LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
PhysicalConstants.h File Reference

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 Namespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities.


template<typename T = double>
constexpr T util::pi ()
 Returns the constant pi (up to 35 decimal digits of precision) More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T util::DegreesToRadians (T angle)
 Converts the argument angle from degrees into radians. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T util::RadiansToDegrees (T angle)
 Converts the argument angle from radians into degrees ( $ \pi \rightarrow 180 $) More...


constexpr double util::kGeVToElectrons = 4.237e7
 23.6eV per ion pair, 1e9 eV/GeV More...
constexpr double util::kc = 29.9792458
 Speed of light in vacuum in LArSoft units [cm/ns]. More...
constexpr double util::kMeterToCentimeter = 1.e2
 1 m = 100 cm More...
constexpr double util::kCentimeterToMeter = 1./kMeterToCentimeter
constexpr double util::kMeterToKilometer = 1.e-3
 1000 m = 1 km More...
constexpr double util::kKilometerToMeter = 1./kMeterToKilometer
constexpr double util::keVToMeV = 1.e-6
 1e6 eV = 1 MeV More...
constexpr double util::kMeVToeV = 1./keVToMeV
constexpr double util::kBogusD = -999.
 obviously bogus double value More...
constexpr int util::kBogusI = -999
 obviously bogus integer value More...
constexpr float util::kBogusF = -999.
 obviously bogus float value More...
constexpr double util::quietCompiler = kBogusD*kBogusI*kBogusF*kRecombA*kRecombk*kGeVToElectrons
Recombination factor coefficients (NIM).
See also

Recombination factor coefficients come from Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004

  • $ dE/dx $ is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm from GeV/voxel width
  • electric field: $ E $ in kV/cm
  • $ R = A/(1 + (dE/dx)*k/E) $
  • $ A = 0.800 \pm 0.003 $
  • $ k = 0.0486 $ needs to be scaled with Electric field
constexpr double util::kRecombA = 0.800
 A constant. More...
constexpr double util::kRecombk = 0.0486
Recombination factor coefficients (modified box, ArguNeuT JINST).
See also

Recombination factor coefficients come from Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004

  • $ dE/dx $ is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm from GeV/voxel width
  • electric field: $ E $ in kV/cm
  • kModBoxB needs to be scaled with the electric field.
constexpr double util::kModBoxA = 0.930
 Modified Box Alpha. More...
constexpr double util::kModBoxB = 0.212
 Modified Box Beta in g/(MeV cm²)*kV/cm. More...