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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - http://larsoft.org/
Nalt | |
Naltns | |
Nanab | |
Napa | |
►Nart | HLT enums |
Nbogoblip | |
►Nboost | |
Nbreakpoints | |
Nbsim | |
Nbtutil | |
Nbutcher | |
Ncaldata | Creation of calibrated signals on wires |
Ncalo | Calorimetry |
Ncet | |
Ncheat | Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information |
►Ncluster | Cluster finding and building |
NClusteringValidation | |
Ncmtool | |
Ncorner | |
Ncosmic | |
Ndcel2d | |
Ndetails | |
Ndetinfo | General LArSoft Utilities |
Ndetsim | Detector simulation of raw signals on wires |
Nems | |
►Nevd | LArSoft includes |
Nevd_tool | |
►Nevdb | Manage all things related to colors for the event display |
Nevent | Event finding and building |
►Nevgb | Physics generators for neutrinos, cosmic rays, and others |
►Nevgen | Event Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles |
Nevwgh | |
►Nfhicl | Parameter set interface |
Nfilt | Framework includes |
Nfilter | Framework includes |
Ng4b | Basic interface to Geant4 for ART-based software |
Ngenf | Generic Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT |
►Ngenie | GENIE neutrino interaction simulation objects |
►Ngeo | Namespace collecting geometry-related classes utilities |
Ngeoalgo | |
►Nhit | Detector simulation of raw signals on wires |
Nifdh_ns | IFDH interface (data handling) ... if using bare interface |
Nimg | |
Nkeras | |
►Nlar | LArSoft-specific namespace |
Nlar_cluster3d | |
Nlar_content | |
Nlar_pandora | |
Nlarg | Detector simulation of raw signals on wires |
Nlarg4 | Geant4 interface |
Nlariov | Filters for channels, events, etc |
Nlarpandoraobj | |
Nlbne | |
Nlris | Conversion of binary data to root files |
Nmag | |
►Nmf | |
Nmfplugins | |
Nmicroboone | |
Nmvapid | |
Nnbw | Reweighting utility for NuMI beam |
Nnnet | |
Nnoisefilteralg | |
►Nnutools | Simple service to provide a RunHistory configured to the right run |
Nopdet | |
Nopreco | |
Noptdata | |
Npandora | |
Npfpf | |
Nphot | General LArSoft Utilities |
Npid | |
Npma | |
Npmtana | |
►Nproxy | Encloses LArSoft data product proxy objects and utilities.See this doxygen module for an introduction to data proxies in LArSoft |
NpyEMSTDpl | |
NpyExN01pl | |
NpyExN03geom | |
NpyEZgeom | |
NpyG4Box | |
NpyG4ChordFinder | |
NpyG4Cons | |
NpyG4Element | |
NpyG4Ellipsoid | |
NpyG4EllipticalCone | |
NpyG4EllipticalTube | |
NpyG4EmCalculator | |
NpyG4Event | |
NpyG4Exception | |
NpyG4FieldManager | |
NpyG4GeometryManager | |
NpyG4Hype | |
NpyG4Isotope | |
NpyG4LogicalVolume | |
NpyG4MagneticField | |
NpyG4Material | |
NpyG4Orb | |
NpyG4Para | |
NpyG4ParticleGun | |
NpyG4ParticleTable | |
NpyG4Polycone | |
NpyG4Polyhedra | |
NpyG4PrimaryVertex | |
NpyG4ProcessManager | |
NpyG4ProcessTable | |
NpyG4ProcVector | |
NpyG4PVPlacement | |
NpyG4RotationMatrix | |
NpyG4RunManager | |
NpyG4RunManagerKernel | |
NpyG4Sphere | |
NpyG4StackManager | |
NpyG4Tet | |
NpyG4ThreeVector | |
NpyG4Torus | |
NpyG4Trap | |
NpyG4Trd | |
NpyG4Tubs | |
NpyG4TwistedBox | |
NpyG4TwistedTrap | |
NpyG4TwistedTrd | |
NpyG4TwistedTubs | |
NpyG4UIcommand | |
NpyG4UIcommandTree | |
NpyG4UImanager | |
NpyG4UIterminal | |
NpyG4UserStackingAction | |
NpyG4VCrossSectionHandler | |
NpyG4VisAttributes | |
NpyG4VisManager | |
NpyG4VModularPhysicsList | |
NpyG4VPhysicalVolume | |
NpyG4VPhysicsConstructor | |
NpyG4VProcess | |
NpyG4VSensitiveDetector | |
NpyG4VTouchable | |
NpyG4VUserDetectorConstruction | |
NpyG4VUserPhysicsList | |
NpyG4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
Npyglobals | |
NpyMedicalBeam | |
NpyParticleGun | |
NpyPhysicsLists | |
NpyQgeom | |
NpyRandomize | |
Nraw | Raw data description |
►Nreadout | |
Nreco | Definition of utility objects for use in the 3D clustering for LArSoft |
Nreco3d | |
Nreco_tool | |
►Nrecob | Reconstruction base classes |
►Nrndm | |
Nrwgt | |
NSeedCreator | |
Nshims | |
Nshower | |
►Nshowerreco | |
Nshwf | Shower finding |
►Nsim | Monte Carlo Simulation |
►Nsimb | Framework includes |
Nsimfilter | Framework includes |
Nspacecharge | |
Nsppt | |
Nsumdata | |
Nt0 | Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information |
Ntca | |
Ntensorflow | |
►Ntesting | LArSoft test utilities |
Ntf | |
Ntrigdata | |
Ntrigger | |
Ntrk | |
Ntrkf | |
Ntrkmkr | |
Ntss | |
Ntt | |
►Nutil | Namespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities |
Nvertex | Vertex reconstruction |
Nvoronoi2d | |
Nwc | |
Nwcls | |
Nwindef |