LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Name:
3 //
4 // Purpose: Module SeedAna.
5 //
6 // Configuration parameters.
7 //
8 // SeedModuleLabel: Seed module label.
9 // MCTrackModuleLabel: MCTrack module label.
10 // MinMCKE: Minimum MC particle kinetic energy.
11 // MatchColinearity: Minimum colinearity for mc-seed matching.
12 // MatchDisp: Maximum uv displacement for mc-seed matching.
13 //
14 // Created: 2-Aug-2011 H. Greenlee
15 //
17 #include <map>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <iomanip>
20 #include <sstream>
21 #include <cmath>
28 #include "cetlib_except/exception.h"
36 #include "TH2F.h"
37 #include "TFile.h"
38 #include "TMatrixD.h"
40 namespace {
42  // Local functions.
44  // Calculate distance to boundary.
45  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46  double bdist(const TVector3& pos, unsigned int /*tpc*/ = 0, unsigned int /*cstat*/ = 0)
47  {
48  // Get geometry.
52  double d1 = pos.X(); // Distance to right side (wires).
53  double d2 = 2.*geom->DetHalfWidth() - pos.X(); // Distance to left side (cathode).
54  double d3 = pos.Y() + geom->DetHalfHeight(); // Distance to bottom.
55  double d4 = geom->DetHalfHeight() - pos.Y(); // Distance to top.
56  double d5 = pos.Z(); // Distance to front.
57  double d6 = geom->DetLength() - pos.Z(); // Distance to back.
59  double result = std::min(std::min(std::min(std::min(std::min(d1, d2), d3), d4), d5), d6);
60  return result;
61  }
63  // Find the closest matching mc trajectory point (sim::MCStep) for a given seed.
64  // Returned value is index of the trajectory point.
65  // Return -1 in case of no match.
66  int mcmatch(const sim::MCTrack& mctrk, const recob::Seed& seed)
67  {
68  // Get seed point.
70  double pos[3];
71  double err[3];
72  seed.GetPoint(pos, err);
74  // Calculate the x offset due to nonzero mc particle time.
75  const detinfo::DetectorProperties* detprop = lar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
77  double mctime = mctrk.Start().T(); // nsec
78  double mcdx = mctime * 1.e-3 * detprop->DriftVelocity(); // cm
80  // Loop over trajectory points.
82  int best_traj = -1;
83  double max_dist = 0.;
84  int ntraj = mctrk.size();
85  for(int itraj = 0; itraj < ntraj; ++itraj) {
86  const TLorentzVector& vec = mctrk[itraj].Position();
87  double dx = pos[0] - vec.X() - mcdx;
88  double dy = pos[1] - vec.Y();
89  double dz = pos[2] - vec.Z();
90  double dist = std::sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
91  if(best_traj < 0 || dist < max_dist) {
92  best_traj = itraj;
93  max_dist = dist;
94  }
95  }
96  return best_traj;
97  }
99  // Length of MCTrack.
100  // In this function, the extracted start and end momenta are converted to GeV
101  // (MCTrack stores momenta in Mev).
102  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103  double length(const sim::MCTrack& mctrk, double dx,
104  TVector3& start, TVector3& end, TVector3& startmom, TVector3& endmom,
105  unsigned int /*tpc*/ = 0, unsigned int /*cstat*/ = 0)
106  {
107  // Get services.
110  const detinfo::DetectorProperties* detprop = lar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
112  // Get fiducial volume boundary.
114  double xmin = 0.;
115  double xmax = 2.*geom->DetHalfWidth();
116  double ymin = -geom->DetHalfHeight();
117  double ymax = geom->DetHalfHeight();
118  double zmin = 0.;
119  double zmax = geom->DetLength();
120  //double ticks_max = detprop->ReadOutWindowSize();
121  double result = 0.;
122  TVector3 disp;
123  int n = mctrk.size();
124  bool first = true;
126  for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
127  TVector3 pos = mctrk[i].Position().Vect();
129  // Make fiducial cuts. Require the particle to be within the physical volume of
130  // the tpc, and also require the apparent x position to be within the expanded
131  // readout frame.
133  if(pos.X() >= xmin &&
134  pos.X() <= xmax &&
135  pos.Y() >= ymin &&
136  pos.Y() <= ymax &&
137  pos.Z() >= zmin &&
138  pos.Z() <= zmax) {
139  pos[0] += dx;
140  double ticks = detprop->ConvertXToTicks(pos[0], 0, 0, 0);
141  if(ticks >= 0. && ticks < detprop->ReadOutWindowSize()) {
142  if(first) {
143  start = pos;
144  startmom = 0.001 * mctrk[i].Momentum().Vect();
145  }
146  else {
147  disp -= pos;
148  result += disp.Mag();
149  }
150  first = false;
151  disp = pos;
152  end = pos;
153  endmom = 0.001 * mctrk[i].Momentum().Vect();
154  }
155  }
156  }
158  return result;
159  }
161  // Fill efficiency histogram assuming binomial errors.
163  void effcalc(const TH1* hnum, const TH1* hden, TH1* heff)
164  {
165  int nbins = hnum->GetNbinsX();
166  if (nbins != hden->GetNbinsX())
167  throw cet::exception("SeedAna") << "effcalc[" __FILE__ "]: incompatible histograms (I)\n";
168  if (nbins != heff->GetNbinsX())
169  throw cet::exception("SeedAna") << "effcalc[" __FILE__ "]: incompatible histograms (II)\n";
171  // Loop over bins, including underflow and overflow.
173  for(int ibin = 0; ibin <= nbins+1; ++ibin) {
174  double num = hnum->GetBinContent(ibin);
175  double den = hden->GetBinContent(ibin);
176  if(den == 0.) {
177  heff->SetBinContent(ibin, 0.);
178  heff->SetBinError(ibin, 0.);
179  }
180  else {
181  double eff = num / den;
182  if(eff < 0.)
183  eff = 0.;
184  if(eff > 1.)
185  eff = 1.;
186  double err = std::sqrt(eff * (1.-eff) / den);
187  heff->SetBinContent(ibin, eff);
188  heff->SetBinError(ibin, err);
189  }
190  }
192  heff->SetMinimum(0.);
193  heff->SetMaximum(1.05);
194  heff->SetMarkerStyle(20);
195  }
197  // Fill multiplicity histogram.
199  void mulcalc(const TH1* hnum, const TH1* hden, TH1* hmul)
200  {
201  int nbins = hnum->GetNbinsX();
202  if (nbins != hden->GetNbinsX())
203  throw cet::exception("SeedAna") << "mulcalc[" __FILE__ "]: incompatible histograms (I)\n";
204  if (nbins != hmul->GetNbinsX())
205  throw cet::exception("SeedAna") << "mulcalc[" __FILE__ "]: incompatible histograms (II)\n";
207  // Loop over bins, including underflow and overflow.
209  for(int ibin = 0; ibin <= nbins+1; ++ibin) {
210  double num = hnum->GetBinContent(ibin);
211  double den = hden->GetBinContent(ibin);
212  if(den == 0.) {
213  hmul->SetBinContent(ibin, 0.);
214  hmul->SetBinError(ibin, 0.);
215  }
216  else {
217  double mul = num / den;
218  if(mul < 0.)
219  mul = 0.;
220  double err = std::sqrt((1. + mul) * mul / den);
221  hmul->SetBinContent(ibin, mul);
222  hmul->SetBinError(ibin, err);
223  }
224  }
226  hmul->SetMinimum(0.);
227  hmul->SetMarkerStyle(20);
228  }
229 }
231 namespace trkf {
233  class SeedAna : public art::EDAnalyzer
234  {
235  public:
237  // Embedded structs.
239  // Struct for histograms that depend on seeds only.
241  struct RecoHists
242  {
243  // Constructors.
245  RecoHists();
246  RecoHists(const std::string& subdir);
248  // Pure reco seed histograms.
250  TH1F* fHx; // Seed x position.
251  TH1F* fHy; // Seed y position.
252  TH1F* fHz; // Seed z position.
253  TH1F* fHdist; // Seed distance to boundary.
254  TH1F* fHtheta; // Theta.
255  TH1F* fHphi; // Phi.
256  TH1F* fHtheta_xz; // Theta_xz.
257  TH1F* fHtheta_yz; // Theta_yz.
258  };
260  // Struct for mc particles and mc-matched tracks.
262  struct MCHists
263  {
264  // Constructors.
266  MCHists();
267  MCHists(const std::string& subdir);
269  // Reco-MC matching.
271  TH2F* fHduvcosth; // 2D mc vs. data matching, duv vs. cos(theta).
272  TH1F* fHcosth; // 1D direction matching, cos(theta).
273  TH1F* fHmcu; // 1D endpoint truth u.
274  TH1F* fHmcv; // 1D endpoint truth v.
275  TH1F* fHmcw; // 1D endpoint truth w.
276  TH1F* fHmcdudw; // Truth du/dw.
277  TH1F* fHmcdvdw; // Truth dv/dw.
279  // Pure MC particle histograms (efficiency denominator).
281  TH1F* fHmcstartx; // Starting x position.
282  TH1F* fHmcstarty; // Starting y position.
283  TH1F* fHmcstartz; // Starting z position.
284  TH1F* fHmcendx; // Ending x position.
285  TH1F* fHmcendy; // Ending y position.
286  TH1F* fHmcendz; // Ending z position.
287  TH1F* fHmctheta; // Theta.
288  TH1F* fHmcphi; // Phi.
289  TH1F* fHmctheta_xz; // Theta_xz.
290  TH1F* fHmctheta_yz; // Theta_yz.
291  TH1F* fHmcmom; // Momentum.
292  TH1F* fHmclen; // Length.
294  // Matched seed histograms (multiplicity numerator).
296  TH1F* fHmstartx; // Starting x position.
297  TH1F* fHmstarty; // Starting y position.
298  TH1F* fHmstartz; // Starting z position.
299  TH1F* fHmendx; // Ending x position.
300  TH1F* fHmendy; // Ending y position.
301  TH1F* fHmendz; // Ending z position.
302  TH1F* fHmtheta; // Theta.
303  TH1F* fHmphi; // Phi.
304  TH1F* fHmtheta_xz; // Theta_xz.
305  TH1F* fHmtheta_yz; // Theta_yz.
306  TH1F* fHmmom; // Momentum.
307  TH1F* fHmlen; // Length.
309  // Matched seed histograms (efficiency numerator).
311  TH1F* fHgstartx; // Starting x position.
312  TH1F* fHgstarty; // Starting y position.
313  TH1F* fHgstartz; // Starting z position.
314  TH1F* fHgendx; // Ending x position.
315  TH1F* fHgendy; // Ending y position.
316  TH1F* fHgendz; // Ending z position.
317  TH1F* fHgtheta; // Theta.
318  TH1F* fHgphi; // Phi.
319  TH1F* fHgtheta_xz; // Theta_xz.
320  TH1F* fHgtheta_yz; // Theta_yz.
321  TH1F* fHgmom; // Momentum.
322  TH1F* fHglen; // Length.
324  // Multiplicity histograms.
326  TH1F* fHmulstartx; // Starting x position.
327  TH1F* fHmulstarty; // Starting y position.
328  TH1F* fHmulstartz; // Starting z position.
329  TH1F* fHmulendx; // Ending x position.
330  TH1F* fHmulendy; // Ending y position.
331  TH1F* fHmulendz; // Ending z position.
332  TH1F* fHmultheta; // Theta.
333  TH1F* fHmulphi; // Phi.
334  TH1F* fHmultheta_xz; // Theta_xz.
335  TH1F* fHmultheta_yz; // Theta_yz.
336  TH1F* fHmulmom; // Momentum.
337  TH1F* fHmullen; // Length.
339  // Efficiency histograms.
341  TH1F* fHestartx; // Starting x position.
342  TH1F* fHestarty; // Starting y position.
343  TH1F* fHestartz; // Starting z position.
344  TH1F* fHeendx; // Ending x position.
345  TH1F* fHeendy; // Ending y position.
346  TH1F* fHeendz; // Ending z position.
347  TH1F* fHetheta; // Theta.
348  TH1F* fHephi; // Phi.
349  TH1F* fHetheta_xz; // Theta_xz.
350  TH1F* fHetheta_yz; // Theta_yz.
351  TH1F* fHemom; // Momentum.
352  TH1F* fHelen; // Length.
353  };
355  // Constructors, destructor
357  explicit SeedAna(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset);
358  virtual ~SeedAna();
360  // Overrides.
362  void analyze(const art::Event& evt);
363  void endJob();
365  private:
367  // Fcl Attributes.
369  std::string fSeedModuleLabel;
370  std::string fMCTrackModuleLabel;
371  int fDump; // Number of events to dump to debug message facility.
372  double fMinMCKE; // Minimum MC particle kinetic energy (GeV).
373  double fMinMCLen; // Minimum MC particle length in tpc (cm).
374  double fMatchColinearity; // Minimum matching colinearity.
375  double fMatchDisp; // Maximum matching displacement.
376  bool fIgnoreSign; // Ignore sign of mc particle if true.
378  // Histograms.
380  std::map<int, MCHists> fMCHistMap; // Indexed by pdg id.
381  std::map<int, RecoHists> fRecoHistMap; // Indexed by pdg id.
383  // Statistics.
386  };
390  // RecoHists methods.
393  //
394  // Purpose: Default constructor.
395  //
396  fHx(0),
397  fHy(0),
398  fHz(0),
399  fHdist(0),
400  fHtheta(0),
401  fHphi(0),
402  fHtheta_xz(0),
403  fHtheta_yz(0)
404  {}
406  SeedAna::RecoHists::RecoHists(const std::string& subdir)
407  //
408  // Purpose: Initializing constructor.
409  //
410  {
411  // Make sure all histogram pointers are initially zero.
413  *this = RecoHists();
415  // Get services.
420  // Make histogram directory.
422  art::TFileDirectory topdir = tfs->mkdir("seedana", "SeedAna histograms");
423  art::TFileDirectory dir = topdir.mkdir(subdir);
425  // Book histograms.
427  fHx = dir.make<TH1F>("x", "X Position", 100, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
428  fHy = dir.make<TH1F>("y", "Y Position", 100, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
429  fHz = dir.make<TH1F>("z", "Z Position", 100, 0., geom->DetLength());
430  fHdist = dir.make<TH1F>("dist", "Position Distance to Boundary",
431  100, -10., geom->DetHalfWidth());
432  fHtheta = dir.make<TH1F>("theta", "Theta", 100, 0., 3.142);
433  fHphi = dir.make<TH1F>("phi", "Phi", 100, -3.142, 3.142);
434  fHtheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("theta_xz", "Theta_xz", 100, -3.142, 3.142);
435  fHtheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("theta_yz", "Theta_yz", 100, -3.142, 3.142);
436  }
438  // MCHists methods.
441  //
442  // Purpose: Default constructor.
443  //
444  fHduvcosth(0),
445  fHcosth(0),
446  fHmcu(0),
447  fHmcv(0),
448  fHmcw(0),
449  fHmcdudw(0),
450  fHmcdvdw(0),
451  fHmcstartx(0),
452  fHmcstarty(0),
453  fHmcstartz(0),
454  fHmcendx(0),
455  fHmcendy(0),
456  fHmcendz(0),
457  fHmctheta(0),
458  fHmcphi(0),
459  fHmctheta_xz(0),
460  fHmctheta_yz(0),
461  fHmcmom(0),
462  fHmclen(0),
463  fHmstartx(0),
464  fHmstarty(0),
465  fHmstartz(0),
466  fHmendx(0),
467  fHmendy(0),
468  fHmendz(0),
469  fHmtheta(0),
470  fHmphi(0),
471  fHmtheta_xz(0),
472  fHmtheta_yz(0),
473  fHmmom(0),
474  fHmlen(0),
475  fHgstartx(0),
476  fHgstarty(0),
477  fHgstartz(0),
478  fHgendx(0),
479  fHgendy(0),
480  fHgendz(0),
481  fHgtheta(0),
482  fHgphi(0),
483  fHgtheta_xz(0),
484  fHgtheta_yz(0),
485  fHgmom(0),
486  fHglen(0),
487  fHmulstartx(0),
488  fHmulstarty(0),
489  fHmulstartz(0),
490  fHmulendx(0),
491  fHmulendy(0),
492  fHmulendz(0),
493  fHmultheta(0),
494  fHmulphi(0),
495  fHmultheta_xz(0),
496  fHmultheta_yz(0),
497  fHmulmom(0),
498  fHmullen(0),
499  fHestartx(0),
500  fHestarty(0),
501  fHestartz(0),
502  fHeendx(0),
503  fHeendy(0),
504  fHeendz(0),
505  fHetheta(0),
506  fHephi(0),
507  fHetheta_xz(0),
508  fHetheta_yz(0),
509  fHemom(0),
510  fHelen(0)
511  {}
513  SeedAna::MCHists::MCHists(const std::string& subdir)
514  //
515  // Purpose: Initializing constructor.
516  //
517  {
518  // Make sure all histogram pointers are initially zero.
520  *this = MCHists();
522  // Get services.
527  // Make histogram directory.
529  art::TFileDirectory topdir = tfs->mkdir("seedana", "SeedAna histograms");
530  art::TFileDirectory dir = topdir.mkdir(subdir);
532  // Book histograms.
534  fHduvcosth = dir.make<TH2F>("duvcosth", "Delta(uv) vs. Colinearity",
535  100, 0.95, 1., 100, 0., 1.);
536  fHcosth = dir.make<TH1F>("colin", "Colinearity", 100, 0.95, 1.);
537  fHmcu = dir.make<TH1F>("mcu", "MC Truth U", 100, -5., 5.);
538  fHmcv = dir.make<TH1F>("mcv", "MC Truth V", 100, -5., 5.);
539  fHmcw = dir.make<TH1F>("mcw", "MC Truth W", 100, -20., 20.);
540  fHmcdudw = dir.make<TH1F>("mcdudw", "MC Truth U Slope", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
541  fHmcdvdw = dir.make<TH1F>("mcdvdw", "MV Truth V Slope", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
543  fHmcstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("mcxstart", "MC X Start Position",
544  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
545  fHmcstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("mcystart", "MC Y Start Position",
546  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
547  fHmcstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("mczstart", "MC Z Start Position",
548  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
549  fHmcendx = dir.make<TH1F>("mcxend", "MC X End Position",
550  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
551  fHmcendy = dir.make<TH1F>("mcyend", "MC Y End Position",
552  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
553  fHmcendz = dir.make<TH1F>("mczend", "MC Z End Position",
554  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
555  fHmctheta = dir.make<TH1F>("mctheta", "MC Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
556  fHmcphi = dir.make<TH1F>("mcphi", "MC Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
557  fHmctheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("mctheta_xz", "MC Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
558  fHmctheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("mctheta_yz", "MC Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
559  fHmcmom = dir.make<TH1F>("mcmom", "MC Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
560  fHmclen = dir.make<TH1F>("mclen", "MC Particle Length", 10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
562  fHmstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("mxstart", "Matched X Start Position",
563  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
564  fHmstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("mystart", "Matched Y Start Position",
565  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
566  fHmstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("mzstart", "Matched Z Start Position",
567  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
568  fHmendx = dir.make<TH1F>("mxend", "Matched X End Position",
569  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
570  fHmendy = dir.make<TH1F>("myend", "Matched Y End Position",
571  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
572  fHmendz = dir.make<TH1F>("mzend", "Matched Z End Position",
573  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
574  fHmtheta = dir.make<TH1F>("mtheta", "Matched Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
575  fHmphi = dir.make<TH1F>("mphi", "Matched Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
576  fHmtheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("mtheta_xz", "Matched Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
577  fHmtheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("mtheta_yz", "Matched Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
578  fHmmom = dir.make<TH1F>("mmom", "Matched Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
579  fHmlen = dir.make<TH1F>("mlen", "Matched Particle Length", 10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
581  fHgstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("gxstart", "Good X Start Position",
582  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
583  fHgstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("gystart", "Good Y Start Position",
584  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
585  fHgstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("gzstart", "Good Z Start Position",
586  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
587  fHgendx = dir.make<TH1F>("gxend", "Good X End Position",
588  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
589  fHgendy = dir.make<TH1F>("gyend", "Good Y End Position",
590  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
591  fHgendz = dir.make<TH1F>("gzend", "Good Z End Position",
592  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
593  fHgtheta = dir.make<TH1F>("gtheta", "Good Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
594  fHgphi = dir.make<TH1F>("gphi", "Good Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
595  fHgtheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("gtheta_xz", "Good Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
596  fHgtheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("gtheta_yz", "Good Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
597  fHgmom = dir.make<TH1F>("gmom", "Good Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
598  fHglen = dir.make<TH1F>("glen", "Good Particle Length", 10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
600  fHmulstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("mulxstart", "Multiplicity vs. X Start Position",
601  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
602  fHmulstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("mulystart", "Multiplicity vs. Y Start Position",
603  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
604  fHmulstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("mulzstart", "Multiplicity vs. Z Start Position",
605  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
606  fHmulendx = dir.make<TH1F>("mulxend", "Multiplicity vs. X End Position",
607  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
608  fHmulendy = dir.make<TH1F>("mulyend", "Multiplicity vs. Y End Position",
609  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
610  fHmulendz = dir.make<TH1F>("mulzend", "Multiplicity vs. Z End Position",
611  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
612  fHmultheta = dir.make<TH1F>("multheta", "Multiplicity vs. Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
613  fHmulphi = dir.make<TH1F>("mulphi", "Multiplicity vs. Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
614  fHmultheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("multheta_xz", "Multiplicity vs. Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
615  fHmultheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("multheta_yz", "Multiplicity vs. Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
616  fHmulmom = dir.make<TH1F>("mulmom", "Multiplicity vs. Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
617  fHmullen = dir.make<TH1F>("mullen", "Multiplicity vs. Particle Length",
618  10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
620  fHestartx = dir.make<TH1F>("exstart", "Efficiency vs. X Start Position",
621  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
622  fHestarty = dir.make<TH1F>("eystart", "Efficiency vs. Y Start Position",
623  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
624  fHestartz = dir.make<TH1F>("ezstart", "Efficiency vs. Z Start Position",
625  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
626  fHeendx = dir.make<TH1F>("exend", "Efficiency vs. X End Position",
627  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
628  fHeendy = dir.make<TH1F>("eyend", "Efficiency vs. Y End Position",
629  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
630  fHeendz = dir.make<TH1F>("ezend", "Efficiency vs. Z End Position",
631  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
632  fHetheta = dir.make<TH1F>("etheta", "Efficiency vs. Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
633  fHephi = dir.make<TH1F>("ephi", "Efficiency vs. Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
634  fHetheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("etheta_xz", "Efficiency vs. Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
635  fHetheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("etheta_yz", "Efficiency vs. Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
636  fHemom = dir.make<TH1F>("emom", "Efficiency vs. Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
637  fHelen = dir.make<TH1F>("elen", "Efficiency vs. Particle Length",
638  10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
639  }
642  //
643  // Purpose: Constructor.
644  //
645  // Arguments: pset - Module parameters.
646  //
647  : EDAnalyzer(pset)
648  , fSeedModuleLabel(pset.get<std::string>("SeedModuleLabel"))
649  , fMCTrackModuleLabel(pset.get<std::string>("MCTrackModuleLabel"))
650  , fDump(pset.get<int>("Dump"))
651  , fMinMCKE(pset.get<double>("MinMCKE"))
652  , fMinMCLen(pset.get<double>("MinMCLen"))
653  , fMatchColinearity(pset.get<double>("MatchColinearity"))
654  , fMatchDisp(pset.get<double>("MatchDisp"))
655  , fIgnoreSign(pset.get<bool>("IgnoreSign"))
656  , fNumEvent(0)
657  {
659  // Report.
661  mf::LogInfo("SeedAna")
662  << "SeedAna configured with the following parameters:\n"
663  << " SeedModuleLabel = " << fSeedModuleLabel << "\n"
664  << " MCTrackModuleLabel = " << fMCTrackModuleLabel << "\n"
665  << " Dump = " << fDump << "\n"
666  << " MinMCKE = " << fMinMCKE << "\n"
667  << " MinMCLen = " << fMinMCLen;
668  }
671  //
672  // Purpose: Destructor.
673  //
674  {}
677  //
678  // Purpose: Analyze method.
679  //
680  // Arguments: event - Art event.
681  //
682  {
683  ++fNumEvent;
685  // Optional dump stream.
687  std::unique_ptr<mf::LogInfo> pdump;
688  if(fDump > 0) {
689  --fDump;
690  pdump = std::unique_ptr<mf::LogInfo>(new mf::LogInfo("TrackAna"));
691  }
693  // Make sure histograms are booked.
695  bool mc = !evt.isRealData();
697  // Get seed handle.
700  evt.getByLabel(fSeedModuleLabel, seedh);
702  const detinfo::DetectorProperties* detprop = lar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
704  // Seed->mc track matching map.
706  std::map<const recob::Seed*, int> seedmap;
708  if(mc) {
710  // Get MCTracks.
713  evt.getByLabel(fMCTrackModuleLabel, mctrackh);
715  // Dump MCTracks.
717  if(pdump) {
718  *pdump << "MC Tracks\n"
719  << " Id pdg x y z dx dy dz p\n"
720  << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
721  }
723  // Loop over mc tracks, and fill histograms that depend only
724  // on mc particles.
726  for(std::vector<sim::MCTrack>::const_iterator imctrk = mctrackh->begin();
727  imctrk != mctrackh->end(); ++imctrk) {
728  const sim::MCTrack& mctrk = *imctrk;
729  int pdg = mctrk.PdgCode();
730  if(fIgnoreSign)
731  pdg = std::abs(pdg);
733  // Ignore everything except stable charged nonshowering particles.
735  int apdg = std::abs(pdg);
736  if(apdg == 13 || // Muon
737  apdg == 211 || // Charged pion
738  apdg == 321 || // Charged kaon
739  apdg == 2212) { // (Anti)proton
741  // Apply minimum energy cut.
743  if(mctrk.Start().E() >= mctrk.Start().Momentum().Mag() + 1000.*fMinMCKE) {
745  // Calculate the x offset due to nonzero mc particle time.
747  double mctime = mctrk.Start().T(); // nsec
748  double mcdx = mctime * 1.e-3 * detprop->DriftVelocity(); // cm
750  // Calculate the length of this mc particle inside the fiducial volume.
752  TVector3 mcstart;
753  TVector3 mcend;
754  TVector3 mcstartmom;
755  TVector3 mcendmom;
756  double plen = length(mctrk, mcdx, mcstart, mcend, mcstartmom, mcendmom);
758  // Apply minimum fiducial length cut. Always reject particles that have
759  // zero length in the tpc regardless of the configured cut.
761  if(plen > 0. && plen > fMinMCLen) {
763  // Dump MC particle information here.
765  if(pdump) {
766  double pstart = mcstartmom.Mag();
767  double pend = mcendmom.Mag();
768  *pdump << "\nOffset"
769  << std::setw(3) << mctrk.TrackID()
770  << std::setw(6) << mctrk.PdgCode()
771  << " "
772  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
773  << std::setw(10) << mcdx
774  << "\nStart "
775  << std::setw(3) << mctrk.TrackID()
776  << std::setw(6) << mctrk.PdgCode()
777  << " "
778  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
779  << std::setw(10) << mcstart[0]
780  << std::setw(10) << mcstart[1]
781  << std::setw(10) << mcstart[2];
782  if(pstart > 0.) {
783  *pdump << " "
784  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
785  << std::setw(10) << mcstartmom[0]/pstart
786  << std::setw(10) << mcstartmom[1]/pstart
787  << std::setw(10) << mcstartmom[2]/pstart;
788  }
789  else
790  *pdump << std::setw(32) << " ";
791  *pdump << std::setw(12) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << pstart;
792  *pdump << "\nEnd "
793  << std::setw(3) << mctrk.TrackID()
794  << std::setw(6) << mctrk.PdgCode()
795  << " "
796  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
797  << std::setw(10) << mcend[0]
798  << std::setw(10) << mcend[1]
799  << std::setw(10) << mcend[2];
800  if(pend > 0.01) {
801  *pdump << " "
802  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
803  << std::setw(10) << mcendmom[0]/pend
804  << std::setw(10) << mcendmom[1]/pend
805  << std::setw(10) << mcendmom[2]/pend;
806  }
807  else
808  *pdump << std::setw(32)<< " ";
809  *pdump << std::setw(12) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << pend << "\n";
810  }
812  // Fill histograms.
814  if(fMCHistMap.count(pdg) == 0) {
815  std::ostringstream ostr;
816  ostr << "MC" << (fIgnoreSign ? "All" : (pdg > 0 ? "Pos" : "Neg")) << std::abs(pdg);
817  fMCHistMap[pdg] = MCHists(ostr.str());
818  }
819  const MCHists& mchists = fMCHistMap[pdg];
821  double mctheta_xz = std::atan2(mcstartmom.X(), mcstartmom.Z());
822  double mctheta_yz = std::atan2(mcstartmom.Y(), mcstartmom.Z());
824  mchists.fHmcstartx->Fill(mcstart.X());
825  mchists.fHmcstarty->Fill(mcstart.Y());
826  mchists.fHmcstartz->Fill(mcstart.Z());
827  mchists.fHmcendx->Fill(mcend.X());
828  mchists.fHmcendy->Fill(mcend.Y());
829  mchists.fHmcendz->Fill(mcend.Z());
830  mchists.fHmctheta->Fill(mcstartmom.Theta());
831  mchists.fHmcphi->Fill(mcstartmom.Phi());
832  mchists.fHmctheta_xz->Fill(mctheta_xz);
833  mchists.fHmctheta_yz->Fill(mctheta_yz);
834  mchists.fHmcmom->Fill(mcstartmom.Mag());
835  mchists.fHmclen->Fill(plen);
837  // Loop over seeds and do matching.
839  int nmatch = 0;
840  if(seedh.isValid()) {
842  // Loop over seeds.
844  int nseed = seedh->size();
845  for(int i = 0; i < nseed; ++i) {
846  art::Ptr<recob::Seed> pseed(seedh, i);
847  const recob::Seed& seed = *pseed;
848  if(seedmap.count(&seed) == 0)
849  seedmap[&seed] = -1;
851  // Get parameters of this seed.
853  TVector3 pos;
854  TVector3 dir;
855  double err[3];
856  seed.GetPoint(&pos[0], err);
857  seed.GetDirection(&dir[0], err);
859  // Calculate the global-to-local rotation matrix.
860  // Copied from Track.cxx.
862  TMatrixD rot(3,3);
863  double dirmag = dir.Mag();
864  double diryz = std::sqrt(dir.Y()*dir.Y() + dir.Z()*dir.Z());
866  double sinth = dir.X() / dirmag;
867  double costh = diryz / dirmag;
868  double sinphi = 0.;
869  double cosphi = 1.;
870  if(diryz != 0) {
871  sinphi = -dir.Y() / diryz;
872  cosphi = dir.Z() / diryz;
873  }
874  rot(0,0) = costh;
875  rot(1,0) = 0.;
876  rot(2,0) = sinth;
877  rot(0,1) = sinth * sinphi;
878  rot(1,1) = cosphi;
879  rot(2,1) = -costh * sinphi;
880  rot(0,2) = -sinth * cosphi;
881  rot(1,2) = sinphi;
882  rot(2,2) = costh * cosphi;
884  // Get best matching mc trajectory point.
886  int itraj = mcmatch(mctrk, seed);
887  if(itraj >= 0) {
889  // Get mc relative position and direction at matching trajectory point.
891  TVector3 mcpos = mctrk[itraj].Position().Vect() - pos;
892  TVector3 mcmom = mctrk[itraj].Momentum().Vect();
893  mcpos[0] += mcdx;
895  // Rotate the momentum and position to the
896  // seed-local coordinate system.
898  TVector3 mcmoml = rot * mcmom;
899  TVector3 mcposl = rot * mcpos;
901  if(mcmoml.Z() < 0.)
902  mcmoml = -mcmoml;
903  double costh = mcmoml.Z() / mcmoml.Mag();
905  double u = mcposl.X();
906  double v = mcposl.Y();
907  double w = mcposl.Z();
909  double pu = mcmoml.X();
910  double pv = mcmoml.Y();
911  double pw = mcmoml.Z();
913  double dudw = pu / pw;
914  double dvdw = pv / pw;
916  double u0 = u - w * dudw;
917  double v0 = v - w * dvdw;
918  double uv0 = std::sqrt(u0*u0 + v0*v0);
920  // Fill matching histograms.
922  mchists.fHduvcosth->Fill(costh, uv0);
923  if(std::abs(uv0) < fMatchDisp) {
925  // Fill slope matching histograms.
927  mchists.fHmcdudw->Fill(dudw);
928  mchists.fHmcdvdw->Fill(dvdw);
929  }
930  mchists.fHcosth->Fill(costh);
931  if(costh > fMatchColinearity) {
933  // Fill displacement matching histograms.
935  mchists.fHmcu->Fill(u0);
936  mchists.fHmcv->Fill(v0);
937  mchists.fHmcw->Fill(w);
939  if(std::abs(uv0) < fMatchDisp) {
941  // Now we have passed all matching cuts and we have a matching
942  // mc particle + seed pair.
944  ++nmatch;
945  seedmap[&seed] = mctrk.TrackID();
947  // Fill matched seed histograms (seed multiplicity).
949  mchists.fHmstartx->Fill(mcstart.X());
950  mchists.fHmstarty->Fill(mcstart.Y());
951  mchists.fHmstartz->Fill(mcstart.Z());
952  mchists.fHmendx->Fill(mcend.X());
953  mchists.fHmendy->Fill(mcend.Y());
954  mchists.fHmendz->Fill(mcend.Z());
955  mchists.fHmtheta->Fill(mcstartmom.Theta());
956  mchists.fHmphi->Fill(mcstartmom.Phi());
957  mchists.fHmtheta_xz->Fill(mctheta_xz);
958  mchists.fHmtheta_yz->Fill(mctheta_yz);
959  mchists.fHmmom->Fill(mcstartmom.Mag());
960  mchists.fHmlen->Fill(plen);
961  }
962  }
963  }
964  }
966  // If we found at least one matched seed, fill good
967  // particle histograms.
969  if(nmatch > 0) {
970  mchists.fHgstartx->Fill(mcstart.X());
971  mchists.fHgstarty->Fill(mcstart.Y());
972  mchists.fHgstartz->Fill(mcstart.Z());
973  mchists.fHgendx->Fill(mcend.X());
974  mchists.fHgendy->Fill(mcend.Y());
975  mchists.fHgendz->Fill(mcend.Z());
976  mchists.fHgtheta->Fill(mcstartmom.Theta());
977  mchists.fHgphi->Fill(mcstartmom.Phi());
978  mchists.fHgtheta_xz->Fill(mctheta_xz);
979  mchists.fHgtheta_yz->Fill(mctheta_yz);
980  mchists.fHgmom->Fill(mcstartmom.Mag());
981  mchists.fHglen->Fill(plen);
982  }
983  }
984  }
985  }
986  }
987  }
988  }
990  // Loop over seeds and fill reco-only seed histograms.
992  if(seedh.isValid()) {
994  // Loop over seeds.
996  int nseed = seedh->size();
998  if(nseed > 0 && pdump != 0) {
999  *pdump << "\nReconstructed Seeds\n"
1000  << " MCid x y z dx dy dz p\n"
1001  << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
1002  }
1004  for(int i = 0; i < nseed; ++i) {
1005  art::Ptr<recob::Seed> pseed(seedh, i);
1006  const recob::Seed& seed = *pseed;
1008  // Fill histograms involving reco seeds only.
1010  TVector3 pos;
1011  TVector3 dir;
1012  double err[3];
1013  seed.GetPoint(&pos[0], err);
1014  seed.GetDirection(&dir[0], err);
1015  double mdir = dir.Mag();
1016  if(mdir != 0.) {
1017  dir *= (1./mdir);
1018  }
1020  double dpos = bdist(pos);
1021  double theta_xz = std::atan2(dir.X(), dir.Z());
1022  double theta_yz = std::atan2(dir.Y(), dir.Z());
1024  // Dump seed information here.
1026  if(pdump) {
1027  int mcid = seedmap[&seed];
1028  *pdump << std::setw(15) << mcid
1029  << " "
1030  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
1031  << std::setw(10) << pos[0]
1032  << std::setw(10) << pos[1]
1033  << std::setw(10) << pos[2]
1034  << " "
1035  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
1036  << std::setw(10) << dir[0]
1037  << std::setw(10) << dir[1]
1038  << std::setw(10) << dir[2]
1039  << "\n";
1040  }
1042  // Fill histograms.
1044  if(fRecoHistMap.count(0) == 0)
1045  fRecoHistMap[0] = RecoHists("Reco");
1046  const RecoHists& rhists = fRecoHistMap[0];
1048  rhists.fHx->Fill(pos.X());
1049  rhists.fHy->Fill(pos.Y());
1050  rhists.fHz->Fill(pos.Z());
1051  rhists.fHdist->Fill(dpos);
1052  rhists.fHtheta->Fill(dir.Theta());
1053  rhists.fHphi->Fill(dir.Phi());
1054  rhists.fHtheta_xz->Fill(theta_xz);
1055  rhists.fHtheta_yz->Fill(theta_yz);
1056  }
1057  }
1058  }
1061  //
1062  // Purpose: End of job.
1063  //
1064  {
1065  // Print summary.
1067  mf::LogInfo("SeedAna")
1068  << "SeedAna statistics:\n"
1069  << " Number of events = " << fNumEvent;
1071  // Fill multiplicity histograms.
1074  i != fMCHistMap.end(); ++i) {
1075  const MCHists& mchists = i->second;
1076  mulcalc(mchists.fHmstartx, mchists.fHmcstartx, mchists.fHmulstartx);
1077  mulcalc(mchists.fHmstarty, mchists.fHmcstarty, mchists.fHmulstarty);
1078  mulcalc(mchists.fHmstartz, mchists.fHmcstartz, mchists.fHmulstartz);
1079  mulcalc(mchists.fHmendx, mchists.fHmcendx, mchists.fHmulendx);
1080  mulcalc(mchists.fHmendy, mchists.fHmcendy, mchists.fHmulendy);
1081  mulcalc(mchists.fHmendz, mchists.fHmcendz, mchists.fHmulendz);
1082  mulcalc(mchists.fHmtheta, mchists.fHmctheta, mchists.fHmultheta);
1083  mulcalc(mchists.fHmphi, mchists.fHmcphi, mchists.fHmulphi);
1084  mulcalc(mchists.fHmtheta_xz, mchists.fHmctheta_xz, mchists.fHmultheta_xz);
1085  mulcalc(mchists.fHmtheta_yz, mchists.fHmctheta_yz, mchists.fHmultheta_yz);
1086  mulcalc(mchists.fHmmom, mchists.fHmcmom, mchists.fHmulmom);
1087  mulcalc(mchists.fHmlen, mchists.fHmclen, mchists.fHmullen);
1088  }
1089  // Fill efficiency histograms.
1092  i != fMCHistMap.end(); ++i) {
1093  const MCHists& mchists = i->second;
1094  effcalc(mchists.fHgstartx, mchists.fHmcstartx, mchists.fHestartx);
1095  effcalc(mchists.fHgstarty, mchists.fHmcstarty, mchists.fHestarty);
1096  effcalc(mchists.fHgstartz, mchists.fHmcstartz, mchists.fHestartz);
1097  effcalc(mchists.fHgendx, mchists.fHmcendx, mchists.fHeendx);
1098  effcalc(mchists.fHgendy, mchists.fHmcendy, mchists.fHeendy);
1099  effcalc(mchists.fHgendz, mchists.fHmcendz, mchists.fHeendz);
1100  effcalc(mchists.fHgtheta, mchists.fHmctheta, mchists.fHetheta);
1101  effcalc(mchists.fHgphi, mchists.fHmcphi, mchists.fHephi);
1102  effcalc(mchists.fHgtheta_xz, mchists.fHmctheta_xz, mchists.fHetheta_xz);
1103  effcalc(mchists.fHgtheta_yz, mchists.fHmctheta_yz, mchists.fHetheta_yz);
1104  effcalc(mchists.fHgmom, mchists.fHmcmom, mchists.fHemom);
1105  effcalc(mchists.fHglen, mchists.fHmclen, mchists.fHelen);
1106  }
1107  }
1108 }
geo::Length_t DetHalfWidth(geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the half width of the active volume of the specified TPC.
std::string fMCTrackModuleLabel
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
Float_t den
Definition: plot.C:37
void GetPoint(double *Pt, double *Err) const
Definition: Seed.cxx:112
std::string fSeedModuleLabel
STL namespace.
double T() const
Definition: MCStep.h:45
bool isRealData() const
Definition: Event.h:83
TFileDirectory mkdir(std::string const &dir, std::string const &descr="")
virtual double ConvertXToTicks(double X, int p, int t, int c) const =0
double fMatchColinearity
bool isValid() const
Definition: Handle.h:190
geo::Length_t DetHalfHeight(geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the half height of the active volume of the specified TPC.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
#define DEFINE_ART_MODULE(klass)
Definition: ModuleMacros.h:42
long seed
geo::Length_t DetLength(geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the length of the active volume of the specified TPC.
EDAnalyzer(Table< Config > const &config)
Definition: EDAnalyzer.h:100
Class def header for mctrack data container.
std::map< int, RecoHists > fRecoHistMap
int PdgCode() const
Definition: MCTrack.h:41
const TLorentzVector & Momentum() const
Definition: MCStep.h:38
SeedAna(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
T * make(ARGS...args) const
std::map< int, MCHists > fMCHistMap
void analyze(const art::Event &evt)
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5
bool getByLabel(std::string const &label, std::string const &productInstanceName, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:344
Int_t min
Definition: plot.C:26
virtual double DriftVelocity(double efield=0., double temperature=0.) const =0
double E() const
Definition: MCStep.h:49
const MCStep & Start() const
Definition: MCTrack.h:44
Char_t n[5]
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
unsigned int TrackID() const
Definition: MCTrack.h:42
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:5
virtual ~SeedAna()
Float_t w
Definition: plot.C:23
void GetDirection(double *Dir, double *Err) const
Definition: Seed.cxx:102
Definition: fwd.h:25
art framework interface to geometry description
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33