LArSoft  v06_85_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
geo Namespace Reference

Namespace collecting geometry-related classes utilities. More...


 Partition-related utilities.
 Utilities to manipulate geometry vectors.The utilities include generic vector interface facilities allowing to use different vector types via templates.


class  AffinePlaneBase
class  AuxDetChannelMapAlg
class  AuxDetExptGeoHelperInterface
 Interface to a service with detector-specific geometry knowledge. More...
class  AuxDetGeo
class  AuxDetGeometry
 The geometry of one entire detector, as served by art. More...
class  AuxDetGeometryCore
 Description of geometry of one set of auxiliary detectors. More...
struct  AuxDetGeometryData_t
class  AuxDetGeoObjectSorter
class  AuxDetSensitiveGeo
class  BoxBoundedGeo
 A base class aware of world box coordinatesAn object describing a simple shape can inherit from this one to gain access to a common boundary checking interface. More...
class  ChannelMapAlg
 Interface for a class providing readout channel mapping to geometry. More...
class  ChannelMapStandardAlg
struct  CollectNodesByName
struct  CollectPathsByName
class  CryostatGeo
 Geometry information for a single cryostat. More...
struct  CryostatID
 The data type to uniquely identify a cryostat. More...
struct  DecomposedVector
class  Decomposer
 Class with methods to decompose and compose back vectors. More...
class  DriftPartitions
 Set of drift volumes. More...
class  DumpChannelMap
 Prints on screen the current channel-wire map. More...
class  DumpGeometry
 Describes on screen the current geometry. More...
class  ExptGeoHelperInterface
 Interface to a service with detector-specific geometry knowledge. More...
class  Geometry
 The geometry of one entire detector, as served by art. More...
class  GeometryCore
 Description of geometry of one entire detector. More...
struct  GeometryData_t
 Data in the geometry description. More...
class  GeoObjectSorter
class  GeoObjectSorterStandard
class  InvalidWireError
 Exception thrown on invalid wire number. More...
class  InvalidWireIDError
 Exception thrown on invalid wire number (e.g. NearestWireID()) More...
class  IteratorBox
class  IteratorBoxBase
class  LocalIteratorBox
class  LocalTransformation
 Class to transform between world and local coordinates. More...
class  LocalTransformationGeo
 Class to transform between world and local coordinates. More...
struct  NodeNameMatcherClass
class  OpDetGeo
class  PlaneBase
 A base for a plane in space. More...
class  PlaneDataContainer
 Container with one element per geometry wire plane. More...
class  PlaneDecomposer
 Class with methods for projection of vectors on a plane. More...
class  PlaneGeo
 Geometry information for a single wire plane.The plane is represented in the geometry by a solid which contains wires. Currently, only box solids are well supported. The box which is representation of the plane has some thickness, and it should not be assumed that the wires are in the median section of it, that is, the center of the box may not lie on the plane defined by the wires. More...
struct  PlaneID
 The data type to uniquely identify a Plane. More...
class  ROOTGeoNodeForwardIterator
 Iterator to navigate through all the nodes. More...
class  StandardGeometryHelper
 Simple implementation of channel mapping. More...
class  TPCDataContainer
 Container with one element per geometry TPC. More...
class  TPCGeo
 Geometry information for a single TPC. More...
struct  TPCID
 The data type to uniquely identify a TPC. More...
class  WireGeo
 Geometry description of a TPC wireThe wire is a single straight segment on a wire plane. Different wires may be connected to the same readout channel. That is of no relevance for the geometry description. More...
struct  WireID
struct  WireIDIntersection


using cryostat_id_iterator = details::cryostat_id_iterator_base< geo::CryostatID >
 Forward iterator browsing all cryostats in the detector. More...
using cryostat_iterator = details::geometry_element_iterator< cryostat_id_iterator >
 Forward iterator browsing all cryostats in the detector. More...
using TPC_id_iterator = details::TPC_id_iterator_base< geo::TPCID >
 Forward iterator browsing all TPCs in the detector. More...
using TPC_iterator = details::geometry_element_iterator< TPC_id_iterator >
 Forward iterator browsing all TPCs in the detector. More...
using plane_id_iterator = details::plane_id_iterator_base< geo::PlaneID >
 Forward iterator browsing all planes in the detector. More...
using plane_iterator = details::geometry_element_iterator< plane_id_iterator >
 Forward iterator browsing all planes in the detector. More...
using wire_id_iterator = details::wire_id_iterator_base< geo::WireID >
 Forward iterator browsing all wires in the detector. More...
using wire_iterator = details::geometry_element_iterator< wire_id_iterator >
 Forward iterator browsing all wires in the detector. More...
using TPCset_id_iterator = details::TPCset_id_iterator_base< readout::TPCsetID >
 Forward iterator browsing all TPC sets in the detector. More...
using ROP_id_iterator = details::ROP_id_iterator_base< readout::ROPID >
 Forward iterator browsing all readout planes in the detector. More...
Generic vector types.
template<typename T , typename C = ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
using GenVector3DBase_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >, C >
template<typename T , typename C = ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
using GenPoint3DBase_t = ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >, C >
template<typename C >
using Vector3DBase_t = GenVector3DBase_t< double, C >
template<typename C >
using Point3DBase_t = GenPoint3DBase_t< double, C >
 Type of 3D point with representation in double precision. More...


static bool opdet_sort (const OpDetGeo *t1, const OpDetGeo *t2)
static bool DUNE_opdet_sort (const OpDetGeo *t1, const OpDetGeo *t2)
void ProjectToBoxEdge (const double xyz[], const double dxyz[], double xlo, double xhi, double ylo, double yhi, double zlo, double zhi, double xyzout[])
double ClosestApproach (const double point[], const double intercept[], const double slopes[], double closest[])
bool CrossesBoundary (double x0[], double gradient[], double x_lo, double x_hi, double y_lo, double y_hi, double z_lo, double z_hi, double point[])
template<typename T >
sqr (T v)
geo::TPCID GeometryCore::GetBeginID< geo::TPCID, geo::CryostatID > (geo::CryostatID const &id) const
geo::TPCID GeometryCore::GetEndID< geo::TPCID, geo::CryostatID > (geo::CryostatID const &id) const
geo::PlaneID GeometryCore::GetBeginID< geo::PlaneID, geo::CryostatID > (geo::CryostatID const &id) const
geo::PlaneID GeometryCore::GetEndID< geo::PlaneID, geo::CryostatID > (geo::CryostatID const &id) const
static bool sortAuxDetStandard (const AuxDetGeo *ad1, const AuxDetGeo *ad2)
static bool sortAuxDetSensitiveStandard (const AuxDetSensitiveGeo *ad1, const AuxDetSensitiveGeo *ad2)
static bool sortCryoStandard (const CryostatGeo *c1, const CryostatGeo *c2)
static bool sortTPCStandard (const TPCGeo *t1, const TPCGeo *t2)
static bool sortPlaneStandard (const PlaneGeo *p1, const PlaneGeo *p2)
bool sortWireStandard (WireGeo *w1, WireGeo *w2)
DriftPartitions buildDriftVolumes (geo::CryostatGeo const &cryo)
 Creates a DriftPartitions object from the TPCs in a cryostat. More...
Geometry element IDs
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, CryostatID const &cid)
 Generic output of CryostatID to stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, TPCID const &tid)
 Generic output of TPCID to stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, PlaneID const &pid)
 Generic output of PlaneID to stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, WireID const &wid)
 Generic output of WireID to stream. More...
ID comparison operators

The result of comparison with invalid IDs is undefined.

bool operator== (CryostatID const &a, CryostatID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to the same cryostat (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator!= (CryostatID const &a, CryostatID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to different cryostats (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator< (CryostatID const &a, CryostatID const &b)
 Order cryostats with increasing ID. More...
bool operator== (TPCID const &a, TPCID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to the same TPC (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator!= (TPCID const &a, TPCID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to different TPCs (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator< (TPCID const &a, TPCID const &b)
 Order TPCID in increasing Cryo, then TPC. More...
bool operator== (PlaneID const &a, PlaneID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to the same plane (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator!= (PlaneID const &a, PlaneID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to different planes (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator< (PlaneID const &a, PlaneID const &b)
 Order PlaneID in increasing TPC, then plane. More...
bool operator== (WireID const &a, WireID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to the same wire (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator!= (WireID const &a, WireID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to different wires (validity is ignored) More...
bool operator< (WireID const &a, WireID const &b)
 Comparison: the IDs point to the same cryostat (validity is ignored) More...

Geometry enumerators

enum  coordinates { kXCoord, kYCoord, kZCoord }
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
enum  _plane_proj {
  kU, kV, kW, kZ =kW,
  kY, kX, k3D, kUnknown
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
enum  _plane_orient { kHorizontal, kVertical }
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
enum  _plane_sigtype { kInduction, kCollection, kMysteryType }
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
enum  driftdir {
  kUnknownDrift, kPos, kNeg, kPosX = kPos,
  kNegX = kNeg
 Drift direction: positive or negative. More...
typedef enum geo::coordinates Coord_t
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
typedef enum geo::_plane_proj View_t
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
typedef enum geo::_plane_orient Orient_t
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
typedef enum geo::_plane_sigtype SigType_t
 Enumerate the possible plane projections. More...
typedef enum geo::driftdir DriftDirection_t
 Drift direction: positive or negative. More...

Vector types for the standard LArSoft geometry.

LArSoft geometry provides two main types of vectors in 3D space:

  1. geo::Point_t to describe an absolute position in global coordinates
  2. geo::Vector_t to describe a displacement or direction (or momentum!)

Both vectors are supposed to represent:

  • centimeters in double precision when used on the real geometry space
  • in the global coordinate system, which is represented by the tag geo::GlobalCoords.

These types constitute the basic objects the geometry works with.

All interfaces should support them.

As this requires some transition, please report any interface missing support for these types by opening a "necessary maintenance" request in the LArSoft issue tracker at . Even if there are plenty.

The same type of vectors, but in a different coordinate system representation, can be obtained by using geo::Point3DBase_t template:

(geo::Vector3DBase_t is also available). If a single precision vector is desired, the most general geo::GenPoint3DBase_t and geo::GenVector3DBase_t are also available:

using Length_t = double
 Type used for coordinates and distances. They are measured in centimeters. More...
using GlobalCoords = ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag
 Tag for vectors in the global coordinate system. More...
using Vector_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag >
 Type for representation of momenta in 3D space. More...
using Point_t = ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag >
 Type for representation of position in physical 3D space. More...
template<typename CoordSystemTag >
using VectorIn_t = Vector3DBase_t< CoordSystemTag >
 Type for representation of momenta in 3D space. More...
template<typename CoordSystemTag >
using PointIn_t = Point3DBase_t< CoordSystemTag >
 Type for representation of positions in 3D space. More...
using Rotation_t = ROOT::Math::Rotation3D
 Type for representation of space rotations. More...
template<typename Vector = Vector_t>
constexpr Vector Xaxis ()
 Returns a x axis vector of the specified type. More...
template<typename Vector = Vector_t>
constexpr Vector Yaxis ()
 Returns a y axis vector of the specified type. More...
template<typename Vector = Vector_t>
constexpr Vector Zaxis ()
 Returns a z axis vector of the specified type. More...
template<typename Point = Point_t>
constexpr Point origin ()
 Returns a origin position with a point of the specified type. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace collecting geometry-related classes utilities.

LArSoft geometry interface.

Detector geometry definition and interface.

ROOT libraries.

See also

The geo namespace includes all LArSoft data types, classes and functions related to detector geometry.

For more guidance, dee the LArSoft geometry module.

Typedef Documentation

Enumerate the possible plane projections.

Drift direction: positive or negative.

Do not use this type to distinguish different drift axes: e.g., negative x drift and negative z drift are both by kNeg.

template<typename T , typename C = ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
using geo::GenPoint3DBase_t = typedef ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<T>, C>

Type of 3D point.

Template Parameters
Tdata type for coordinate representation
Ccoordinate system tag (default: global coordinates)

Definition at line 85 of file geo_vectors.h.

template<typename T , typename C = ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
using geo::GenVector3DBase_t = typedef ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<T>, C>

Type of 3D displacement vector.

Template Parameters
Tdata type for coordinate representation
Ccoordinate system tag (default: global coordinates)

Definition at line 78 of file geo_vectors.h.

using geo::GlobalCoords = typedef ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag

Tag for vectors in the global coordinate system.

A vector tagged as "global" is expected to be represented in the global (or "world") coordinate system.

That system is the one the detector geometry is described in, and it is defined by the GDML detector description. The linear coordinates are described in centimeters.

Definition at line 153 of file geo_vectors.h.

using geo::Length_t = typedef double

Type used for coordinates and distances. They are measured in centimeters.

Definition at line 140 of file geo_vectors.h.

Enumerate the possible plane projections.

template<typename C >
using geo::Point3DBase_t = typedef GenPoint3DBase_t<double, C>

Type of 3D point with representation in double precision.

Template Parameters
Ccoordinate system tag

Definition at line 95 of file geo_vectors.h.

using geo::Point_t = typedef ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D <ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>

Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.

A point represents a position in 3D space. As such, it makes no sense to add points, and the difference between two points is not a point any more (it is, in fact, a geo::Vector_t). Scaling and norm of a point also have no meaning.

A vector can be added to a point, resulting in another point.

Note that middlePoint() function and MiddlePointAccumulator class are provided to facilitate the computation of a middle point using any type of vector and in particular geo::Point_t.

Definition at line 187 of file geo_vectors.h.

template<typename CoordSystemTag >
using geo::PointIn_t = typedef Point3DBase_t<CoordSystemTag>

Type for representation of positions in 3D space.

Template Parameters
CoordSystemTagthe coordinate system tag for this point

This point type is equivalent to geo::Point_t but it's tagged as from a different coordinate system.

Definition at line 208 of file geo_vectors.h.

using geo::Rotation_t = typedef ROOT::Math::Rotation3D

Type for representation of space rotations.

Definition at line 212 of file geo_vectors.h.

Enumerate the possible plane projections.

template<typename C >
using geo::Vector3DBase_t = typedef GenVector3DBase_t<double, C>

Type of 3D displacement vector with representation in double precision.

Template Parameters
Ccoordinate system tag

Definition at line 90 of file geo_vectors.h.

using geo::Vector_t = typedef ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D <ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>

Type for representation of momenta in 3D space.

A vector represents a direction and intensity, or a displacement respect to an unspecified starting point. Vectors can be added or subtracted, resulting in still a vector. Their modulus can also be scaled.

Definition at line 167 of file geo_vectors.h.

template<typename CoordSystemTag >
using geo::VectorIn_t = typedef Vector3DBase_t<CoordSystemTag>

Type for representation of momenta in 3D space.

Template Parameters
CoordSystemTagthe coordinate system tag for this vector

This vector type is equivalent to geo::Vector_t but it's tagged as from a different coordinate system.

Definition at line 198 of file geo_vectors.h.

Enumerate the possible plane projections.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerate the possible plane projections.


Planes that are in the horizontal plane.


Planes that are in the vertical plane (e.g. ArgoNeuT).

Definition at line 86 of file geo_types.h.

86  {
87  kHorizontal,
88  kVertical
89  } Orient_t;
enum geo::_plane_orient Orient_t
Enumerate the possible plane projections.
Planes that are in the horizontal plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:87
Planes that are in the vertical plane (e.g. ArgoNeuT).
Definition: geo_types.h:88

Enumerate the possible plane projections.


Planes which measure U.


Planes which measure V.


Planes which measure W (third view for Bo, MicroBooNE, etc).


Planes which measure Z direction.


Planes which measure Y direction.


Planes which measure X direction.


3-dimensional objects, potentially hits, clusters, prongs, etc.


Unknown view.

Definition at line 75 of file geo_types.h.

75  {
76  kU,
77  kV,
78  kW,
79  kZ=kW,
80  kY,
81  kX,
82  k3D,
83  kUnknown
84  } View_t;
enum geo::_plane_proj View_t
Enumerate the possible plane projections.
Planes which measure V.
Definition: geo_types.h:77
Unknown view.
Definition: geo_types.h:83
Planes which measure X direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:81
Planes which measure Z direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:79
Planes which measure Y direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:80
3-dimensional objects, potentially hits, clusters, prongs, etc.
Definition: geo_types.h:82
Planes which measure U.
Definition: geo_types.h:76
Planes which measure W (third view for Bo, MicroBooNE, etc).
Definition: geo_types.h:78

Enumerate the possible plane projections.


Signal from induction planes.


Signal from collection planes.


Who knows?

Definition at line 91 of file geo_types.h.

91  {
92  kInduction,
93  kCollection,
95  } SigType_t;
Who knows?
Definition: geo_types.h:94
Signal from induction planes.
Definition: geo_types.h:92
enum geo::_plane_sigtype SigType_t
Enumerate the possible plane projections.
Signal from collection planes.
Definition: geo_types.h:93

Enumerate the possible plane projections.


X coordinate.


Y coordinate.


Z coordinate.

Definition at line 68 of file geo_types.h.

68  {
69  kXCoord,
70  kYCoord,
71  kZCoord
72  } Coord_t;
X coordinate.
Definition: geo_types.h:69
enum geo::coordinates Coord_t
Enumerate the possible plane projections.
Z coordinate.
Definition: geo_types.h:71
Y coordinate.
Definition: geo_types.h:70

Drift direction: positive or negative.

Do not use this type to distinguish different drift axes: e.g., negative x drift and negative z drift are both by kNeg.


Drift direction is unknown.


Drift towards positive values.


Drift towards negative values.


Drift towards positive X values.


Drift towards negative X values.

Definition at line 104 of file geo_types.h.

104  {
105  kUnknownDrift,
106  kPos,
107  kNeg,
108  kPosX = kPos,
109  kNegX = kNeg
Drift direction is unknown.
Definition: geo_types.h:105
Drift towards positive values.
Definition: geo_types.h:106
Drift towards negative X values.
Definition: geo_types.h:109
enum geo::driftdir DriftDirection_t
Drift direction: positive or negative.
Drift towards positive X values.
Definition: geo_types.h:108
Drift towards negative values.
Definition: geo_types.h:107

Function Documentation

geo::DriftPartitions geo::buildDriftVolumes ( geo::CryostatGeo const &  cryo)

Creates a DriftPartitions object from the TPCs in a cryostat.

cryothe cryostat with the TPCs to be partitioned.

The algorithm groups all TPCs with the same drift direction and readout planes with similar drift coordinates. A "global drift direction" is chosen. The drift directions of all TPCs in the cryostat are required to be parallel (at most with different verse). Projections of the TPC wire planes on this direction determine TPC grouping. TPCs with planes within a small range (typically, 10 plane pitches) of this projected coordinate are grouped together. TPCs with opposite drift directions are still kept in different groups.

The information of each drift volume is kept in a DriftVolume_t class which contains a hierarchical structure of type geo::part::Partition (with data geo::TPCGeo const coming directly from the geometry). This structure describes the topology of the TPCs within the drift volume.

Definition at line 1102 of file DriftPartitions.cxx.

References addAreaToTPCs(), geo::DriftPartitions::addPartition(), geo::BoxBoundedGeo::Center(), checkTPCcoords(), geo::DriftPartitions::decomposer, detectGlobalDriftDir(), e, groupByDriftCoordinate(), groupTPCsByDriftDir(), makePartition(), part, geo::TPCGeo::RefDepthDir(), geo::TPCGeo::RefWidthDir(), sortTPCsByDriftCoord(), and geo::CryostatGeo::TPC().

Referenced by geo::DriftPartitions::driftVolumeAt().

1102  {
1104  //
1105  // group TPCs by drift direction
1106  //
1107  auto TPCsByDriftDir = groupTPCsByDriftDir(cryo);
1109  //
1110  // determine the cryostat-wide drift direction (arbitrary but consistent)
1111  // and the decomposition base (using the same for all drift partitions);
1112  //
1114  // In practice we use the coordinate system from the first TPC;
1115  // we still check that all drift directions are compatible,
1116  // but the result of detection is ignored.
1117  /* auto globalDriftDir = */ detectGlobalDriftDir(keys(TPCsByDriftDir));
1118  using Direction_t = geo::DriftPartitions::Direction_t;
1119  geo::TPCGeo const& firstTPC = cryo.TPC(0);
1121  ({ cryo.Center(), firstTPC.RefWidthDir<Direction_t>(), firstTPC.RefDepthDir<Direction_t>() });
1123  //
1124  // further group TPCs by plane position in drift direction
1125  //
1126  std::vector<TPCgroup_t> TPCgroups;
1127  for (auto const& TPCsOnDriftDir: TPCsByDriftDir) {
1128  auto TPCs = sortTPCsByDriftCoord(TPCsOnDriftDir.second, decomposer);
1129  append(TPCgroups, groupByDriftCoordinate(TPCs));
1130  } // for
1132  //
1133  // verify coordinate system consistency between TPCs
1134  //
1135  for (auto const& TPCgroup: TPCgroups) {
1136  unsigned int errors = checkTPCcoords(TPCgroup.TPCs);
1137  if (errors > 0) {
1138  throw cet::exception("buildDriftVolumes")
1139  << "TPCs in partition have different drift directions ("
1140  << errors << " errors found in " << TPCgroup.TPCs.size() << " TPCs).\n";
1141  } // if
1142  } // for
1144  //
1145  // partition each group
1146  //
1147  geo::DriftPartitions partitions(decomposer);
1148  for (auto const& TPCgroup: TPCgroups) {
1149  auto TPCs = addAreaToTPCs(TPCgroup.TPCs, decomposer);
1150  auto part = makePartition(TPCs);
1151  if (!part) {
1152  cet::exception e("buildDriftVolumes");
1153  e << "Failed to construct partition out of " << TPCs.size() << " TPCs:";
1154  for (auto const& TPCinfo: TPCs) {
1155  e << "\n at " << TPCinfo.area() << " TPC ";
1156  TPCinfo.TPC->PrintTPCInfo(e, " ", 5U);
1157  } // for
1158  throw e;
1159  } // if error
1160  partitions.addPartition(std::move(part));
1161  } // for
1163  return partitions;
1164 } // geo::buildDriftVolumes()
std::unique_ptr< geo::part::Partition< geo::TPCGeo const > > makePartition(BeginIter beginTPCwithArea, EndIter endTPCwithArea)
Geometry information for a single TPC.
Definition: TPCGeo.h:37
Vector RefWidthDir() const
Return the direction of reference plane width.
Definition: TPCGeo.h:316
std::vector< TPCwithArea_t > addAreaToTPCs(std::vector< geo::TPCGeo const * > const &TPCs, geo::DriftPartitions::Decomposer_t const &decomposer)
Vector RefDepthDir() const
Return the direction of reference plane depth.
Definition: TPCGeo.h:329
geo::DriftPartitions::DriftDir_t detectGlobalDriftDir(Range &&directions)
TString part[npart]
Definition: Style.C:32
std::vector< TPCgroup_t > groupByDriftCoordinate(std::vector< TPCandPos_t > const &TPCs)
std::vector< std::pair< geo::DriftPartitions::DriftDir_t, std::vector< geo::TPCGeo const * > > > groupTPCsByDriftDir(geo::CryostatGeo const &cryo)
Set of drift volumes.
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:34
unsigned int checkTPCcoords(std::vector< geo::TPCGeo const * > const &TPCs)
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
geo::Vector_t Direction_t
Type representing a direction in 3D space (norm is not constrained).
std::vector< TPCandPos_t > sortTPCsByDriftCoord(std::vector< geo::TPCGeo const * > const &TPCs, geo::DriftPartitions::Decomposer_t const &decomp)
double geo::ClosestApproach ( const double  point[],
const double  intercept[],
const double  slopes[],
double  closest[] 

Find the distance of closest approach between point and line

point- xyz coordinates of point
intercept- xyz coodinates of point on line
slopes- unit vector direction (need not be normalized)
closest- on output, point on line that is closest
distance from point to line

Definition at line 96 of file geo.h.

References s.

100 {
101  double s =
102  (slopes[0]*(point[0]-intercept[0]) +
103  slopes[1]*(point[1]-intercept[1]) +
104  slopes[2]*(point[2]-intercept[2]));
105  double sd =
106  (slopes[0]*slopes[0] +
107  slopes[1]*slopes[1] +
108  slopes[2]*slopes[2]);
109  if (sd>0.0) {
110  s /= sd;
111  closest[0] = intercept[0] + s*slopes[0];
112  closest[1] = intercept[1] + s*slopes[1];
113  closest[2] = intercept[2] + s*slopes[2];
114  }
115  else {
116  // How to handle this zero gracefully? Assume that the intercept
117  // is a particle vertex and "slopes" are momenta. In that case,
118  // the particle goes nowhere and the closest approach is the
119  // distance from the intercept to point
120  closest[0] = intercept[0];
121  closest[1] = intercept[1];
122  closest[2] = intercept[2];
123  }
124  return std::sqrt(pow((point[0]-closest[0]),2)+
125  pow((point[1]-closest[1]),2)+
126  pow((point[2]-closest[2]),2));
127 }
Float_t s
Definition: plot.C:23
bool geo::CrossesBoundary ( double  x0[],
double  gradient[],
double  x_lo,
double  x_hi,
double  y_lo,
double  y_hi,
double  z_lo,
double  z_hi,
double  point[] 

Determine whether or not track intersects box of volume: ( x_hi - x_lo ) x ( y_hi - y_lo ) x ( z_hi - z_lo )

x_hi- x box coordinates in space w.r.t. the origin
x_lo- x box coordinates in space w.r.t. the origin
y_hi- y box coordinates in space w.r.t. the origin
y_lo- y box coordinates in space w.r.t. the origin
z_hi- z box coordinates in space w.r.t. the origin
z_lo- z box coordinates in space w.r.t. the origin
x0[]- initial position of the particle
gradient[]- initial gradient of particle position
point[](output) - position of the particle at intersection
See also

*** assumes particle's track is linear

Definition at line 148 of file geo.h.

References n.

157 {
159  double distance[3]; // distance to plane
161  // puts box coordinates into more useful vectors (for loop later)
162  double lo[3] = { x_lo , y_lo , z_lo };
163  double hi[3] = { x_hi , y_hi , z_hi };
165  // puts box coordinates into more useful vector (for loop later)
166  double facecoord[6] = { lo[0] , hi[0] ,
167  lo[1] , hi[1] ,
168  lo[2] , hi[2] };
170  int intersect[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; // initialize intersection tally vector
171  int count=0;
172  // iterates through spatial axes (0,1,2) = (x,y,z)
173  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
174  // try both planes with normal parallel to axis
175  for(int p=0; p<2; p++ ) {
177  point[i] = facecoord[count]; // point on face
178  distance[i] = point[i] - x0[i]; // calculate x-coordinate of track distance
180  double C_dg = distance[i] / gradient[i]; // calculate correlation b/w gradient and distance
182  for(int m=0; m<3; m++){ distance[m] = C_dg * gradient[m]; }
183  for(int n=0; n<3; n++){ point[n] = x0[n] + distance[n]; }
185  int j, k;
186  switch (i) {
187  case 0: j=1; k=2; break;
188  case 1: j=2; k=0; break;
189  case 2: j=0; k=1; break;
190  default:
191  throw std::logic_error("Big trouble");
192  } // switch
194  // now want to check to see if the point is in the right plane
195  if ( lo[j] < point[j] && point[j] < hi[j]
196  && lo[k] < point[k] && point[k] < hi[k] ) {
198  // double length = std::sqrt( distance[0]*distance[0]
199  // + distance[1]*distance[1]
200  // + distance[2]*distance[2] );
202  // direction of motion w.r.t. start point
203  int direction = distance[i]*gradient[i]
204  / std::sqrt( (distance[i]*distance[i]) * (gradient[i]*gradient[i]) );
205  bool directed = ( direction + 1 ) / 2;
207  // checks if particle passes through face
208  // and also checks to see whether it passes inward or outward
209  //if ( track_length > length && directed ) {
210  if ( directed ) {
211  int normal = pow( -1 , count + 1 );
212  int thru = normal * gradient[i] / std::sqrt(gradient[i]*gradient[i]) ;
213  intersect[count]=thru;
214  }
215  }
216  count++;
217  }
218  }
220  // count faces it passes through,
221  // ... not necessary now, but maybe useful in the future
222  int passes=0;
223  for ( int face=0; face<6; ++face ) {
224  passes+=(intersect[face]*intersect[face]);
225  }
227  if ( passes==0 ) {
228  return 0;
229  } else {
230  return 1;
231  }
232 }
Char_t n[5]
static bool geo::DUNE_opdet_sort ( const OpDetGeo t1,
const OpDetGeo t2 
: move dune opdet sorting to appropriate place in dunetpc

Definition at line 50 of file CryostatGeo.cxx.

References geo::OpDetGeo::LocalToWorld().

Referenced by geo::CryostatGeo::CryostatGeo().

51  {
52  double xyz1[3] = {0.}, xyz2[3] = {0.};
53  double local[3] = {0.};
54  t1->LocalToWorld(local, xyz1);
55  t2->LocalToWorld(local, xyz2);
57  if(xyz1[0]!=xyz2[0])
58  return xyz1[0]>xyz2[0];
59  else if(xyz1[2]!=xyz2[2])
60  return xyz1[2]>xyz2[2];
61  else
62  return xyz1[1]>xyz2[1];
63  }
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
TTree * t2
Definition: plottest35.C:36

Definition at line 5628 of file GeometryCore.h.

5629  { return GetBeginPlaneID(id); }

Definition at line 5618 of file GeometryCore.h.

5619  { return GetBeginTPCID(id); }

Definition at line 5633 of file GeometryCore.h.

5634  { return GetEndPlaneID(id); }

Definition at line 5623 of file GeometryCore.h.

5624  { return GetEndTPCID(id); }
static bool geo::opdet_sort ( const OpDetGeo t1,
const OpDetGeo t2 

Definition at line 32 of file CryostatGeo.cxx.

References geo::OpDetGeo::LocalToWorld().

Referenced by geo::CryostatGeo::CryostatGeo().

33  {
34  double xyz1[3] = {0.}, xyz2[3] = {0.};
35  double local[3] = {0.};
36  t1->LocalToWorld(local, xyz1);
37  t2->LocalToWorld(local, xyz2);
39  if(xyz1[2]!=xyz2[2])
40  return xyz1[2]>xyz2[2];
41  else if(xyz1[1]!=xyz2[1])
42  return xyz1[1]>xyz2[1];
43  else
44  return xyz1[0]>xyz2[0];
45  }
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
TTree * t2
Definition: plottest35.C:36
bool geo::operator!= ( CryostatID const &  a,
CryostatID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to different cryostats (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 409 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::CryostatID::Cryostat.

410  { return a.Cryostat != b.Cryostat; }
bool geo::operator!= ( TPCID const &  a,
TPCID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to different TPCs (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 425 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::TPCID::TPC.

425  {
426  return
427  (static_cast<CryostatID const&>(a) != static_cast<CryostatID const&>(b))
428  || (a.TPC != b.TPC);
429  } // operator!= (TPCID, TPCID)
bool geo::operator!= ( PlaneID const &  a,
PlaneID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to different planes (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 449 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::PlaneID::Plane.

449  {
450  return
451  (static_cast<TPCID const&>(a) != static_cast<TPCID const&>(b))
452  || (a.Plane != b.Plane);
453  } // operator!= (PlaneID, PlaneID)
bool geo::operator!= ( WireID const &  a,
WireID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to different wires (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 473 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::WireID::Wire.

473  {
474  return
475  (static_cast<PlaneID const&>(a) != static_cast<PlaneID const&>(b))
476  || (a.Wire != b.Wire);
477  } // operator!= (WireID, WireID)
bool geo::operator< ( CryostatID const &  a,
CryostatID const &  b 

Order cryostats with increasing ID.

Definition at line 413 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::CryostatID::Cryostat.

Referenced by lar::range_t< size_type >::borders(), and larg4::LArVoxelReadoutGeometry::Construct().

414  { return a.Cryostat < b.Cryostat; }
bool geo::operator< ( TPCID const &  a,
TPCID const &  b 

Order TPCID in increasing Cryo, then TPC.

Definition at line 432 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::TPCID::TPC.

432  {
433  int cmp_res = (static_cast<CryostatID const&>(a)).cmp(b);
434  if (cmp_res == 0) // same cryostat: compare TPC
435  return a.TPC < b.TPC;
436  else // return the order of cryostats
437  return cmp_res < 0;
438  } // operator< (TPCID, TPCID)
geo::CryostatID CryostatID
Definition: readout_types.h:30
bool geo::operator< ( PlaneID const &  a,
PlaneID const &  b 

Order PlaneID in increasing TPC, then plane.

Definition at line 456 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::PlaneID::Plane.

456  {
457  int cmp_res = (static_cast<TPCID const&>(a)).cmp(b);
458  if (cmp_res == 0) // same TPC: compare plane
459  return a.Plane < b.Plane;
460  else // return the order of TPC
461  return cmp_res < 0;
462  } // operator< (PlaneID, PlaneID)
bool geo::operator< ( WireID const &  a,
WireID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to the same cryostat (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 480 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::WireID::Wire.

480  {
481  int cmp_res = (static_cast<PlaneID const&>(a)).cmp(b);
482  if (cmp_res == 0) // same plane: compare wire
483  return a.Wire < b.Wire;
484  else // return the order of planes
485  return cmp_res < 0;
486  } // operator< (WireID, WireID)
std::ostream& geo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
CryostatID const &  cid 

Generic output of CryostatID to stream.

Definition at line 367 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::CryostatID::Cryostat.

367  {
368  out << "C:" << cid.Cryostat;
369  return out;
370  } // operator<< (CryostatID)
std::ostream& geo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
TPCID const &  tid 

Generic output of TPCID to stream.

Definition at line 374 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::TPCID::TPC.

374  {
375  out << ((CryostatID const&) tid) << " T:" << tid.TPC;
376  return out;
377  } // operator<< (TPCID)
geo::CryostatID CryostatID
Definition: readout_types.h:30
std::ostream& geo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
PlaneID const &  pid 

Generic output of PlaneID to stream.

Definition at line 381 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::PlaneID::Plane.

381  {
382  out << ((TPCID const&) pid) << " P:" << pid.Plane;
383  return out;
384  } // operator<< (PlaneID)
std::ostream& geo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
WireID const &  wid 

Generic output of WireID to stream.

Definition at line 388 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::WireID::Wire.

388  {
389  out << ((PlaneID const&) wid) << " W:" << wid.Wire;
390  return out;
391  } // operator<< (WireID)
bool geo::operator== ( CryostatID const &  a,
CryostatID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to the same cryostat (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 405 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::CryostatID::Cryostat.

406  { return a.Cryostat == b.Cryostat; }
bool geo::operator== ( TPCID const &  a,
TPCID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to the same TPC (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 418 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::TPCID::TPC.

418  {
419  return
420  (static_cast<CryostatID const&>(a) == static_cast<CryostatID const&>(b))
421  && (a.TPC == b.TPC);
422  } // operator== (TPCID, TPCID)
bool geo::operator== ( PlaneID const &  a,
PlaneID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to the same plane (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 442 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::PlaneID::Plane.

442  {
443  return
444  (static_cast<TPCID const&>(a) == static_cast<TPCID const&>(b))
445  && (a.Plane == b.Plane);
446  } // operator== (PlaneID, PlaneID)
bool geo::operator== ( WireID const &  a,
WireID const &  b 

Comparison: the IDs point to the same wire (validity is ignored)

Definition at line 466 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::WireID::Wire.

466  {
467  return
468  (static_cast<PlaneID const&>(a) == static_cast<PlaneID const&>(b))
469  && (a.Wire == b.Wire);
470  } // operator== (WireID, WireID)
void geo::ProjectToBoxEdge ( const double  xyz[],
const double  dxyz[],
double  xlo,
double  xhi,
double  ylo,
double  yhi,
double  zlo,
double  zhi,
double  xyzout[] 

Project along a direction from a particular starting point to the edge of a box

xyz- The starting x,y,z location. Must be inside box.
dxyz- Direction vector
xlo- Low edge of box in x
xhi- Low edge of box in x
ylo- Low edge of box in y
yhi- Low edge of box in y
zlo- Low edge of box in z
zhi- Low edge of box in z
xyzout- On output, the position at the box edge

Note: It should be safe to use the same array for input and output.

Definition at line 49 of file geo.h.

References d.

55 {
56  // Make sure we're inside the box!
57  if( !(xyz[0]>=xlo && xyz[0]<=xhi) ||
58  !(xyz[1]>=ylo && xyz[1]<=yhi) ||
59  !(xyz[2]>=zlo && xyz[2]<=zhi) )
60  throw cet::exception("ProjectToBoxEdge") << "desired point is not"
61  << " in the specififed box\n";
63  // Compute the distances to the x/y/z walls
64  double dx = 99.E99;
65  double dy = 99.E99;
66  double dz = 99.E99;
67  if (dxyz[0]>0.0) { dx = (xhi-xyz[0])/dxyz[0]; }
68  else if (dxyz[0]<0.0) { dx = (xlo-xyz[0])/dxyz[0]; }
69  if (dxyz[1]>0.0) { dy = (yhi-xyz[1])/dxyz[1]; }
70  else if (dxyz[1]<0.0) { dy = (ylo-xyz[1])/dxyz[1]; }
71  if (dxyz[2]>0.0) { dz = (zhi-xyz[2])/dxyz[2]; }
72  else if (dxyz[2]<0.0) { dz = (zlo-xyz[2])/dxyz[2]; }
74  // Choose the shortest distance
75  double d = 0.0;
76  if (dx<dy && dx<dz) d = dx;
77  else if (dy<dz && dy<dx) d = dy;
78  else if (dz<dx && dz<dy) d = dz;
80  // Make the step
81  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
82  xyzout[i] = xyz[i] + dxyz[i]*d;
83  }
84 }
Float_t d
Definition: plot.C:237
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
static bool geo::sortAuxDetSensitiveStandard ( const AuxDetSensitiveGeo ad1,
const AuxDetSensitiveGeo ad2 

Definition at line 44 of file GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx.

References geo::AuxDetSensitiveGeo::TotalVolume().

Referenced by geo::GeoObjectSorterStandard::SortAuxDetSensitive().

45  {
47  // sort based off of GDML name, assuming ordering is encoded
48  std::string ad1name = (ad1->TotalVolume())->GetName();
49  std::string ad2name = (ad2->TotalVolume())->GetName();
51  // assume volume name is "volAuxDetSensitive##"
52  int ad1Num = atoi( ad1name.substr( 9, ad1name.size()).c_str() );
53  int ad2Num = atoi( ad2name.substr( 9, ad2name.size()).c_str() );
55  return ad1Num < ad2Num;
57  }
static bool geo::sortAuxDetStandard ( const AuxDetGeo ad1,
const AuxDetGeo ad2 

Definition at line 27 of file GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx.

References geo::AuxDetGeo::TotalVolume().

Referenced by geo::GeoObjectSorterStandard::SortAuxDets().

28  {
30  // sort based off of GDML name, assuming ordering is encoded
31  std::string ad1name = (ad1->TotalVolume())->GetName();
32  std::string ad2name = (ad2->TotalVolume())->GetName();
34  // assume volume name is "volAuxDet##"
35  int ad1Num = atoi( ad1name.substr( 9, ad1name.size()).c_str() );
36  int ad2Num = atoi( ad2name.substr( 9, ad2name.size()).c_str() );
38  return ad1Num < ad2Num;
40  }
static bool geo::sortCryoStandard ( const CryostatGeo c1,
const CryostatGeo c2 

Definition at line 61 of file GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx.

References geo::CryostatGeo::LocalToWorld().

Referenced by geo::GeoObjectSorterStandard::SortCryostats().

62  {
63  double xyz1[3] = {0.}, xyz2[3] = {0.};
64  double local[3] = {0.};
65  c1->LocalToWorld(local, xyz1);
66  c2->LocalToWorld(local, xyz2);
68  return xyz1[0] < xyz2[0];
69  }
TCanvas * c1
Definition: plotHisto.C:7
TCanvas * c2
Definition: plot_hist.C:75
static bool geo::sortPlaneStandard ( const PlaneGeo p1,
const PlaneGeo p2 

Definition at line 91 of file GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx.

References geo::PlaneGeo::LocalToWorld().

Referenced by geo::GeoObjectSorterStandard::SortPlanes().

92  {
93  double xyz1[3] = {0.};
94  double xyz2[3] = {0.};
95  double local[3] = {0.};
96  p1->LocalToWorld(local, xyz1);
97  p2->LocalToWorld(local, xyz2);
99  // drift direction is negative, plane number increases in drift direction
100  if(std::abs(xyz1[0]-xyz2[0]) > DistanceTol)
101  return xyz1[0] > xyz2[0];
103  //if same drift, sort by z
104  if(std::abs(xyz1[2]-xyz2[2]) > DistanceTol)
105  return xyz1[2] < xyz2[2];
107  //if same z, sort by y
108  return xyz1[1] < xyz2[1];
109  }
static bool geo::sortTPCStandard ( const TPCGeo t1,
const TPCGeo t2 

Definition at line 74 of file GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx.

References geo::TPCGeo::LocalToWorld().

Referenced by geo::GeoObjectSorterStandard::SortTPCs().

75  {
76  double xyz1[3] = {0.};
77  double xyz2[3] = {0.};
78  double local[3] = {0.};
79  t1->LocalToWorld(local, xyz1);
80  t2->LocalToWorld(local, xyz2);
82  // sort TPCs according to x
83  if(xyz1[0] < xyz2[0]) return true;
85  return false;
86  }
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
TTree * t2
Definition: plottest35.C:36
bool geo::sortWireStandard ( WireGeo w1,
WireGeo w2 

Definition at line 113 of file GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx.

References geo::WireGeo::GetCenter().

Referenced by geo::GeoObjectSorterStandard::SortWires().

113  {
114  double xyz1[3] = {0.};
115  double xyz2[3] = {0.};
117  w1->GetCenter(xyz1); w2->GetCenter(xyz2);
119  //sort by z first
120  if(std::abs(xyz1[2]-xyz2[2]) > DistanceTol)
121  return xyz1[2] < xyz2[2];
123  //if same z sort by y
124  if(std::abs(xyz1[1]-xyz2[1]) > DistanceTol)
125  return xyz1[1] < xyz2[1];
127  //if same y sort by x
128  return xyz1[0] < xyz2[0];
129  }
template<typename Vector = Vector_t>
constexpr Vector geo::Xaxis ( )

Returns a x axis vector of the specified type.

Definition at line 218 of file geo_vectors.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::ResetDriftDirection(), geo::TPCGeo::TPCGeo(), and geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateView().

218 { return { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; }
template<typename Vector = Vector_t>
constexpr Vector geo::Yaxis ( )

Returns a y axis vector of the specified type.

Definition at line 222 of file geo_vectors.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::ResetDriftDirection(), geo::TPCGeo::TPCGeo(), and geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateView().

222 { return { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; }
template<typename Vector = Vector_t>
constexpr Vector geo::Zaxis ( )

Returns a z axis vector of the specified type.

Definition at line 226 of file geo_vectors.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::ResetDriftDirection(), geo::TPCGeo::TPCGeo(), and geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateView().

226 { return { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; }