LArSoft  v06_85_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
geoalgo Namespace Reference


class  AABox
 Representation of a 3D rectangular box which sides are aligned w/ coordinate axis. A representation of an Axis-Aligned-Boundary-Box, a simple & popular representation of
3D boundary box for collision detection. The concept was taken from the reference,
Real-Time-Collision-Detection (RTCD), and in particular Ch. 4.2 (page 77):
. More...
class  Cone
 Representation of a 3D semi-infinite line. Defines a 3D cone with the following properties:
Start point (or vertex), Direction, Length (or Length), Radius, opening angle
When 2 of Length, Radius, opening angle are defined the third is automatically set. More...
class  Cylinder
 Representation of a 3D Cylinder volume. A Cylinder object inherits from a geoalgo::Line. More...
class  DirectedLine
 Representation of a 3D infinite line. Defines an infinite 3D line with a point and a direction. Line points are constructed like this: (pt, dir) -> (pt, pt+dir) It hides the point attributes from users for protecting the dimensionality. More...
class  GeoAlgo
 Algorithm to compute various geometrical relation among geometrical objects. In particular functions to inspect following relations are implemented:
0) Distance between geometrical objects
1) Closest point of approach
2) Intersection points
3) Containment/Overlap of objects
4) Common Origin functions
5) Bounding Sphere functions
. More...
class  GeoAlgoException
class  GeoObjCollection
class  HalfLine
 Representation of a 3D semi-infinite line. Defines a semi-infinite 3D line by having a start point (Point_t) and direction (Vector_t)
along which the line extends. It hides the start and direction attributes from users for
protecting the dimensionality. More...
class  Line
 Representation of a 3D infinite line. Defines an infinite 3D line by having 2 points which completely determine the line along which the line extends. It hides the point attributes from users for
protecting the dimensionality. More...
class  LineSegment
 Representation of a simple 3D line segment Defines a finite 3D straight line by having the start and end position (Point_t).
. More...
class  Sphere
class  Trajectory
class  Vector


typedef AABox AABox_t
typedef Cone Cone_t
typedef Cylinder Cylinder_t
typedef DirectedLine DirectedLine_t
typedef HalfLine HalfLine_t
typedef Line Line_t
typedef LineSegment LineSegment_t
typedef Sphere Sphere_t
typedef Trajectory Trajectory_t
typedef Vector Vector_t
 Point has same feature as Vector. More...
typedef Vector Point_t


static const double kPI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884
static const double kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
static const double kMAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
static const double kMIN_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 77 of file GeoAABox.h.

Definition at line 76 of file GeoCone.h.

Definition at line 65 of file GeoCylinder.h.

Definition at line 54 of file GeoDirectedLine.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GeoHalfLine.h.

Definition at line 91 of file GeoLine.h.

Definition at line 75 of file GeoLineSegment.h.

Definition at line 200 of file GeoVector.h.

Definition at line 119 of file GeoSphere.h.

Definition at line 93 of file GeoTrajectory.h.

Point has same feature as Vector.

Definition at line 199 of file GeoVector.h.

Variable Documentation

const double geoalgo::kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const double geoalgo::kMAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

Definition at line 12 of file GeoAlgoConstants.h.

Referenced by geoalgo::GeoAlgo::SqDist().

const double geoalgo::kMIN_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()

Definition at line 14 of file GeoAlgoConstants.h.

const double geoalgo::kPI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884

Definition at line 8 of file GeoAlgoConstants.h.