LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
larg4::ParticleListActionService Class Reference

#include "ParticleListAction_service.h"

Inheritance diagram for larg4::ParticleListActionService:
artg4tk::EventActionBase artg4tk::TrackingActionBase artg4tk::SteppingActionBase artg4tk::ActionBase artg4tk::ActionBase artg4tk::ActionBase


struct  ParticleInfo_t

Public Member Functions

 ParticleListActionService (fhicl::ParameterSet const &)
void preUserTrackingAction (const G4Track *) override
void postUserTrackingAction (const G4Track *) override
void userSteppingAction (const G4Step *) override
simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t GetPrimaryTruthIndex (int trackId) const
 Returns the index of primary truth (sim::NoGeneratorIndex if none). More...
void beginOfEventAction (const G4Event *) override
void endOfEventAction (const G4Event *) override
void setInputCollections (std::vector< art::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth >>> const &mclists)
void setPtrInfo (art::ProductID pid, art::EDProductGetter const *productGetter)
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > ParticleCollection ()
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > DroppedParticleCollection ()
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleAncestryMapDroppedTracksCollection ()
std::unique_ptr< art::Assns< simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo > > AssnsMCTruthToMCParticle ()
std::map< int, int > GetTargetIDMap ()
void CreateParticleFilter (std::vector< std::string > keepParticlesInVolumes, std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > &filter)
 Grabs a particle filter. More...
void ParticleFilter ()
void DroppedParticleFilter ()
bool storeDropped () const
 Return whether dropped particles are stored. More...
void callArtProduces (art::ProducesCollector &collector)
std::string const & myName () const
virtual void initialize ()
std::string const & myName () const
std::string const & myName () const

Private Member Functions

bool isDropped (simb::MCParticle const *p)
sim::ParticleList && YieldList ()
sim::ParticleList && YieldDroppedList ()
int GetParentage (int trackid) const
void AddPointToCurrentParticle (TLorentzVector const &pos, TLorentzVector const &mom, std::string const &process)
 Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter. More...

Private Attributes

G4double fenergyCut
ParticleInfo_t fCurrentParticle
sim::ParticleList fParticleList
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
 Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle. More...
std::vector< std::string > fkeepGenTrajectories
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
 key is current track ID, value is parent ID More...
std::map< int, int > fTargetIDMap
 key is original track ID, value is ID to assign for downstream objs (e.g. SimEdeps) More...
int fCurrentTrackID
int fTrackIDOffset
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
 whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc More...
std::vector< std::string > fNotStoredPhysics
 Physics processes that will not be stored. More...
bool fkeepOnlyPrimaryFullTraj
bool fSparsifyTrajectories
 help reduce the number of trajectory points. More...
double fSparsifyMargin
 set the sparsification margin More...
bool fKeepTransportation
 tell whether or not to keep the transportation process More...
bool fKeepSecondToLast
 tell whether or not to force keeping the second to last point More...
std::vector< std::string > fKeepParticlesInVolumes
 Only write particles that have trajectories through these volumes. More...
std::vector< std::string > fKeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes
bool fStoreDroppedMCParticles
 Whether to keep a sim::MCParticle list of dropped particles. More...
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleListfdroppedParticleList
std::vector< art::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth > > > const * fMCLists
 MCTruthCollection input lists. More...
std::map< int, simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_tfPrimaryTruthMap
 Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth. More...
std::map< int, size_t > fMCTIndexMap
 Map: particle track ID -> index of primary parent in std::vector<simb::MCTruth> object. More...
std::map< int, bool > fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap
 Map: particle trakc ID -> boolean decision to keep or not full trajectory points. More...
std::map< size_t, std::pair< std::string, G4bool > > fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap
 Map: MCTruthIndex -> generator, input label of generator and keepGenerator decision. More...
std::unordered_map< std::string, int > fNotStoredCounterUMap
 Map: not stored process and counter. More...
std::map< int, std::set< int > > fdroppedTracksMap
 map <ParentID, set: list of track ids for which no MCParticle was created> More...
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > partCol_
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > droppedPartCol_
 This collection will hold the MCParticleLite objects created from dropped particles. More...
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleAncestryMapdroppedCol_
std::unique_ptr< art::Assns< simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo > > tpassn_
art::ProductID pid_ {art::ProductID::invalid()}
art::EDProductGetter const * productGetter_ {nullptr}
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilterfFilter
 filter for particles to be kept More...
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilterfDroppedFilter

Detailed Description

Definition at line 65 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleListActionService ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  p)

Definition at line 66 of file

References art::errors::Configuration, fdroppedParticleList, fKeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes, fKeepEMShowerDaughters, fkeepOnlyPrimaryFullTraj, fKeepParticlesInVolumes, fKeepSecondToLast, fKeepTransportation, fNotStoredCounterUMap, fNotStoredPhysics, fSparsifyMargin, fSparsifyTrajectories, and fStoreDroppedMCParticles.

67  : artg4tk::EventActionBase("PLASEventActionBase")
68  , artg4tk::TrackingActionBase("PLASTrackingActionBase")
69  , artg4tk::SteppingActionBase("PLASSteppingActionBase")
70  , fenergyCut(p.get<double>("EnergyCut", 0.0 * CLHEP::GeV))
71  , fstoreTrajectories(p.get<bool>("storeTrajectories", true))
72  , fkeepGenTrajectories(p.get<std::vector<std::string>>("keepGenTrajectories", {}))
73  , fKeepEMShowerDaughters(p.get<bool>("keepEMShowerDaughters", true))
74  , fNotStoredPhysics(p.get<std::vector<std::string>>("NotStoredPhysics", {}))
75  , fkeepOnlyPrimaryFullTraj(p.get<bool>("keepOnlyPrimaryFullTrajectories", false))
76  , fSparsifyTrajectories(p.get<bool>("SparsifyTrajectories", false))
77  , fSparsifyMargin(p.get<double>("SparsifyMargin", 0.015))
78  , fKeepTransportation(p.get<bool>("KeepTransportation", false))
79  , fKeepSecondToLast(p.get<bool>("KeepSecondToLast", false))
80  , fKeepParticlesInVolumes(p.get<std::vector<std::string>>("KeepParticlesInVolumes", {}))
82  p.get<std::vector<std::string>>("KeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes", {}))
85  !fKeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes.empty() ? std::make_unique<sim::ParticleList>() : nullptr)
86  {
87  //Assert that keepEMShowerDaughters and storeDroppedMCParticles are not both true
90  << "ParticleListActionService: keepEMShowerDaughters and storeDroppedMCParticles cannot "
91  "both be true.\n";
92  }
93  // -- D.R. If a custom list of not storable physics is provided, use it, otherwise
94  // use the default list. This preserves the behavior of the keepEmShowerDaughters
95  // parameter
96  bool customNotStored = not fNotStoredPhysics.empty();
98  // -- Don't keep all processes
99  if (!customNotStored) // -- Don't keep but haven't provided a list
100  { // -- default list of not stored physics
101  fNotStoredPhysics = {"conv",
102  "LowEnConversion",
103  "Pair",
104  "compt",
105  "Compt",
106  "Brem",
107  "phot",
108  "Photo",
109  "Ion",
110  "annihil"};
111  }
113  std::stringstream sstored;
114  sstored << "The full tracking information will not be stored for particles"
115  << " resulting from the following processes: \n{ ";
116  for (auto const& i : fNotStoredPhysics) {
117  sstored << "\"" << i << "\" ";
118  fNotStoredCounterUMap.emplace(i, 0); // -- initialize counter
119  }
120  mf::LogInfo("ParticleListActionService") << sstored.str() << "}\n";
121  }
122  else { // -- Keep all processes
123  mf::LogInfo("ParticleListActionService")
124  << "Storing full tracking information for all processes. \n";
125  if (customNotStored) // -- custom list will be ignored
126  {
127  mf::LogWarning("StoredPhysics")
128  << "NotStoredPhysics provided, but will be ignored."
129  << " To use NotStoredPhysics, set keepEMShowerDaughters to false";
130  }
131  }
133  // -- sparsify info
135  mf::LogInfo("ParticleListActionService")
136  << "Trajectory sparsification enabled with SparsifyMargin : " << fSparsifyMargin << "\n";
137  } // end constructor
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
bool fKeepSecondToLast
tell whether or not to force keeping the second to last point
double fSparsifyMargin
set the sparsification margin
bool fKeepTransportation
tell whether or not to keep the transportation process
std::vector< std::string > fKeepParticlesInVolumes
Only write particles that have trajectories through these volumes.
bool fSparsifyTrajectories
help reduce the number of trajectory points.
std::unordered_map< std::string, int > fNotStoredCounterUMap
Map: not stored process and counter.
bool fStoreDroppedMCParticles
Whether to keep a sim::MCParticle list of dropped particles.
std::vector< std::string > fKeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes
std::vector< std::string > fNotStoredPhysics
Physics processes that will not be stored.
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
std::vector< std::string > fkeepGenTrajectories
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning

Member Function Documentation

void larg4::ParticleListActionService::AddPointToCurrentParticle ( TLorentzVector const &  pos,
TLorentzVector const &  mom,
std::string const &  process 

Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter.

Definition at line 776 of file

References simb::MCParticle::AddTrajectoryPoint(), fCurrentParticle, fDroppedFilter, fFilter, fKeepTransportation, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isDropped, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isInVolume, and larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::particle.

Referenced by postUserTrackingAction(), and userSteppingAction().

779  {
780  // Add the first point in the trajectory.
783  // also see if we can decide to keep the particle
785  fCurrentParticle.isInVolume = fFilter->mustKeep(pos);
787  fCurrentParticle.isInVolume = fDroppedFilter->mustKeep(pos);
788  }
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
void AddTrajectoryPoint(TLorentzVector const &position, TLorentzVector const &momentum)
Definition: MCParticle.h:258
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
bool fKeepTransportation
tell whether or not to keep the transportation process
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fDroppedFilter
std::unique_ptr<art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::AssnsMCTruthToMCParticle ( )

Definition at line 116 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

117  {
118  return std::move(tpassn_);
119  }
std::unique_ptr< art::Assns< simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo > > tpassn_
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::beginOfEventAction ( const G4Event *  )

Reimplemented from artg4tk::EventActionBase.

Definition at line 141 of file

References larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::clear(), sim::ParticleList::clear(), fCurrentParticle, fCurrentTrackID, fdroppedParticleList, fdroppedTracksMap, fkeepGenTrajectories, fMCLists, fMCTIndexMap, fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap, fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap, fNotStoredCounterUMap, fParentIDMap, fParticleList, fPrimaryTruthMap, fstoreTrajectories, fTargetIDMap, fTrackIDOffset, and sim::NoParticleId.

142  {
143  // Clear any previous particle information.
146  fParentIDMap.clear();
147  fTargetIDMap.clear();
148  fMCTIndexMap.clear();
149  fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap.clear();
151  fTrackIDOffset = 0;
152  fPrimaryTruthMap.clear();
153  fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap.clear();
154  fNotStoredCounterUMap.clear();
155  fdroppedTracksMap.clear();
157  // -- D.R. If a custom list of keepGenTrajectories is provided, use it, otherwise
158  // keep or drop decision made based storeTrajectories parameter. This preserves
159  // the behavior of the storeTrajectories fhicl param
160  bool customKeepTraj = not fkeepGenTrajectories.empty();
161  if (!fstoreTrajectories) { // -- fstoreTrajectories : false
162  mf::LogDebug("beginOfEventAction::Generator") << "Trajectory points will not be stored.";
163  }
164  else if (!customKeepTraj) { // -- fstoretrajectories : true and empty keepGenTrajectories list
165  mf::LogDebug("beginOfEventAction::Generator")
166  << "keepGenTrajectories list is empty. Will"
167  << " store trajectory points for all generators";
168  }
170  // -- D.R. determine mapping between MCTruthIndex(s) and generator(s) for later reference
171  size_t nKeep = 0;
172  std::string generator_name = "unknown";
173  for (size_t mcti = 0; mcti < fMCLists->size(); ++mcti) {
175  std::stringstream sskeepgen;
176  sskeepgen << "MCTruth object summary :";
177  sskeepgen << "\n\tPrimary MCTIndex : " << mcti;
179  // -- Obtain the generator (provenance) corresponding to the mctruth index:
180  auto const& mclistHandle = (*fMCLists)[mcti];
181  generator_name = mclistHandle.provenance()->inputTag().label();
182  sskeepgen << "\n\tProvenance/Generator : " << generator_name;
184  G4bool keepGen = false;
185  if (fstoreTrajectories) // -- storeTrajectories set to true; check which
186  {
187  if (!customKeepTraj) { // -- no custom list, so keep all
188  keepGen = true;
189  nKeep++;
190  }
191  else { // -- custom list, so check the ones in the event against provided keep list
192  for (auto keepableGen : fkeepGenTrajectories) {
193  if (generator_name == keepableGen) { // -- exit upon finding match; false by default
194  keepGen = true;
195  nKeep++;
196  break;
197  }
198  }
199  }
200  }
201  fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap.emplace(mcti, std::make_pair(generator_name, keepGen));
202  sskeepgen << "\n\tTrajectory points storable : " << (keepGen ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
203  mf::LogDebug("beginOfEventAction::Generator") << sskeepgen.str();
204  }
206  if (nKeep == 0 && customKeepTraj && fstoreTrajectories) {
207  mf::LogWarning("beginOfEventAction::keepableGenerators")
208  << "storeTrajectories"
209  << " set to true and a non-empty keepGenTrajectories list provided in configuration file, "
210  "but"
211  << " none of the generators in this list are present in the event! Double check list or "
212  "don't"
213  << " provide keepGenTrajectories in the configuration to keep all trajectories from all"
214  << " generator labels. This may be expected for generators that have a nonzero probability "
215  "of"
216  << " producing no particles (e.g. some radiologicals)";
217  }
218  }
std::map< int, std::set< int > > fdroppedTracksMap
map <ParentID, set: list of track ids for which no MCParticle was created>
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
std::map< int, size_t > fMCTIndexMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary parent in std::vector<simb::MCTruth> object.
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:21
std::map< size_t, std::pair< std::string, G4bool > > fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap
Map: MCTruthIndex -> generator, input label of generator and keepGenerator decision.
std::unordered_map< std::string, int > fNotStoredCounterUMap
Map: not stored process and counter.
std::map< int, int > fTargetIDMap
key is original track ID, value is ID to assign for downstream objs (e.g. SimEdeps) ...
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
std::vector< std::string > fkeepGenTrajectories
std::map< int, bool > fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap
Map: particle trakc ID -> boolean decision to keep or not full trajectory points. ...
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
std::map< int, simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t > fPrimaryTruthMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.
std::vector< art::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth > > > const * fMCLists
MCTruthCollection input lists.
void artg4tk::EventActionBase::callArtProduces ( art::ProducesCollector collector)

Definition at line 50 of file EventActionBase.hh.

References artg4tk::EventActionBase::doCallArtProduces().

51  {
52  doCallArtProduces(collector);
53  }
virtual void doCallArtProduces(art::ProducesCollector &)
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::CreateParticleFilter ( std::vector< std::string >  keepParticlesInVolumes,
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > &  filter 

Grabs a particle filter.

Definition at line 124 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

References util::empty().

126  {
127  // if we don't have favourite volumes, don't even bother creating a filter
128  std::set<std::string> vol_names(keepParticlesInVolumes.begin(), keepParticlesInVolumes.end());
130  if (empty(vol_names)) filter = {};
132  auto const& geom = *art::ServiceHandle<geo::Geometry const>();
134  std::vector<std::vector<TGeoNode const*>> node_paths = geom.FindAllVolumePaths(vol_names);
136  // collection of interesting volumes
138  GeoVolumePairs.reserve(node_paths.size()); // because we are obsessed
140  //for each interesting volume, follow the node path and collect
141  //total rotations and translations
142  for (size_t iVolume = 0; iVolume < node_paths.size(); ++iVolume) {
143  std::vector<TGeoNode const*> path = node_paths[iVolume];
145  auto pTransl = new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.);
146  auto pRot = new TGeoRotation();
147  for (TGeoNode const* node : path) {
148  TGeoTranslation thistranslate(*node->GetMatrix());
149  TGeoRotation thisrotate(*node->GetMatrix());
150  pTransl->Add(&thistranslate);
151  *pRot = *pRot * thisrotate;
152  }
154  // for some reason, pRot and pTransl don't have tr and rot bits set
155  // correctly make new translations and rotations so bits are set correctly
156  auto pTransl2 = new TGeoTranslation(
157  pTransl->GetTranslation()[0], pTransl->GetTranslation()[1], pTransl->GetTranslation()[2]);
158  double phi = 0., theta = 0., psi = 0.;
159  pRot->GetAngles(phi, theta, psi);
160  auto pRot2 = new TGeoRotation();
161  pRot2->SetAngles(phi, theta, psi);
163  auto pTransf = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pTransl2, *pRot2);
164  GeoVolumePairs.emplace_back(node_paths[iVolume].back()->GetVolume(), pTransf);
165  }
167  filter = std::make_unique<util::PositionInVolumeFilter>(std::move(GeoVolumePairs));
168  }
std::vector< VolumeInfo_t > AllVolumeInfo_t
decltype(auto) constexpr empty(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::empty.
Definition: StdUtils.h:109
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<simb::MCParticle> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::DroppedParticleCollection ( )

Definition at line 106 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

107  {
108  return std::move(droppedPartCol_);
109  }
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > droppedPartCol_
This collection will hold the MCParticleLite objects created from dropped particles.
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::DroppedParticleFilter ( )

Definition at line 170 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

171  {
173  }
void CreateParticleFilter(std::vector< std::string > keepParticlesInVolumes, std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > &filter)
Grabs a particle filter.
std::vector< std::string > fKeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fDroppedFilter
std::unique_ptr<sim::ParticleAncestryMap> larg4::ParticleListActionService::DroppedTracksCollection ( )

Definition at line 110 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

111  {
112  return std::move(droppedCol_);
113  }
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleAncestryMap > droppedCol_
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::endOfEventAction ( const G4Event *  )

Reimplemented from artg4tk::EventActionBase.

Definition at line 792 of file

References sim::ParticleList::begin(), droppedCol_, droppedPartCol_, sim::ParticleList::end(), fdroppedParticleList, fdroppedTracksMap, fMCLists, fMCTIndexMap, fNotStoredCounterUMap, fParticleList, fStoreDroppedMCParticles, fTrackIDOffset, GetPrimaryTruthIndex(), isDropped(), art::errors::LogicError, MF_LOG_INFO, MF_LOG_WARNING, simb::MCTruth::NParticles(), partCol_, pid_, productGetter_, tpassn_, util::values(), YieldDroppedList(), and YieldList().

793  {
794  // -- End of Run Report
795  if (!fNotStoredCounterUMap.empty()) { // -- Only if there is something to report
796  std::stringstream sscounter;
797  sscounter << "Not Stored Process summary:";
798  for (auto const& [process, count] : fNotStoredCounterUMap) {
799  sscounter << "\n\t" << process << " : " << count;
800  }
801  mf::LogInfo("ParticleListActionService") << sscounter.str();
802  }
804  partCol_ = std::make_unique<std::vector<simb::MCParticle>>();
805  droppedCol_ = std::make_unique<sim::ParticleAncestryMap>();
806  droppedPartCol_ = std::make_unique<std::vector<simb::MCParticle>>();
807  tpassn_ =
808  std::make_unique<art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo>>();
809  // Set up the utility class for the "for_each" algorithm. (We only
810  // need a separate set-up for the utility class because we need to
811  // give it the pointer to the particle list. We're using the STL
812  // "for_each" instead of the C++ "for loop" because it's supposed
813  // to be faster.
814  std::for_each(
815  fParticleList.begin(), fParticleList.end(), UpdateDaughterInformation{fParticleList});
817  MF_LOG_INFO("endOfEventAction") << "MCTruth Handles Size: " << fMCLists->size();
819  unsigned int nGeneratedParticles = 0;
820  unsigned int nMCTruths = 0;
821  sim::ParticleList particleList = YieldList();
822  // Request a list of dropped particles
823  sim::ParticleList droppedParticleList;
824  if (fdroppedParticleList) { droppedParticleList = YieldDroppedList(); }
825  for (size_t mcl = 0; mcl < fMCLists->size(); ++mcl) {
826  auto const& mclistHandle = (*fMCLists)[mcl];
827  MF_LOG_INFO("endOfEventAction") << "mclistHandle Size: " << mclistHandle->size();
828  for (size_t m = 0; m < mclistHandle->size(); ++m) {
829  art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> mct(mclistHandle, m);
830  MF_LOG_INFO("endOfEventAction") << "Found " << mct->NParticles() << " particles";
831  for (simb::MCParticle* p : particleList | ranges::views::values) {
832  auto gen_index = fMCTIndexMap[p->TrackId()];
833  if (gen_index != nMCTruths) continue;
834  // if the particle has been marked as dropped, we don't save it
835  // (as of LArSoft ~v5.6 this does not ever happen because
836  // ParticleListAction has already taken care of deleting them)
837  // if (isDropped(p)) continue;
838  assert(p->NumberTrajectoryPoints() != 0ull);
839  ++nGeneratedParticles;
840  sim::GeneratedParticleInfo const truthInfo{GetPrimaryTruthIndex(p->TrackId())};
841  if (!truthInfo.hasGeneratedParticleIndex() && p->Mother() == 0) {
842  MF_LOG_WARNING("endOfEventAction") << "No GeneratedParticleIndex()!";
843  // this means it's primary but with no information; logic error!!
845  << "Failed to match primary particle:\n"
846  << "\nwith particles from the truth record '" << mclistHandle.provenance()->inputTag()
847  << "':\n\n";
848  }
849  partCol_->push_back(std::move(*p));
851  tpassn_->addSingle(mct, mcp_ptr, truthInfo);
853  } // endfor p in particleList
854  if (fStoreDroppedMCParticles && droppedPartCol_) {
855  for (simb::MCParticle* p : droppedParticleList | ranges::views::values) {
856  if (isDropped(p)) continue; //Is it dropped??
857  if (p->StatusCode() != 1) continue; //Is it a primary particle??
859  droppedPartCol_->push_back(std::move(*p));
860  } // for(droppedParticleList)
861  } // if (fStoreDroppedMCParticles && droppedPartCol_)
862  mf::LogDebug("Offset") << "nGeneratedParticles = " << nGeneratedParticles;
863  droppedCol_->SetMap(fdroppedTracksMap);
864  ++nMCTruths;
865  }
866  }
867  fTrackIDOffset = 0;
868  }
bool isDropped(simb::MCParticle const *p)
std::map< int, std::set< int > > fdroppedTracksMap
map <ParentID, set: list of track ids for which no MCParticle was created>
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::unique_ptr< art::Assns< simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo > > tpassn_
simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t GetPrimaryTruthIndex(int trackId) const
Returns the index of primary truth (sim::NoGeneratorIndex if none).
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > partCol_
std::map< int, size_t > fMCTIndexMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary parent in std::vector<simb::MCTruth> object.
sim::ParticleList && YieldDroppedList()
decltype(auto) values(Coll &&coll)
Range-for loop helper iterating across the values of the specified collection.
std::unordered_map< std::string, int > fNotStoredCounterUMap
Map: not stored process and counter.
iterator begin()
Definition: ParticleList.h:305
bool fStoreDroppedMCParticles
Whether to keep a sim::MCParticle list of dropped particles.
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleAncestryMap > droppedCol_
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > droppedPartCol_
This collection will hold the MCParticleLite objects created from dropped particles.
#define MF_LOG_INFO(category)
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
art::EDProductGetter const * productGetter_
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
Contains information about a generated particle.
#define MF_LOG_WARNING(category)
std::vector< art::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth > > > const * fMCLists
MCTruthCollection input lists.
int larg4::ParticleListActionService::GetParentage ( int  trackid) const

Definition at line 225 of file

References fParentIDMap, and sim::NoParticleId.

Referenced by postUserTrackingAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

226  {
227  int parentid = sim::NoParticleId;
229  // search the fParentIDMap recursively until we have the parent id
230  // of the first EM particle that led to this one
231  auto itr = fParentIDMap.find(trackid);
232  while (itr != fParentIDMap.end()) {
233  // set the parentid to the current parent ID, when the loop ends
234  // this id will be the first EM particle
235  parentid = (*itr).second;
236  itr = fParentIDMap.find(parentid);
237  }
239  return parentid;
240  }
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:21
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t larg4::ParticleListActionService::GetPrimaryTruthIndex ( int  trackId) const

Returns the index of primary truth (sim::NoGeneratorIndex if none).

Definition at line 707 of file

References fPrimaryTruthMap, and simb::NoGeneratedParticleIndex.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

708  {
709  auto const it = fPrimaryTruthMap.find(trackId);
710  return it == fPrimaryTruthMap.end() ? simb::NoGeneratedParticleIndex : it->second;
711  }
constexpr GeneratedParticleIndex_t NoGeneratedParticleIndex
Constant representing the absence of generator truth information.
Definition: simb.h:34
std::map< int, simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t > fPrimaryTruthMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.
std::map<int, int> larg4::ParticleListActionService::GetTargetIDMap ( )

Definition at line 121 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by larg4::LArG4DetectorService::doFillEventWithArtHits().

121 { return fTargetIDMap; }
std::map< int, int > fTargetIDMap
key is original track ID, value is ID to assign for downstream objs (e.g. SimEdeps) ...
virtual void artg4tk::ActionBase::initialize ( )

Reimplemented in artg4tk::myParticleGunActionService, and artg4tk::HepevtInputActionService.

Definition at line 36 of file ActionBase.hh.

37  {}
bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::isDropped ( simb::MCParticle const *  p)

Definition at line 771 of file

References simb::MCTrajectory::empty(), and simb::MCParticle::Trajectory().

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

772  {
773  return !p || p->Trajectory().empty();
774  } // ParticleListAction::isDropped()
std::string const& artg4tk::ActionBase::myName ( ) const

Definition at line 25 of file ActionBase.hh.

References artg4tk::ActionBase::myName_.

26  {
27  return myName_;
28  }
std::string myName_
Definition: ActionBase.hh:41
std::string const& artg4tk::ActionBase::myName ( ) const

Definition at line 25 of file ActionBase.hh.

References artg4tk::ActionBase::myName_.

26  {
27  return myName_;
28  }
std::string myName_
Definition: ActionBase.hh:41
std::string const& artg4tk::ActionBase::myName ( ) const

Definition at line 25 of file ActionBase.hh.

References artg4tk::ActionBase::myName_.

26  {
27  return myName_;
28  }
std::string myName_
Definition: ActionBase.hh:41
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<simb::MCParticle> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleCollection ( )

Definition at line 102 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

103  {
104  return std::move(partCol_);
105  }
std::unique_ptr< std::vector< simb::MCParticle > > partCol_
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleFilter ( )

Definition at line 169 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
void CreateParticleFilter(std::vector< std::string > keepParticlesInVolumes, std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > &filter)
Grabs a particle filter.
std::vector< std::string > fKeepParticlesInVolumes
Only write particles that have trajectories through these volumes.
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::postUserTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  aTrack)

Reimplemented from artg4tk::TrackingActionBase.

Definition at line 479 of file

References AddPointToCurrentParticle(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::clear(), energy, sim::ParticleList::erase(), fCurrentParticle, fCurrentTrackID, fdroppedParticleList, fdroppedTracksMap, fKeepSecondToLast, fParentIDMap, fParticleList, fPrimaryTruthMap, fSparsifyMargin, fSparsifyTrajectories, fTargetIDMap, fTrackIDOffset, GetParentage(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::hasParticle(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isDropped, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isInVolume, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isPrimary(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::keepFullTrajectory, sim::ParticleList::key(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::particle, simb::MCParticle::SetEndProcess(), simb::MCParticle::SetWeight(), simb::MCParticle::SparsifyTrajectory(), simb::MCParticle::TrackId(), and larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::truthInfoIndex().

480  {
481  if (!fCurrentParticle.hasParticle()) { return; }
483  if (aTrack) {
484  fCurrentParticle.particle->SetWeight(aTrack->GetWeight());
486  // Get the post-step information from the G4Step.
487  const G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint();
488  if (!postStepPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep()) {
489  // Now we get to do some awkward cleanup because the
490  // fParticleList was augmented during the
491  // preUserTrackingAction. We cannot call 'Archive' because
492  // that only sets the mapped type of the entry to
493  // nullptr...which is really bad whenever we iterate through
494  // entries in the endOfEventAction and dereference the mapped
495  // type. We have to entirely erase the entry.
496  auto key_to_erase = fParticleList.key(fCurrentParticle.particle);
497  fParticleList.erase(key_to_erase);
499  //Check if particle is in dropped list - edge case
500  if (fdroppedParticleList->KnownParticle(fCurrentParticle.particle->TrackId())) {
501  //If it is, archive it
503  }
504  }
505  // after the particle is archived, it is deleted
507  return;
508  }
509  G4String process = postStepPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
512  // -- D.R. Store the final point only for particles that have not had intermediate trajectory
513  // points saved. This avoids double counting the final trajectory point for particles from
514  // generators with storable trajectory points.
517  const G4ThreeVector position = postStepPoint->GetPosition();
518  G4double time = postStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
520  // Remember that LArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
521  TLorentzVector fourPos(position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
522  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
523  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
524  time / CLHEP::ns);
526  const G4ThreeVector momentum = postStepPoint->GetMomentum();
527  const G4double energy = postStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
528  TLorentzVector fourMom(momentum.x() / CLHEP::GeV,
529  momentum.y() / CLHEP::GeV,
530  momentum.z() / CLHEP::GeV,
531  energy / CLHEP::GeV);
533  // Add another point in the trajectory.
534  AddPointToCurrentParticle(fourPos, fourMom, std::string(process));
535  }
536  // -- particle has a full trajectory, apply SparsifyTrajectory method if enabled
537  else if (fSparsifyTrajectories) {
539  }
540  }
543  auto key_to_erase = fParticleList.key(fCurrentParticle.particle);
544  //Erase primaries
545  if (!fCurrentParticle.isDropped) fParticleList.erase(key_to_erase);
546  //Erase dropped particles
549  }
550  //
551  int const trackID = aTrack->GetTrackID() + fTrackIDOffset;
552  int parentID = aTrack->GetParentID() + fTrackIDOffset;
553  fdroppedTracksMap[parentID].insert(trackID);
555  // do add the particle to the parent id map though
556  // and set the current track id to be it's ultimate parent
557  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
558  fCurrentTrackID = -1 * this->GetParentage(trackID);
559  fTargetIDMap[trackID] = fCurrentTrackID;
560  }
562  // store truth record pointer, only if it is available
563  if (fCurrentParticle.isPrimary()) {
565  }
566  return;
567  }
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
std::map< int, std::set< int > > fdroppedTracksMap
map <ParentID, set: list of track ids for which no MCParticle was created>
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
key_type key(mapped_type const &part) const
Extracts the key from the specified value.
Definition: ParticleList.h:338
bool fKeepSecondToLast
tell whether or not to force keeping the second to last point
int GetParentage(int trackid) const
double fSparsifyMargin
set the sparsification margin
void AddPointToCurrentParticle(TLorentzVector const &pos, TLorentzVector const &mom, std::string const &process)
Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter.
int TrackId() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:211
bool fSparsifyTrajectories
help reduce the number of trajectory points.
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
std::map< int, int > fTargetIDMap
key is original track ID, value is ID to assign for downstream objs (e.g. SimEdeps) ...
bool isPrimary() const
Returns whether there is a particle.
void SetWeight(double wt)
Definition: MCParticle.h:272
void SetEndProcess(std::string s)
Definition: MCParticle.cxx:111
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t truthInfoIndex() const
Returns the index of the particle in the generator truth record.
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
bool hasParticle() const
Returns whether there is a particle.
std::map< int, simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t > fPrimaryTruthMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.
size_type erase(const key_type &key)
void SparsifyTrajectory(double margin=0.1, bool keep_second_to_last=false)
Definition: MCParticle.h:266
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::preUserTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  track)

Reimplemented from artg4tk::TrackingActionBase.

Definition at line 244 of file

References sim::ParticleList::Add(), util::cend(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::clear(), energy, fCurrentParticle, fCurrentTrackID, fdroppedParticleList, fdroppedTracksMap, fenergyCut, fFilter, fKeepEMShowerDaughters, fkeepOnlyPrimaryFullTraj, fMCTIndexMap, fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap, fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap, fNotStoredCounterUMap, fNotStoredPhysics, fParentIDMap, fParticleList, fStoreDroppedMCParticles, fstoreTrajectories, fTargetIDMap, fTrackIDOffset, g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation::GetMCParticle(), GetParentage(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isDropped, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::isInVolume, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::keepFullTrajectory, sim::ParticleList::KnownParticle(), art::errors::LogicError, g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation::MCParticleIndex(), g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation::MCTruthIndex(), MF_LOG_DEBUG, simb::NoGeneratedParticleIndex, sim::NoParticleId, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::particle, simb::MCParticle::Process(), simb::MCParticle::SetPolarization(), and larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::truthIndex.

245  {
246  // Particle type.
247  G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition = track->GetDefinition();
248  G4int pdgCode = particleDefinition->GetPDGEncoding();
250  // Get Geant4's ID number for this track. This will be the same
251  // ID number that we'll use in the ParticleList.
252  // It is offset by the number of tracks accumulated from the previous Geant4
253  // runs (if any)
254  int const trackID = track->GetTrackID() + fTrackIDOffset;
255  fCurrentTrackID = trackID;
256  fTargetIDMap[trackID] = fCurrentTrackID;
257  // And the particle's parent (same offset as above):
258  int parentID = track->GetParentID() + fTrackIDOffset;
260  std::string process_name = "unknown";
261  std::string mct_primary_process = "unknown";
262  bool isFromMCTProcessPrimary = false;
263  bool notstore = false;
265  // Is there an MCTruth object associated with this G4Track? We
266  // have to go up a "chain" of information to find out:
267  const G4DynamicParticle* dynamicParticle = track->GetDynamicParticle();
268  const G4PrimaryParticle* primaryParticle = dynamicParticle->GetPrimaryParticle();
270  size_t primarymctIndex = 0;
271  if (primaryParticle != nullptr) {
272  const G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation* gppi = primaryParticle->GetUserInformation();
274  dynamic_cast<const g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation*>(gppi);
275  if (ppi != nullptr) {
276  primaryIndex = ppi->MCParticleIndex();
277  primarymctIndex = ppi->MCTruthIndex();
278  mct_primary_process = ppi->GetMCParticle()->Process();
280  // If we've made it this far, a PrimaryParticleInformation
281  // object exists and we are using a primary particle, set the
282  // process name accordingly
284  // -- D.R. : if process == "primary" exactly (this will most likely be the case), mark it as
285  // a primary with keepable trajectory for itself and its descendants.
286  // -- elsif it simply starts with "primary", accept it but mark it as non-keep
287  // -- else force it to be primary because we have determined that it is a primary particle
288  // This was the original behavior of the code i.e. process was _set_ to "primary"
289  // regardless of what the process name was in the generator MCTruth object.
290  //
291  // -- NOTE: This enforces a convention for process names assigned in the gen stage.
292  if ("primary") == 0) {
293  process_name = "primary";
294  isFromMCTProcessPrimary = true;
295  }
296  else if (mct_primary_process.find("primary") == 0) {
297  process_name = mct_primary_process;
298  isFromMCTProcessPrimary = false;
299  mf::LogDebug("PrimaryParticle") << "MCTruth primary process name contains \"primary\" "
300  << " but is not solely \"primary\" : " << process_name
301  << ".\nWill not store full set of trajectory points.";
302  }
303  else { // -- override it
304  process_name = "primary";
305  isFromMCTProcessPrimary = true;
306  mf::LogWarning("PrimaryParticle")
307  << "MCTruth primary process does not beging with string"
308  << " literal \"primary\" : " << process_name << "\nOVERRIDING it to \"primary\"";
309  }
310  // -- The process_name check is simply to allow an additional way to reduce memory usage,
311  // namely, by creating MCTruth input particles with multiple process labels (e.g. "primary"
312  // and "primaryBackground") that can be used to veto storage of trajectory points.
314  // primary particles should have parentID = 0, even if there
315  // are multiple MCTruths for this event
316  parentID = 0;
317  } // end else no primary particle information
318  } // Is there a G4PrimaryParticle?
319  // If this is not a primary particle...
320  else {
321  // check if this particle was made in an undesirable process. For example:
322  // if one is not interested in EM shower particles, don't put it in the particle
323  // list as one wouldn't care about secondaries, tertiaries, etc. For these showers
324  // figure out what process is making this track - skip it if it is
325  // one of pair production, compton scattering, photoelectric effect
326  // bremstrahlung, annihilation, or ionization
327  process_name = track->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName();
328  if (!fKeepEMShowerDaughters) {
329  for (auto const& p : fNotStoredPhysics) {
330  if (process_name.find(p) != std::string::npos) {
331  notstore = true;
332  mf::LogDebug("NotStoredPhysics") << "Found process : " << process_name;
334  int old = 0;
335  auto search = fNotStoredCounterUMap.find(p);
336  if (search != fNotStoredCounterUMap.end()) { old = search->second; }
337  fNotStoredCounterUMap.insert_or_assign(p, (old + 1));
338  break;
339  }
340  }
341  if (notstore) {
342  // figure out the ultimate parentage of this particle
343  // first add this track id and its parent to the fParentIDMap
344  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
345  fCurrentTrackID = -1 * this->GetParentage(trackID);
346  // check that fCurrentTrackID is in the particle list - it is possible
347  // that this particle's parent is a particle that did not get tracked.
348  // An example is a parent that was made due to muMinusCaptureAtRest
349  // and the daughter was made by the phot process. The parent likely
350  // isn't saved in the particle list because it is below the energy cut
351  // which will put a bogus track id value into the sim::IDE object for
352  // the sim::SimChannel if we don't check it.
354  fTargetIDMap[trackID] = fCurrentTrackID;
355  // clear current particle as we are not stepping this particle and
356  // adding trajectory points to it
357  fdroppedTracksMap[this->GetParentage(trackID)].insert(trackID);
358  // keep track of this particle in the fMCTIndexMap as well, as we may keep a daughter
359  if (auto it = fMCTIndexMap.find(parentID); it != cend(fMCTIndexMap)) {
360  fMCTIndexMap[trackID] = it->second;
361  }
362  // keep track of this particle in the fMCTIndexMap as well, as we may keep a daughter
363  if (auto it = fMCTIndexMap.find(parentID); it != cend(fMCTIndexMap)) {
364  fMCTIndexMap[trackID] = it->second;
365  }
366  if (!fStoreDroppedMCParticles) { //Only clear if not storing dropped particles
368  return;
369  }
370  } // end if process matches an undesired process
371  } // end if not keeping EM shower daughters
373  // Check the energy of the particle. If it falls below the energy
374  // cut, don't add it to our list.
375  G4double energy = track->GetKineticEnergy();
376  if (energy < fenergyCut && pdgCode != 0) {
377  fdroppedTracksMap[this->GetParentage(trackID)].insert(trackID);
379  // do add the particle to the parent id map though
380  // and set the current track id to be it's ultimate parent
381  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
382  fCurrentTrackID = -1 * this->GetParentage(trackID);
383  fTargetIDMap[trackID] = fCurrentTrackID;
384  // keep track of this particle in the fMCTIndexMap as well, as we may keep a daughter
385  if (auto it = fMCTIndexMap.find(parentID); it != cend(fMCTIndexMap)) {
386  fMCTIndexMap[trackID] = it->second;
387  }
388  return;
389  }
391  // check to see if the parent particle has been stored in the particle navigator
392  // if not, then see if it is possible to walk up the fParentIDMap to find the
393  // ultimate parent of this particle. Use that ID as the parent ID for this
394  // particle
395  if (!fParticleList.KnownParticle(parentID) &&
396  (fMCTIndexMap.count(parentID) == 0 ||
397  !(fdroppedParticleList && fdroppedParticleList->KnownParticle(parentID)))) {
398  // do add the particle to the parent id map
399  // just in case it makes a daughter that we have to track as well
400  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
401  int pid = this->GetParentage(parentID);
403  // if we still can't find the parent in the particle navigator,
404  // we have to give up
405  if (!fParticleList.KnownParticle(pid) &&
406  (fMCTIndexMap.count(pid) == 0 ||
407  !(fdroppedParticleList && fdroppedParticleList->KnownParticle(parentID)))) {
408  MF_LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListActionService")
409  << "can't find parent id: " << parentID << " in the particle list, or fParentIDMap."
410  << " Make " << parentID << " the mother ID for"
411  << " track ID " << fCurrentTrackID << " in the hope that it will aid debugging.";
412  }
413  else
414  parentID = pid;
415  }
417  // Once the parentID is secured, inherit the MCTruth Index
418  // which should have been set already
419  if (auto it = fMCTIndexMap.find(parentID); it != cend(fMCTIndexMap)) {
420  primarymctIndex = it->second;
421  }
422  else {
424  << "Could not locate MCT Index for parent trackID of " << parentID;
425  }
427  // Inherit whether the parent is from a primary with MCTruth process_name == "primary"
428  isFromMCTProcessPrimary = fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap[parentID];
429  } // end if not a primary particle
431  // This is probably the PDG mass, but just in case:
432  double mass = dynamicParticle->GetMass() / CLHEP::GeV;
434  // Create the sim::Particle object.
436  fCurrentParticle.isDropped = notstore; //mark if the particle is dropped
438  new simb::MCParticle{trackID, pdgCode, process_name, parentID, mass};
439  fCurrentParticle.truthIndex = primaryIndex;
441  fMCTIndexMap[trackID] = primarymctIndex;
443  fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap[trackID] = isFromMCTProcessPrimary;
445  // -- determine whether full set of trajectorie points should be stored or only the start and end points
447  (!fstoreTrajectories ||
448  (notstore && fStoreDroppedMCParticles)) ? //also don't store if dropped particle
449  false : /*don't want trajectory points at all, bail*/
450  (!(fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap[primarymctIndex].second)) ?
451  false : /*particle is not from a storable generator*/
453  true : /*want all primaries tracked for a storable generator*/
454  (isFromMCTProcessPrimary) ?
455  true : /*only descendants from primaries with MCTruth process == "primary"*/
456  false; /*not from MCTruth process "primary"*/
457  // Polarization.
458  const G4ThreeVector& polarization = track->GetPolarization();
460  TVector3{polarization.x(), polarization.y(), polarization.z()});
462  if (track->GetProperTime() != 0) { return; }
464  // if KeepEMShowerDaughters = False and we decided to drop this particle,
465  if (notstore) { // this bool checks if particle is eliminated by NotStoredPhysics
467  return;
468  }
469  // Save the particle in the ParticleList.
471  // if we are not filtering, we have a decision already. The extra check is to see if we are dropping
472  // particle from a process that is not stored. We don't do the same for dropped particles
473  // since if it doesn't have a filter, we don't produce a separate list anyways
476  }
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
decltype(auto) constexpr cend(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::cend.
Definition: StdUtils.h:93
std::map< int, std::set< int > > fdroppedTracksMap
map <ParentID, set: list of track ids for which no MCParticle was created>
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
void Add(simb::MCParticle *value)
Definition: ParticleList.h:315
int GetParentage(int trackid) const
std::string Process() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:216
std::map< int, size_t > fMCTIndexMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary parent in std::vector<simb::MCTruth> object.
constexpr GeneratedParticleIndex_t NoGeneratedParticleIndex
Constant representing the absence of generator truth information.
Definition: simb.h:34
void SetPolarization(const TVector3 &p)
Definition: MCParticle.h:270
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:21
std::map< size_t, std::pair< std::string, G4bool > > fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap
Map: MCTruthIndex -> generator, input label of generator and keepGenerator decision.
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
simb::MCParticle const * GetMCParticle() const
std::unordered_map< std::string, int > fNotStoredCounterUMap
Map: not stored process and counter.
bool fStoreDroppedMCParticles
Whether to keep a sim::MCParticle list of dropped particles.
std::map< int, int > fTargetIDMap
key is original track ID, value is ID to assign for downstream objs (e.g. SimEdeps) ...
std::vector< std::string > fNotStoredPhysics
Physics processes that will not be stored.
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
std::map< int, bool > fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap
Map: particle trakc ID -> boolean decision to keep or not full trajectory points. ...
simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t truthIndex
Index of the particle in the original generator truth record.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
bool KnownParticle(int trackID) const
Returns whether we have had this particle, archived or live.
Definition: ParticleList.h:215
Float_t track
Definition: plot.C:35
GeneratedParticleIndex_t MCParticleIndex() const
Returns the index of the corresponding particle in truth record.
std::size_t GeneratedParticleIndex_t
Type of particle index in the generator truth record (simb::MCTruth).
Definition: simb.h:30
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::setInputCollections ( std::vector< art::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth >>> const &  mclists)

Definition at line 91 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

92  {
93  fMCLists = &mclists;
94  }
std::vector< art::Handle< std::vector< simb::MCTruth > > > const * fMCLists
MCTruthCollection input lists.
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::setPtrInfo ( art::ProductID  pid,
art::EDProductGetter const *  productGetter 

Definition at line 96 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

97  {
98  pid_ = pid;
99  productGetter_ = productGetter;
100  }
art::EDProductGetter const * productGetter_
bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::storeDropped ( ) const

Return whether dropped particles are stored.

Definition at line 175 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

175 { return fStoreDroppedMCParticles; }
bool fStoreDroppedMCParticles
Whether to keep a sim::MCParticle list of dropped particles.
void larg4::ParticleListActionService::userSteppingAction ( const G4Step *  step)

Reimplemented from artg4tk::SteppingActionBase.

Definition at line 571 of file

References AddPointToCurrentParticle(), energy, fCurrentParticle, globalTime, larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::hasParticle(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::keepFullTrajectory, simb::MCParticle::NumberTrajectoryPoints(), larg4::ParticleListActionService::ParticleInfo_t::particle, velocity_G4, and velocity_step.

572  {
573  // N.B. G4 guarantees that following are non-null:
574  // - step
575  // - step->GetPostStepPoint()
576  if (!fCurrentParticle.hasParticle() || !step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()) {
577  return;
578  }
579  // Temporary fix for problem where DeltaTime on the first step
580  // of optical photon propagation is calculated incorrectly. -wforeman
581  double const globalTime = step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime();
582  double const velocity_G4 = step->GetTrack()->GetVelocity();
583  double const velocity_step = step->GetStepLength() / step->GetDeltaTime();
584  if ((step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() == 0) &&
585  fabs(velocity_G4 - velocity_step) > 0.0001) {
586  // Subtract the faulty step time from the global time,
587  // and add the correct step time based on G4 velocity.
588  step->GetPostStepPoint()->SetGlobalTime(globalTime - step->GetDeltaTime() +
589  step->GetStepLength() / velocity_G4);
590  }
592  // For the most part, we just want to add the post-step
593  // information to the particle's trajectory. There's one
594  // exception: In PreTrackingAction, the correct time information
595  // is not available. So add the correct vertex information here.
599  // Get the pre/along-step information from the G4Step.
600  const G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
602  const G4ThreeVector position = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
603  G4double time = preStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
605  // Remember that LArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
606  TLorentzVector fourPos(position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
607  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
608  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
609  time / CLHEP::ns);
611  const G4ThreeVector momentum = preStepPoint->GetMomentum();
612  const G4double energy = preStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
613  TLorentzVector fourMom(momentum.x() / CLHEP::GeV,
614  momentum.y() / CLHEP::GeV,
615  momentum.z() / CLHEP::GeV,
616  energy / CLHEP::GeV);
618  // Add the first point in the trajectory.
619  AddPointToCurrentParticle(fourPos, fourMom, "Start");
620  } // end if this is the first step
622  // At this point, the particle is being transported through the
623  // simulation.
624  // change below:
625  // This method is being called for every step that
626  // the track passes through, but we don't want to update the
627  // trajectory information if the step was defined by the StepLimiter.
628  G4String process = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
629  G4bool ignoreProcess = process.contains("StepLimiter");
631  // We store the initial creation point of the particle
632  // and its final position (ie where it has no more energy, or at least < 1 eV) no matter
633  // what, but whether we store the rest of the trajectory depends
634  // on the process, and on a user switch.
635  // -- D.R. Store additional trajectory points only for desired generators and processes
636  if (!ignoreProcess && fCurrentParticle.keepFullTrajectory) {
638  // Get the post-step information from the G4Step.
639  const G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = step->GetPostStepPoint();
641  const G4ThreeVector position = postStepPoint->GetPosition();
642  G4double time = postStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
644  // Remember that LArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
645  TLorentzVector fourPos(position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
646  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
647  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
648  time / CLHEP::ns);
650  const G4ThreeVector momentum = postStepPoint->GetMomentum();
651  const G4double energy = postStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
652  TLorentzVector fourMom(momentum.x() / CLHEP::GeV,
653  momentum.y() / CLHEP::GeV,
654  momentum.z() / CLHEP::GeV,
655  energy / CLHEP::GeV);
657  // Add another point in the trajectory.
658  AddPointToCurrentParticle(fourPos, fourMom, std::string(process));
659  }
660  }
unsigned int NumberTrajectoryPoints() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:219
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
void AddPointToCurrentParticle(TLorentzVector const &pos, TLorentzVector const &mom, std::string const &process)
Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter.
double velocity_step
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
double velocity_G4
double globalTime
bool hasParticle() const
Returns whether there is a particle.
sim::ParticleList && larg4::ParticleListActionService::YieldDroppedList ( )

Definition at line 741 of file

References sim::ParticleList::begin(), sim::ParticleList::end(), fdroppedParticleList, fParticleList, fTrackIDOffset, and sim::ParticleList::size().

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

742  {
743  if (!fdroppedParticleList) {
744  throw cet::exception("ParticleListAction")
745  << "ParticleListAction::YieldDroppedList(): dropped particle list not build by user "
746  "request.\n";
747  }
748  // check if the ParticleNavigator has entries, and if
749  // so grab the highest track id value from it to
750  // add to the fTrackIDOffset
751  int highestID = 0;
752  for (auto pn = fParticleList.begin(); pn != fParticleList.end(); pn++)
753  if ((*pn).first > highestID) highestID = (*pn).first;
755  // If we have stored dropped particles,
756  // include them in the offset.
757  for (auto pn = fdroppedParticleList->begin(); pn != fdroppedParticleList->end(); pn++)
758  if ((*pn).first > highestID) highestID = (*pn).first;
760  //Only change the fTrackIDOffset if there is in fact a particle to add to the event
761  if ((fParticleList.size()) != 0) {
762  fTrackIDOffset = highestID + 1;
763  mf::LogDebug("YieldList:fTrackIDOffset")
764  << "highestID = " << highestID << "\nfTrackIDOffset= " << fTrackIDOffset;
765  }
766  return std::move(*fdroppedParticleList);
767  } // ParticleList&& ParticleListAction::YieldDroppedList()
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
iterator begin()
Definition: ParticleList.h:305
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
size_type size() const
Definition: ParticleList.h:313
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
sim::ParticleList && larg4::ParticleListActionService::YieldList ( )

Definition at line 715 of file

References sim::ParticleList::begin(), sim::ParticleList::end(), fdroppedParticleList, fParticleList, fTrackIDOffset, and sim::ParticleList::size().

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

716  {
717  // check if the ParticleNavigator has entries, and if
718  // so grab the highest track id value from it to
719  // add to the fTrackIDOffset
720  int highestID = 0;
721  for (auto pn = fParticleList.begin(); pn != fParticleList.end(); pn++)
722  if ((*pn).first > highestID) highestID = (*pn).first;
724  // If we have stored dropped particles,
725  // include them in the offset.
726  if (fdroppedParticleList) {
727  for (auto pn = fdroppedParticleList->begin(); pn != fdroppedParticleList->end(); pn++)
728  if ((*pn).first > highestID) highestID = (*pn).first;
729  }
731  //Only change the fTrackIDOffset if there is in fact a particle to add to the event
732  if ((fParticleList.size()) != 0) {
733  fTrackIDOffset = highestID + 1;
734  mf::LogDebug("YieldList:fTrackIDOffset")
735  << "highestID = " << highestID << "\nfTrackIDOffset= " << fTrackIDOffset;
736  }
737  return std::move(fParticleList);
738  } // ParticleList&& ParticleListActionService::YieldList()
std::unique_ptr< sim::ParticleList > fdroppedParticleList
iterator begin()
Definition: ParticleList.h:305
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
size_type size() const
Definition: ParticleList.h:313

Member Data Documentation

std::unique_ptr<sim::ParticleAncestryMap> larg4::ParticleListActionService::droppedCol_

Definition at line 296 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

std::unique_ptr<std::vector<simb::MCParticle> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::droppedPartCol_

This collection will hold the MCParticleLite objects created from dropped particles.

Definition at line 295 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

ParticleInfo_t larg4::ParticleListActionService::fCurrentParticle

information about the particle currently being simulated for a single particle.

Definition at line 234 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by AddPointToCurrentParticle(), beginOfEventAction(), postUserTrackingAction(), preUserTrackingAction(), and userSteppingAction().

int larg4::ParticleListActionService::fCurrentTrackID

track ID of the current particle, set to eve ID for EM shower particles

Definition at line 248 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), postUserTrackingAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::unique_ptr<util::PositionInVolumeFilter> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fDroppedFilter

filter for dropped particles to be kept (if any)

Definition at line 303 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by AddPointToCurrentParticle().

std::unique_ptr<sim::ParticleList> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fdroppedParticleList

The accumulated particle information for all (dropped) particles in the event.

Definition at line 270 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), endOfEventAction(), ParticleListActionService(), postUserTrackingAction(), preUserTrackingAction(), YieldDroppedList(), and YieldList().

std::map<int, std::set<int> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::fdroppedTracksMap

map <ParentID, set: list of track ids for which no MCParticle was created>

Definition at line 291 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), endOfEventAction(), postUserTrackingAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

G4double larg4::ParticleListActionService::fenergyCut

The minimum energy for a particle to be included in the list.

Definition at line 232 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by preUserTrackingAction().

std::unique_ptr<util::PositionInVolumeFilter> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fFilter

filter for particles to be kept

Definition at line 301 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by AddPointToCurrentParticle(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::vector<std::string> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fKeepDroppedParticlesInVolumes

Only write particles that have trajectories through these volumes

Definition at line 264 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService().

bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fKeepEMShowerDaughters

whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc

Definition at line 252 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::vector<std::string> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fkeepGenTrajectories

List of generators for which fstoreTrajectories applies. if not provided and storeTrajectories is true, then all trajectories for all generators will be stored. If storeTrajectories is set to false, this list is ignored and all additional trajectory points are not stored.

Definition at line 240 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction().

bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fkeepOnlyPrimaryFullTraj

Whether to store trajectories only for primaries and their descendants with MCTruth process = "primary"

Definition at line 254 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::vector<std::string> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fKeepParticlesInVolumes

Only write particles that have trajectories through these volumes.

Definition at line 262 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService().

bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fKeepSecondToLast

tell whether or not to force keeping the second to last point

Definition at line 259 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService(), and postUserTrackingAction().

bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fKeepTransportation

tell whether or not to keep the transportation process

Definition at line 258 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by AddPointToCurrentParticle(), and ParticleListActionService().

std::vector<art::Handle<std::vector<simb::MCTruth> > > const* larg4::ParticleListActionService::fMCLists

MCTruthCollection input lists.

Definition at line 273 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), and endOfEventAction().

std::map<int, size_t> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fMCTIndexMap

Map: particle track ID -> index of primary parent in std::vector<simb::MCTruth> object.

Definition at line 279 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), endOfEventAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::map<size_t, std::pair<std::string, G4bool> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::fMCTIndexToGeneratorMap

Map: MCTruthIndex -> generator, input label of generator and keepGenerator decision.

Definition at line 285 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::map<int, bool> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fMCTPrimProcessKeepMap

Map: particle trakc ID -> boolean decision to keep or not full trajectory points.

Definition at line 282 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::unordered_map<std::string, int> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fNotStoredCounterUMap

Map: not stored process and counter.

Definition at line 288 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), endOfEventAction(), ParticleListActionService(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::vector<std::string> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fNotStoredPhysics

Physics processes that will not be stored.

Definition at line 253 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::map<int, int> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fParentIDMap

key is current track ID, value is parent ID

Definition at line 245 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), GetParentage(), postUserTrackingAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

sim::ParticleList larg4::ParticleListActionService::fParticleList

The accumulated particle information for all particles in the event.

Definition at line 236 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), endOfEventAction(), postUserTrackingAction(), preUserTrackingAction(), YieldDroppedList(), and YieldList().

std::map<int, simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fPrimaryTruthMap

Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.

Definition at line 276 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), GetPrimaryTruthIndex(), and postUserTrackingAction().

double larg4::ParticleListActionService::fSparsifyMargin

set the sparsification margin

Definition at line 257 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService(), and postUserTrackingAction().

bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fSparsifyTrajectories

help reduce the number of trajectory points.

Definition at line 256 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by ParticleListActionService(), and postUserTrackingAction().

bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fStoreDroppedMCParticles

Whether to keep a sim::MCParticle list of dropped particles.

Definition at line 267 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction(), ParticleListActionService(), and preUserTrackingAction().

G4bool larg4::ParticleListActionService::fstoreTrajectories

Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.

Definition at line 238 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

std::map<int, int> larg4::ParticleListActionService::fTargetIDMap

key is original track ID, value is ID to assign for downstream objs (e.g. SimEdeps)

Definition at line 247 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), postUserTrackingAction(), and preUserTrackingAction().

int larg4::ParticleListActionService::fTrackIDOffset

offset added to track ids when running over multiple MCTruth objects.

Definition at line 250 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by beginOfEventAction(), endOfEventAction(), postUserTrackingAction(), preUserTrackingAction(), YieldDroppedList(), and YieldList().

std::unique_ptr<std::vector<simb::MCParticle> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::partCol_

Definition at line 293 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

art::ProductID larg4::ParticleListActionService::pid_ {art::ProductID::invalid()}

Definition at line 299 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

art::EDProductGetter const* larg4::ParticleListActionService::productGetter_ {nullptr}

Definition at line 300 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

std::unique_ptr<art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle, sim::GeneratedParticleInfo> > larg4::ParticleListActionService::tpassn_

Definition at line 298 of file ParticleListAction_service.h.

Referenced by endOfEventAction().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: