LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper Class Reference

LArMonitoringHelper class. More...

#include "LArMonitoringHelper.h"

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned int CountHitsByType (const pandora::HitType hitType, const pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitList)
 Count the number of calo hits, in a provided list, of a specified type. More...
static void GetOrderedMCParticleVector (const LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMaps, pandora::MCParticleVector &orderedMCParticleVector)
 Order input MCParticles by their number of hits. More...
static void GetOrderedPfoVector (const LArMCParticleHelper::PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, pandora::PfoVector &orderedPfoVector)
 Order input Pfos by their number of hits. More...
static void PrintMCParticleTable (const LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMaps, const pandora::MCParticleVector &orderedMCParticleVector)
 Print details of selected MCParticles to the terminal in a table. More...
static void PrintPfoTable (const LArMCParticleHelper::PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, const pandora::PfoVector &orderedPfoVector)
 Print details of input Pfos to the terminal in a table. More...
static void PrintMatchingTable (const pandora::PfoVector &orderedPfoVector, const pandora::MCParticleVector &orderedMCParticleVector, const LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap &mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap, const unsigned int nMatches)
 Print the shared good hits between all Pfos and MCParticles. More...

Detailed Description

LArMonitoringHelper class.

Definition at line 21 of file LArMonitoringHelper.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType ( const pandora::HitType  hitType,
const pandora::CaloHitList &  caloHitList 

Count the number of calo hits, in a provided list, of a specified type.

hitTypethe hit type
caloHitListthe calo hit list
the number of calo hits of the specified type

Definition at line 28 of file

Referenced by lar_content::MCParticleMonitoringAlgorithm::PrintMCParticle(), lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingMonitoringTool::PrintPfoTable(), lar_content::MCParticleMonitoringAlgorithm::PrintPrimaryMCParticles(), lar_content::NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm::ProcessOutput(), lar_content::MuonLeadingEventValidationAlgorithm::ProcessOutput(), and lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesByHitCount().

29 {
30  unsigned int nHitsOfSpecifiedType(0);
32  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : caloHitList)
33  {
34  if (hitType == pCaloHit->GetHitType())
35  ++nHitsOfSpecifiedType;
36  }
38  return nHitsOfSpecifiedType;
39 }
void lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper::GetOrderedMCParticleVector ( const LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMaps,
pandora::MCParticleVector &  orderedMCParticleVector 

Order input MCParticles by their number of hits.

selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMapsthe input vector of mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their good hits
orderedMCParticleVectorthe output vector of ordered MCParticles

Definition at line 43 of file

Referenced by lar_content::MuonLeadingEventValidationAlgorithm::DetermineIncorrectlyReconstructedCosmicRays(), lar_content::NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm::FillValidationInfo(), lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingMonitoringTool::FindAmbiguousPfos(), lar_content::EventValidationBaseAlgorithm::InterpretMatching(), lar_content::MCParticleMonitoringAlgorithm::PrintPrimaryMCParticles(), lar_content::NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm::ProcessOutput(), and lar_content::PfoValidationAlgorithm::Run().

45 {
46  for (const LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMap &mcParticleToGoodHitsMap : selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMaps)
47  {
48  if (mcParticleToGoodHitsMap.empty())
49  continue;
51  // Copy map contents to vector it can be sorted
52  std::vector<LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleCaloHitListPair> mcParticleToGoodHitsVect;
53  std::copy(mcParticleToGoodHitsMap.begin(), mcParticleToGoodHitsMap.end(), std::back_inserter(mcParticleToGoodHitsVect));
55  // Sort by number of hits descending
56  std::sort(mcParticleToGoodHitsVect.begin(), mcParticleToGoodHitsVect.end(),
58  {
59  // Neutrinos, then beam particles, then cosmic rays
60  const bool isANuFinalState(LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState(a.first)),
61  isBNuFinalState(LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState(b.first));
63  if (isANuFinalState != isBNuFinalState)
64  return isANuFinalState;
66  const bool isABeamParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamParticle(a.first)),
67  isBBeamParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamParticle(b.first));
69  if (isABeamParticle != isBBeamParticle)
70  return isABeamParticle;
72  // Then sort by numbers of true hits
73  if (a.second.size() != b.second.size())
74  return (a.second.size() > b.second.size());
76  // Default to normal MCParticle sorting
77  return LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum(a.first, b.first);
78  });
80  for (const LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleCaloHitListPair &mcParticleCaloHitPair : mcParticleToGoodHitsVect)
81  orderedMCParticleVector.push_back(mcParticleCaloHitPair.first);
82  }
84  // Check that all elements of the vector are unique
85  const unsigned int nMCParticles(orderedMCParticleVector.size());
86  if (std::distance(orderedMCParticleVector.begin(), std::unique(orderedMCParticleVector.begin(), orderedMCParticleVector.end())) != nMCParticles)
87  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
88 }
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCContributionMap
std::pair< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCParticleCaloHitListPair
static bool SortByMomentum(const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
Sort mc particles by their momentum.
static bool IsBeamParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle.
static bool IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary neutrino final state MCParticle.
void lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper::GetOrderedPfoVector ( const LArMCParticleHelper::PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
pandora::PfoVector &  orderedPfoVector 

Order input Pfos by their number of hits.

pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe input vector of mappings from Pfos to their reconstructable hits
orderedPfoVectorthe output vector of ordered Pfos

Definition at line 92 of file

Referenced by lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingMonitoringTool::FindAmbiguousPfos(), lar_content::NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm::ProcessOutput(), and lar_content::PfoValidationAlgorithm::Run().

93 {
94  // Copy map contents to vector it can be sorted
95  std::vector<LArMCParticleHelper::PfoCaloHitListPair> pfoToReconstructable2DHitsVect;
96  std::copy(pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap.begin(), pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap.end(), std::back_inserter(pfoToReconstructable2DHitsVect));
98  // Sort by number of hits descending putting neutrino final states first
99  std::sort(pfoToReconstructable2DHitsVect.begin(), pfoToReconstructable2DHitsVect.end(),
101  {
102  // Neutrinos before cosmic rays
103  const bool isANuFinalState(LArPfoHelper::IsNeutrinoFinalState(a.first)), isBNuFinalState(LArPfoHelper::IsNeutrinoFinalState(b.first));
105  if (isANuFinalState != isBNuFinalState)
106  return isANuFinalState;
108  if (a.second.size() != b.second.size())
109  return (a.second.size() > b.second.size());
111  // Default to normal pfo sorting
112  return LArPfoHelper::SortByNHits(a.first, b.first);
113  });
115  for (const LArMCParticleHelper::PfoCaloHitListPair &pfoCaloHitPair : pfoToReconstructable2DHitsVect)
116  orderedPfoVector.push_back(pfoCaloHitPair.first);
118  // Check that all elements of the vector are unique
119  const unsigned int nPfos(orderedPfoVector.size());
120  if (std::distance(orderedPfoVector.begin(), std::unique(orderedPfoVector.begin(), orderedPfoVector.end())) != nPfos)
121  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
122 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pLhs, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pRhs)
Sort pfos by number of constituent hits.
std::pair< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::CaloHitList > PfoCaloHitListPair
static bool IsNeutrinoFinalState(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
Whether a pfo is a final-state particle from a neutrino (or antineutrino) interaction.
void lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper::PrintMatchingTable ( const pandora::PfoVector &  orderedPfoVector,
const pandora::MCParticleVector &  orderedMCParticleVector,
const LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap,
const unsigned int  nMatches 

Print the shared good hits between all Pfos and MCParticles.

orderedPfoVectorthe input vector of ordered Pfos
orderedMCParticleVectorthe input vector of ordered MCParticles
mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMapthe output mapping from selected reconstructable MCParticles to Pfos and the number hits shared
nMatchesthe maximum number of Pfo matches to show

Definition at line 205 of file

References lar_content::LArFormattingHelper::Table::AddElement(), and lar_content::LArFormattingHelper::Table::Print().

Referenced by lar_content::PfoValidationAlgorithm::Run().

207 {
208  if (orderedPfoVector.empty())
209  {
210  std::cout << "No Pfos supplied." << std::endl;
211  return;
212  }
214  if (orderedMCParticleVector.empty())
215  {
216  std::cout << "No MCParticles supplied." << std::endl;
217  return;
218  }
220  // Get the maximum number of MCParticle to Pfos matches that need to be shown
221  unsigned int maxMatches(0);
222  for (const auto &entry : mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap)
223  maxMatches = std::max(static_cast<unsigned int>(entry.second.size()), maxMatches);
225  const bool showOthersColumn(maxMatches > nMatches);
226  const unsigned int nMatchesToShow(std::min(maxMatches, nMatches));
228  // Set up the table headers
229  std::vector<std::string> tableHeaders({"MCParticle", ""});
230  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatchesToShow; ++i)
231  {
232  tableHeaders.push_back("");
233  tableHeaders.push_back("Pfo");
234  tableHeaders.push_back("nSharedHits");
235  }
237  if (showOthersColumn)
238  {
239  tableHeaders.push_back("");
240  tableHeaders.push_back("");
241  tableHeaders.push_back("nOtherPfos");
242  tableHeaders.push_back("nSharedHits");
243  }
245  LArFormattingHelper::Table table(tableHeaders);
247  // Make a new row for each MCParticle
248  for (unsigned int mcParticleId = 0; mcParticleId < orderedMCParticleVector.size(); ++mcParticleId)
249  {
250  const MCParticle *const pMCParticle(;
251  LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap::const_iterator it = mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap.find(pMCParticle);
252  LArMCParticleHelper::PfoToSharedHitsVector pfoToSharedHitsVector;
254  if (it != mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap.end())
255  pfoToSharedHitsVector = it->second;
261  // ATTN enumerate from 1 to match event validation algorithm
262  table.AddElement(mcParticleId + 1, LArFormattingHelper::REGULAR, mcCol);
264  // Get the matched Pfos
265  unsigned int nPfosShown(0);
266  unsigned int nOtherHits(0);
267  for (const auto &pfoNSharedHitsPair : pfoToSharedHitsVector)
268  {
269  for (unsigned int pfoId = 0; pfoId < orderedPfoVector.size(); ++pfoId)
270  {
271  if (pfoNSharedHitsPair.first !=
272  continue;
274  if (nPfosShown < nMatchesToShow)
275  {
276  // ATTN enumerate from 1 to match event validation algorithm
277  const LArFormattingHelper::Color pfoCol(
279  table.AddElement(pfoId + 1, LArFormattingHelper::REGULAR, pfoCol);
280  table.AddElement(pfoNSharedHitsPair.second.size(), LArFormattingHelper::REGULAR, pfoCol);
281  nPfosShown++;
282  }
283  else
284  {
285  nOtherHits += pfoNSharedHitsPair.second.size();
286  }
287  break;
288  }
289  }
291  // Pad the rest of the row with empty entries
292  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatchesToShow - nPfosShown; ++i)
293  {
294  table.AddElement("");
295  table.AddElement("");
296  }
298  // Print any remaining matches
299  if (!showOthersColumn)
300  continue;
302  if (nOtherHits != 0)
303  {
304  table.AddElement(pfoToSharedHitsVector.size() - nPfosShown);
305  table.AddElement(nOtherHits);
306  }
307  else
308  {
309  table.AddElement("");
310  table.AddElement("");
311  }
312  }
313  table.Print();
314 }
std::vector< PfoCaloHitListPair > PfoToSharedHitsVector
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static bool IsBeamParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle.
static bool IsNeutrinoFinalState(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
Whether a pfo is a final-state particle from a neutrino (or antineutrino) interaction.
static bool IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary neutrino final state MCParticle.
map< int, array< map< int, double >, 2 >> Table
Definition: plot.C:18
void lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper::PrintMCParticleTable ( const LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMap selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMaps,
const pandora::MCParticleVector &  orderedMCParticleVector 

Print details of selected MCParticles to the terminal in a table.

selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMapthe input mapping from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their good hits
orderedMCParticleVectorthe input vector of ordered MCParticles

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingMonitoringTool::FindAmbiguousPfos(), and lar_content::PfoValidationAlgorithm::Run().

128 {
129  if (selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMap.empty())
130  {
131  std::cout << "No MCParticles supplied." << std::endl;
132  return;
133  }
135  LArFormattingHelper::Table table({"ID", "NUANCE", "TYPE", "", "E", "dist", "", "nGoodHits", "U", "V", "W"});
137  unsigned int usedParticleCount(0);
138  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < orderedMCParticleVector.size(); ++id)
139  {
140  const MCParticle *const pMCParticle(;
142  LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMap::const_iterator it = selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMap.find(pMCParticle);
143  if (selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMap.end() == it)
144  continue; // ATTN MCParticles in selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMap may be a subset of orderedMCParticleVector
146  // ATTN enumerate from 1 to match event validation algorithm
147  table.AddElement(id + 1);
148  table.AddElement(LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode(pMCParticle));
149  table.AddElement(PdgTable::GetParticleName(pMCParticle->GetParticleId()));
151  table.AddElement(pMCParticle->GetEnergy());
152  table.AddElement((pMCParticle->GetEndpoint() - pMCParticle->GetVertex()).GetMagnitude());
154  table.AddElement(it->second.size());
155  table.AddElement(LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_U, it->second));
156  table.AddElement(LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_V, it->second));
157  table.AddElement(LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_W, it->second));
159  usedParticleCount++;
160  }
162  // Check every MCParticle in selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMap has been printed
163  if (usedParticleCount != selectedMCParticleToGoodHitsMap.size())
164  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND);
166  table.Print();
167 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.
static unsigned int CountHitsByType(const pandora::HitType hitType, const pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitList)
Count the number of calo hits, in a provided list, of a specified type.
map< int, array< map< int, double >, 2 >> Table
Definition: plot.C:18
void lar_content::LArMonitoringHelper::PrintPfoTable ( const LArMCParticleHelper::PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
const pandora::PfoVector &  orderedPfoVector 

Print details of input Pfos to the terminal in a table.

pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe input vector of mappings from Pfos to their reconstructable hits
orderedPfoVectorthe input vector of ordered Pfos

Definition at line 171 of file

Referenced by lar_content::PfoValidationAlgorithm::Run().

172 {
173  if (pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap.empty())
174  {
175  std::cout << "No Pfos supplied." << std::endl;
176  return;
177  }
179  LArFormattingHelper::Table table({"ID", "PID", "Is Nu FS", "", "nGoodHits", "U", "V", "W"});
181  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < orderedPfoVector.size(); ++id)
182  {
183  const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo(;
185  LArMCParticleHelper::PfoContributionMap::const_iterator it = pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap.find(pPfo);
186  if (pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap.end() == it)
187  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND);
189  // ATTN enumerate from 1 to match event validation algorithm
190  table.AddElement(id + 1);
191  table.AddElement(pPfo->GetParticleId());
192  table.AddElement(LArPfoHelper::IsNeutrinoFinalState(pPfo));
194  table.AddElement(it->second.size());
195  table.AddElement(LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_U, it->second));
196  table.AddElement(LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_V, it->second));
197  table.AddElement(LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_W, it->second));
198  }
200  table.Print();
201 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static bool IsNeutrinoFinalState(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
Whether a pfo is a final-state particle from a neutrino (or antineutrino) interaction.
static unsigned int CountHitsByType(const pandora::HitType hitType, const pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitList)
Count the number of calo hits, in a provided list, of a specified type.
map< int, array< map< int, double >, 2 >> Table
Definition: plot.C:18

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: