30 PropAny(
double tcut,
bool doDedx);
42 const std::shared_ptr<const Surface>& surf,
50 const std::shared_ptr<const Surface>& porient,
Propagate to PropYZPlane surface.
KSymMatrix< 5 >::type TrackError
Track error matrix, dimension 5x5.
PropAny(double tcut, bool doDedx)
boost::optional< double > short_vec_prop(KTrack &trk, const std::shared_ptr< const Surface > &surf, Propagator::PropDirection dir, bool doDedx, TrackMatrix *prop_matrix=0, TrackError *noise_matrix=0) const
Propagate without error.
PropYZLine fPropYZLine
Underlying propagators.
Propagate to SurfYZLine surface.
Propagate to SurfXYZPlane surface.
virtual ~PropAny()
Base class for Kalman filter track propagator.
PropXYZPlane fPropXYZPlane
virtual boost::optional< double > origin_vec_prop(KTrack &trk, const std::shared_ptr< const Surface > &porient, TrackMatrix *prop_matrix=0) const
Propagate without error to surface whose origin parameters coincide with track position.
KMatrix< 5, 5 >::type TrackMatrix
General 5x5 matrix.
Propagator * clone() const
Clone method.
Propagation direction enum.