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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
This is the complete list of members for lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput, including all inherited members.
CreatePandoraDetectorGaps(const Settings &settings, const LArDriftVolumeList &driftVolumeList, const LArDetectorGapList &listOfGaps) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
CreatePandoraHits2D(const art::Event &evt, const Settings &settings, const LArDriftVolumeMap &driftVolumeMap, const HitVector &hitVector, IdToHitMap &idToHitMap) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
CreatePandoraLArTPCs(const Settings &settings, const LArDriftVolumeList &driftVolumeList) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
CreatePandoraMCLinks2D(const Settings &settings, const HitMap &hitMap, const HitsToTrackIDEs &hitToParticleMap) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
CreatePandoraMCParticles(const Settings &settings, const MCTruthToMCParticles &truthToParticles, const MCParticlesToMCTruth &particlesToTruth, const RawMCParticleVector &generatorMCParticleVector) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
CreatePandoraReadoutGaps(const Settings &settings, const LArDriftVolumeMap &driftVolumeMap) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
FillMCProcessMap(MCProcessMap &processMap) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | privatestatic |
FindPrimaryParticles(const RawMCParticleVector &mcParticleVector, std::map< const simb::MCParticle, bool > &primaryMCParticleMap) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
GetMips(const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData &detProp, const Settings &settings, const double hit_Charge, const geo::View_t hit_View) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | privatestatic |
GetTrueStartAndEndPoints(const Settings &settings, const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > &particle, int &startT, int &endT) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | privatestatic |
GetTrueStartAndEndPoints(const geo::TPCID &ref_tpcid, const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > &particle, int &startT, int &endT) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | privatestatic |
GetTrueX0(const art::Event &evt, const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > &particle, const int nT) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | privatestatic |
IsPrimaryMCParticle(const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > &mcParticle, std::map< const simb::MCParticle, bool > &primaryMCParticleMap) | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | static |
MCProcessMap typedef | lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput | private |