LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
cheat::RecoCheckAna Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for cheat::RecoCheckAna:
art::EDAnalyzer art::detail::Analyzer art::detail::LegacyModule art::Observer art::ModuleBase

Public Types

using ModuleType = EDAnalyzer

Public Member Functions

 RecoCheckAna (fhicl::ParameterSet const &p)
void doBeginJob (SharedResources const &resources)
void doEndJob ()
void doRespondToOpenInputFile (FileBlock const &fb)
void doRespondToCloseInputFile (FileBlock const &fb)
void doRespondToOpenOutputFiles (FileBlock const &fb)
void doRespondToCloseOutputFiles (FileBlock const &fb)
bool doBeginRun (RunPrincipal &rp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doEndRun (RunPrincipal &rp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doBeginSubRun (SubRunPrincipal &srp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doEndSubRun (SubRunPrincipal &srp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doEvent (EventPrincipal &ep, ModuleContext const &mc, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_run, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_passed, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_failed)
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
void setModuleDescription (ModuleDescription const &)
std::array< std::vector< ProductInfo >, NumBranchTypes > const & getConsumables () const
void sortConsumables (std::string const &current_process_name)
std::unique_ptr< Worker > makeWorker (WorkerParams const &wp)
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken< T > consumesView (InputTag const &tag)
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken< T > mayConsumeView (InputTag const &tag)

Protected Member Functions

std::string const & processName () const
bool wantAllEvents () const noexcept
bool wantEvent (ScheduleID id, Event const &e) const
Handle< TriggerResults > getTriggerResults (Event const &e) const
ConsumesCollector & consumesCollector ()
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
ProductToken< T > consumes (InputTag const &)
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken< Element > consumesView (InputTag const &)
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
ProductToken< T > mayConsume (InputTag const &)
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken< Element > mayConsumeView (InputTag const &)
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
void mayConsumeMany ()

Private Member Functions

void analyze (art::Event const &e) override
void beginRun (art::Run const &r) override
void CheckReco (detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, int const &colID, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &colHits, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> &g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency)
void CheckRecoClusters (art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Cluster >> const &clscol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void CheckRecoTracks (art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Track >> const &tcol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void CheckRecoShowers (art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Shower >> const &scol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void CheckRecoVertices (art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Vertex >> const &vtxcol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void CheckRecoEvents (art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Event >> const &evtcol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void FillResults (detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void FlattenMap (std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> const &g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency, std::map< int, std::vector< std::pair< int, std::pair< double, double >>>> &g4IDToRecoBasePurityEfficiency, TH1D *purity, TH1D *efficiency, TH1D *purityEfficiency, TH2D *purityEfficiency2D)

Private Attributes

art::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService const > fBT
 the back tracker service More...
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::ParticleInventoryService const > fPI
 the back tracker service More...
std::string fHitModuleLabel
 label for module making the hits More...
std::string fClusterModuleLabel
 label for module making the clusters More...
std::string fShowerModuleLabel
 label for module making the showers More...
std::string fTrackModuleLabel
 label for module making the tracks More...
std::string fVertexModuleLabel
 label for module making the vertices More...
std::string fEventModuleLabel
 label for module making the events More...
bool fCheckClusters
 should we check the reconstruction of clusters? More...
bool fCheckShowers
 should we check the reconstruction of showers? More...
bool fCheckTracks
 should we check the reconstruction of tracks? More...
bool fCheckVertices
 should we check the reconstruction of vertices? More...
bool fCheckEvents
 should we check the reconstruction of events? More...
TH1D * fClusterPurity
 histogram of cluster purity More...
TH1D * fClusterEfficiency
 histogram of cluster efficiency More...
TH1D * fClusterPurityEfficiency
 histogram of cluster efficiency times purity More...
TH2D * fClusterPurityEfficiency2D
 scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency More...
TH1D * fShowerPurity
 histogram of shower purity More...
TH1D * fShowerEfficiency
 histogram of shower efficiency More...
TH1D * fShowerPurityEfficiency
 histogram of shower efficiency times purity More...
TH2D * fShowerPurityEfficiency2D
 scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency More...
TH1D * fTrackPurity
 histogram of track purity More...
TH1D * fTrackEfficiency
 histogram of track efficiency More...
TH1D * fTrackPurityEfficiency
 histogram of track efficiency times purity More...
TH2D * fTrackPurityEfficiency2D
 scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency More...
TH1D * fVertexPurity
 histogram of vertex purity More...
TH1D * fVertexEfficiency
 histogram of vertex efficiency More...
TH1D * fVertexPurityEfficiency
 histogram of vertex efficiency times purity More...
TH1D * fEventPurity
 histogram of event purity More...
TH1D * fEventEfficiency
 histogram of event efficiency More...
TH1D * fEventPurityEfficiency
 histogram of event efficiency times purity More...
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency
TTree * fTree
 TTree to save efficiencies. More...
int frun
 run number More...
int fevent
 event number More...
int ftrackid
 geant track ID More...
int fpdg
 particle pdg code More...
double fpmom
 particle momentum More...
double fhiteff
 hitfinder efficiency for this particle More...
int fnclu
 number of clusters for this particle More...
std::vector< double > fclueff
 cluster efficiencies More...
std::vector< double > fclupur
 cluster purities More...
std::vector< int > fcluid
 cluster IDs More...
int fnshw
 number of showers for this particle More...
std::vector< double > fshweff
 shower efficiencies More...
std::vector< double > fshwpur
 shower purities More...
std::vector< int > fshwid
 shower IDs More...
int fntrk
 number of tracks for this particle More...
std::vector< double > ftrkeff
 track efficiencies More...
std::vector< double > ftrkpur
 track purities More...
std::vector< int > ftrkid
 track IDs More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 22 of file EDAnalyzer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cheat::RecoCheckAna::RecoCheckAna ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  p)

Definition at line 162 of file

References fCheckClusters, fCheckEvents, fCheckShowers, fCheckTracks, fCheckVertices, fClusterModuleLabel, fEventModuleLabel, fShowerModuleLabel, fTrackModuleLabel, fVertexModuleLabel, and fhicl::ParameterSet::get().

163  : EDAnalyzer(p)
164  , fHitModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("HitModuleLabel")}
165  , fClusterModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("ClusterModuleLabel")}
166  , fShowerModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("ShowerModuleLabel")}
167  , fTrackModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("TrackModuleLabel")}
168  , fVertexModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("VertexModuleLabel")}
169  , fEventModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("EventModuleLabel")}
170  , fCheckClusters{p.get<bool>("CheckClusters")}
171  , fCheckShowers{p.get<bool>("CheckShowers")}
172  , fCheckTracks{p.get<bool>("CheckTracks")}
173  , fCheckVertices{p.get<bool>("CheckVertices")}
174  , fCheckEvents{p.get<bool>("CheckEvents")}
175 {}
bool fCheckVertices
should we check the reconstruction of vertices?
bool fCheckEvents
should we check the reconstruction of events?
EDAnalyzer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
bool fCheckClusters
should we check the reconstruction of clusters?
bool fCheckTracks
should we check the reconstruction of tracks?
std::string fTrackModuleLabel
label for module making the tracks
bool fCheckShowers
should we check the reconstruction of showers?
std::string fClusterModuleLabel
label for module making the clusters
std::string fShowerModuleLabel
label for module making the showers
std::string fEventModuleLabel
label for module making the events
std::string fVertexModuleLabel
label for module making the vertices
std::string fHitModuleLabel
label for module making the hits

Member Function Documentation

void cheat::RecoCheckAna::analyze ( art::Event const &  e)

Implements art::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 178 of file

References CheckRecoClusters(), CheckRecoEvents(), CheckRecoShowers(), CheckRecoTracks(), CheckRecoVertices(), art::EventID::event(), art::Handle< T >::failedToGet(), fCheckClusters, fCheckEvents, fCheckShowers, fCheckTracks, fCheckVertices, fClusterModuleLabel, fevent, fEventModuleLabel, fHitModuleLabel, art::fill_ptr_vector(), FillResults(), frun, fShowerModuleLabel, fTrackModuleLabel, fVertexModuleLabel, art::ProductRetriever::getByLabel(), art::Event::id(), art::Event::isRealData(), and art::Event::run().

179 {
180  // check that this is MC, stop if it isn't
181  if (e.isRealData()) {
182  mf::LogWarning("RecoVetter") << "attempting to run MC truth check on "
183  << "real data, bail";
184  return;
185  }
187  // get all hits in the event to figure out how many there are
189  e.getByLabel(fHitModuleLabel, hithdl);
190  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> allhits;
191  art::fill_ptr_vector(allhits, hithdl);
193  // define variables to hold the reconstructed objects
200  if (fCheckClusters) {
201  e.getByLabel(fClusterModuleLabel, clscol);
202  if (!clscol.failedToGet()) this->CheckRecoClusters(e, fClusterModuleLabel, clscol, allhits);
203  }
204  if (fCheckTracks) {
205  e.getByLabel(fTrackModuleLabel, trkcol);
206  if (!trkcol.failedToGet()) this->CheckRecoTracks(e, fTrackModuleLabel, trkcol, allhits);
207  }
208  if (fCheckShowers) {
209  e.getByLabel(fShowerModuleLabel, shwcol);
210  if (!shwcol.failedToGet()) this->CheckRecoShowers(e, fShowerModuleLabel, shwcol, allhits);
211  }
212  if (fCheckVertices) {
213  e.getByLabel(fVertexModuleLabel, vtxcol);
214  if (!vtxcol.failedToGet()) this->CheckRecoVertices(e, fVertexModuleLabel, vtxcol, allhits);
215  }
216  if (fCheckEvents) {
217  e.getByLabel(fEventModuleLabel, evtcol);
218  if (!evtcol.failedToGet()) this->CheckRecoEvents(e, fEventModuleLabel, evtcol, allhits);
219  }
221  frun =;
222  fevent =;
224  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(e);
225  this->FillResults(clockData, allhits);
227  return;
228 }
bool fCheckVertices
should we check the reconstruction of vertices?
void CheckRecoEvents(art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Event >> const &evtcol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
bool fCheckEvents
should we check the reconstruction of events?
void CheckRecoTracks(art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Track >> const &tcol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
bool fCheckClusters
should we check the reconstruction of clusters?
bool fCheckTracks
should we check the reconstruction of tracks?
std::string fTrackModuleLabel
label for module making the tracks
bool fCheckShowers
should we check the reconstruction of showers?
void CheckRecoShowers(art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Shower >> const &scol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void FillResults(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
void CheckRecoVertices(art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Vertex >> const &vtxcol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
std::string fClusterModuleLabel
label for module making the clusters
void CheckRecoClusters(art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label, art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Cluster >> const &clscol, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits)
std::string fShowerModuleLabel
label for module making the showers
std::string fEventModuleLabel
label for module making the events
void fill_ptr_vector(std::vector< Ptr< T >> &ptrs, H const &h)
Definition: Ptr.h:306
std::string fVertexModuleLabel
label for module making the vertices
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
bool failedToGet() const
Definition: Handle.h:210
std::string fHitModuleLabel
label for module making the hits
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::beginRun ( art::Run const &  r)

Reimplemented from art::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 231 of file

References fCheckClusters, fCheckEvents, fCheckShowers, fCheckTracks, fCheckVertices, fclueff, fcluid, fclupur, fClusterEfficiency, fClusterPurity, fClusterPurityEfficiency, fClusterPurityEfficiency2D, fevent, fEventEfficiency, fEventPurity, fEventPurityEfficiency, fhiteff, fnclu, fnshw, fntrk, fpdg, fpmom, frun, fShowerEfficiency, fShowerPurity, fShowerPurityEfficiency, fShowerPurityEfficiency2D, fshweff, fshwid, fshwpur, fTrackEfficiency, ftrackid, fTrackPurity, fTrackPurityEfficiency, fTrackPurityEfficiency2D, fTree, ftrkeff, ftrkid, ftrkpur, fVertexEfficiency, fVertexPurity, and fVertexPurityEfficiency.

232 {
235  if (fCheckEvents) {
236  fEventPurity = tfs->make<TH1D>("eventPurity", ";Purity;Events", 100, 0., 1.1);
237  fEventEfficiency = tfs->make<TH1D>("eventEfficiency", ";Efficiency;Events", 100, 0., 1.1);
239  tfs->make<TH1D>("eventPurityEfficiency", ";purityEfficiency;Events", 110, 0., 1.1);
240  }
241  if (fCheckVertices) {
242  fVertexPurity = tfs->make<TH1D>("vertexPurity", ";Purity;Vertices", 100, 0., 1.1);
243  fVertexEfficiency = tfs->make<TH1D>("vertexEfficiency", ";Efficiency;Vertices", 100, 0., 1.1);
245  tfs->make<TH1D>("vertexPurityEfficiency", ";purityEfficiency;Vertex", 110, 0., 1.1);
246  }
247  if (fCheckTracks) {
248  fTrackPurity = tfs->make<TH1D>("trackPurity", ";Purity;Tracks", 100, 0., 1.1);
249  fTrackEfficiency = tfs->make<TH1D>("trackEfficiency", ";Efficiency;Tracks", 100, 0., 1.1);
251  tfs->make<TH1D>("trackPurityEfficiency", ";purityEfficiency;Tracks", 110, 0., 1.1);
253  tfs->make<TH2D>("trackPurityEfficiency2D", ";purity;efficiency", 110, 0., 1.1, 110, 0., 1.1);
254  }
255  if (fCheckShowers) {
256  fShowerPurity = tfs->make<TH1D>("showerPurity", ";Purity;Showers", 100, 0., 1.1);
257  fShowerEfficiency = tfs->make<TH1D>("showerEfficiency", ";Efficiency;Showers", 100, 0., 1.1);
259  tfs->make<TH1D>("showerPurityEfficiency", ";purityEfficiency;Showers", 110, 0., 1.1);
261  tfs->make<TH2D>("showerPurityEfficiency2D", ";purity;efficiency", 110, 0., 1.1, 110, 0., 1.1);
262  }
263  if (fCheckClusters) {
264  fClusterPurity = tfs->make<TH1D>("clusterPurity", ";Purity;Clusters", 110, 0., 1.1);
265  fClusterEfficiency = tfs->make<TH1D>("clusterEfficiency", ";Efficiency;Clusters", 110, 0., 1.1);
267  tfs->make<TH1D>("clusterPurityEfficiency", ";purityEfficiency;Clusters", 110, 0., 1.1);
268  fClusterPurityEfficiency2D = tfs->make<TH2D>(
269  "clusterPurityEfficiency2D", ";purity;efficiency", 110, 0., 1.1, 110, 0., 1.1);
270  }
272  fTree = tfs->make<TTree>("cheatertree", "cheater tree");
273  fTree->Branch("run", &frun, "run/I");
274  fTree->Branch("event", &fevent, "event/I");
275  fTree->Branch("trackid", &ftrackid, "trackid/I");
276  fTree->Branch("pdg", &fpdg, "pdg/I");
277  fTree->Branch("pmom", &fpmom, "pmom/D");
278  fTree->Branch("hiteff", &fhiteff, "hiteff/D");
279  fTree->Branch("nclu", &fnclu, "nclu/I");
280  fTree->Branch("clueff", &fclueff);
281  fTree->Branch("clupur", &fclupur);
282  fTree->Branch("cluid", &fcluid);
283  fTree->Branch("nshw", &fnshw, "nshw/I");
284  fTree->Branch("shweff", &fshweff);
285  fTree->Branch("shwpur", &fshwpur);
286  fTree->Branch("shwid", &fshwid);
287  fTree->Branch("ntrk", &fntrk, "ntrk/I");
288  fTree->Branch("trkeff", &ftrkeff);
289  fTree->Branch("trkpur", &ftrkpur);
290  fTree->Branch("trkid", &ftrkid);
292  return;
293 }
int fpdg
particle pdg code
int fnshw
number of showers for this particle
TH1D * fTrackPurityEfficiency
histogram of track efficiency times purity
bool fCheckVertices
should we check the reconstruction of vertices?
double fhiteff
hitfinder efficiency for this particle
TH1D * fClusterPurityEfficiency
histogram of cluster efficiency times purity
int fnclu
number of clusters for this particle
int fntrk
number of tracks for this particle
TH1D * fEventPurity
histogram of event purity
bool fCheckEvents
should we check the reconstruction of events?
TH2D * fTrackPurityEfficiency2D
scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency
TH1D * fEventEfficiency
histogram of event efficiency
TH1D * fVertexPurity
histogram of vertex purity
TH1D * fEventPurityEfficiency
histogram of event efficiency times purity
TH1D * fVertexPurityEfficiency
histogram of vertex efficiency times purity
std::vector< double > fclupur
cluster purities
std::vector< double > fshweff
shower efficiencies
bool fCheckClusters
should we check the reconstruction of clusters?
std::vector< double > fshwpur
shower purities
TTree * fTree
TTree to save efficiencies.
std::vector< int > fshwid
shower IDs
TH1D * fVertexEfficiency
histogram of vertex efficiency
std::vector< int > ftrkid
track IDs
std::vector< double > ftrkeff
track efficiencies
bool fCheckTracks
should we check the reconstruction of tracks?
std::vector< double > fclueff
cluster efficiencies
double fpmom
particle momentum
std::vector< int > fcluid
cluster IDs
std::vector< double > ftrkpur
track purities
bool fCheckShowers
should we check the reconstruction of showers?
int ftrackid
geant track ID
TH1D * fShowerPurityEfficiency
histogram of shower efficiency times purity
TH1D * fClusterPurity
histogram of cluster purity
TH1D * fClusterEfficiency
histogram of cluster efficiency
TH1D * fShowerPurity
histogram of shower purity
TH1D * fShowerEfficiency
histogram of shower efficiency
TH1D * fTrackPurity
histogram of track purity
TH2D * fClusterPurityEfficiency2D
scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency
TH1D * fTrackEfficiency
histogram of track efficiency
TH2D * fShowerPurityEfficiency2D
scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::CheckReco ( detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &  clockData,
int const &  colID,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  colHits,
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> &  g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency 

Definition at line 298 of file

References fBT, cheat::BackTrackerService::GetSetOfTrackIds(), cheat::BackTrackerService::HitCollectionEfficiency(), and cheat::BackTrackerService::HitCollectionPurity().

Referenced by CheckRecoClusters(), CheckRecoShowers(), and CheckRecoTracks().

304 {
306  // grab the set of track IDs for these hits
307  std::set<int> trackIDs = fBT->GetSetOfTrackIds(clockData, colHits);
309  geo::View_t view = colHits[0]->View();
311  std::set<int>::iterator itr = trackIDs.begin();
312  while (itr != trackIDs.end()) {
314  std::set<int> id;
315  id.insert(*itr);
317  // use the cheat::BackTrackerService to find purity and efficiency for these
318  // hits
319  double purity = fBT->HitCollectionPurity(clockData, id, colHits);
320  double efficiency = fBT->HitCollectionEfficiency(clockData, id, colHits, allhits, view);
322  // make the purity and efficiency pair
323  std::pair<double, double> pe(purity, efficiency);
325  // make the pair of the RecoBase object id to the pair of purity/efficiency
326  std::pair<int, int> g4reco(*itr, colID);
328  // insert idpe into the map
329  g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency[g4reco] = pe;
331  itr++;
333  } // end loop over eveIDs
335  return;
336 }
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService const > fBT
the back tracker service
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
enum geo::_plane_proj View_t
Enumerate the possible plane projections.
double HitCollectionEfficiency(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::set< int > const &trackIds, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, geo::View_t const &view) const
std::set< int > GetSetOfTrackIds() const
double HitCollectionPurity(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::set< int > const &trackIds, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits) const
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::CheckRecoClusters ( art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label,
art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Cluster >> const &  clscol,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits 

Definition at line 339 of file

References CheckReco(), fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency, and hits().

Referenced by analyze().

343 {
344  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
345  art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> fmh(clscol, evt, label);
347  for (size_t c = 0; c < clscol->size(); ++c) {
349  // get the hits associated with this event
350  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hits =;
352  this->CheckReco(clockData, clscol->at(c).ID(), allhits, hits, fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency);
354  } // end loop over clusters
356  return;
357 }
void CheckReco(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, int const &colID, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &colHits, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> &g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency)
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::CheckRecoEvents ( art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label,
art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Event >> const &  evtcol,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits 
need to divy it up in the case where there is more than 1 true interaction in a spill

Definition at line 465 of file

References d, simb::MCParticle::Daughter(), fBT, fEventEfficiency, fEventPurity, fEventPurityEfficiency, fPI, cheat::BackTrackerService::HitCollectionEfficiency(), cheat::BackTrackerService::HitCollectionPurity(), hits(), geo::k3D, simb::MCParticle::NumberDaughters(), part, and cheat::ParticleInventoryService::ParticleList().

Referenced by analyze().

469 {
470  const sim::ParticleList& plist = fPI->ParticleList();
472  // loop over all primaries in the plist and grab them and their daughters to put into
473  // the set of track ids to pass on to the back tracker
474  std::set<int> ids;
475  for (const auto& PartPair : plist) {
476  auto trackID = PartPair.first;
477  if (!plist.IsPrimary(trackID)) continue;
478  const simb::MCParticle& part = *(PartPair.second);
479  ids.insert(trackID);
480  for (int d = 0; d < part.NumberDaughters(); ++d)
481  ids.insert(part.Daughter(d));
482  } // end loop over primaries
484  art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> fmh(evtcol, evt, label);
486  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
487  for (size_t ev = 0; ev < evtcol->size(); ++ev) {
489  // get the hits associated with this event
490  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hits =;
492  // use the cheat::BackTrackerService to find purity and efficiency for these
493  // hits
494  double purity = fBT->HitCollectionPurity(clockData, ids, hits);
495  double efficiency = fBT->HitCollectionEfficiency(clockData, ids, hits, allhits, geo::k3D);
497  fEventPurity->Fill(purity);
498  fEventEfficiency->Fill(efficiency);
499  fEventPurityEfficiency->Fill(purity * efficiency);
501  } // end loop over events
503  return;
504 }
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService const > fBT
the back tracker service
double HitCollectionEfficiency(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::set< int > const &trackIds, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, geo::View_t const &view) const
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::ParticleInventoryService const > fPI
the back tracker service
TH1D * fEventPurity
histogram of event purity
TH1D * fEventEfficiency
histogram of event efficiency
int NumberDaughters() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:218
int Daughter(const int i) const
Definition: MCParticle.cxx:118
TH1D * fEventPurityEfficiency
histogram of event efficiency times purity
3-dimensional objects, potentially hits, clusters, prongs, etc.
Definition: geo_types.h:141
TString part[npart]
Definition: Style.C:32
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
double HitCollectionPurity(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::set< int > const &trackIds, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits) const
Float_t d
Definition: plot.C:235
const sim::ParticleList & ParticleList() const
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::CheckRecoShowers ( art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label,
art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Shower >> const &  scol,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits 

Definition at line 381 of file

References CheckReco(), fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency, and hits().

Referenced by analyze().

385 {
386  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
387  art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> fmh(scol, evt, label);
389  for (size_t p = 0; p < scol->size(); ++p) {
391  // get the hits associated with this event
392  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hits =;
394  this->CheckReco(clockData, scol->at(p).ID(), allhits, hits, fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency);
396  } // end loop over events
398  return;
399 }
void CheckReco(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, int const &colID, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &colHits, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> &g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency)
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::CheckRecoTracks ( art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label,
art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Track >> const &  tcol,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits 

Definition at line 360 of file

References CheckReco(), fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency, and hits().

Referenced by analyze().

364 {
365  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
366  art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> fmh(tcol, evt, label);
368  for (size_t p = 0; p < tcol->size(); ++p) {
370  // get the hits associated with this event
371  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hits =;
373  this->CheckReco(clockData, tcol->at(p).ID(), allhits, hits, fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency);
375  } // end loop over tracks
377  return;
378 }
void CheckReco(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, int const &colID, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &colHits, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> &g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency)
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::CheckRecoVertices ( art::Event const &  evt,
std::string const &  label,
art::Handle< std::vector< recob::Vertex >> const &  vtxcol,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits 

Definition at line 404 of file

References d, simb::MCParticle::Daughter(), fBT, fPI, fVertexEfficiency, fVertexPurity, fVertexPurityEfficiency, cheat::BackTrackerService::HitCollectionEfficiency(), cheat::BackTrackerService::HitCollectionPurity(), hits(), geo::k3D, simb::MCParticle::NumberDaughters(), part, and cheat::ParticleInventoryService::ParticleList().

Referenced by analyze().

408 {
409  const sim::ParticleList& plist = fPI->ParticleList();
411  std::vector<std::set<int>> ids(1);
412  // loop over all primary particles and put their ids into the first set of the
413  // vector. add another set for each primary particle that also has daughters
414  // and put those daughters into the new set
415  // PartPair is a (track ID, particle pointer) pair
416  for (const auto& PartPair : plist) {
417  auto trackID = PartPair.first;
418  if (!plist.IsPrimary(trackID)) continue;
419  const simb::MCParticle& part = *(PartPair.second);
420  ids[0].insert(trackID);
421  if (part.NumberDaughters() > 0) {
422  std::set<int> dv;
423  for (int d = 0; d < part.NumberDaughters(); ++d)
424  dv.insert(part.Daughter(d));
425  ids.push_back(std::move(dv));
426  } // end if this primary particle has daughters
427  } // end loop over primaries
429  art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> fmh(vtxcol, evt, label);
431  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataFor(evt);
433  for (size_t v = 0; v < vtxcol->size(); ++v) {
435  // get the hits associated with this event
436  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hits =;
438  double maxPurity = -1.;
439  double maxEfficiency = -1.;
441  for (size_t tv = 0; tv < ids.size(); ++tv) {
443  // use the cheat::BackTrackerService to find purity and efficiency for
444  // these hits
445  double purity = fBT->HitCollectionPurity(clockData, ids[tv], hits);
446  double efficiency = fBT->HitCollectionEfficiency(clockData, ids[tv], hits, allhits, geo::k3D);
448  if (purity > maxPurity) maxPurity = purity;
449  if (efficiency > maxEfficiency) maxEfficiency = efficiency;
450  }
452  fVertexPurity->Fill(maxPurity);
453  fVertexEfficiency->Fill(maxEfficiency);
454  fVertexPurityEfficiency->Fill(maxPurity * maxEfficiency);
456  } // end loop over vertices
458  return;
459 }
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService const > fBT
the back tracker service
double HitCollectionEfficiency(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::set< int > const &trackIds, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &allhits, geo::View_t const &view) const
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::ParticleInventoryService const > fPI
the back tracker service
int NumberDaughters() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:218
TH1D * fVertexPurity
histogram of vertex purity
int Daughter(const int i) const
Definition: MCParticle.cxx:118
3-dimensional objects, potentially hits, clusters, prongs, etc.
Definition: geo_types.h:141
TH1D * fVertexPurityEfficiency
histogram of vertex efficiency times purity
TString part[npart]
Definition: Style.C:32
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
double HitCollectionPurity(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, std::set< int > const &trackIds, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits) const
TH1D * fVertexEfficiency
histogram of vertex efficiency
Float_t d
Definition: plot.C:235
const sim::ParticleList & ParticleList() const
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ProductToken< T > art::ModuleBase::consumes ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 61 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::consumes().

62  {
63  return collector_.consumes<T, BT>(tag);
64  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
ProductToken< T > consumes(InputTag const &)
ConsumesCollector & art::ModuleBase::consumesCollector ( )

Definition at line 57 of file

References art::ModuleBase::collector_.

58  {
59  return collector_;
60  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
void art::ModuleBase::consumesMany ( )

Definition at line 75 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::consumesMany().

76  {
77  collector_.consumesMany<T, BT>();
78  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken<Element> art::ModuleBase::consumesView ( InputTag const &  )
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken<T> art::ModuleBase::consumesView ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 68 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::consumesView().

69  {
70  return collector_.consumesView<T, BT>(tag);
71  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
ViewToken< Element > consumesView(InputTag const &)
void art::detail::Analyzer::doBeginJob ( SharedResources const &  resources)

Definition at line 25 of file

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

26  {
27  setupQueues(resources);
28  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
29  beginJobWithFrame(frame);
30  }
virtual void beginJobWithFrame(ProcessingFrame const &)=0
virtual void setupQueues(SharedResources const &)=0
bool art::detail::Analyzer::doBeginRun ( RunPrincipal rp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 68 of file

References art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

69  {
70  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
71  beginRunWithFrame(std::as_const(rp).makeRun(mc), frame);
72  return true;
73  }
virtual void beginRunWithFrame(Run const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Analyzer::doBeginSubRun ( SubRunPrincipal srp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 84 of file

References art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

85  {
86  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
87  beginSubRunWithFrame(std::as_const(srp).makeSubRun(mc), frame);
88  return true;
89  }
virtual void beginSubRunWithFrame(SubRun const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
void art::detail::Analyzer::doEndJob ( )

Definition at line 33 of file

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

34  {
35  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
36  endJobWithFrame(frame);
37  }
virtual void endJobWithFrame(ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Analyzer::doEndRun ( RunPrincipal rp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 76 of file

References art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

77  {
78  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
79  endRunWithFrame(std::as_const(rp).makeRun(mc), frame);
80  return true;
81  }
virtual void endRunWithFrame(Run const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Analyzer::doEndSubRun ( SubRunPrincipal srp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 92 of file

References art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

93  {
94  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
95  endSubRunWithFrame(std::as_const(srp).makeSubRun(mc), frame);
96  return true;
97  }
virtual void endSubRunWithFrame(SubRun const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Analyzer::doEvent ( EventPrincipal ep,
ModuleContext const &  mc,
std::atomic< std::size_t > &  counts_run,
std::atomic< std::size_t > &  counts_passed,
std::atomic< std::size_t > &  counts_failed 

Definition at line 100 of file

References e, and art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

105  {
106  auto const e = std::as_const(ep).makeEvent(mc);
107  if (wantEvent(mc.scheduleID(), e)) {
108  ++counts_run;
109  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
110  analyzeWithFrame(e, frame);
111  ++counts_passed;
112  }
113  return true;
114  }
bool wantEvent(ScheduleID id, Event const &e) const
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
virtual void analyzeWithFrame(Event const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
void art::detail::Analyzer::doRespondToCloseInputFile ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 47 of file

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

48  {
49  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
51  }
TFile fb("Li6.root")
virtual void respondToCloseInputFileWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
void art::detail::Analyzer::doRespondToCloseOutputFiles ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 61 of file

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

62  {
63  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
65  }
virtual void respondToCloseOutputFilesWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
TFile fb("Li6.root")
void art::detail::Analyzer::doRespondToOpenInputFile ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 40 of file

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

41  {
42  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
44  }
TFile fb("Li6.root")
virtual void respondToOpenInputFileWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
void art::detail::Analyzer::doRespondToOpenOutputFiles ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by art::detail::Analyzer::Analyzer().

55  {
56  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
58  }
virtual void respondToOpenOutputFilesWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
TFile fb("Li6.root")
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::FillResults ( detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &  clockData,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  allhits 

Definition at line 566 of file

References util::abs(), DEFINE_ART_MODULE, e, energy, fBT, fCheckClusters, fCheckShowers, fCheckTracks, fclueff, fcluid, fclupur, fClusterEfficiency, fClusterPurity, fClusterPurityEfficiency, fClusterPurityEfficiency2D, fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency, fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency, fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency, fhiteff, FlattenMap(), fnclu, fnshw, fntrk, fpdg, fPI, fpmom, fShowerEfficiency, fShowerPurity, fShowerPurityEfficiency, fShowerPurityEfficiency2D, fshweff, fshwid, fshwpur, fTrackEfficiency, ftrackid, fTrackPurity, fTrackPurityEfficiency, fTrackPurityEfficiency2D, fTree, ftrkeff, ftrkid, ftrkpur, cheat::BackTrackerService::GetSetOfTrackIds(), cheat::BackTrackerService::HitToTrackIDEs(), if(), simb::MCParticle::P(), part, simb::MCParticle::PdgCode(), cheat::ParticleInventoryService::TrackIdToParticle_P(), and cheat::BackTrackerService::TrackIdToSimIDEs_Ps().

Referenced by analyze().

568 {
569  // map the g4 track id to energy deposited in a hit
570  std::map<int, double> g4IDToHitEnergy;
571  for (size_t h = 0; h < allhits.size(); ++h) {
572  const std::vector<sim::TrackIDE> hitTrackIDs = fBT->HitToTrackIDEs(clockData, allhits[h]);
573  for (size_t e = 0; e < hitTrackIDs.size(); ++e) {
574  g4IDToHitEnergy[hitTrackIDs[e].trackID] += hitTrackIDs[e].energy;
575  }
576  } // end loop over hits to fill map
578  // flatten the G4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency maps to have just the g4ID as
579  // the key and the rest of the information in vector form
580  std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>>>
581  g4IDToClusterPurityEfficiency;
582  std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>>>
583  g4IDToShowerPurityEfficiency;
584  std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>>> g4IDToTrackPurityEfficiency;
585  std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>>>::iterator g4peItr;
587  if (fCheckClusters)
589  g4IDToClusterPurityEfficiency,
594  if (fCheckShowers)
596  g4IDToShowerPurityEfficiency,
601  if (fCheckTracks)
603  g4IDToTrackPurityEfficiency,
604  fTrackPurity,
609  // fill the tree vectors
610  // get all the eveIDs from this event
611  std::set<int> trackIDs = fBT->GetSetOfTrackIds();
612  std::set<int>::const_iterator trackItr = trackIDs.begin();
614  // loop over them
615  while (trackItr != trackIDs.end()) {
617  const simb::MCParticle* part = fPI->TrackIdToParticle_P(*trackItr);
619  ftrackid = std::abs(*trackItr);
620  fpdg = part->PdgCode();
621  fpmom = part->P();
623  // figure out how much of the energy deposited from this particle is stored in hits
624  std::vector<const sim::IDE*> ides = fBT->TrackIdToSimIDEs_Ps(*trackItr);
625  double totalDep = 0.;
626  for (size_t i = 0; i < ides.size(); ++i)
627  totalDep += ides[i]->energy;
629  if (totalDep > 0.) fhiteff = g4IDToHitEnergy[*trackItr] / totalDep;
631  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>> clVec;
632  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>> shVec;
633  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>>> trVec;
635  if (g4IDToClusterPurityEfficiency.find(*trackItr) != g4IDToClusterPurityEfficiency.end())
636  clVec = g4IDToClusterPurityEfficiency.find(*trackItr)->second;
638  if (g4IDToShowerPurityEfficiency.find(*trackItr) != g4IDToShowerPurityEfficiency.end())
639  shVec = g4IDToShowerPurityEfficiency.find(*trackItr)->second;
641  if (g4IDToTrackPurityEfficiency.find(*trackItr) != g4IDToTrackPurityEfficiency.end())
642  trVec = g4IDToTrackPurityEfficiency.find(*trackItr)->second;
644  fnclu = clVec.size();
645  fnshw = shVec.size();
646  fntrk = trVec.size();
648  for (size_t c = 0; c < clVec.size(); ++c) {
649  fcluid.push_back(clVec[c].first);
650  fclupur.push_back(clVec[c].second.first);
651  fclueff.push_back(clVec[c].second.second);
652  }
654  for (size_t s = 0; s < shVec.size(); ++s) {
655  fshwid.push_back(shVec[s].first);
656  fshwpur.push_back(shVec[s].second.first);
657  fshweff.push_back(shVec[s].second.second);
658  }
660  for (size_t t = 0; t < trVec.size(); ++t) {
661  ftrkid.push_back(trVec[t].first);
662  ftrkpur.push_back(trVec[t].second.first);
663  ftrkeff.push_back(trVec[t].second.second);
664  }
666  fTree->Fill();
668  trackItr++;
669  }
671  // clean up for the next event
673  // clear the maps of G4 track id to efficiency and purity for
674  // various RecoBase objects
679  // clear the vectors hooked up to the tree
680  fclueff.clear();
681  fclupur.clear();
682  fcluid.clear();
683  ftrkeff.clear();
684  ftrkpur.clear();
685  ftrkid.clear();
686  fshweff.clear();
687  fshwpur.clear();
688  fshwid.clear();
690  return;
691 }
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::BackTrackerService const > fBT
the back tracker service
int fpdg
particle pdg code
int fnshw
number of showers for this particle
int PdgCode() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:213
TH1D * fTrackPurityEfficiency
histogram of track efficiency times purity
std::vector< sim::TrackIDE > HitToTrackIDEs(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, recob::Hit const &hit) const
const simb::MCParticle * TrackIdToParticle_P(int id) const
double fhiteff
hitfinder efficiency for this particle
TH1D * fClusterPurityEfficiency
histogram of cluster efficiency times purity
int fnclu
number of clusters for this particle
art::ServiceHandle< cheat::ParticleInventoryService const > fPI
the back tracker service
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
int fntrk
number of tracks for this particle
std::vector< const sim::IDE * > TrackIdToSimIDEs_Ps(int const &id) const
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency
TH2D * fTrackPurityEfficiency2D
scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency
TString part[npart]
Definition: Style.C:32
std::set< int > GetSetOfTrackIds() const
std::vector< double > fclupur
cluster purities
std::vector< double > fshweff
shower efficiencies
bool fCheckClusters
should we check the reconstruction of clusters?
double P(const int i=0) const
Definition: MCParticle.h:235
std::vector< double > fshwpur
shower purities
TTree * fTree
TTree to save efficiencies.
std::vector< int > fshwid
shower IDs
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
std::vector< int > ftrkid
track IDs
std::vector< double > ftrkeff
track efficiencies
bool fCheckTracks
should we check the reconstruction of tracks?
std::vector< double > fclueff
cluster efficiencies
double fpmom
particle momentum
void FlattenMap(std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> const &g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency, std::map< int, std::vector< std::pair< int, std::pair< double, double >>>> &g4IDToRecoBasePurityEfficiency, TH1D *purity, TH1D *efficiency, TH1D *purityEfficiency, TH2D *purityEfficiency2D)
std::vector< int > fcluid
cluster IDs
std::vector< double > ftrkpur
track purities
bool fCheckShowers
should we check the reconstruction of showers?
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency
int ftrackid
geant track ID
TH1D * fShowerPurityEfficiency
histogram of shower efficiency times purity
TH1D * fClusterPurity
histogram of cluster purity
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double > > fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency
TH1D * fClusterEfficiency
histogram of cluster efficiency
TH1D * fShowerPurity
histogram of shower purity
TH1D * fShowerEfficiency
histogram of shower efficiency
TH1D * fTrackPurity
histogram of track purity
TH2D * fClusterPurityEfficiency2D
scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
second_as<> second
Type of time stored in seconds, in double precision.
Definition: spacetime.h:82
TH1D * fTrackEfficiency
histogram of track efficiency
TH2D * fShowerPurityEfficiency2D
scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency
void cheat::RecoCheckAna::FlattenMap ( std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< double, double >> const &  g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency,
std::map< int, std::vector< std::pair< int, std::pair< double, double >>>> &  g4IDToRecoBasePurityEfficiency,
TH1D *  purity,
TH1D *  efficiency,
TH1D *  purityEfficiency,
TH2D *  purityEfficiency2D 

Definition at line 507 of file

Referenced by FillResults().

515 {
517  std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<double, double>>::const_iterator rbItr =
518  g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency.begin();
520  // map of key cluster ID to pair of purity, efficiency
521  std::map<int, std::pair<double, double>> recoBIDToPurityEfficiency;
522  std::map<int, std::pair<double, double>>::iterator rbpeItr;
524  while (rbItr != g4RecoBaseIDToPurityEfficiency.end()) {
526  // trackID, cluster ID
527  std::pair<int, int> g4cl = rbItr->first;
528  // purity, efficiency
529  std::pair<double, double> pe = rbItr->second;
531  // add the efficiency and purity values for clusters corresponding
532  // to the current g4 id to the map
533  // pair of cluster id, pair of purity, efficiency
534  std::pair<int, std::pair<double, double>> clpe(g4cl.second, pe);
535  // g4IDToRecoBasePurityEfficiency is a map with key of trackID of a vector of clusterIDs of pairs of purity and efficiency
536  g4IDToRecoBasePurityEfficiency[g4cl.first].push_back(clpe);
538  // now find the maximum purity to determine the purity and efficiency
539  // for this RecoBase object
540  rbpeItr = recoBIDToPurityEfficiency.find(g4cl.second);
541  if (rbpeItr != recoBIDToPurityEfficiency.end()) {
542  std::pair<double, double> curpe = rbpeItr->second;
543  if (pe.first > curpe.first) recoBIDToPurityEfficiency[g4cl.second] = pe;
544  }
545  else
546  recoBIDToPurityEfficiency[g4cl.second] = pe;
548  rbItr++;
549  }
551  rbpeItr = recoBIDToPurityEfficiency.begin();
553  // now fill the histograms,
554  while (rbpeItr != recoBIDToPurityEfficiency.end()) {
555  purity->Fill(rbpeItr->second.first);
556  efficiency->Fill(rbpeItr->second.second);
557  purityEfficiency->Fill(rbpeItr->second.first * rbpeItr->second.second);
558  purityEfficiency2D->Fill(rbpeItr->second.first, rbpeItr->second.second);
559  rbpeItr++;
560  }
562  return;
563 }
std::array< std::vector< ProductInfo >, NumBranchTypes > const & art::ModuleBase::getConsumables ( ) const

Definition at line 43 of file

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::getConsumables().

44  {
45  return collector_.getConsumables();
46  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
std::array< std::vector< ProductInfo >, NumBranchTypes > const & getConsumables() const
Handle< TriggerResults > art::Observer::getTriggerResults ( Event const &  e) const

Definition at line 75 of file

References art::ProductRetriever::get(), and art::Observer::selectors_.

Referenced by art::OutputModule::doWriteEvent(), and art::Observer::wantAllEvents().

76  {
77  if (selectors_) {
78  return selectors_->getOneTriggerResults(e);
79  }
81  // The following applies for cases where no SelectEvents entries
82  // exist.
83  Handle<TriggerResults> h;
84  if (e.get(empty_process_name, h)) {
85  return h;
86  }
87  return Handle<TriggerResults>{};
88  }
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
std::optional< detail::ProcessAndEventSelectors > selectors_
Definition: Observer.h:79
std::unique_ptr< Worker > art::ModuleBase::makeWorker ( WorkerParams const &  wp)

Definition at line 37 of file

References art::ModuleBase::doMakeWorker(), and art::NumBranchTypes.

38  {
39  return doMakeWorker(wp);
40  }
virtual std::unique_ptr< Worker > doMakeWorker(WorkerParams const &wp)=0
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ProductToken< T > art::ModuleBase::mayConsume ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 82 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::mayConsume().

83  {
84  return collector_.mayConsume<T, BT>(tag);
85  }
ProductToken< T > mayConsume(InputTag const &)
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
void art::ModuleBase::mayConsumeMany ( )

Definition at line 96 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::mayConsumeMany().

97  {
98  collector_.mayConsumeMany<T, BT>();
99  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken<Element> art::ModuleBase::mayConsumeView ( InputTag const &  )
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken<T> art::ModuleBase::mayConsumeView ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 89 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::mayConsumeView().

90  {
91  return collector_.mayConsumeView<T, BT>(tag);
92  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
ViewToken< Element > mayConsumeView(InputTag const &)
ModuleDescription const & art::ModuleBase::moduleDescription ( ) const

Definition at line 13 of file

References art::errors::LogicError.

Referenced by art::OutputModule::doRespondToOpenInputFile(), art::OutputModule::doWriteEvent(), art::Modifier::fillProductDescriptions(), art::OutputModule::makePlugins_(), art::OutputWorker::OutputWorker(), reco::shower::LArPandoraModularShowerCreation::produce(), art::Modifier::registerProducts(), and art::OutputModule::registerProducts().

14  {
15  if (md_.has_value()) {
16  return *md_;
17  }
20  "There was an error while calling moduleDescription().\n"}
21  << "The moduleDescription() base-class member function cannot be called\n"
22  "during module construction. To determine which module is "
23  "responsible\n"
24  "for calling it, find the '<module type>:<module "
25  "label>@Construction'\n"
26  "tag in the message prefix above. Please contact\n"
27  "for guidance.\n";
28  }
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
std::optional< ModuleDescription > md_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:55
string const & art::Observer::processName ( ) const

Definition at line 57 of file

References art::Observer::process_name_.

Referenced by art::FileDumperOutput::printPrincipal().

58  {
59  return process_name_;
60  }
std::string process_name_
Definition: Observer.h:76
void art::ModuleBase::setModuleDescription ( ModuleDescription const &  md)

Definition at line 31 of file

References art::ModuleBase::md_.

32  {
33  md_ = md;
34  }
std::optional< ModuleDescription > md_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:55
void art::ModuleBase::sortConsumables ( std::string const &  current_process_name)

Definition at line 49 of file

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::sortConsumables().

50  {
51  // Now that we know we have seen all the consumes declarations,
52  // sort the results for fast lookup later.
53  collector_.sortConsumables(current_process_name);
54  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
void sortConsumables(std::string const &current_process_name)
bool art::Observer::wantAllEvents ( ) const

Definition at line 31 of file Observer.h.

References e, art::Observer::getTriggerResults(), art::Observer::wantAllEvents_, and art::Observer::wantEvent().

32  {
33  return wantAllEvents_;
34  }
bool wantAllEvents_
Definition: Observer.h:75
bool art::Observer::wantEvent ( ScheduleID  id,
Event const &  e 
) const

Definition at line 63 of file

References art::Observer::rejectors_, art::Observer::selectors_, and art::Observer::wantAllEvents_.

Referenced by art::OutputModule::doEvent(), art::OutputModule::doWriteEvent(), and art::Observer::wantAllEvents().

64  {
65  if (wantAllEvents_) {
66  return true;
67  }
68  bool const select_event = selectors_ ? selectors_->matchEvent(id, e) : true;
69  bool const reject_event =
70  rejectors_ ? rejectors_->matchEvent(id, e) : false;
71  return select_event and not reject_event;
72  }
bool wantAllEvents_
Definition: Observer.h:75
std::optional< detail::ProcessAndEventSelectors > rejectors_
Definition: Observer.h:80
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
std::optional< detail::ProcessAndEventSelectors > selectors_
Definition: Observer.h:79

Member Data Documentation

art::ServiceHandle<cheat::BackTrackerService const> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fBT

the back tracker service

Definition at line 98 of file

Referenced by CheckReco(), CheckRecoEvents(), CheckRecoVertices(), and FillResults().

bool cheat::RecoCheckAna::fCheckClusters

should we check the reconstruction of clusters?

Definition at line 108 of file

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), FillResults(), and RecoCheckAna().

bool cheat::RecoCheckAna::fCheckEvents

should we check the reconstruction of events?

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and RecoCheckAna().

bool cheat::RecoCheckAna::fCheckShowers

should we check the reconstruction of showers?

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), FillResults(), and RecoCheckAna().

bool cheat::RecoCheckAna::fCheckTracks

should we check the reconstruction of tracks?

Definition at line 110 of file

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), FillResults(), and RecoCheckAna().

bool cheat::RecoCheckAna::fCheckVertices

should we check the reconstruction of vertices?

Definition at line 111 of file

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and RecoCheckAna().

std::vector<double> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fclueff

cluster efficiencies

Definition at line 148 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<int> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fcluid

cluster IDs

Definition at line 150 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<double> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fclupur

cluster purities

Definition at line 149 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fClusterEfficiency

histogram of cluster efficiency

Definition at line 115 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::string cheat::RecoCheckAna::fClusterModuleLabel

label for module making the clusters

Definition at line 102 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and RecoCheckAna().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fClusterPurity

histogram of cluster purity

Definition at line 114 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fClusterPurityEfficiency

histogram of cluster efficiency times purity

Definition at line 116 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH2D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fClusterPurityEfficiency2D

scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency

Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::fevent

event number

Definition at line 142 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fEventEfficiency

histogram of event efficiency

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and CheckRecoEvents().

std::string cheat::RecoCheckAna::fEventModuleLabel

label for module making the events

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and RecoCheckAna().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fEventPurity

histogram of event purity

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and CheckRecoEvents().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fEventPurityEfficiency

histogram of event efficiency times purity

Definition at line 131 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and CheckRecoEvents().

std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<double, double> > cheat::RecoCheckAna::fG4ClusterIDToPurityEfficiency

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by CheckRecoClusters(), and FillResults().

std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<double, double> > cheat::RecoCheckAna::fG4ShowerIDToPurityEfficiency

Definition at line 137 of file

Referenced by CheckRecoShowers(), and FillResults().

std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<double, double> > cheat::RecoCheckAna::fG4TrackIDToPurityEfficiency

Definition at line 138 of file

Referenced by CheckRecoTracks(), and FillResults().

double cheat::RecoCheckAna::fhiteff

hitfinder efficiency for this particle

Definition at line 146 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::string cheat::RecoCheckAna::fHitModuleLabel

label for module making the hits

Definition at line 101 of file

Referenced by analyze().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::fnclu

number of clusters for this particle

Definition at line 147 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::fnshw

number of showers for this particle

Definition at line 151 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::fntrk

number of tracks for this particle

Definition at line 155 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::fpdg

particle pdg code

Definition at line 144 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

art::ServiceHandle<cheat::ParticleInventoryService const> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fPI

the back tracker service

Definition at line 99 of file

Referenced by CheckRecoEvents(), CheckRecoVertices(), and FillResults().

double cheat::RecoCheckAna::fpmom

particle momentum

Definition at line 145 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::frun

run number

Definition at line 141 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fShowerEfficiency

histogram of shower efficiency

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::string cheat::RecoCheckAna::fShowerModuleLabel

label for module making the showers

Definition at line 103 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and RecoCheckAna().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fShowerPurity

histogram of shower purity

Definition at line 118 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fShowerPurityEfficiency

histogram of shower efficiency times purity

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH2D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fShowerPurityEfficiency2D

scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency

Definition at line 121 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<double> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fshweff

shower efficiencies

Definition at line 152 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<int> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fshwid

shower IDs

Definition at line 154 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<double> cheat::RecoCheckAna::fshwpur

shower purities

Definition at line 153 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fTrackEfficiency

histogram of track efficiency

Definition at line 123 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

int cheat::RecoCheckAna::ftrackid

geant track ID

Definition at line 143 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::string cheat::RecoCheckAna::fTrackModuleLabel

label for module making the tracks

Definition at line 104 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and RecoCheckAna().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fTrackPurity

histogram of track purity

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fTrackPurityEfficiency

histogram of track efficiency times purity

Definition at line 124 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH2D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fTrackPurityEfficiency2D

scatter histogram of cluster purity and efficiency

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TTree* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fTree

TTree to save efficiencies.

Definition at line 140 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<double> cheat::RecoCheckAna::ftrkeff

track efficiencies

Definition at line 156 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<int> cheat::RecoCheckAna::ftrkid

track IDs

Definition at line 158 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

std::vector<double> cheat::RecoCheckAna::ftrkpur

track purities

Definition at line 157 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and FillResults().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fVertexEfficiency

histogram of vertex efficiency

Definition at line 127 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and CheckRecoVertices().

std::string cheat::RecoCheckAna::fVertexModuleLabel

label for module making the vertices

Definition at line 105 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and RecoCheckAna().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fVertexPurity

histogram of vertex purity

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and CheckRecoVertices().

TH1D* cheat::RecoCheckAna::fVertexPurityEfficiency

histogram of vertex efficiency times purity

Definition at line 128 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and CheckRecoVertices().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: