LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "TrajectoryMCSFitter.h"
4 #include "TMatrixDSym.h"
5 #include "TMatrixDSymEigen.h"
7 using namespace std;
8 using namespace trkf;
9 using namespace recob::tracking;
11 recob::MCSFitResult TrajectoryMCSFitter::fitMcs(const recob::TrackTrajectory& traj, int pid, bool momDepConst) const {
12  //
13  // Break the trajectory in segments of length approximately equal to segLen_
14  //
15  vector<size_t> breakpoints;
16  vector<float> segradlengths;
17  vector<float> cumseglens;
18  breakTrajInSegments(traj, breakpoints, segradlengths, cumseglens);
19  //
20  // Fit segment directions, and get 3D angles between them
21  //
22  if (segradlengths.size()<2) return recob::MCSFitResult();
23  vector<float> dtheta;
24  Vector_t pcdir0;
25  Vector_t pcdir1;
26  for (unsigned int p = 0; p<segradlengths.size(); p++) {
27  linearRegression(traj, breakpoints[p], breakpoints[p+1], pcdir1);
28  if (p>0) {
29  if (segradlengths[p]<-100. || segradlengths[p-1]<-100.) {
30  dtheta.push_back(-999.);
31  } else {
32  const double cosval = pcdir0.X()*pcdir1.X()+pcdir0.Y()*pcdir1.Y()+pcdir0.Z()*pcdir1.Z();
33  //assert(std::abs(cosval)<=1);
34  //units are mrad
35  double dt = 1000.*acos(cosval);//should we try to use expansion for small angles?
36  dtheta.push_back(dt);
37  }
38  }
39  pcdir0 = pcdir1;
40  }
41  //
42  // Perform likelihood scan in forward and backward directions
43  //
44  vector<float> cumLenFwd;
45  vector<float> cumLenBwd;
46  for (unsigned int i = 0; i<cumseglens.size()-2; i++) {
47  cumLenFwd.push_back(cumseglens[i]);
48  cumLenBwd.push_back(cumseglens.back()-cumseglens[i+2]);
49  }
50  const ScanResult fwdResult = doLikelihoodScan(dtheta, segradlengths, cumLenFwd, true, momDepConst, pid);
51  const ScanResult bwdResult = doLikelihoodScan(dtheta, segradlengths, cumLenBwd, false, momDepConst, pid);
52  //
53  return recob::MCSFitResult(pid,
54  fwdResult.p,fwdResult.pUnc,fwdResult.logL,
55  bwdResult.p,bwdResult.pUnc,bwdResult.logL,
56  segradlengths,dtheta);
57 }
59 void TrajectoryMCSFitter::breakTrajInSegments(const recob::TrackTrajectory& traj, vector<size_t>& breakpoints, vector<float>& segradlengths, vector<float>& cumseglens) const {
60  //
61  const double trajlen = traj.Length();
62  const int nseg = std::max(minNSegs_,int(trajlen/segLen_));
63  const double thisSegLen = trajlen/double(nseg);
64  // std::cout << "track with length=" << trajlen << " broken in nseg=" << nseg << " of length=" << thisSegLen << " where segLen_=" << segLen_ << std::endl;
65  //
66  constexpr double lar_radl_inv = 1./14.0;
67  cumseglens.push_back(0.);//first segment has zero cumulative length from previous segments
68  double thislen = 0.;
69  auto nextValid=traj.FirstValidPoint();
70  breakpoints.push_back(nextValid);
71  auto pos0 = traj.LocationAtPoint(nextValid);
72  nextValid = traj.NextValidPoint(nextValid+1);
73  int npoints = 0;
74  while (nextValid!=recob::TrackTrajectory::InvalidIndex) {
75  auto pos1 = traj.LocationAtPoint(nextValid);
76  thislen += ( (pos1-pos0).R() );
77  pos0=pos1;
78  npoints++;
79  if (thislen>=thisSegLen) {
80  breakpoints.push_back(nextValid);
81  if (npoints>=minHitsPerSegment_) segradlengths.push_back(thislen*lar_radl_inv);
82  else segradlengths.push_back(-999.);
83  cumseglens.push_back(cumseglens.back()+thislen);
84  thislen = 0.;
85  npoints = 0;
86  }
87  nextValid = traj.NextValidPoint(nextValid+1);
88  }
89  //then add last segment
90  if (thislen>0.) {
91  breakpoints.push_back(traj.LastValidPoint()+1);
92  segradlengths.push_back(thislen*lar_radl_inv);
93  cumseglens.push_back(cumseglens.back()+thislen);
94  }
95  return;
96 }
98 const TrajectoryMCSFitter::ScanResult TrajectoryMCSFitter::doLikelihoodScan(std::vector<float>& dtheta, std::vector<float>& seg_nradlengths, std::vector<float>& cumLen, bool fwdFit, bool momDepConst, int pid) const {
99  int best_idx = -1;
100  double best_logL = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
101  double best_p = -1.0;
102  std::vector<float> vlogL;
103  for (double p_test = pMin_; p_test <= pMax_; p_test+=pStep_) {
104  double logL = mcsLikelihood(p_test, angResol_, dtheta, seg_nradlengths, cumLen, fwdFit, momDepConst, pid);
105  if (logL < best_logL) {
106  best_p = p_test;
107  best_logL = logL;
108  best_idx = vlogL.size();
109  }
110  vlogL.push_back(logL);
111  }
112  //
113  //uncertainty from left side scan
114  double lunc = -1.0;
115  if (best_idx>0) {
116  for (int j=best_idx-1;j>=0;j--) {
117  double dLL = vlogL[j]-vlogL[best_idx];
118  if ( dLL<0.5 ) {
119  lunc = (best_idx-j)*pStep_;
120  } else break;
121  }
122  }
123  //uncertainty from right side scan
124  double runc = -1.0;
125  if (best_idx<int(vlogL.size()-1)) {
126  for (unsigned int j=best_idx+1;j<vlogL.size();j++) {
127  double dLL = vlogL[j]-vlogL[best_idx];
128  if ( dLL<0.5 ) {
129  runc = (j-best_idx)*pStep_;
130  } else break;
131  }
132  }
133  return ScanResult(best_p, std::max(lunc,runc), best_logL);
134 }
136 void TrajectoryMCSFitter::linearRegression(const recob::TrackTrajectory& traj, const size_t firstPoint, const size_t lastPoint, Vector_t& pcdir) const {
137  //
138  int npoints = 0;
139  geo::vect::MiddlePointAccumulator middlePointCalc;
140  size_t nextValid = firstPoint;
141  while (nextValid<lastPoint) {
142  middlePointCalc.add(traj.LocationAtPoint(nextValid));
143  nextValid = traj.NextValidPoint(nextValid+1);
144  npoints++;
145  }
146  const auto avgpos = middlePointCalc.middlePoint();
147  const double norm = 1./double(npoints);
148  //
149  //assert(npoints>0);
150  //
151  TMatrixDSym m(3);
152  nextValid = firstPoint;
153  while (nextValid<lastPoint) {
154  const auto p = traj.LocationAtPoint(nextValid);
155  const double xxw0 = p.X()-avgpos.X();
156  const double yyw0 = p.Y()-avgpos.Y();
157  const double zzw0 = p.Z()-avgpos.Z();
158  m(0, 0) += xxw0*xxw0*norm;
159  m(0, 1) += xxw0*yyw0*norm;
160  m(0, 2) += xxw0*zzw0*norm;
161  m(1, 0) += yyw0*xxw0*norm;
162  m(1, 1) += yyw0*yyw0*norm;
163  m(1, 2) += yyw0*zzw0*norm;
164  m(2, 0) += zzw0*xxw0*norm;
165  m(2, 1) += zzw0*yyw0*norm;
166  m(2, 2) += zzw0*zzw0*norm;
167  nextValid = traj.NextValidPoint(nextValid+1);
168  }
169  //
170  const TMatrixDSymEigen me(m);
171  const auto& eigenval = me.GetEigenValues();
172  const auto& eigenvec = me.GetEigenVectors();
173  //
174  int maxevalidx = 0;
175  double maxeval = eigenval(0);
176  for (int i=1; i<3; ++i) {
177  if (eigenval(i)>maxeval) {
178  maxevalidx = i;
179  maxeval = eigenval(i);
180  }
181  }
182  //
183  pcdir = Vector_t(eigenvec(0, maxevalidx),eigenvec(1, maxevalidx),eigenvec(2, maxevalidx));
184  if (traj.DirectionAtPoint(firstPoint).Dot(pcdir)<0.) pcdir*=-1.;
185  //
186 }
188 double TrajectoryMCSFitter::mcsLikelihood(double p, double theta0x, std::vector<float>& dthetaij, std::vector<float>& seg_nradl, std::vector<float>& cumLen, bool fwd, bool momDepConst, int pid) const {
189  //
190  const int beg = (fwd ? 0 : (dthetaij.size()-1));
191  const int end = (fwd ? dthetaij.size() : -1);
192  const int incr = (fwd ? +1 : -1);
193  //
194  // bool print = false;//(p>1.999 && p<2.001);
195  //
196  const double m = mass(pid);
197  const double m2 = m*m;
198  const double Etot = sqrt(p*p + m2);//Initial energy
199  double Eij2 = 0.;
200  //
201  double const fixedterm = 0.5 * std::log( 2.0 * M_PI );
202  double result = 0;
203  for (int i = beg; i != end; i+=incr ) {
204  if (dthetaij[i]<0) {
205  //cout << "skip segment with too few points" << endl;
206  continue;
207  }
208  //
209  if (eLossMode_==1) {
210  // ELoss mode: MIP (constant)
211  constexpr double kcal = 0.002105;
212  const double Eij = Etot - kcal*cumLen[i];//energy at this segment
213  Eij2 = Eij*Eij;
214  } else {
215  // Non constant energy loss distribution
216  const double Eij = GetE(Etot,cumLen[i],m);
217  Eij2 = Eij*Eij;
218  }
219  //
220  if ( Eij2 <= m2 ) {
222  break;
223  }
224  const double pij = sqrt(Eij2 - m2);//momentum at this segment
225  const double beta = sqrt( 1. - ((m2)/(pij*pij + m2)) );
226  constexpr double tuned_HL_term1 = 11.0038; //
227  constexpr double HL_term2 = 0.038;
228  const double tH0 = ( (momDepConst ? MomentumDependentConstant(pij) : tuned_HL_term1) / (pij*beta) ) * ( 1.0 + HL_term2 * std::log( seg_nradl[i] ) ) * sqrt( seg_nradl[i] );
229  const double rms = sqrt( 2.0*( tH0 * tH0 + theta0x * theta0x ) );
230  if (rms==0.0) {
231  std::cout << " Error : RMS cannot be zero ! " << std::endl;
233  }
234  const double arg = dthetaij[i]/rms;
235  result += ( std::log( rms ) + 0.5 * arg * arg + fixedterm);
236  // if (print && fwd==true) cout << "TrajectoryMCSFitter pij=" << pij << " dthetaij[i]=" << dthetaij[i] << " tH0=" << tH0 << " rms=" << rms << " prob=" << ( std::log( rms ) + 0.5 * arg * arg + fixedterm) << " const=" << (momDepConst ? MomentumDependentConstant(pij) : tuned_HL_term1) << " beta=" << beta << " red_length=" << seg_nradl[i] << endl;
237  }
238  return result;
239 }
241 double TrajectoryMCSFitter::energyLossLandau(const double mass2,const double e2, const double x) const {
242  //
243  // eq. (33.11) in (except density correction is ignored)
244  //
245  if (x<=0.) return 0.;
246  constexpr double Iinv2 = 1./(188.E-6*188.E-6);
247  constexpr double matConst = 1.4*18./40.;//density*Z/A
248  constexpr double me = 0.511;
249  constexpr double kappa = 0.307075;
250  constexpr double j = 0.200;
251  //
252  const double beta2 = (e2-mass2)/e2;
253  const double gamma2 = 1./(1.0 - beta2);
254  const double epsilon = 0.5*kappa*x*matConst/beta2;
255  //
256  return 0.001*epsilon*( log(2.*me*beta2*gamma2*epsilon*Iinv2) + j - beta2 );
257 }
258 //
259 double TrajectoryMCSFitter::energyLossBetheBloch(const double mass,const double e2) const {
260  // stolen, mostly, from GFMaterialEffects.
261  constexpr double Iinv = 1./188.E-6;
262  constexpr double matConst = 1.4*18./40.;//density*Z/A
263  constexpr double me = 0.511;
264  constexpr double kappa = 0.307075;
265  //
266  const double beta2 = (e2-mass*mass)/e2;
267  const double gamma2 = 1./(1.0 - beta2);
268  const double massRatio = me/mass;
269  const double argument = (2.*me*gamma2*beta2*Iinv) * std::sqrt(1+2*std::sqrt(gamma2)*massRatio + massRatio*massRatio);
270  //
271  double dedx = kappa*matConst/beta2;
272  //
273  if (mass==0.0) return(0.0);
274  if (argument <= exp(beta2)) {
275  dedx = 0.;
276  } else{
277  dedx *= (log(argument)-beta2)*1.E-3; // Bethe-Bloch, converted to GeV/cm
278  if (dedx<0.) dedx = 0.;
279  }
280  return dedx;
281 }
282 //
283 double TrajectoryMCSFitter::GetE(const double initial_E, const double length_travelled, const double m) const {
284  //
285  const double step_size = length_travelled / nElossSteps_;
286  //
287  double current_E = initial_E;
288  const double m2 = m*m;
289  //
290  for (auto i = 0; i < nElossSteps_; ++i) {
291  if (eLossMode_==2) {
292  double dedx = energyLossBetheBloch(m,current_E);
293  current_E -= (dedx * step_size);
294  } else {
295  // MPV of Landau energy loss distribution
296  current_E -= energyLossLandau(m2,current_E*current_E,step_size);
297  }
298  if ( current_E <= m ) {
299  // std::cout<<"WARNING: current_E less than mu mass. it is "<<current_E<<std::endl;
300  return 0.;
301  }
302  }
303  return current_E;
304 }
Float_t x
Definition: compare.C:6
Float_t E
Definition: plot.C:23
T DirectionAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Direction at point p. Use e.g. as:
recob::tracking::Vector_t Vector_t
Definition: TrackState.h:19
Helper class to compute the middle point in a point set.
size_t LastValidPoint() const
Returns the index of the last valid point in the trajectory.
STL namespace.
Double_t beta
void add(Point const &p)
Accumulates a point.
Int_t max
Definition: plot.C:27
double Length(size_t startAt=0) const
Returns the approximate length of the trajectory.
Provides recob::Track data product.
A trajectory in space reconstructed from hits.
T LocationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Position at point p. Use e.g. as:
Double_t R
Utilities to extend the interface of geometry vectors.
Class storing the result of the Maximum Likelihood fit of Multiple Coulomb Scattering angles between ...
Definition: MCSFitResult.h:19
size_t FirstValidPoint() const
Returns the index of the first valid point in the trajectory.
static constexpr size_t InvalidIndex
Value returned on failed index queries.
Float_t norm
size_t NextValidPoint(size_t index) const
Returns the index of the next valid point in the trajectory.
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
recob::tracking::Vector_t Vector_t