power spectrum generation
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:192
double fSpillExposure
total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:165
unsigned int fDebugFlags
set bits to enable debug info
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:208
virtual double TimeOffset()=0
void FillGTruth(const genie::EventRecord *grec, simb::GTruth &gtruth)
Definition: GENIE2ART.cxx:391
int fSpillEvents
total events for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:164
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD2GMCJD
flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:129
static const int kNueBar
static const int kNuMu
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
vertex reconstruction
void evgb::GENIEHelper::SetGMSGLAYOUT ( )

GMSGLAYOUT ([BASIC}|SIMPLE) control GENIE's layout of log4cpp message SIMPLE lacks the timestamp; this must be set in the environment at the time the log4cpp Messenger singleton is created

Definition at line 2359 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fEnvironment, and fGMSGLAYOUT.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

2360  {
2365  // start with GMSGLAYOUT set from pset "GMSGLAYOUT" value
2367  // find it in the vector, if it exists
2368  // this will override the top level fcl value
2369  for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnvironment.size(); i += 2) {
2370  if ( fEnvironment[i].find("GMSGLAYOUT") == 0 ) {
2371  fGMSGLAYOUT = fEnvironment[i+1];
2372  break;
2373  }
2374  }
2376  // now set it externally, if we have a value
2377  if ( fGMSGLAYOUT != "" ) {
2378  gSystem->Setenv("GMSGLAYOUT",fGMSGLAYOUT.c_str());
2379  }
2380  }
std::string fGMSGLAYOUT
format for GENIE log message [BASIC]|SIMPLE (SIMPLE=no timestamps)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:199
std::vector< std::string > fEnvironment
environmental variables and settings used by genie
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:194
void evgb::GENIEHelper::SetGXMLPATH ( )

GXMLPATH is where GENIE will look for alternative XML configurations (including message service threshold files)

Definition at line 2300 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fEnvironment, and fGXMLPATH.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

2301  {
2305  // priority order
2306  // (fcl file paths):(existing user environment):(FW_SEARCH_PATH)
2307  //
2308  // fcl parameters might be the explicit GXMLPATH value
2309  // or a pair in the fEnvironment vector
2310  // but the final "official result" should the fGXMLPATH
2312  // start with fGXMLPATH set from pset "GXMLPATH" value
2314  // find it in the vector, if it exists
2315  int indxGXMLPATH = -1;
2316  for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnvironment.size(); i += 2) {
2317  if ( fEnvironment[i].find("GXMLPATH") == 0 ) {
2318  if ( fGXMLPATH != "" ) fGXMLPATH += ":";
2319  fGXMLPATH += fEnvironment[i+1];
2320  indxGXMLPATH = i;
2321  /*
2322  throw cet::exception("UsingGXMLPATH")
2323  << "using Environment fcl parameter GXMLPATH: "
2324  << fEnvironment[indxGXMLPATH+1]
2325  << ", use fcl parameter GXMLPATH instead.";
2326  */
2327  break;
2328  }
2329  }
2331  const char* gxmlpath_env = std::getenv("GXMLPATH");
2332  if ( gxmlpath_env ) {
2333  if ( fGXMLPATH != "" ) fGXMLPATH += ":";
2334  fGXMLPATH += gxmlpath_env;
2335  }
2336  const char* fwpath_env = std::getenv("FW_SEARCH_PATH");
2337  if ( fwpath_env ) {
2338  if ( fGXMLPATH != "" ) fGXMLPATH += ":";
2339  fGXMLPATH += fwpath_env;
2340  }
2342  // refresh fEnvironment (in case fEnvironment is still being used)
2343  if ( indxGXMLPATH < 0 ) {
2344  // nothing in fcl parameters
2345  indxGXMLPATH=fEnvironment.size();
2346  fEnvironment.push_back("GXMLPATH");
2347  fEnvironment.push_back(fGXMLPATH);
2348  } else {
2349  // update value
2350  fEnvironment[indxGXMLPATH+1] = fGXMLPATH;
2351  }
2353  // now set it externally for use by GENIE
2354  gSystem->Setenv("GXMLPATH",fGXMLPATH.c_str());
2356  }
std::string fGXMLPATH
locations for GENIE XML files
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:198
std::vector< std::string > fEnvironment
environmental variables and settings used by genie
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:194
void evgb::GENIEHelper::SetMaxPathOutInfo ( )

Definition at line 1571 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fBeamName, fDetLocation, fFiducialCut, fFluxType, fGeoFile, fGeomScan, fMaxPathOutInfo, fSelectedFluxFiles, fTopVolume, and fWorldVolume.

Referenced by ConfigGeomScan().

1572  {
1573  // create an info string based on:
1574  // ROOT geometry, TopVolume, FiducialCut, GeomScan, Flux
1576  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "about to create MaxPathOutInfo";
1578  fMaxPathOutInfo = "\n";
1579  fMaxPathOutInfo += " FluxType: " + fFluxType + "\n";
1580  fMaxPathOutInfo += " BeamName: " + fBeamName + "\n";
1581  fMaxPathOutInfo += " FluxFiles: ";
1583  for ( ; ffitr != fSelectedFluxFiles.end() ; ++ffitr )
1584  fMaxPathOutInfo += "\n " + *ffitr;
1585  fMaxPathOutInfo += "\n";
1586  fMaxPathOutInfo += " DetLocation: " + fDetLocation + "\n";
1587  fMaxPathOutInfo += " ROOTFile: " + fGeoFile + "\n";
1588  fMaxPathOutInfo += " WorldVolume: " + fWorldVolume + "\n";
1589  fMaxPathOutInfo += " TopVolume: " + fTopVolume + "\n";
1590  fMaxPathOutInfo += " FiducialCut: " + fFiducialCut + "\n";
1591  fMaxPathOutInfo += " GeomScan: " + fGeomScan + "\n";
1593  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper") << "MaxPathOutInfo: \""
1594  << fMaxPathOutInfo << "\"";
1596  }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
std::string fDetLocation
name of flux window location
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:156
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fFiducialCut
configuration for geometry selector
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:205
std::vector< std::string > fSelectedFluxFiles
flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:144
std::string fBeamName
name of the beam we are simulating
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:149
std::string fWorldVolume
name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:155
std::string fTopVolume
top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:154
std::string fMaxPathOutInfo
output info if writing PathLengthList from GeomScan
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:207
std::string fGeoFile
name of file containing the Geometry description
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:124
std::string fGeomScan
configuration for geometry scan to determine max pathlengths
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:206
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
double evgb::GENIEHelper::SpillExposure ( ) const

Definition at line 75 of file GENIEHelper.h.

75 { return fSpillExposure; }
double fSpillExposure
total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:165
void evgb::GENIEHelper::SqueezeFilePatterns ( )

Definition at line 761 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxFilePatterns.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

762  {
763  // for "numi" (nee "ntuple"), "simple" and "dk2nu" squeeze the patterns
764  // so there are no duplicates; for the others we want to preserve order
766  // convert vector<> to a set<> and back to vector<>
767  // to avoid having duplicate patterns in the list
768  std::set<std::string> fluxpattset(fFluxFilePatterns.begin(),
769  fFluxFilePatterns.end());
771  //std::copy(fFluxFilePatterns.begin(),fFluxFilePatterns.end(),
772  // std::inserter(fluxpattset,fluxpattset.begin()));
773  fFluxFilePatterns.clear(); // clear vector, copy unique set back
774  std::copy(fluxpattset.begin(),fluxpattset.end(),
775  std::back_inserter(fFluxFilePatterns));
776  }
std::vector< std::string > fFluxFilePatterns
wildcard patterns files containing histograms or ntuples, or txt
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:143
void evgb::GENIEHelper::StartGENIEMessenger ( std::string  prodmode)

start with fGENIEMsgThresholds from pset "GENIEMsgThresholds" value allow fEnvironment $GMSGCONF and $GPRODMODE to expand it function arg might also trigger addition of Messenger_production.xml (pre-R-2_9_0) or Messenger_whisper.xml

$GPRODMODE used to trigger Messenger_production.xml with R-2_8_0 one must add it explicitly to $GMSGCONF

Definition at line 2383 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fEnvironment, fGENIEMsgThresholds, and StringToBool().

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

2384  {
2393  int indxGPRODMODE = -1;
2394  int indxGMSGCONF = -1;
2396  for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnvironment.size(); i += 2) {
2397  if ( fEnvironment[i].find("GPRODMODE") == 0 ) {
2398  indxGPRODMODE = i;
2399  continue;
2400  }
2401  if ( fEnvironment[i].find("GMSGCONF") == 0 ) {
2402  indxGMSGCONF = i;
2403  continue;
2404  }
2405  }
2406  // GMSGCONF set in fEnvironment tack it on to current setting
2407  if ( indxGMSGCONF >= 0 ) {
2408  if ( fGENIEMsgThresholds != "" ) fGENIEMsgThresholds += ":";
2409  fGENIEMsgThresholds += fEnvironment[indxGMSGCONF+1];
2410  } else {
2411  // nothing in fcl parameters, make a placeholder
2412  indxGMSGCONF = fEnvironment.size();
2413  fEnvironment.push_back("GMSGCONF");
2414  fEnvironment.push_back("");
2415  }
2417  bool prodmode = StringToBool(prodmodestr);
2418  if ( indxGPRODMODE >= 0 ) {
2419  // user tried to set GPRODMODE via Environment fcl values
2420  prodmode |= StringToBool(fEnvironment[indxGPRODMODE+1]);
2421  }
2423  if ( prodmode ) {
2424  // okay they really meant it
2425  // PREpend "Messenger_whisper.xml" to existing value
2426  // don't forget the colon if necessary
2427  std::string newval = "Messenger_whisper.xml";
2428  if ( fGENIEMsgThresholds != "" ) {
2429  newval += ":";
2430  newval += fGENIEMsgThresholds;
2431  }
2432  fGENIEMsgThresholds = newval;
2433  }
2435  // update fEnvironment value
2436  if ( indxGMSGCONF >= 0 ) {
2437  fEnvironment[indxGMSGCONF+1] = fGENIEMsgThresholds;
2438  }
2440  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
2441  << "StartGENIEMessenger ProdMode=" << ((prodmode)?"yes":"no")
2442  << " read from: " << fGENIEMsgThresholds;
2444  genie::utils::app_init::MesgThresholds(fGENIEMsgThresholds);
2446  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::string fGENIEMsgThresholds
additional XML file setting Messager level thresholds (":" separated)
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:200
bool StringToBool(std::string v)
std::vector< std::string > fEnvironment
environmental variables and settings used by genie
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:194
bool evgb::GENIEHelper::Stop ( )

Definition at line 1599 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fAtmoRt, fDriver, fEventsPerSpill, fFluxD, fFluxType, fGenFlavors, fHelperRandom, fHistEventsPerSpill, fPOTPerSpill, fSpillEvents, fSpillExposure, fTotalExposure, fTotalHistFlux, and fXSecMassPOT.

Referenced by evgen::TestGENIEHelper::produce(), and evgen::GENIEGen::produce().

1600  {
1601  // std::cout << "in GENIEHelper::Stop(), fEventsPerSpill = " << fEventsPerSpill
1602  // << " fPOTPerSpill = " << fPOTPerSpill << " fSpillExposure = " << fSpillExposure
1603  // << " fSpillEvents = " << fSpillEvents
1604  // << " fHistEventsPerSpill = " << fHistEventsPerSpill << std::endl;
1606  // determine if we should keep throwing neutrinos for
1607  // this spill or move on
1609  if ( fEventsPerSpill > 0 ) {
1610  if ( fSpillEvents < fEventsPerSpill ) return false;
1611  } else {
1612  // exposure (POT) based
1613  if ( fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ) {
1614  if ( fSpillExposure < fPOTPerSpill ) {
1615  return false;
1616  }
1617  }
1618  else if ( fFluxType.find("histogram") == 0 ) {
1619  if ( fSpillEvents < fHistEventsPerSpill ) return false;
1621  }
1622  }
1624  if ( fFluxType.find("atmo_") == 0 ) {
1625  // the exposure for atmo is in SECONDS. In order to get seconds,
1626  // it needs to be normalized by 1e4 to take into account the units
1627  // discrepency between AtmoFluxDriver(/m2) and Generate(/cm2)
1628  // and it need to be normalized by the generation surface area since
1629  // it's not taken into accoutn in the flux driver
1631  long int nNeutrinos;
1633  if(fFluxType.find("PowerSpectrum") != std::string::npos){
1634  nNeutrinos = dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GPowerSpectrumAtmoFlux *>(fFluxD)->NFluxNeutrinos();
1635  fTotalExposure = nNeutrinos/fGenFlavors.size()/fDriver->GlobProbScale();
1636  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1637  << "===> Atmo Pscale*Ngen/Nflavours = " << fTotalExposure;
1638  }
1639  else{
1640  nNeutrinos = dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GAtmoFlux *>(fFluxD)->NFluxNeutrinos();
1641  fTotalExposure = nNeutrinos * 1.0e4 / (TMath::Pi() * fAtmoRt*fAtmoRt);
1642  mf::LogInfo("GENIEHelper")
1643  << "===> Atmo EXPOSURE = " << fTotalExposure << " seconds.";
1644  }
1650  } else {
1652  }
1654  // made it to here, means need to reset the counters
1655  fSpillEvents = 0;
1656  fSpillExposure = 0.;
1658  return true;
1659  }
double fEventsPerSpill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:160
double fTotalHistFlux
total flux of neutrinos from flux histograms for used flavors
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:173
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
A driver for a power spectrum atmospheric neutrino flux. Elements extensively reused from GAtmoFlux...
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
pdg codes for flavors to generate
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:186
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:130
double fXSecMassPOT
product of cross section, mass and POT/spill for histogram fluxes
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:172
double fTotalExposure
pot used from flux ntuple
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:166
TRandom3 * fHelperRandom
random # generator for GENIEHelper
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:135
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
real flux driver
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:128
double fSpillExposure
total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:165
double fHistEventsPerSpill
number of events per spill for histogram fluxes - changes each spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:163
int fSpillEvents
total events for this spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:164
double fPOTPerSpill
number of pot per spill
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:162
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
bool evgb::GENIEHelper::StringToBool ( std::string  v)

Definition at line 2542 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

Referenced by StartGENIEMessenger().

2543  {
2544  if (v == "true") return true; // C++ style
2545  if (v == "false") return false;
2546  if (v == "kTRUE") return true; // ROOT style
2547  if (v == "kFALSE") return false;
2548  if (v == "TRUE") return true; // Some other reasonable variations...
2549  if (v == "FALSE") return false;
2550  if (v == "True") return true;
2551  if (v == "False") return false;
2552  if (v == "on") return true;
2553  if (v == "off") return false;
2554  if (v == "On") return true;
2555  if (v == "Off") return false;
2556  if (v == "ON") return true;
2557  if (v == "OFF") return false;
2558  if (v == "YES") return true;
2559  if (v == "NO") return false;
2560  if (v == "Yes") return true;
2561  if (v == "No") return false;
2562  if (v == "yes") return true;
2563  if (v == "no") return false;
2564  if (v == "1") return true;
2565  if (v == "0") return false;
2567  return false; // by default invalid strings are false
2568  }
double evgb::GENIEHelper::TotalExposure ( ) const

Definition at line 71 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by evgen::GENIEGen::beginSubRun(), evgen::TestGENIEHelper::endSubRun(), and evgen::GENIEGen::endSubRun().

71 { return fTotalExposure; }
double fTotalExposure
pot used from flux ntuple
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:166
double evgb::GENIEHelper::TotalHistFlux ( )

Definition at line 591 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFluxType, and fTotalHistFlux.

592  {
593  if ( fFluxType.find("mono") == 0 ||
594  fFluxType.find("function") == 0 ||
595  fFluxType.find("tree_") == 0 ||
596  fFluxType.find("atmo_") == 0 ) {
597  // shouldn't be asking for this for any of the above
598  // perhaps not-not "function"?
599  return -999.;
600  }
602  return fTotalHistFlux;
603  }
double fTotalHistFlux
total flux of neutrinos from flux histograms for used flavors
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:173
std::string fFluxType
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:139
double evgb::GENIEHelper::TotalMass ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file GENIEHelper.h.

double fSurroundingMass
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:178
double fDetectorMass
mass of the detector in kg
Definition: GENIEHelper.h:177

Member Data Documentation

bool evgb::GENIEHelper::fAddGenieVtxTime

incorporate time from flux window to interaction point and (possibily) proton-on-target to flux window

Definition at line 183 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fAtmoEmax

atmo: Maximum energy of neutrinos in GeV

Definition at line 188 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fAtmoEmin

atmo: Minimum energy of neutrinos in GeV

Definition at line 187 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fAtmoRl

atmo: radius of the sphere on where the neutrinos are generated

Definition at line 189 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fAtmoRt

atmo: radius of the transvere (perpendicular) area on the sphere where the neutrinos are generated

Definition at line 190 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), GENIEHelper(), InitializeFluxDriver(), and Stop().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fAtmoSpectralIndex

atmo: Spectral index for power spectrum generation

Definition at line 192 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeFluxDriver(), and Sample().

TVector3 evgb::GENIEHelper::fBeamCenter

center of beam for histogram fluxes - must be in meters

Definition at line 175 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), HistogramFluxCheck(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

TVector3 evgb::GENIEHelper::fBeamDirection

direction of the beam for histogram fluxes

Definition at line 174 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), HistogramFluxCheck(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fBeamName

name of the beam we are simulating

Definition at line 149 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by SetMaxPathOutInfo().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fBeamRadius

radius of cylindar for histogram fluxes - must be in meters

Definition at line 176 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), HistogramFluxCheck(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

unsigned int evgb::GENIEHelper::fDebugFlags

set bits to enable debug info

Definition at line 208 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeFluxDriver(), InitializeGeometry(), and Sample().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fDetectorMass

mass of the detector in kg

Definition at line 177 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Initialize().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fDetLocation

name of flux window location

Definition at line 156 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeFluxDriver(), and SetMaxPathOutInfo().

genie::GMCJDriver* evgb::GENIEHelper::fDriver

Definition at line 130 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ConfigGeomScan(), Initialize(), Sample(), Stop(), and ~GENIEHelper().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fEmax

Definition at line 171 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fEmin

Definition at line 170 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::vector<std::string> evgb::GENIEHelper::fEnvironment

environmental variables and settings used by genie

Definition at line 194 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), ReadXSecTable(), SetGMSGLAYOUT(), SetGXMLPATH(), and StartGENIEMessenger().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fEventGeneratorList

control over event topologies, was $GEVGL [Default]

Definition at line 197 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Initialize().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fEventsPerSpill

number of events to generate in each spill if not using POT/spill. If using Atmo, set to 1

Definition at line 160 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), Sample(), and Stop().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFiducialCut

configuration for geometry selector

Definition at line 205 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeFiducialSelection(), InitializeRockBoxSelection(), and SetMaxPathOutInfo().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxCleanup

"ALWAYS", "/var/tmp", "NEVER"

Definition at line 148 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ~GENIEHelper().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxCopyMethod

"DIRECT" = old direct access method, otherwise = ifdh approach schema ("" okay)

Definition at line 147 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), ExpandFluxPaths(), and GENIEHelper().

genie::GFluxI* evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxD

real flux driver

Definition at line 128 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ConfigGeomScan(), Initialize(), InitializeFluxDriver(), Sample(), Stop(), and ~GENIEHelper().

genie::GFluxI* evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxD2GMCJD

flux driver passed to genie GMCJDriver, might be GFluxBlender

Definition at line 129 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), InitializeFluxDriver(), and Sample().

std::vector<std::string> evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxFilePatterns

wildcard patterns files containing histograms or ntuples, or txt

Definition at line 143 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), and SqueezeFilePatterns().

std::vector<TH1D *> evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxHistograms

histograms for each nu species

Definition at line 157 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by HistogramFluxCheck(), InitializeFluxDriver(), and Sample().

TRotation* evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxRotation

rotation for atmos / astro flux coord systems

Definition at line 152 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by BuildFluxRotation(), GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxRotCfg

how to interpret fFluxRotValues

Definition at line 150 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by BuildFluxRotation().

std::vector<double> evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxRotValues

parameters for rotation

Definition at line 151 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by BuildFluxRotation().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxSearchPaths

colon separated set of path stems

Definition at line 142 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), and ExpandFluxPaths().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxType

histogram, gsimple, dk2nu, ntuple/gnumi, atmos_XXXX atmo_{FLUKA|BARTOL/BGLRS|HONDA/HAKKM}

Definition at line 139 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), InitializeFluxDriver(), RegularizeFluxType(), Sample(), SetMaxPathOutInfo(), Stop(), and TotalHistFlux().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fFluxUpstreamZ

z where flux starts from (if non-default, simple/ntuple only)

Definition at line 159 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

bool evgb::GENIEHelper::fForceApplyFlxWgt

apply GFluxI::Weight() before returning event

Definition at line 184 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

int evgb::GENIEHelper::fFunctionalBinning

Definition at line 169 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fFunctionalFlux

Definition at line 168 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::vector<int> evgb::GENIEHelper::fGenFlavors

pdg codes for flavors to generate

Definition at line 186 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), GENIEHelper(), HistogramFluxCheck(), InitializeFluxDriver(), Sample(), and Stop().

genie::EventRecord* evgb::GENIEHelper::fGenieEventRecord

last generated event

Definition at line 126 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Sample(), and ~GENIEHelper().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fGENIEMsgThresholds

additional XML file setting Messager level thresholds (":" separated)

Definition at line 200 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and StartGENIEMessenger().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fGeoFile

name of file containing the Geometry description

Definition at line 124 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by SetMaxPathOutInfo().

TGeoManager* evgb::GENIEHelper::fGeoManager

pointer to ROOT TGeoManager

Definition at line 123 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeGeometry(), and Sample().

genie::GeomAnalyzerI* evgb::GENIEHelper::fGeomD
std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fGeomScan

configuration for geometry scan to determine max pathlengths

Definition at line 206 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ConfigGeomScan(), GENIEHelper(), and SetMaxPathOutInfo().

int evgb::GENIEHelper::fGHepPrintLevel

GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel(), -1=no-print.

Definition at line 201 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fGlobalTimeOffset

overall time shift (ns) added to every particle time

Definition at line 180 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fGMSGLAYOUT

format for GENIE log message [BASIC]|SIMPLE (SIMPLE=no timestamps)

Definition at line 199 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and SetGMSGLAYOUT().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fGXMLPATH

locations for GENIE XML files

Definition at line 198 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), ReadXSecTable(), and SetGXMLPATH().

TRandom3* evgb::GENIEHelper::fHelperRandom
double evgb::GENIEHelper::fHistEventsPerSpill

number of events per spill for histogram fluxes - changes each spill

Definition at line 163 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), and Stop().

ifdh_ns::ifdh* evgb::GENIEHelper::fIFDH

(optional) flux file handling

Definition at line 133 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), and ~GENIEHelper().

int evgb::GENIEHelper::fMaxFluxFileMB

maximum size of flux files (MB)

Definition at line 145 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), and ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH().

int evgb::GENIEHelper::fMaxFluxFileNumber

maximum # of flux files

Definition at line 146 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), and ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fMaxPathOutInfo

output info if writing PathLengthList from GeomScan

Definition at line 207 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by SetMaxPathOutInfo(), and ~GENIEHelper().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fMixerBaseline

baseline distance if genie flux can't calculate it

Definition at line 203 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fMixerConfig

configuration string for genie GFlavorMixerI

Definition at line 202 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fMonoEnergy

energy of monoenergetic neutrinos

Definition at line 167 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fPOTPerSpill

number of pot per spill

Definition at line 162 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), and Stop().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fRandomTimeOffset

additional random time shift (ns) added to every particle time

Definition at line 181 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

std::vector<std::string> evgb::GENIEHelper::fSelectedFluxFiles

flux files selected after wildcard expansion and subset selection

Definition at line 144 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by AtmoFluxCheck(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsDirect(), ExpandFluxFilePatternsIFDH(), GENIEHelper(), HistogramFluxCheck(), InitializeFluxDriver(), SetMaxPathOutInfo(), and ~GENIEHelper().

int evgb::GENIEHelper::fSpillEvents

total events for this spill

Definition at line 164 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), Sample(), and Stop().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fSpillExposure

total exposure (i.e. pot) for this spill

Definition at line 165 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), Sample(), and Stop().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fSpillTimeConfig

alternative to flat spill distribution

Definition at line 182 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fSurroundingMass

mass of material surrounding the detector that is intercepted by the cylinder for the histogram flux in kg

Definition at line 178 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Initialize().

evgb::EvtTimeShiftI* evgb::GENIEHelper::fTimeShifter

generator for time offset within a spill

Definition at line 137 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fTopVolume

top volume in the ROOT geometry in which to generate events

Definition at line 154 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeGeometry(), InitializeRockBoxSelection(), Sample(), and SetMaxPathOutInfo().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fTotalExposure

pot used from flux ntuple

Definition at line 166 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), Sample(), Stop(), and ~GENIEHelper().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fTotalHistFlux

total flux of neutrinos from flux histograms for used flavors

Definition at line 173 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by HistogramFluxCheck(), Initialize(), Stop(), and TotalHistFlux().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fTuneName

GENIE R-3 Tune name (defines model configuration)

Definition at line 196 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), Initialize(), and Sample().

bool evgb::GENIEHelper::fUseBlenderDist

get neutrino's travel distance from blender (default: true)

Definition at line 204 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and Sample().

bool evgb::GENIEHelper::fUseHelperRndGen4GENIE

use fHelperRandom for gRandom during Sample()

Definition at line 136 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Sample().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fWorldVolume

name of the world volume in the ROOT geometry

Definition at line 155 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeGeometry(), InitializeRockBoxSelection(), Sample(), and SetMaxPathOutInfo().

double evgb::GENIEHelper::fXSecMassPOT

product of cross section, mass and POT/spill for histogram fluxes

Definition at line 172 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), and Stop().

std::string evgb::GENIEHelper::fXSecTable

cross section file (was $GSPLOAD)

Definition at line 195 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), and ReadXSecTable().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: