30 MCStep invalid_step(invalid,invalid);
const double kINVALID_DOUBLE
MCStep fStart
G4 start position/momentum of this track particle.
MCStep fMotherEnd
This particle's mother's G4 end position/momentum.
unsigned int fAncestorTrackID
This particle's ancestor's G4 track ID.
std::string fProcess
G4 creation process of this track particle.
std::vector< double > fdEdx
int fPDGCode
PDG code of this track particle.
int fMotherPDGCode
This particle's mother's PDG code.
MCStep fEnd
G4 end position/momentum of this track particle.
int fAncestorPDGCode
This particle's ancestor's PDG code.
Class def header for mctrack data container.
simb::Origin_t fOrigin
Origin of this particle (see simb::Origin_t)
MCStep fAncestorEnd
This particle's ancestor's G4 start position/momentum.
std::string fMotherProcess
This particle's mother's G4 process name.
unsigned int fTrackID
G4 track ID.
MCStep fAncestorStart
This particle's ancestor's G4 start position/momentum.
unsigned int fMotherTrackID
This particle's mother's G4 track ID.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > fdQdx
const unsigned int kINVALID_UINT
MCStep fMotherStart
This particle's mother's G4 start position/momentum.
std::string fAncestorProcess
This particle's ancestor's G4 process name.