LArSoft  v06_85_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
TCVertex.cxx File Reference

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struct  tca::SortEntry




bool tca::valDecreasing (SortEntry c1, SortEntry c2)
bool tca::valIncreasing (SortEntry c1, SortEntry c2)
void tca::MakeJunkVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t &inCTP)
void tca::Find2DVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t &inCTP)
void tca::FindNeutralVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid)
bool tca::MergeWithVertex (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &vx, unsigned short oVxID, bool prt)
void tca::ChkVxTjs (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t &inCTP, bool prt)
void tca::FindHammerVertices2 (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t &inCTP)
void tca::FindHammerVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t &inCTP)
void tca::SplitTrajCrossingVertices (TjStuff &tjs, CTP_t inCTP)
void tca::Find3DVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid)
void tca::Match3DVtxTjs (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid, bool prt)
unsigned short tca::TPNearVertex (TjStuff &tjs, const TrajPoint &tp)
bool tca::AttachPFPToVertex (TjStuff &tjs, PFPStruct &pfp, unsigned short end, unsigned short vx3ID, bool prt)
bool tca::AttachAnyTrajToVertex (TjStuff &tjs, unsigned short ivx, bool prt)
bool tca::AttachTrajToVertex (TjStuff &tjs, Trajectory &tj, VtxStore &vx, bool prt)
float tca::TrajPointVertexPull (TjStuff &tjs, const TrajPoint &tp, const VtxStore &vx)
float tca::VertexVertexPull (TjStuff &tjs, const Vtx3Store &vx1, const Vtx3Store &vx2)
float tca::VertexVertexPull (TjStuff &tjs, const VtxStore &vx1, const VtxStore &vx2)
bool tca::StoreVertex (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &vx)
bool tca::FitVertex (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &vx, bool prt)
bool tca::FitVertex (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &vx, std::vector< TrajPoint > vxTp, bool prt)
bool tca::ChkVtxAssociations (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t &inCTP)
void tca::ScoreVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid, bool prt)
void tca::KillPoorVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid)
void tca::SetHighScoreBits (TjStuff &tjs, Vtx3Store &vx3)
void tca::SetVx3Score (TjStuff &tjs, Vtx3Store &vx3, bool prt)
void tca::SetVx2Score (TjStuff &tjs, bool prt)
void tca::SetVx2Score (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &vx2, bool prt)
unsigned short tca::Vx3Topo (TjStuff &tjs, Vtx3Store &vx3)
void tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVerticesInGaps (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid)
void tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVertices (TjStuff &tjs, const geo::TPCID &tpcid)
bool tca::RefineVtxPosition (TjStuff &tjs, const Trajectory &tj, unsigned short &nearPt, short nPtsToChk, bool prt)
void tca::VtxHitsSwap (TjStuff &tjs, const CTP_t inCTP)
bool tca::MakeVertexObsolete (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &vx2, bool forceKill)
bool tca::MakeVertexObsolete (TjStuff &tjs, Vtx3Store &vx3)
std::vector< int > tca::GetVtxTjIDs (const TjStuff &tjs, const VtxStore &vx2)
std::vector< int > tca::GetVtxTjIDs (const TjStuff &tjs, const Vtx3Store &vx3, float &score)
std::vector< unsigned short > tca::GetPFPVertices (const TjStuff &tjs, const PFPStruct &pfp)
void tca::PosInPlane (const TjStuff &tjs, const Vtx3Store &vx3, unsigned short plane, Point2_t &pos)
unsigned short tca::IsCloseToVertex (TjStuff &tjs, VtxStore &inVx2)
unsigned short tca::IsCloseToVertex (TjStuff &tjs, Vtx3Store &vx3)