LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // $Id: plot.C
3 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // *********************************************************************
6 // To execute this macro under ROOT after your simulation ended,
7 // 1 - launch ROOT v6.xx (usually type 'root' at your machine's prompt)
8 // 2 - type '.X analysis.C' at the ROOT session prompt
9 // *********************************************************************
11 {
12  gROOT->Reset();
13  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
14  gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
15  TRandom rdomN;
17  vector<Molecule> fMolecules = molecule();
18  using Table = map<int,array<map<int,double>, 2>>;
19  using ResultTable = map<int,array<vector<int>, 2>>;
21  system ("rm -rf output.root");
22  system ("hadd output.root output_*.root");
24  double xphy;
25  double yphy;
26  double zphy;
28  double xChe;
29  double yChe;
30  double zChe;
32  double xrad;
33  double yrad;
34  double zrad;
36  map<int,int> CopyNumTable;
42  double EnergyDeposit;
45  double copyN;
46  int EventIDp;
47  int EventIDc;
49  TFile f("output.root");
51 // Load the file, the directory and the ntuple
52  TDirectoryFile* d = dynamic_cast<TDirectoryFile*>(f.Get("ntuple") );
53  TTree* tPhys = dynamic_cast<TTree*> (d->Get("ntuple_1") );
54  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("x",&xphy);
55  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("y",&yphy);
56  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("z",&zphy);
57  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("edep",&EnergyDeposit);
58  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("diffKin",&kineticEnergyDifference);
59  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("volumeName",&flagVolume);
60  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("CopyNumber",&copyN);
61  tPhys->SetBranchAddress("EventID",&EventIDp);
63  auto entryPhyNumber = tPhys->GetEntries();
65  bool addCopyN = true;
66  for(decltype(entryPhyNumber) i = 0; i < entryPhyNumber; ++i)
67  {
68  tPhys->GetEntry(i);
69 //avoid histone
70  if(flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::histone)
71  {
72  continue;
73  }
74 //Determine the strand
75  int strand = -1;
76  bool isLeftStrand = DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose1 == flagVolume ||
77  DNAVolumeType::phosphate1 == flagVolume ||
78  DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose1_water == flagVolume ||
79  DNAVolumeType::phosphate1_water == flagVolume;
81  bool isRightStrand = DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose2 == flagVolume ||
82  DNAVolumeType::phosphate2 == flagVolume ||
83  DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose2_water== flagVolume ||
84  DNAVolumeType::phosphate2_water == flagVolume;
87  if( isLeftStrand )
88  {
89  strand = 0;
90  }
91  else if( isRightStrand )
92  {
93  strand = 1;
94  }
95  else
96  {
97  //in case molecules are not assigned "strand"
98  continue;
99  }
101 //Determine the name
102  bool isDeoxyribode = flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose1 ||
103  flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose2 ||
104  flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose1_water ||
105  flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::deoxyribose2_water;
107  bool isPhosphate = flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::phosphate1 ||
108  flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::phosphate2 ||
109  flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::phosphate1_water||
110  flagVolume == DNAVolumeType::phosphate2_water;
112  if(isDeoxyribode || isPhosphate)
113  {
114  physTable[EventIDp][strand][copyN] += EnergyDeposit;
115  }
117  if(physTable[EventIDp][strand][copyN] < 17.5)
118  {
119  continue;
120  }
122  if(CopyNumTable.empty())
123  {
124  CopyNumTable.insert(pair<int,int>(copyN,strand));
125  resultPhysTable[EventIDp][strand].push_back(copyN);
126  }
127  else
128  {
129  addCopyN = true;
130  }
132  auto itCopyNumTable = CopyNumTable.find(copyN);
133  if (itCopyNumTable != CopyNumTable.end())
134  {
135  if (itCopyNumTable->second == strand)
136  {
137  addCopyN = false;
138  }
139  }
141  if(addCopyN)
142  {
143  CopyNumTable.insert(pair<int,int>(copyN,strand));
144  resultPhysTable[EventIDp][strand].push_back(copyN);
145  }
146  }
147 //Chemistry analyse
148  TTree* tChem = dynamic_cast<TTree*> (d->Get("ntuple_2") );
149  tChem->SetBranchAddress("x",&xrad);
150  tChem->SetBranchAddress("y",&yrad);
151  tChem->SetBranchAddress("z",&zrad);
152  tChem->SetBranchAddress("EventID",&EventIDc);
154  auto entryNChem = tChem->GetEntries() ;
156  for(decltype(entryNChem) i=0; i < entryNChem; ++i)
157  {
158  tChem->GetEntry(i);
159  ThreeVector<double> DNAElement(xrad,yrad,zrad);
161  for(const auto& moleculeIt : fMolecules)
162  {
163  if(moleculeIt.fPosition == DNAElement)
164  {
165  int strand = -1;
166  if(moleculeIt.fName == "deoxyribose1")
167  {
168  strand = 0;
169  }
170  else if(moleculeIt.fName == "deoxyribose2")
171  {
172  strand = 1;
173  }
174  else
175  {
176  string msg = "Unknown DNA component";
177  throw std::runtime_error(msg);
178  }
180  if(rdomN.Rndm() > 0.42)//42% of reaction make damages
181  {
182  continue;
183  }
185  if (!CopyNumTable.empty())
186  {
187  addCopyN = true;
188  }
190  auto itCopyNumTable = CopyNumTable.find(moleculeIt.fCopyNumber);
192  if (itCopyNumTable != CopyNumTable.end())
193  {
194  if (itCopyNumTable->second == strand)
195  {
196  addCopyN = false;
197  }
198  }
199  if(addCopyN)
200  {
201  resultChemTable[EventIDc][strand].push_back(
202  moleculeIt.fCopyNumber);
203  }
204  }
205  }
206  }
207 //SDD Format
208  ofstream ofile("SDDFormat.txt");
209  if(ofile.is_open())
210  {
211  ofile<<'\n'
212  <<"SDD version, SDDv1.0;\n"
213  <<"Software, chromatin fiber Model;\n"
214  <<"Author contact, Carmen Villagrasa,, "
215  "02/04/2018, Melyn et al.,Sc. Rep. 7 (2017)11923;\n"
216  <<"Simulation Details, DNA damages from direct and "
217  "indirect effects;\n"
218  <<"Source, Monoenergetic cylinder-parallel proton beam uniformly "
219  "in 5 nm radius from left side of the cube"
220  <<" exposing chromatin fiber. Energy: 5 keV;\n"
221  <<"Source type, 1;\n"
222  <<"Incident particles, 200;\n"
223  <<"Mean particle energy, 5 keV;\n"
224  <<"Energy distribution, M, 0;\n"
225  <<"Particle fraction, 1.0;\n"
226  <<"Dose or fluence, 0, 0;\n"
227  <<"Dose rate, 0.0;\n"
228  <<"Irradiation target, Simple spherical chromatin fiber model"
229  " in a voxel 40 nm;\n"
230  <<"Volumes, 0,20,20,20,-20,-20,-20,2,15,15,20,-15,-15,20;\n"
231  <<"Chromosome sizes, ;\n"
232  <<"DNA Density, ;"
233  <<"Cell Cycle Phase, G1/G2;\n"
234  <<"DNA Structure, 4, 1;\n"
235  <<"In vitro / in vivo, 0;\n"
236  <<"Proliferation status, 1;\n"
237  <<"Microenvironment, 27, 0.0;\n"
238  <<"Damage definition, 1, 1, 10, -1, 0, 17.5;\n"
239  <<"Time, 2.5ns;\n"
240  <<"Damage and primary count, 638, 200;\n"
241  <<"Data entries, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;\n"
242  <<"Data was generated in minimal output format and used as"
243  " an example. Please modify the primary particle number"
244  "for this file;\n"
245  <<"\n"
246  <<"***EndOfHeader***;\n"
247  <<endl;
248 //For detail, please refer to Schuemann, J., et al. (2019). A New Standard DNA
249 //Damage (SDD) Data Format. Radiation Research, 191(1), 76.
251  bool Primaryflag = true;
252  for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)//for 200 primary particles
253  {
254  for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)//for strand
255  {
256  const std::string positionAndCopyN = "; 0, 0, 0; 3, 0, 0, ";
257  const std::string SSBType = " 0, 1, 0";
258  if (!resultPhysTable[i][j].empty())
259  {
260  for(int e = 0; e < resultPhysTable[i][j].size(); ++e)
261  {
262  if(Primaryflag)
263  {
264  ofile<<"2, "<<i<<positionAndCopyN
265  <<resultPhysTable[i][j][e]
266  <<"; 0;"<<SSBType<<"\n" ;//physics
267  Primaryflag = false;
268  }else
269  {
270  ofile<<"0, "<<i<<positionAndCopyN
271  <<resultPhysTable[i][j][e]
272  <<"; 0;"<<SSBType<<"\n" ;
273  }
274  }
275  }
276  if(resultChemTable[i][j].empty())
277  {
278  continue;
279  }
281  for(int ee = 0; ee < resultChemTable[i][j].size(); ++ee)
282  {
283  if(Primaryflag)
284  {
285  ofile<<"2, "<<i<<positionAndCopyN
286  <<resultChemTable[i][j][ee]
287  <<"; 1;"<<SSBType<<"\n" ;//chemistry
288  Primaryflag = false;
289  }else
290  {
291  ofile<<"0, "<<i<<positionAndCopyN
292  <<resultChemTable[i][j][ee]
293  <<"; 1;"<<SSBType<<"\n" ;
294  }
295  }
296  }
297  }
299  ofile<<endl;
300  }
302  ofile.close();
303 }
double kineticEnergyDifference
Definition: plot.C:43
map< int, int > CopyNumTable
Definition: plot.C:36
double yChe
Definition: plot.C:29
ResultTable MergedResultTable
Definition: plot.C:40
system("rm -rf microbeam.root")
map< int, array< vector< int >, 2 >> ResultTable
Definition: plot.C:19
ResultTable resultChemTable
Definition: plot.C:39
TFile f("microbeam.root")
ResultTable resultPhysTable
Definition: plot.C:38
double copyN
Definition: plot.C:45
int EventIDc
Definition: plot.C:47
int EventIDp
Definition: plot.C:46
double EnergyDeposit
Definition: plot.C:42
vector< Molecule > fMolecules
Definition: plot.C:17
double yrad
Definition: plot.C:33
double zrad
Definition: plot.C:34
bool addCopyN
Definition: plot.C:65
TRandom rdomN
Definition: plot.C:15
double xrad
Definition: plot.C:32
double yphy
Definition: plot.C:25
Float_t d
Definition: plot.C:235
int flagVolume
Definition: plot.C:44
ofstream ofile("SDDFormat.txt")
auto entryPhyNumber
Definition: plot.C:63
auto entryNChem
Definition: plot.C:154
double zChe
Definition: plot.C:30
double xphy
Definition: plot.C:24
TTree * tChem
Definition: plot.C:148
std::vector< Molecule > molecule()
Definition: molecule.C:87
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
Table physTable
Definition: plot.C:37
double xChe
Definition: plot.C:28
decltype(auto) constexpr empty(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::empty.
Definition: StdUtils.h:109
TTree * tPhys
Definition: plot.C:53
double zphy
Definition: plot.C:26
map< int, array< map< int, double >, 2 >> Table
Definition: plot.C:18