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This is the complete list of members for microboone::CosmicRemovalAna, including all inherited members.
analyze(const art::Event &evt) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | |
Analyzer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) | art::detail::Analyzer | explicit |
Analyzer(Table< Config > const &config) | art::detail::Analyzer | inlineexplicit |
beginJob() | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | virtual |
consumes(InputTag const &) | art::ModuleBase | protected |
consumesCollector() | art::ModuleBase | protected |
consumesMany() | art::ModuleBase | protected |
consumesView(InputTag const &) | art::ModuleBase | protected |
consumesView(InputTag const &tag) | art::ModuleBase | |
CosmicRemovalAna(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | explicit |
cTaggedCharge_Cosmic | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
cTaggedCharge_NonCosmic | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
cTaggedHits_Cosmic | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
cTaggedHits_NonCosmic | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
doBeginJob(SharedResources const &resources) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doBeginRun(RunPrincipal &rp, ModuleContext const &mc) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doBeginSubRun(SubRunPrincipal &srp, ModuleContext const &mc) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doEndJob() | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doEndRun(RunPrincipal &rp, ModuleContext const &mc) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doEndSubRun(SubRunPrincipal &srp, ModuleContext const &mc) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doEvent(EventPrincipal &ep, ModuleContext const &mc, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_run, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_passed, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_failed) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doRespondToCloseInputFile(FileBlock const &fb) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doRespondToCloseOutputFiles(FileBlock const &fb) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doRespondToOpenInputFile(FileBlock const &fb) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
doRespondToOpenOutputFiles(FileBlock const &fb) | art::detail::Analyzer | |
EDAnalyzer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) | art::EDAnalyzer | explicitprotected |
EDAnalyzer(Table< Config > const &config) | art::EDAnalyzer | inlineexplicitprotected |
fClusterModuleLabel | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fCosmicScoreThresholds | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fCosmicTagAssocLabel | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fHitCompareCut | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fHitsModuleLabel | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
FillAllTagsInfo(recob::Hit const &hit, hit_origin_t const &origin) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
FillClusterInfo(size_t const &hit_iter, hit_origin_t const &origin, float const &charge, std::vector< size_t > const &cluster_indices_this_hit, std::vector< std::vector< const anab::CosmicTag * >> const &tags_per_cluster, std::vector< bool > &hitsAccounted_per_tag, std::vector< bool > &hitsAllTags) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
FillMCInfo(art::Event const &e, std::vector< recob::Hit > const &hitlist, std::vector< hit_origin_t > &hitOrigins, std::vector< sim::MCHitCollection > const &mchitCollectionVector, std::map< int, const simb::MCTruth * > const &trackIDToTruthMap) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
FillTrackInfo(size_t const &hit_iter, hit_origin_t const &origin, float const &charge, std::vector< size_t > const &track_indices_this_hit, std::vector< std::vector< const anab::CosmicTag * >> const &tags_per_cluster, std::vector< bool > &hitsAccounted_per_tag, std::vector< bool > &hitsAllTags) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fMCHitsModuleLabel | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fMCModuleLabel | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
fTrackModuleLabel | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
getConsumables() const | art::ModuleBase | |
getTriggerResults(Event const &e) const | art::Observer | protected |
hit_origin_Cosmic enum value | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | |
hit_origin_NonCosmic enum value | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | |
hit_origin_t enum name | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | |
hit_origin_Unknown enum value | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | |
InitEventTree(int run_number, int event_number) | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
makeWorker(WorkerParams const &wp) | art::ModuleBase | |
mayConsume(InputTag const &) | art::ModuleBase | protected |
mayConsumeMany() | art::ModuleBase | protected |
mayConsumeView(InputTag const &) | art::ModuleBase | protected |
mayConsumeView(InputTag const &tag) | art::ModuleBase | |
ModuleBase() | art::ModuleBase | |
moduleDescription() const | art::ModuleBase | |
ModuleType typedef | art::EDAnalyzer | |
nCosmicTags | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
Observer(Observer const &)=delete | art::Observer | |
Observer(Observer &&)=delete | art::Observer | |
Observer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &config) | art::Observer | explicitprotected |
Observer(std::vector< std::string > const &select_paths, std::vector< std::string > const &reject_paths) | art::Observer | explicitprotected |
operator=(Observer const &)=delete | art::Observer | |
operator=(Observer &&)=delete | art::Observer | |
processName() const | art::Observer | protected |
setModuleDescription(ModuleDescription const &) | art::ModuleBase | |
sortConsumables(std::string const ¤t_process_name) | art::ModuleBase | |
tEventTree | microboone::CosmicRemovalAna | private |
wantAllEvents() const noexcept | art::Observer | inlineprotected |
wantEvent(ScheduleID id, Event const &e) const | art::Observer | protected |
~Analyzer() noexcept | art::detail::Analyzer | virtual |
~ModuleBase() noexcept | art::ModuleBase | virtual |
~Observer() noexcept | art::Observer |