1 #ifndef LARG4_IONIZATIONANDSCINTILLATION_H 9 #define LARG4_IONIZATIONANDSCINTILLATION_H 15 #include "Geant4/G4Step.hh" 20 namespace CLHEP {
class HepRandomEngine; }
34 void Reset(
const G4Step* step);
48 std::string fISCalculator;
69 #endif // LARG4_IONIZATIONANDSCINTILLATION double NumberIonizationElectrons() const
TH1F * fPhotonsPerEDep
histogram of photons per MeV deposited
double VisibleEnergyDeposit() const
TH1F * fElectronsPerEDep
histogram of electrons per MeV deposited
int fStepNumber
last StepNumber checked
larg4::ISCalculation * fISCalc
G4Step const * fStep
pointer to the current G4 step
TH1F * fElectronsPerLength
histogram of electrons per cm
ntupleExperimental Reset()
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine & fEngine
random engine
TH1F * fStepSize
histogram of the step sizes
Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping.
TH1F * fElectronsPerStep
histogram of electrons per step
TH1F * fPhotonsPerStep
histogram of the photons per step
double EnergyDeposit() const
TH1F * fEnergyPerStep
histogram of the energy deposited per step
TH1F * fPhotonsPerLength
histogram of photons per cm
double NumberScintillationPhotons() const
double StepSizeLimit() const
TH2F * fElectronsVsPhotons
histogram of electrons vs photons per step
int fTrkID
last TrkID checked