LArSoft  v06_85_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Style.C File Reference

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gROOT SetStyle ("Plain")
gStyle SetOptStat (0)


Int_t ntarg = 5
Int_t npart = 4
Int_t nxs = 7
Int_t ipart = 0
Int_t itarg = 0
Int_t ixs = 0
TString axtit [3] = {"log10(E/MeV)", "Cross section (bn)","log10(p/GeV)"}
TString hed [nxs] = {"Elastic","Elastic","Inelastic","Inelastic","Capture","Fission","ChargeExchange"}
TString fil0 [nxs] = {"elp","el","inlp","inl","cap","fis","cex"}
Double_t x1 [nxs] = {-3,-1,-3,-1,-1,-1,-1}
Double_t x2 [nxs] = {5,6,5,6,6,6,6}
Double_t y1 [nxs] = {0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.00001,0.00001,0.0001}
Double_t y2 [nxs] = {20,10,20,5,1,1,1}
TLegend * leg [nxs]
TH1F * hh [nxs]
TString gtit
TString fin
TFile ff [ntarg]
TString targ [ntarg] = {"H","C","Al","Fe","Pb"}
TString filt [ntarg] = {"h","c","al","fe","pb"}
Int_t col [ntarg] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
TString filp [npart] = {"p_","n_","pi+","pi-"}
TString part [npart] = {"proton","neutron","#pi^{+}","#pi^{-}"}

Function Documentation

gStyle SetOptStat ( )
gROOT SetStyle ( "Plain"  )

Variable Documentation

TString axtit[3] = {"log10(E/MeV)", "Cross section (bn)","log10(p/GeV)"}

Definition at line 14 of file Style.C.

Int_t col[ntarg] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Definition at line 29 of file Style.C.

TFile ff[ntarg]

Definition at line 26 of file Style.C.

TString fil0[nxs] = {"elp","el","inlp","inl","cap","fis","cex"}

Definition at line 17 of file Style.C.

TString filp[npart] = {"p_","n_","pi+","pi-"}

Definition at line 31 of file Style.C.

TString filt[ntarg] = {"h","c","al","fe","pb"}

Definition at line 28 of file Style.C.

TString fin

Definition at line 24 of file Style.C.

TString gtit

Definition at line 24 of file Style.C.

TString hed[nxs] = {"Elastic","Elastic","Inelastic","Inelastic","Capture","Fission","ChargeExchange"}

Definition at line 16 of file Style.C.

TH1F* hh[nxs]

Definition at line 23 of file Style.C.

Int_t ipart = 0

Definition at line 10 of file Style.C.

Int_t itarg = 0

Definition at line 11 of file Style.C.

Int_t ixs = 0

Definition at line 12 of file Style.C.

TLegend* leg[nxs]

Definition at line 22 of file Style.C.

Int_t npart = 4

Definition at line 7 of file Style.C.

Int_t ntarg = 5

Definition at line 6 of file Style.C.

Int_t nxs = 7

Definition at line 8 of file Style.C.

TString part[npart] = {"proton","neutron","#pi^{+}","#pi^{-}"}

Definition at line 32 of file Style.C.

TString targ[ntarg] = {"H","C","Al","Fe","Pb"}

Definition at line 27 of file Style.C.

Double_t x1[nxs] = {-3,-1,-3,-1,-1,-1,-1}

Definition at line 18 of file Style.C.

Double_t x2[nxs] = {5,6,5,6,6,6,6}

Definition at line 19 of file Style.C.

Double_t y1[nxs] = {0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.00001,0.00001,0.0001}

Definition at line 20 of file Style.C.

Double_t y2[nxs] = {20,10,20,5,1,1,1}

Definition at line 21 of file Style.C.