LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool Class Reference

CosmicRayTaggingTool class. More...

#include "CosmicRayTaggingTool.h"

Inheritance diagram for lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool:


class  CRCandidate
 Class to encapsulate the logic required determine if a Pfo should or shouldn't be tagged as a cosmic ray. More...

Public Member Functions

 CosmicRayTaggingTool ()
 Default constructor. More...
pandora::StatusCode Initialize ()
void FindAmbiguousPfos (const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, pandora::PfoList &ambiguousPfos, const MasterAlgorithm *const pAlgorithm)
 Find the list of ambiguous pfos (could represent cosmic-ray muons or neutrinos) More...

Private Types

typedef std::list< CRCandidateCRCandidateList
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::PfoList > PfoToPfoListMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, unsigned int > PfoToSliceIdMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, bool > PfoToBoolMap
typedef std::set< unsigned int > UIntSet
typedef std::unordered_map< int, bool > IntBoolMap
typedef std::pair< const ThreeDSlidingFitResult, const ThreeDSlidingFitResultSlidingFitPair
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, SlidingFitPairPfoToSlidingFitsMap
typedef std::vector< pandora::PfoList > SliceList

Private Member Functions

bool GetValid3DCluster (const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const pandora::Cluster *&pCluster3D) const
 Get the 3D calo hit cluster associated with a given Pfo, and check if it has sufficient hits. More...
void GetPfoAssociations (const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap) const
 Get mapping between Pfos that are associated with it other by pointing. More...
bool CheckAssociation (const pandora::CartesianVector &endPoint1, const pandora::CartesianVector &endDir1, const pandora::CartesianVector &endPoint2, const pandora::CartesianVector &endDir2) const
 Check whethe two Pfo endpoints are associated by distance of closest approach. More...
void SliceEvent (const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, const PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap, PfoToSliceIdMap &pfoToSliceIdMap) const
 Break the event up into slices of associated Pfos. More...
void FillSlice (const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap, pandora::PfoList &slice) const
 Fill a slice iteratively using Pfo associations. More...
void GetCRCandidates (const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, const PfoToSliceIdMap &pfoToSliceIdMap, CRCandidateList &candidates) const
 Make a list of CRCandidates. More...
void CheckIfInTime (const CRCandidateList &candidates, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToInTimeMap) const
 Check if each candidate is "in time". More...
void CheckIfContained (const CRCandidateList &candidates, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsContainedMap) const
 Check if each candidate is "contained" (contained = no associations to Y or Z detector faces, but the Pfo could still enter or exit by and X-face) More...
void CheckIfTopToBottom (const CRCandidateList &candidates, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsTopToBottomMap) const
 Check if each candidate is "top to bottom". More...
void GetNeutrinoSlices (const CRCandidateList &candidates, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToInTimeMap, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsContainedMap, UIntSet &neutrinoSliceSet) const
 Get the slice indices which contain a likely neutrino Pfo. More...
void TagCRMuons (const CRCandidateList &candidates, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToInTimeMap, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsTopToBottomMap, const UIntSet &neutrinoSliceSet, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMap) const
 Tag Pfos which are likely to be a CR muon. More...
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings (const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)

Private Attributes

std::string m_cutMode
 Choose a set of cuts using a keyword - "cautious" = remove as few neutrinos as possible "nominal" = optimised to maximise CR removal whilst preserving neutrinos "aggressive" = remove CR muons and allow more neutrinos to be tagged. More...
float m_angularUncertainty
 The uncertainty in degrees for the angle of a Pfo. More...
float m_positionalUncertainty
 The uncertainty in cm for the position of Pfo endpoint in 3D. More...
float m_maxAssociationDist
 The maximum distance from endpoint to point of closest approach, typically a multiple of LAr radiation length. More...
unsigned int m_minimumHits
 The minimum number of hits for a Pfo to be considered. More...
float m_inTimeMargin
 The maximum distance outside of the physical detector volume that a Pfo may be to still be considered in time. More...
float m_inTimeMaxX0
 The maximum pfo x0 (determined from shifted vertex) to allow pfo to still be considered in time. More...
float m_marginY
 The minimum distance from a detector Y-face for a Pfo to be associated. More...
float m_marginZ
 The minimum distance from a detector Z-face for a Pfo to be associated. More...
float m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta
 The maximum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely neutrino. More...
float m_minCosmicCosTheta
 The minimum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon. More...
float m_maxCosmicCurvature
 The maximum curvature that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon. More...
float m_face_Xa
 Anode X face. More...
float m_face_Xc
 Cathode X face. More...
float m_face_Yb
 Bottom Y face. More...
float m_face_Yt
 Top Y face. More...
float m_face_Zu
 Upstream Z face. More...
float m_face_Zd
 Downstream Z face. More...

Detailed Description

CosmicRayTaggingTool class.

Definition at line 24 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 69 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<int, bool> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::IntBoolMap

Definition at line 160 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, bool> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::PfoToBoolMap

Definition at line 133 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::PfoList> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::PfoToPfoListMap

Definition at line 81 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, unsigned int> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::PfoToSliceIdMap

Definition at line 104 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, SlidingFitPair> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::PfoToSlidingFitsMap

Definition at line 188 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::vector<pandora::PfoList> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::SliceList

Definition at line 189 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

typedef std::set<unsigned int> lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::UIntSet

Definition at line 159 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::CosmicRayTaggingTool ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 23 of file

23  :
24  m_cutMode("nominal"),
27  m_maxAssociationDist(3.f * 18.f),
28  m_minimumHits(15),
29  m_inTimeMargin(5.f),
30  m_inTimeMaxX0(1.f),
31  m_marginY(20.f),
32  m_marginZ(10.f),
36  m_face_Xa(0.f),
37  m_face_Xc(0.f),
38  m_face_Yb(0.f),
39  m_face_Yt(0.f),
40  m_face_Zu(0.f),
41  m_face_Zd(0.f)
42 {
43 }
float m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta
The maximum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely neutrino. ...
float m_positionalUncertainty
The uncertainty in cm for the position of Pfo endpoint in 3D.
float m_angularUncertainty
The uncertainty in degrees for the angle of a Pfo.
std::string m_cutMode
Choose a set of cuts using a keyword - "cautious" = remove as few neutrinos as possible "nominal" = o...
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
float m_inTimeMaxX0
The maximum pfo x0 (determined from shifted vertex) to allow pfo to still be considered in time...
float m_inTimeMargin
The maximum distance outside of the physical detector volume that a Pfo may be to still be considered...
float m_minCosmicCosTheta
The minimum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
float m_marginZ
The minimum distance from a detector Z-face for a Pfo to be associated.
float m_marginY
The minimum distance from a detector Y-face for a Pfo to be associated.
float m_maxCosmicCurvature
The maximum curvature that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
float m_maxAssociationDist
The maximum distance from endpoint to point of closest approach, typically a multiple of LAr radiatio...
unsigned int m_minimumHits
The minimum number of hits for a Pfo to be considered.

Member Function Documentation

bool lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::CheckAssociation ( const pandora::CartesianVector &  endPoint1,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  endDir1,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  endPoint2,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  endDir2 
) const

Check whethe two Pfo endpoints are associated by distance of closest approach.

endPoint1position vector of an endpoint of Pfo 1
endDir1direction vector of an endpoint of Pfo 1
endPoint2position vector of an endpoint of Pfo 2
endDir2direction vector of an endpoint of Pfos
whether the Pfos are associated

Definition at line 220 of file

References d, f, m_angularUncertainty, m_face_Xa, m_face_Xc, m_face_Yb, m_face_Yt, m_face_Zd, m_face_Zu, m_maxAssociationDist, m_positionalUncertainty, and n.

Referenced by GetPfoAssociations().

222 {
223  // TODO This function needs significant tidying and checks (variable names must be self describing, check deltaTheta, etc.)
224  const CartesianVector n(endDir1.GetUnitVector());
225  const CartesianVector m(endDir2.GetUnitVector());
226  const CartesianVector a(endPoint2 - endPoint1);
227  const float b(n.GetDotProduct(m));
229  // Parallel lines never meet
230  if (std::fabs(b - 1.f) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
231  return false;
233  // Distance from endPoint1 along endDir1 to the point of closest approach
234  const float lambda((n - m * b).GetDotProduct(a) / (1.f - b * b));
236  // Distance from endPoint2 along endDir2 to the point of closest approach
237  const float mu((n * b - m).GetDotProduct(a) / (1.f - b * b));
239  // Calculate the maximum "vertex uncertainty"
240  const float deltaTheta(m_angularUncertainty * M_PI / 180.f);
241  const float maxVertexUncertainty(m_maxAssociationDist * std::sin(deltaTheta) + m_positionalUncertainty);
243  // Ensure that the distances to the point of closest approch are within the limits
244  if ((lambda < -maxVertexUncertainty) || (mu < -maxVertexUncertainty) || (lambda > m_maxAssociationDist + maxVertexUncertainty) ||
245  (mu > m_maxAssociationDist + maxVertexUncertainty))
246  {
247  return false;
248  }
250  // Ensure point of closest approach is within detector
251  const CartesianVector impactPosition((endPoint1 + n * lambda + endPoint2 + m * mu) * 0.5f);
253  if ((impactPosition.GetX() < m_face_Xa - maxVertexUncertainty) || (impactPosition.GetX() > m_face_Xc + maxVertexUncertainty) ||
254  (impactPosition.GetY() < m_face_Yb - maxVertexUncertainty) || (impactPosition.GetY() > m_face_Yt + maxVertexUncertainty) ||
255  (impactPosition.GetZ() < m_face_Zu - maxVertexUncertainty) || (impactPosition.GetZ() > m_face_Zd + maxVertexUncertainty))
256  {
257  return false;
258  }
260  // Compare distance of closest approach and max uncertainty in impact parameter
261  const float maxImpactDist(std::sin(deltaTheta) * (std::fabs(mu) + std::fabs(lambda)) + m_positionalUncertainty);
262  const CartesianVector d(a - n * lambda + m * mu);
264  return (d.GetMagnitude() < maxImpactDist);
265 }
float m_positionalUncertainty
The uncertainty in cm for the position of Pfo endpoint in 3D.
float m_angularUncertainty
The uncertainty in degrees for the angle of a Pfo.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
Float_t d
Definition: plot.C:235
float m_maxAssociationDist
The maximum distance from endpoint to point of closest approach, typically a multiple of LAr radiatio...
Char_t n[5]
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::CheckIfContained ( const CRCandidateList candidates,
PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsContainedMap 
) const

Check if each candidate is "contained" (contained = no associations to Y or Z detector faces, but the Pfo could still enter or exit by and X-face)

candidatesinput list of candidates
pfoToIsContainedMapoutput mapping between candidates Pfos and if they are contained

Definition at line 430 of file

References m_face_Yb, m_face_Yt, m_face_Zd, m_face_Zu, m_marginY, and m_marginZ.

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

431 {
432  for (const CRCandidate &candidate : candidates)
433  {
434  const float upperY(
435  (candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() > candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY());
436  const float lowerY(
437  (candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() < candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY());
439  const float zAtUpperY(
440  (candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() > candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetZ() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetZ());
441  const float zAtLowerY(
442  (candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() < candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetZ() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetZ());
444  const bool isContained((upperY < m_face_Yt - m_marginY) && (upperY > m_face_Yb + m_marginY) && (lowerY < m_face_Yt - m_marginY) &&
445  (lowerY > m_face_Yb + m_marginY) && (zAtUpperY < m_face_Zd - m_marginZ) && (zAtUpperY > m_face_Zu + m_marginZ) &&
446  (zAtLowerY < m_face_Zd - m_marginZ) && (zAtLowerY > m_face_Zu + m_marginZ));
448  if (!pfoToIsContainedMap.insert(PfoToBoolMap::value_type(candidate.m_pPfo, isContained)).second)
449  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
450  }
451 }
float m_marginZ
The minimum distance from a detector Z-face for a Pfo to be associated.
float m_marginY
The minimum distance from a detector Y-face for a Pfo to be associated.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::CheckIfInTime ( const CRCandidateList candidates,
PfoToBoolMap pfoToInTimeMap 
) const

Check if each candidate is "in time".

candidatesinput list of candidates
pfoToInTimeMapoutput mapping between candidates Pfos and if they are in time

Definition at line 339 of file

References lar_content::LArPfoHelper::GetCaloHits(), lar_content::LArCaloHit::GetLArTPCVolumeId(), lar_content::LArPfoHelper::GetVertex(), m_face_Xa, m_face_Xc, m_inTimeMargin, and m_inTimeMaxX0.

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

340 {
341  const LArTPCMap &larTPCMap(this->GetPandora().GetGeometry()->GetLArTPCMap());
343  for (const CRCandidate &candidate : candidates)
344  {
345  // Cosmic-ray muons extending outside of (single) physical volume if given t0 is that of the beam particle
346  float minX(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()), maxX(-std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
348  if (candidate.m_canFit)
349  {
350  minX = ((candidate.m_endPoint1.GetX() < candidate.m_endPoint2.GetX()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetX() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetX());
351  maxX = ((candidate.m_endPoint1.GetX() > candidate.m_endPoint2.GetX()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetX() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetX());
352  }
353  else
354  {
355  // Handle any particles with small numbers of 3D hits, for which no 3D sliding fit information is available
356  for (const Cluster *const pCluster : candidate.m_pPfo->GetClusterList())
357  {
358  float clusterMinX(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()), clusterMaxX(-std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
359  pCluster->GetClusterSpanX(clusterMinX, clusterMaxX);
360  minX = std::min(clusterMinX, minX);
361  maxX = std::max(clusterMaxX, maxX);
362  }
363  }
365  bool isInTime((minX > m_face_Xa - m_inTimeMargin) && (maxX < m_face_Xc + m_inTimeMargin));
367  // Cosmic-ray muons that have been shifted and stitched across mid plane between volumes
368  if (isInTime)
369  {
370  try
371  {
372  if (std::fabs(LArPfoHelper::GetVertex(candidate.m_pPfo)->GetX0()) > m_inTimeMaxX0)
373  isInTime = false;
374  }
375  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
376  {
377  }
378  }
380  // Cosmic-ray muons extending outside of (any individual) physical volume if given t0 is that of the beam particle
381  if (isInTime)
382  {
383  CaloHitList caloHitList;
384  LArPfoHelper::GetCaloHits(candidate.m_pPfo, TPC_VIEW_U, caloHitList);
385  LArPfoHelper::GetCaloHits(candidate.m_pPfo, TPC_VIEW_V, caloHitList);
386  LArPfoHelper::GetCaloHits(candidate.m_pPfo, TPC_VIEW_W, caloHitList);
388  bool isFirstHit(true);
389  bool isInSingleVolume(true);
390  unsigned int volumeId(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
392  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : caloHitList)
393  {
394  const LArCaloHit *const pLArCaloHit(dynamic_cast<const LArCaloHit *>(pCaloHit));
396  if (!pLArCaloHit)
397  continue;
399  if (isFirstHit)
400  {
401  isFirstHit = false;
402  volumeId = pLArCaloHit->GetLArTPCVolumeId();
403  }
404  else if (volumeId != pLArCaloHit->GetLArTPCVolumeId())
405  {
406  isInSingleVolume = false;
407  break;
408  }
409  }
411  LArTPCMap::const_iterator tpcIter(larTPCMap.find(volumeId));
413  if (isInSingleVolume && (larTPCMap.end() != tpcIter))
414  {
415  const float thisFaceXLow(tpcIter->second->GetCenterX() - 0.5f * tpcIter->second->GetWidthX());
416  const float thisFaceXHigh(tpcIter->second->GetCenterX() + 0.5f * tpcIter->second->GetWidthX());
418  if (!((minX > thisFaceXLow - m_inTimeMargin) && (maxX < thisFaceXHigh + m_inTimeMargin)))
419  isInTime = false;
420  }
421  }
423  if (!pfoToInTimeMap.insert(PfoToBoolMap::value_type(candidate.m_pPfo, isInTime)).second)
424  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
425  }
426 }
static const pandora::Vertex * GetVertex(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
Get the pfo vertex.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
float m_inTimeMaxX0
The maximum pfo x0 (determined from shifted vertex) to allow pfo to still be considered in time...
float m_inTimeMargin
The maximum distance outside of the physical detector volume that a Pfo may be to still be considered...
static void GetCaloHits(const pandora::PfoList &pfoList, const pandora::HitType &hitType, pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitList)
Get a list of calo hits of a particular hit type from a list of pfos.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::CheckIfTopToBottom ( const CRCandidateList candidates,
PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsTopToBottomMap 
) const

Check if each candidate is "top to bottom".

candidatesinput list of candidates
pfoToIsTopToBottomMapoutput mapping between candidates Pfos and if they are top to bottom

Definition at line 455 of file

References m_face_Yb, m_face_Yt, and m_marginY.

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

456 {
457  for (const CRCandidate &candidate : candidates)
458  {
459  const float upperY(
460  (candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() > candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY());
461  const float lowerY(
462  (candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() < candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY()) ? candidate.m_endPoint1.GetY() : candidate.m_endPoint2.GetY());
464  const bool isTopToBottom((upperY > m_face_Yt - m_marginY) && (lowerY < m_face_Yb + m_marginY));
466  if (!pfoToIsTopToBottomMap.insert(PfoToBoolMap::value_type(candidate.m_pPfo, isTopToBottom)).second)
467  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
468  }
469 }
float m_marginY
The minimum distance from a detector Y-face for a Pfo to be associated.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::FillSlice ( const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const  pPfo,
const PfoToPfoListMap pfoAssociationMap,
pandora::PfoList &  slice 
) const

Fill a slice iteratively using Pfo associations.

pPfoPfo to add to the slice
pfoAssociationMapmapping between Pfos and other associated Pfos
slicethe slice to add Pfos to

Definition at line 308 of file

Referenced by SliceEvent().

309 {
310  if (std::find(slice.begin(), slice.end(), pPfo) != slice.end())
311  return;
313  slice.push_back(pPfo);
315  PfoToPfoListMap::const_iterator iter(pfoAssociationMap.find(pPfo));
317  if (pfoAssociationMap.end() != iter)
318  {
319  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pAssociatedPfo : iter->second)
320  this->FillSlice(pAssociatedPfo, pfoAssociationMap, slice);
321  }
322 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
void FillSlice(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap, pandora::PfoList &slice) const
Fill a slice iteratively using Pfo associations.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::FindAmbiguousPfos ( const pandora::PfoList &  parentCosmicRayPfos,
pandora::PfoList &  ambiguousPfos,
const MasterAlgorithm *const  pAlgorithm 

Find the list of ambiguous pfos (could represent cosmic-ray muons or neutrinos)

parentCosmicRayPfosthe list of parent cosmic-ray pfos
ambiguousPfosto receive the list of ambiguous pfos
pAlgorithmthe address of this master algorithm

Implements lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingBaseTool.

Definition at line 74 of file

References CheckIfContained(), CheckIfInTime(), CheckIfTopToBottom(), GetCRCandidates(), GetNeutrinoSlices(), GetPfoAssociations(), m_face_Xa, m_face_Xc, m_face_Yb, m_face_Yt, m_face_Zd, m_face_Zu, SliceEvent(), and TagCRMuons().

75 {
76  if (this->GetPandora().GetSettings()->ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo())
77  std::cout << "----> Running Algorithm Tool: " << this->GetInstanceName() << ", " << this->GetType() << std::endl;
79  // TODO First time only, TODO Refactor with master algorithm
80  const LArTPCMap &larTPCMap(this->GetPandora().GetGeometry()->GetLArTPCMap());
81  const LArTPC *const pFirstLArTPC(larTPCMap.begin()->second);
83  float parentMinX(pFirstLArTPC->GetCenterX() - 0.5f * pFirstLArTPC->GetWidthX());
84  float parentMaxX(pFirstLArTPC->GetCenterX() + 0.5f * pFirstLArTPC->GetWidthX());
85  float parentMinY(pFirstLArTPC->GetCenterY() - 0.5f * pFirstLArTPC->GetWidthY());
86  float parentMaxY(pFirstLArTPC->GetCenterY() + 0.5f * pFirstLArTPC->GetWidthY());
87  float parentMinZ(pFirstLArTPC->GetCenterZ() - 0.5f * pFirstLArTPC->GetWidthZ());
88  float parentMaxZ(pFirstLArTPC->GetCenterZ() + 0.5f * pFirstLArTPC->GetWidthZ());
90  for (const LArTPCMap::value_type &mapEntry : larTPCMap)
91  {
92  const LArTPC *const pLArTPC(mapEntry.second);
93  parentMinX = std::min(parentMinX, pLArTPC->GetCenterX() - 0.5f * pLArTPC->GetWidthX());
94  parentMaxX = std::max(parentMaxX, pLArTPC->GetCenterX() + 0.5f * pLArTPC->GetWidthX());
95  parentMinY = std::min(parentMinY, pLArTPC->GetCenterY() - 0.5f * pLArTPC->GetWidthY());
96  parentMaxY = std::max(parentMaxY, pLArTPC->GetCenterY() + 0.5f * pLArTPC->GetWidthY());
97  parentMinZ = std::min(parentMinZ, pLArTPC->GetCenterZ() - 0.5f * pLArTPC->GetWidthZ());
98  parentMaxZ = std::max(parentMaxZ, pLArTPC->GetCenterZ() + 0.5f * pLArTPC->GetWidthZ());
99  }
101  m_face_Xa = parentMinX;
102  m_face_Xc = parentMaxX;
103  m_face_Yb = parentMinY;
104  m_face_Yt = parentMaxY;
105  m_face_Zu = parentMinZ;
106  m_face_Zd = parentMaxZ;
108  PfoToPfoListMap pfoAssociationMap;
109  this->GetPfoAssociations(parentCosmicRayPfos, pfoAssociationMap);
111  PfoToSliceIdMap pfoToSliceIdMap;
112  this->SliceEvent(parentCosmicRayPfos, pfoAssociationMap, pfoToSliceIdMap);
114  CRCandidateList candidates;
115  this->GetCRCandidates(parentCosmicRayPfos, pfoToSliceIdMap, candidates);
117  PfoToBoolMap pfoToInTimeMap;
118  this->CheckIfInTime(candidates, pfoToInTimeMap);
120  PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsContainedMap;
121  this->CheckIfContained(candidates, pfoToIsContainedMap);
123  PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsTopToBottomMap;
124  this->CheckIfTopToBottom(candidates, pfoToIsTopToBottomMap);
126  UIntSet neutrinoSliceSet;
127  this->GetNeutrinoSlices(candidates, pfoToInTimeMap, pfoToIsContainedMap, neutrinoSliceSet);
129  PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMap;
130  this->TagCRMuons(candidates, pfoToInTimeMap, pfoToIsTopToBottomMap, neutrinoSliceSet, pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMap);
132  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : parentCosmicRayPfos)
133  {
134  if (!
135  ambiguousPfos.push_back(pPfo);
136  }
137 }
std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::PfoList > PfoToPfoListMap
std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, bool > PfoToBoolMap
void TagCRMuons(const CRCandidateList &candidates, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToInTimeMap, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsTopToBottomMap, const UIntSet &neutrinoSliceSet, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMap) const
Tag Pfos which are likely to be a CR muon.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, unsigned int > PfoToSliceIdMap
void SliceEvent(const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, const PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap, PfoToSliceIdMap &pfoToSliceIdMap) const
Break the event up into slices of associated Pfos.
void CheckIfTopToBottom(const CRCandidateList &candidates, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsTopToBottomMap) const
Check if each candidate is "top to bottom".
void CheckIfContained(const CRCandidateList &candidates, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsContainedMap) const
Check if each candidate is "contained" (contained = no associations to Y or Z detector faces...
std::list< CRCandidate > CRCandidateList
void CheckIfInTime(const CRCandidateList &candidates, PfoToBoolMap &pfoToInTimeMap) const
Check if each candidate is "in time".
void GetPfoAssociations(const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap) const
Get mapping between Pfos that are associated with it other by pointing.
void GetCRCandidates(const pandora::PfoList &parentCosmicRayPfos, const PfoToSliceIdMap &pfoToSliceIdMap, CRCandidateList &candidates) const
Make a list of CRCandidates.
void GetNeutrinoSlices(const CRCandidateList &candidates, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToInTimeMap, const PfoToBoolMap &pfoToIsContainedMap, UIntSet &neutrinoSliceSet) const
Get the slice indices which contain a likely neutrino Pfo.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::GetCRCandidates ( const pandora::PfoList &  parentCosmicRayPfos,
const PfoToSliceIdMap pfoToSliceIdMap,
CRCandidateList candidates 
) const

Make a list of CRCandidates.

parentCosmicRayPfosinput list of Pfos
pfoToSliceIdMapinput mapping between Pfos and their slice id
candidatesto receive the output list of CRCandidates

Definition at line 326 of file

References lar_content::LArPfoHelper::IsFinalState().

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

327 {
328  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : parentCosmicRayPfos)
329  {
330  if (!LArPfoHelper::IsFinalState(pPfo))
331  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
333  candidates.push_back(CRCandidate(this->GetPandora(), pPfo,;
334  }
335 }
static bool IsFinalState(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
Whether a pfo is a primary parent particle.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::GetNeutrinoSlices ( const CRCandidateList candidates,
const PfoToBoolMap pfoToInTimeMap,
const PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsContainedMap,
UIntSet neutrinoSliceSet 
) const

Get the slice indices which contain a likely neutrino Pfo.

candidatesinput list of candidates
pfoToInTimeMapinput map between Pfo and if in time
pfoToIsContainedMapinput map between Pfo and if contained
neutrinoSliceSetoutput set of slice indices containing a likely neutrino Pfo

Definition at line 473 of file

References m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta.

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

475 {
476  IntBoolMap sliceIdToIsInTimeMap;
478  for (const CRCandidate &candidate : candidates)
479  {
480  if (sliceIdToIsInTimeMap.find(candidate.m_sliceId) == sliceIdToIsInTimeMap.end())
481  sliceIdToIsInTimeMap.insert(std::make_pair(candidate.m_sliceId, true));
483  if (!
484 = false;
485  }
487  for (const CRCandidate &candidate : candidates)
488  {
489  if (neutrinoSliceSet.count(candidate.m_sliceId))
490  continue;
492  const bool likelyNeutrino(candidate.m_canFit && &&
493  (candidate.m_theta < m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta ||;
495  if (likelyNeutrino)
496  (void)neutrinoSliceSet.insert(candidate.m_sliceId);
497  }
498 }
float m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta
The maximum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely neutrino. ...
std::unordered_map< int, bool > IntBoolMap
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::GetPfoAssociations ( const pandora::PfoList &  parentCosmicRayPfos,
PfoToPfoListMap pfoAssociationMap 
) const

Get mapping between Pfos that are associated with it other by pointing.

parentCosmicRayPfosinput list of Pfos
pfoAssociationsMapto receive the output mapping between associated Pfos

Definition at line 157 of file

References util::begin(), CheckAssociation(), lar_content::ThreeDSlidingFitResult::GetGlobalMaxLayerDirection(), lar_content::ThreeDSlidingFitResult::GetGlobalMinLayerDirection(), and GetValid3DCluster().

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

158 {
159  // ATTN If wire w pitches vary between TPCs, exception will be raised in initialisation of lar pseudolayer plugin
160  const LArTPC *const pFirstLArTPC(this->GetPandora().GetGeometry()->GetLArTPCMap().begin()->second);
161  const float layerPitch(pFirstLArTPC->GetWirePitchW());
163  PfoToSlidingFitsMap pfoToSlidingFitsMap;
165  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : parentCosmicRayPfos)
166  {
167  const pandora::Cluster *pCluster(nullptr);
168  if (!this->GetValid3DCluster(pPfo, pCluster) || !pCluster)
169  continue;
171  (void)pfoToSlidingFitsMap.insert(PfoToSlidingFitsMap::value_type(pPfo,
172  std::make_pair(ThreeDSlidingFitResult(pCluster, 5, layerPitch), ThreeDSlidingFitResult(pCluster, 100, layerPitch)))); // TODO Configurable
173  }
175  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo1 : parentCosmicRayPfos)
176  {
177  PfoToSlidingFitsMap::const_iterator iter1(pfoToSlidingFitsMap.find(pPfo1));
178  if (pfoToSlidingFitsMap.end() == iter1)
179  continue;
181  const ThreeDSlidingFitResult &fitPos1(iter1->second.first), &fitDir1(iter1->second.second);
183  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo2 : parentCosmicRayPfos)
184  {
185  if (pPfo1 == pPfo2)
186  continue;
188  PfoToSlidingFitsMap::const_iterator iter2(pfoToSlidingFitsMap.find(pPfo2));
189  if (pfoToSlidingFitsMap.end() == iter2)
190  continue;
192  const ThreeDSlidingFitResult &fitPos2(iter2->second.first), &fitDir2(iter2->second.second);
194  // TODO Use existing LArPointingClusters and IsEmission/IsNode logic, for consistency
195  if (!(this->CheckAssociation(fitPos1.GetGlobalMinLayerPosition(), fitDir1.GetGlobalMinLayerDirection() * -1.f,
196  fitPos2.GetGlobalMinLayerPosition(), fitDir2.GetGlobalMinLayerDirection() * -1.f) ||
197  this->CheckAssociation(fitPos1.GetGlobalMinLayerPosition(), fitDir1.GetGlobalMinLayerDirection() * -1.f,
198  fitPos2.GetGlobalMaxLayerPosition(), fitDir2.GetGlobalMaxLayerDirection()) ||
199  this->CheckAssociation(fitPos1.GetGlobalMaxLayerPosition(), fitDir1.GetGlobalMaxLayerDirection(),
200  fitPos2.GetGlobalMinLayerPosition(), fitDir2.GetGlobalMinLayerDirection() * -1.f) ||
201  this->CheckAssociation(fitPos1.GetGlobalMaxLayerPosition(), fitDir1.GetGlobalMaxLayerDirection(),
202  fitPos2.GetGlobalMaxLayerPosition(), fitDir2.GetGlobalMaxLayerDirection())))
203  {
204  continue;
205  }
207  PfoList &pfoList1(pfoAssociationMap[pPfo1]), &pfoList2(pfoAssociationMap[pPfo2]);
209  if (pfoList1.end() == std::find(pfoList1.begin(), pfoList1.end(), pPfo2))
210  pfoList1.push_back(pPfo2);
212  if (pfoList2.end() == std::find(pfoList2.begin(), pfoList2.end(), pPfo1))
213  pfoList2.push_back(pPfo1);
214  }
215  }
216 }
bool CheckAssociation(const pandora::CartesianVector &endPoint1, const pandora::CartesianVector &endDir1, const pandora::CartesianVector &endPoint2, const pandora::CartesianVector &endDir2) const
Check whethe two Pfo endpoints are associated by distance of closest approach.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
bool GetValid3DCluster(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const pandora::Cluster *&pCluster3D) const
Get the 3D calo hit cluster associated with a given Pfo, and check if it has sufficient hits...
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:69
std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, SlidingFitPair > PfoToSlidingFitsMap
second_as<> second
Type of time stored in seconds, in double precision.
Definition: spacetime.h:82
bool lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::GetValid3DCluster ( const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const  pPfo,
const pandora::Cluster *&  pCluster3D 
) const

Get the 3D calo hit cluster associated with a given Pfo, and check if it has sufficient hits.

pPfoinput Pfo
pCluster3Dto receive the address of the 3D cluster
whether the Pfo has sufficient hits?

Definition at line 141 of file

References lar_content::LArPfoHelper::GetThreeDClusterList(), and m_minimumHits.

Referenced by GetPfoAssociations().

142 {
143  pCluster3D = nullptr;
144  ClusterList clusters3D;
145  LArPfoHelper::GetThreeDClusterList(pPfo, clusters3D);
147  // ATTN Only uses first cluster with hits of type TPC_3D
148  if (clusters3D.empty() || (clusters3D.front()->GetNCaloHits() < m_minimumHits))
149  return false;
151  pCluster3D = clusters3D.front();
152  return true;
153 }
static void GetThreeDClusterList(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, pandora::ClusterList &clusterList)
Get the list of 3D clusters from an input pfo.
unsigned int m_minimumHits
The minimum number of hits for a Pfo to be considered.
StatusCode lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::Initialize ( )

Definition at line 47 of file

References m_cutMode, m_maxCosmicCurvature, and m_minCosmicCosTheta.

48 {
49  if ("nominal" == m_cutMode)
50  {
51  // Nominal values set in constructor
52  }
53  else if ("cautious" == m_cutMode)
54  {
55  m_minCosmicCosTheta = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
56  m_maxCosmicCurvature = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
57  }
58  else if ("aggressive" == m_cutMode)
59  {
60  m_minCosmicCosTheta = 0.6f;
61  m_maxCosmicCurvature = 0.1f;
62  }
63  else
64  {
65  std::cout << "CosmicRayTaggingTool - invalid cut mode " << m_cutMode << std::endl;
67  }
70 }
std::string m_cutMode
Choose a set of cuts using a keyword - "cautious" = remove as few neutrinos as possible "nominal" = o...
float m_minCosmicCosTheta
The minimum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
float m_maxCosmicCurvature
The maximum curvature that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
StatusCode lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::ReadSettings ( const pandora::TiXmlHandle  xmlHandle)

Definition at line 581 of file

References m_angularUncertainty, m_cutMode, m_inTimeMargin, m_inTimeMaxX0, m_marginY, m_marginZ, m_maxAssociationDist, m_maxCosmicCurvature, m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta, m_minCosmicCosTheta, m_minimumHits, and m_positionalUncertainty.

582 {
583  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "CutMode", m_cutMode));
584  std::transform(m_cutMode.begin(), m_cutMode.end(), m_cutMode.begin(), ::tolower);
587  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "AngularUncertainty", m_angularUncertainty));
590  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "PositionalUncertainty", m_positionalUncertainty));
593  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxAssociationDist", m_maxAssociationDist));
595  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "HitThreshold", m_minimumHits));
597  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "InTimeMargin", m_inTimeMargin));
599  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "InTimeMaxX0", m_inTimeMaxX0));
601  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MarginY", m_marginY));
603  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MarginZ", m_marginZ));
606  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxNeutrinoCosTheta", m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta));
609  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MinCosmicCosTheta", m_minCosmicCosTheta));
612  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxCosmicCurvature", m_maxCosmicCurvature));
615 }
float m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta
The maximum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely neutrino. ...
float m_positionalUncertainty
The uncertainty in cm for the position of Pfo endpoint in 3D.
float m_angularUncertainty
The uncertainty in degrees for the angle of a Pfo.
std::string m_cutMode
Choose a set of cuts using a keyword - "cautious" = remove as few neutrinos as possible "nominal" = o...
float m_inTimeMaxX0
The maximum pfo x0 (determined from shifted vertex) to allow pfo to still be considered in time...
float m_inTimeMargin
The maximum distance outside of the physical detector volume that a Pfo may be to still be considered...
float m_minCosmicCosTheta
The minimum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
float m_marginZ
The minimum distance from a detector Z-face for a Pfo to be associated.
float m_marginY
The minimum distance from a detector Y-face for a Pfo to be associated.
float m_maxCosmicCurvature
The maximum curvature that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
float m_maxAssociationDist
The maximum distance from endpoint to point of closest approach, typically a multiple of LAr radiatio...
unsigned int m_minimumHits
The minimum number of hits for a Pfo to be considered.
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::SliceEvent ( const pandora::PfoList &  parentCosmicRayPfos,
const PfoToPfoListMap pfoAssociationMap,
PfoToSliceIdMap pfoToSliceIdMap 
) const

Break the event up into slices of associated Pfos.

parentCosmicRayPfosinput list of Pfos
pfoAssociationMapmapping between Pfos and other associated Pfos
pfoToSliceIdMapto receive the mapping between Pfos and their slice ID

Definition at line 269 of file

References FillSlice().

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

270 {
271  SliceList sliceList;
273  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : parentCosmicRayPfos)
274  {
275  bool isAlreadyInSlice(false);
277  for (const PfoList &slice : sliceList)
278  {
279  if (std::find(slice.begin(), slice.end(), pPfo) != slice.end())
280  {
281  isAlreadyInSlice = true;
282  break;
283  }
284  }
286  if (!isAlreadyInSlice)
287  {
288  sliceList.push_back(PfoList());
289  this->FillSlice(pPfo, pfoAssociationMap, sliceList.back());
290  }
291  }
293  unsigned int sliceId(0);
294  for (const PfoList &slice : sliceList)
295  {
296  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : slice)
297  {
298  if (!pfoToSliceIdMap.insert(PfoToSliceIdMap::value_type(pPfo, sliceId)).second)
299  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
300  }
302  ++sliceId;
303  }
304 }
void FillSlice(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const PfoToPfoListMap &pfoAssociationMap, pandora::PfoList &slice) const
Fill a slice iteratively using Pfo associations.
std::vector< pandora::PfoList > SliceList
void lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::TagCRMuons ( const CRCandidateList candidates,
const PfoToBoolMap pfoToInTimeMap,
const PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsTopToBottomMap,
const UIntSet neutrinoSliceSet,
PfoToBoolMap pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMap 
) const

Tag Pfos which are likely to be a CR muon.

candidatesinput list of candidates
pfoToInTimeMapinput map between Pfo and if in time
pfoToIsTopToBottomMapinput mapping between candidate Pfos and if they are top to bottom
neutrinoSliceSetinput set of slice indices containing a likely neutrino Pfo
pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMapto receive the output mapping between Pfos and a boolean deciding if they are likely a CR muon

Definition at line 502 of file

References m_maxCosmicCurvature, and m_minCosmicCosTheta.

Referenced by FindAmbiguousPfos().

504 {
505  for (const CRCandidate &candidate : candidates)
506  {
507  const bool likelyCRMuon(!neutrinoSliceSet.count(candidate.m_sliceId) &&
508  (! ||
509  (candidate.m_canFit &&
510  ( ||
511  ((candidate.m_theta > m_minCosmicCosTheta) && (candidate.m_curvature < m_maxCosmicCurvature))))));
513  if (!pfoToIsLikelyCRMuonMap.insert(PfoToBoolMap::value_type(candidate.m_pPfo, likelyCRMuon)).second)
514  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
515  }
516 }
float m_minCosmicCosTheta
The minimum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.
float m_maxCosmicCurvature
The maximum curvature that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.

Member Data Documentation

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_angularUncertainty

The uncertainty in degrees for the angle of a Pfo.

Definition at line 198 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), and ReadSettings().

std::string lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_cutMode

Choose a set of cuts using a keyword - "cautious" = remove as few neutrinos as possible "nominal" = optimised to maximise CR removal whilst preserving neutrinos "aggressive" = remove CR muons and allow more neutrinos to be tagged.

Definition at line 196 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_face_Xa

Anode X face.

Definition at line 212 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), CheckIfInTime(), and FindAmbiguousPfos().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_face_Xc

Cathode X face.

Definition at line 213 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), CheckIfInTime(), and FindAmbiguousPfos().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_face_Yb

Bottom Y face.

Definition at line 214 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), CheckIfContained(), CheckIfTopToBottom(), and FindAmbiguousPfos().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_face_Yt

Top Y face.

Definition at line 215 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), CheckIfContained(), CheckIfTopToBottom(), and FindAmbiguousPfos().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_face_Zd

Downstream Z face.

Definition at line 217 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), CheckIfContained(), and FindAmbiguousPfos().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_face_Zu

Upstream Z face.

Definition at line 216 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), CheckIfContained(), and FindAmbiguousPfos().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_inTimeMargin

The maximum distance outside of the physical detector volume that a Pfo may be to still be considered in time.

Definition at line 204 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckIfInTime(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_inTimeMaxX0

The maximum pfo x0 (determined from shifted vertex) to allow pfo to still be considered in time.

Definition at line 205 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckIfInTime(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_marginY

The minimum distance from a detector Y-face for a Pfo to be associated.

Definition at line 206 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckIfContained(), CheckIfTopToBottom(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_marginZ

The minimum distance from a detector Z-face for a Pfo to be associated.

Definition at line 207 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckIfContained(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_maxAssociationDist

The maximum distance from endpoint to point of closest approach, typically a multiple of LAr radiation length.

Definition at line 200 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_maxCosmicCurvature

The maximum curvature that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.

Definition at line 210 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), ReadSettings(), and TagCRMuons().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_maxNeutrinoCosTheta

The maximum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely neutrino.

Definition at line 208 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by GetNeutrinoSlices(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_minCosmicCosTheta

The minimum cos(theta) that a Pfo can have to be classified as a likely CR muon.

Definition at line 209 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), ReadSettings(), and TagCRMuons().

unsigned int lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_minimumHits

The minimum number of hits for a Pfo to be considered.

Definition at line 202 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by GetValid3DCluster(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::CosmicRayTaggingTool::m_positionalUncertainty

The uncertainty in cm for the position of Pfo endpoint in 3D.

Definition at line 199 of file CosmicRayTaggingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckAssociation(), and ReadSettings().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: