LArSoft  v06_85_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
hanson.C File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


TFile f1 ("./19um.opt0.root")
h1 SetTitle ("Angular distribution of 15.7 MeV e- after 19um Au foil")
h1 GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("theta (deg)")
h1 GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("dN/dOmega")
h1 SetStats (kFALSE)
h1 SetLineColor (kBlack)
h1 Draw ("HIST")
TFile f2 ("./19um.opt3.root")
h2 SetLineColor (kBlue)
h2 Draw ("SAME HIST")
TFile f3 ("./19um.local.root")
h3 SetLineColor (kGreen)
in open ("./19um.ascii")
 for (int i=0;i< nbdata;i++)
in close ()
legend AddEntry (h1,"opt0 ","l")
legend AddEntry (h2,"opt3 ","l")
legend AddEntry (h3,"local","l")
legend AddEntry (pt,"Hanson data","P")
legend Draw ()


TH1D * h1 = (TH1D*) f1.Get("12")
TH1D * h2 = (TH1D*) f2.Get("12")
TH1D * h3 = (TH1D*) f3.Get("12")
ifstream in
TMarker * pt
Double_t x
Double_t y
int nbdata = 0
TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.6,0.5,0.8,0.68)

Function Documentation

legend AddEntry ( h1  ,
"opt0 "  ,
legend AddEntry ( h2  ,
"opt3 "  ,
legend AddEntry ( h3  ,
"local"  ,
legend AddEntry ( pt  ,
"Hanson data"  ,
in close ( )
h1 Draw ( "HIST"  )
h2 Draw ( "SAME HIST"  )
legend Draw ( )
TFile f1 ( "./19um.opt0.root"  )
TFile f2 ( "./19um.opt3.root"  )
TFile f3 ( "./19um.local.root"  )
for ( )

Definition at line 43 of file hanson.C.

References y.

43  {
44  in >> x >> y ;
45  if (!in.good()) break;
46  pt = new TMarker(x,y,22); // 22 for triangle TMatker
47  pt->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
48  pt->Draw();
49  }
ifstream in
Definition: hanson.C:34
Double_t x
Definition: hanson.C:39
Double_t y
Definition: hanson.C:39
TMarker * pt
Definition: hanson.C:38
h1 GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("theta (deg)")
h1 GetYaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("dN/dOmega")
in open ( "./19um.ascii"  )
h1 SetLineColor ( kBlack  )
h16 SetLineColor ( kBlue  )
h3 SetLineColor ( kGreen  )
h1 SetStats ( kFALSE  )
h1 SetTitle ( "Angular distribution of 15.7 MeV e- after 19um Au foil"  )

Variable Documentation

TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*) f1.Get("12")

Definition at line 7 of file hanson.C.

TH1D* h2 = (TH1D*) f2.Get("12")

Definition at line 17 of file hanson.C.

TH1D* h3 = (TH1D*) f3.Get("12")

Definition at line 23 of file hanson.C.

ifstream in

Definition at line 34 of file hanson.C.

TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.6,0.5,0.8,0.68)

Definition at line 53 of file hanson.C.

in nbdata = 0

Definition at line 41 of file hanson.C.

TMarker* pt

Definition at line 38 of file hanson.C.

Double_t x

Definition at line 39 of file hanson.C.

Double_t y

Definition at line 39 of file hanson.C.

Referenced by for().