LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
trkf Namespace Reference


class  BezierCurveHelper
class  BezierTrack
class  BezierTrackerAlgorithm
class  BezierTrackerModule
class  CCTrackMaker
class  CosmicTracker
class  CosmicTrackerAlg
class  FeatureTracker
class  Geometric3DVertexFitter
 3D vertex fitter based on the geometric properties (start position, direction, covariance) of the tracks. More...
class  HitPtrVec
class  HitState
 Class for a measurement on a recob::tracking::Plane (plane defined by a wire and the drift direction). More...
class  InteractGeneral
class  Interactor
class  InteractPlane
class  KalmanFilterAlg
class  KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter
class  KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter
struct  KalmanInput
struct  KalmanOutput
class  KETrack
class  KFitTrack
class  KFTrackState
 Extension of a TrackState to perform KalmanFilter calculations. More...
struct  KGMatrix
 Kalman gain matrix, dimension 5xN. More...
class  KGTrack
class  KHit
class  KHitBase
class  KHitContainer
class  KHitContainerWireLine
class  KHitContainerWireX
class  KHitGroup
class  KHitMulti
class  KHitsTrack
class  KHitTrack
class  KHitWireLine
class  KHitWireX
struct  KHMatrix
 Kalman H-matrix, dimension Nx5. More...
struct  KMatrix
 General matrix, dimension NxM. More...
struct  KSymMatrix
 Symmetric matrix, dimension NxN. More...
class  KTrack
struct  KVector
 Define a shortened alias for ublas namespace. More...
class  LinFitAlg
class  MCSFitProducer
 Producer for TrajectoryMCSFitter. More...
class  PMAlgTrackMaker
class  PMAlgTrajFitter
class  Propagator
class  PropAny
class  PropXYZPlane
class  PropYZLine
class  PropYZPlane
class  SeedAna
class  SeedFinderAlgorithm
class  SeedFinderModule
struct  SortByWire
class  SpacePointAlg
class  SpacePointAna
class  SpacePointCheater
class  SpacePointFinder
class  SpacePts
class  StitchAlg
class  Surface
class  SurfLine
class  SurfPlane
class  SurfWireLine
class  SurfWireX
class  SurfXYZPlane
class  SurfYZLine
class  SurfYZPlane
class  TCTrack
class  Track3DKalman
class  Track3DKalmanHit
class  Track3DKalmanHitAlg
class  Track3DKalmanSPS
class  Track3Dreco
class  TrackAna
class  TrackCheater
class  TrackKalmanCheater
class  TrackKalmanFitter
 Fit tracks using Kalman Filter fit+smooth. More...
class  TrackLineFitAlg
class  TrackMomentumCalculator
class  TrackState
 Class for track parameters (and errors) defined on a recob::tracking::Plane. More...
class  TrackStatePropagator
 Class for propagation of a trkf::TrackState to a recob::tracking::Plane. More...
class  TrackStitcher
class  TrackTrajectoryAlg
class  TrajectoryMCSFitter
 Class for Maximum Likelihood fit of Multiple Coulomb Scattering angles between segments within a Track or Trajectory. More...
class  VertexFitAlg
class  VertexFitter
 Module for fitting a vertex using the Geometric3DVertexFitter. More...
class  VertexWrapper
 Wrapper class to facilitate vertex production. More...


typedef KVector< 5 >::type TrackVector
 Track state vector, dimension 5. More...
typedef KSymMatrix< 5 >::type TrackError
 Track error matrix, dimension 5x5. More...
typedef KMatrix< 5, 5 >::type TrackMatrix
 General 5x5 matrix. More...
using SVector5 = recob::tracking::SVector5
using SVector6 = recob::tracking::SVector6
using SMatrix55 = recob::tracking::SMatrix55
using SMatrixSym55 = recob::tracking::SMatrixSym55
using SMatrixSym66 = recob::tracking::SMatrixSym66
using Plane = recob::tracking::Plane
using Point_t = recob::tracking::Point_t
using Vector_t = recob::tracking::Vector_t
using PropDirection = TrackStatePropagator::PropDirection
using SMatrixSym22 = recob::tracking::SMatrixSym22
using SVector2 = recob::tracking::SVector2
using SMatrixSym33 = recob::tracking::SMatrixSym33
using SVector3 = recob::tracking::SVector3
typedef std::vector< KalmanInputKalmanInputs
typedef art::PtrVector< recob::HitHits
typedef std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< const recob::Track > > TrackRefVec


template<class T , class TRI , class L , class A >
bool syminvert (ublas::symmetric_matrix< T, TRI, L, A > &m)
template<class T , class L , class A >
bool invert (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &m)
template<class M >
M::value_type trace (const M &m)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const KGTrack &trg)
 Output operator. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const KHitBase &trk)
 Output operator. More...
void fill (const art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > &hits, int only_plane)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const KTrack &trk)
 Output operator. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Surface &surf)
 Output operator. More...
bool BTrack_SeedCountComparator (std::vector< recob::Seed > const &s1, std::vector< recob::Seed > const &s2)

Detailed Description

LinFitAlg class

Bruce Baller,

Algorithm for fitting a 2D line

TrackLineFitAlg class

Bruce Baller,

Algorithm for fitting a 3D line given a number of points in 3 wire planes

TrackTrajectoryAlg class

Bruce Baller,

Algorithm fitting a 3D trajectory through a set of hits

TrackTrajectoryAlg class

Bruce Baller,

Algorithm fitting a 3D trajectory through a set of hit pairs

VertexFitAlg class

Bruce Baller,

Algorithm for fitting a 3D vertex given a set of track hits

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 45 of file Track3DKalmanHit.h.

typedef std::vector<KalmanInput> trkf::KalmanInputs

Definition at line 44 of file Track3DKalmanHit.h.

Definition at line 17 of file TrackState.h.

Definition at line 18 of file TrackState.h.

Definition at line 14 of file TrackState.h.

Definition at line 15 of file TrackState.h.

Definition at line 16 of file TrackState.h.

Definition at line 18 of file Geometric3DVertexFitter.h.

Definition at line 20 of file Geometric3DVertexFitter.h.

Definition at line 12 of file TrackState.h.

Definition at line 13 of file TrackState.h.

typedef KSymMatrix<5>::type trkf::TrackError

Track error matrix, dimension 5x5.

Definition at line 93 of file KalmanLinearAlgebra.h.

typedef KMatrix<5,5>::type trkf::TrackMatrix

General 5x5 matrix.

Definition at line 96 of file KalmanLinearAlgebra.h.

typedef std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const recob::Track> > trkf::TrackRefVec

Definition at line 26 of file VertexWrapper.h.

typedef KVector<5>::type trkf::TrackVector

Track state vector, dimension 5.

Definition at line 90 of file KalmanLinearAlgebra.h.

Definition at line 19 of file TrackState.h.

Function Documentation

bool trkf::BTrack_SeedCountComparator ( std::vector< recob::Seed > const &  s1,
std::vector< recob::Seed > const &  s2 

Definition at line 1345 of file BezierTrackerAlgorithm.cxx.

1346  {
1347  return s1.size()>s2.size();
1348  }
void trkf::fill ( const art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > &  hits,
int  only_plane 
template<class T , class L , class A >
bool trkf::invert ( ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &  m)

Invert general square matrix by LU decomposition with partial pivoting. Return false if singular or not square.

Definition at line 193 of file KalmanLinearAlgebra.h.

Referenced by util::flags::Bits_t< Storage_t >::clear(), export_G4RotationMatrix(), and trkf::InteractGeneral::noise().

194  {
195  // Make sure matrix is square.
197  if(m.size1() != m.size2())
198  return false;
200  // Create permutation matrix for pivoting.
202  ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pm(m.size1());
204  // Make temp copy of input matrix.
206  ublas::matrix<T, L, A> mcopy(m);
208  // Do LU factorization with partial pivoting.
209  // This step will fail if matrix is singular.
211  int res = lu_factorize(mcopy, pm);
212  if( res != 0 )
213  return false;
215  // Set original matrix to the identity matrix.
217  m.assign(ublas::identity_matrix<T>(m.size1()));
219  // Do backsubstitution.
221  lu_substitute(mcopy, pm, m);
223  // Done (success).
225  return true;
226  }
std::ostream & trkf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Surface surf 

Output operator.

Definition at line 24 of file Surface.cxx.

References trkf::Surface::Print().

25  {
26  return surf.Print(out);
27  }
std::ostream & trkf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const KHitBase trk 

Output operator.

Definition at line 54 of file KHitBase.cxx.

References trkf::KHitBase::Print().

55  {
56  return trk.Print(out);
57  }
std::ostream & trkf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const KTrack trk 

Output operator.

Definition at line 262 of file KTrack.cxx.

References trkf::KTrack::Print().

263  {
264  return trk.Print(out);
265  }
std::ostream & trkf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const KGTrack trg 

Output operator.

Definition at line 306 of file KGTrack.cxx.

References trkf::KGTrack::Print().

Referenced by trkf::Surface::getDirection().

307  {
308  return trg.Print(out);
309  }
template<class T , class TRI , class L , class A >
bool trkf::syminvert ( ublas::symmetric_matrix< T, TRI, L, A > &  m)

Invert symmetric matrix (return false if singular).

The method used is Cholesky decomposition. This method is efficient and stable for positive-definite matrices. In case the matrix is not positive-definite, this method will usually work, but there can be some numerical pathologies, including "false singular" failures, and numerical instability. In the Kalman filter, we expect that this method will be used exclusively for positive-definite matrices.

Definition at line 109 of file KalmanLinearAlgebra.h.

Referenced by trkf::KETrack::combineTrack(), trkf::Track3DKalmanHitAlg::makeSeed(), trkf::KHitMulti::predict(), and trkf::KHit< N >::predict().

110  {
111  typedef typename ublas::symmetric_matrix<T, TRI, L, A>::size_type size_type;
112  typedef typename ublas::symmetric_matrix<T, TRI, L, A>::value_type value_type;
114  // In situ Cholesky decomposition m = LDL^T.
115  // D is diagonal matrix.
116  // L is lower triangular with ones on the diagonal (ones not stored).
118  for(size_type i = 0; i < m.size1(); ++i) {
119  for(size_type j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
121  value_type ele = m(i,j);
123  for(size_type k = 0; k < j; ++k)
124  ele -= m(k,k) * m(i,k) * m(j,k);
126  // Diagonal elements (can't have zeroes).
128  if(i == j) {
129  if(ele == 0.)
130  return false;
131  }
133  // Off-diagonal elements.
135  else
136  ele = ele / m(j,j);
138  // Replace element.
140  m(i,j) = ele;
141  }
142  }
144  // In situ inversion of D by simple division.
145  // In situ inversion of L by back-substitution.
147  for(size_type i = 0; i < m.size1(); ++i) {
148  for(size_type j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
150  value_type ele = m(i,j);
152  // Diagonal elements.
154  if(i == j)
155  m(i,i) = 1./ele;
157  // Off diagonal elements.
159  else {
160  value_type sum = -ele;
161  for(size_type k = j+1; k < i; ++k)
162  sum -= m(i,k) * m(k,j);
163  m(i,j) = sum;
164  }
165  }
166  }
168  // Recompose the inverse matrix in situ by matrix multiplication m = L^T DL.
170  for(size_type i = 0; i < m.size1(); ++i) {
171  for(size_type j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
173  value_type sum = m(i,i);
174  if(i != j)
175  sum *= m(i,j);
177  for(size_type k = i+1; k < m.size1(); ++k)
178  sum += m(k,k) * m(k,i) * m(k,j);
180  m(i,j) = sum;
181  }
182  }
184  // Done (success).
186  return true;
187  }
template<class M >
M::value_type trkf::trace ( const M &  m)

Trace of matrix.

Definition at line 231 of file KalmanLinearAlgebra.h.

References min, and n.

Referenced by trkf::KalmanFilterAlg::setTrace().

232  {
233  typename M::size_type n = std::min(m.size1(), m.size2());
234  typename M::value_type result = 0.;
236  for(typename M::size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
237  result += m(i,i);
239  return result;
240  }
Int_t min
Definition: plot.C:26
Char_t n[5]