LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
calo::LinearEnergyAlg Class Reference

Calibrates the energy of the clusters. More...

#include "LinearEnergyAlg.h"


struct  BirksParameters
struct  Config
 Algorithm configuration. More...
struct  ConstantRecombParameters
struct  ModBoxParameters
struct  ModelName
struct  RecombinationConfig
 Configuration of parameters of the box model. More...

Public Types

enum  RecombinationModel_t { kModBox, kBirks, kConstant, nRecombinationModel }

Public Member Functions

Construction and configuration
 LinearEnergyAlg (Config const &config)
 Constructor with configuration validation. More...
 LinearEnergyAlg (fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
 Constructor with configuration validation. More...
Set up
void setup (detinfo::DetectorProperties const &detproperty, detinfo::DetectorClocks const &detclock, geo::GeometryCore const &geometry)
 Sets up the algorithm. More...
template<typename Stream >
void DumpConfiguration (Stream &&out, std::string indent, std::string firstIndent) const
 Prints the current algorithm configuration. More...
template<typename Stream >
void DumpConfiguration (Stream &&out, std::string indent="") const
 Prints the current algorithm configuration. More...
template<typename BeginHitIter , typename EndHitIter >
double CalculateClusterEnergy (recob::Cluster const &cluster, BeginHitIter beginHit, EndHitIter endHit) const
 Calculates the energy of a single cluster. More...
template<typename Hits >
double CalculateClusterEnergy (recob::Cluster const &cluster, Hits &&hits) const
 Calculates the energy of a single cluster. More...
std::vector< double > CalculateEnergy (std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &clusters, art::Assns< recob::Cluster, recob::Hit > const &hitsPerCluster) const
 Calculates the energy of the shower. More...

Private Member Functions

void initialize ()
double CalculateHitEnergy (recob::Hit const &hit) const
 Returns the corrected energy from the hit. More...
double RecombinationCorrection (double dEdx) const
 TODO: make it more flexible. More...
double ModBoxInverse (double dEdx) const
double BirksInverse (double dEdx) const

Private Attributes

geo::GeometryCore const * geom = nullptr
 Pointer to the geometry to be used. More...
detinfo::DetectorProperties const * detp = nullptr
 Pointer to the detector property. More...
detinfo::DetectorClocks const * detc = nullptr
 Pointer to the detector clock. More...
bool fUseArea
int fRecombModel
ModBoxParameters recombModBoxParams
 Parameters for recombination box model; filled only when this model is selected. More...
BirksParameters recombBirksParams
 Parameters for recombination Birks model; filled only when this model is selected. More...
ConstantRecombParameters recombConstParams
 Parameters for constant recombination factor; filled only when this model is selected. More...
double fElectronLifetime
double fDeconNorm

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr double kWion = 23.6e-9
 ionization potenial in LAr, 23.6 eV = 1e, Wion in GeV/e More...
static constexpr double kRecombFactor = 0.62
 constant correction used in the current MicroBooNE shower reconstruction More...

Detailed Description

Calibrates the energy of the clusters.


Example of configuration:

EnergyAlgo: {
UseArea: true
Recombination: {
Model: Birks
A3t: 0.8
k3t: 0.0486


  • UseArea (flag, _mandatory): whether to use hit integral (recob::Hit::Integral()) instead of hit peak amplitude for charge estimation
  • Recombination (mandatory table): configures the recombination model to be used and its parameters:
    • Model (string, mandatory): specifies one of the supported recombination models: Birks, ModBox or Constant. Each requires its own specific configuration parameters.
      • Birks, Birks Law model (see S.Amoruso et al., NIM A 523 (2004) 275) requires configuration parameters:
      • ModBox, box model requires configuration parameters:
      • Constant recombination factor, requires configuration parameters:
        • factor (real, mandatory): the recombination factor, uniformly applied to all hits

Definition at line 79 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

calo::LinearEnergyAlg::LinearEnergyAlg ( Config const &  config)

Constructor with configuration validation.

configconfiguration parameter structure

For the configuration, see LinearEnergyAlg documentation.

Definition at line 82 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxParameters::A, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksParameters::A, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxParameters::B, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ConstantRecombParameters::factor, fRecombModel, fUseArea, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksParameters::k, kBirks, kConstant, kModBox, recombBirksParams, recombConstParams, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::Config::Recombination, and recombModBoxParams.

83  : fUseArea( config.UseArea() )
84 // , fRecombFactor( 1. )
85  , fElectronLifetime( 1e10 ) // needs to be read from service
86  , fDeconNorm( 200 )
87 {
88  auto const& recombParams = config.Recombination();
89  if ( recombParams.modelIsModBox()) {
91  recombModBoxParams.A = recombParams.A();
92  recombModBoxParams.B = recombParams.B();
93  }
94  else if ( recombParams.modelIsBirks()) {
96  recombBirksParams.A = recombParams.A3t();
97  recombBirksParams.k = recombParams.k3t();
98  }
99  else if ( recombParams.modelIsConstant()) {
101  recombConstParams.factor = recombParams.factor();
102  }
103  else {
104  throw std::runtime_error
105  ( "Unsupported recombination mode: '" + recombParams.Model() + "'" );
106  }
108  if (!fUseArea) {
109  throw std::runtime_error("Energy correction based on hit peak amplitude not implemented yet.");
110  }
112 }
ModBoxParameters recombModBoxParams
Parameters for recombination box model; filled only when this model is selected.
ConstantRecombParameters recombConstParams
Parameters for constant recombination factor; filled only when this model is selected.
BirksParameters recombBirksParams
Parameters for recombination Birks model; filled only when this model is selected.
calo::LinearEnergyAlg::LinearEnergyAlg ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  pset)

Constructor with configuration validation.

psetFHiCL configuration parameter set
See also
SpacePointIsolationAlg(Config const&)

Translates the parameter set into a configuration object and uses the validating constructor to initialise the object.

For the configuration, see LinearEnergyAlg documentation.

Definition at line 198 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

200  {}
LinearEnergyAlg(Config const &config)
Constructor with configuration validation.

Member Function Documentation

double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksInverse ( double  dEdx) const

Definition at line 229 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksParameters::A, detinfo::DetectorProperties::Density(), detp, detinfo::DetectorProperties::Efield(), calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksParameters::k, kWion, and recombBirksParams.

Referenced by RecombinationCorrection().

229  {
230  // Correction for charge quenching using parameterization from
231  // S.Amoruso et al., NIM A 523 (2004) 275
233  double A3t = recombBirksParams.A;
234  double K3t = recombBirksParams.k; // in KV/cm*(g/cm^2)/MeV
235  double rho = detp->Density(); // LAr density in g/cm^3
236  double Efield = detp->Efield(); // Electric Field in the drift region in KV/cm
237  K3t /= rho; // KV/MeV
239  double dQdx = ( A3t/kWion ) / ( K3t / Efield * dEdx + 1);
241  return dQdx;
242 }
static constexpr double kWion
ionization potenial in LAr, 23.6 eV = 1e, Wion in GeV/e
virtual double Density(double temperature) const =0
Returns argon density at a given temperature.
detinfo::DetectorProperties const * detp
Pointer to the detector property.
BirksParameters recombBirksParams
Parameters for recombination Birks model; filled only when this model is selected.
virtual double Efield(unsigned int planegap=0) const =0
Returns the nominal electric field in the specified volume.
template<typename BeginHitIter , typename EndHitIter >
double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateClusterEnergy ( recob::Cluster const &  cluster,
BeginHitIter  beginHit,
EndHitIter  endHit 
) const

Calculates the energy of a single cluster.

Template Parameters
BeginHitItertype of iterator to the first associated hit
EndHitItertype of iterator to the past-the-last associated hit
clusterlist of clusters we want the energy of
hitspointers to all hits associated to the cluster
beginHititerator to the first hit associated to the cluster
endHititerator to past-the-last hit associated to the cluster
the calibrated energy of the specified cluster [GeV]
Describe the algorithm

The hits are stored as (constant) pointers.

Definition at line 393 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

References CalculateHitEnergy(), DumpConfiguration(), E, and fhicl::detail::atom::value().

Referenced by CalculateClusterEnergy(), CalculateEnergy(), and DumpConfiguration().

395 {
396  static_assert( // check the hits type
397  std::is_same<std::decay_t<decltype(**beginHit)>, recob::Hit>::value,
398  "The hits must be stored as recob::Hit pointers!" // any pointer will do
399  );
401  double E = 0.0; // total cluster energy
403  for (auto hitIter = beginHit; hitIter != endHit; ++hitIter) {
405  E += CalculateHitEnergy(**hitIter);
407  } // for
409  return E;
411 } // calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateEnergy()
Float_t E
Definition: plot.C:23
std::string value(boost::any const &)
2D representation of charge deposited in the TDC/wire plane
Definition: Hit.h:49
double CalculateHitEnergy(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Returns the corrected energy from the hit.
template<typename Hits >
double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateClusterEnergy ( recob::Cluster const &  cluster,
Hits &&  hits 
) const

Calculates the energy of a single cluster.

Template Parameters
Hitsa range of hits associated with the cluster
clusterlist of clusters we want the energy of
hitspointers to all hits associated to the cluster
the calibrated energy of the specified cluster [GeV]
See also
CalculateClusterEnergy(recob::Cluster const&. BeginHitIter, EndHitIter)

The hits are stored as (constant) pointers into a "range", that is any object (e.g. a STL vector) supporting begin() and end() iterators.

Definition at line 290 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

References evd::details::begin(), CalculateClusterEnergy(), CalculateEnergy(), evd::details::end(), hits(), and lar::dump::vector().

291  {
292  using std::begin; using std::end;
294  }
Cluster finding and building.
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
double CalculateClusterEnergy(recob::Cluster const &cluster, BeginHitIter beginHit, EndHitIter endHit) const
Calculates the energy of a single cluster.
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator begin(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::vector< double > calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateEnergy ( std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &  clusters,
art::Assns< recob::Cluster, recob::Hit > const &  hitsPerCluster 
) const

Calculates the energy of the shower.

clusterslist of clusters we want the energy of
hitsPerClusterassociations of all clusters to all hits
a vector with one energy per input cluster [GeV]
See also

A vector is returned with a entry per plane in the TPC of the clusters. The energy has a very negative value (std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()) for the planes with no cluster. See CalculateClusterEnergy() for the algorithm details.

Definition at line 147 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References CalculateClusterEnergy(), E, geom, recob::Cluster::ID(), geo::TPCGeo::Nplanes(), recob::Cluster::Plane(), util::flags::to_string(), and geo::GeometryCore::TPC().

Referenced by CalculateClusterEnergy().

151 { // input clusters and hits, shower direction?
153  if (clusters.empty()) return {}; // no clusters!!
155  // prepare the energies vector with one entry per plane
156  // (we get the total number of planes of the TPC the cluster is in from geometry)
157  // and initialize them to a ridiculously negative number to start with
159  std::vector<double> clusterEnergies;
160  geo::TPCID refTPC = clusters[0]->Plane();
161  clusterEnergies.resize
162  (geom->TPC(refTPC).Nplanes(), std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest());
164  if ( clusters.size() > clusterEnergies.size() ) {
165  mf::LogError("LinearEnergyAlg") << clusters.size() << " clusters for "
166  << clusterEnergies.size() << " wire planes!";
167  }
169  for (art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& cluster: clusters) {
171  auto const plane = cluster->Plane();
172  if (plane != refTPC) {
173  throw std::runtime_error(
174  "Cluster ID=" + std::to_string(cluster->ID())
175  + " is expected on TPC " + std::string(refTPC)
176  + " but is found on plane " + std::string(plane)
177  );
178  }
180  // hitsAssociatedWith() searches for the right association links
181  // to the cluster we are processing
182  double const E = CalculateClusterEnergy
183  (*cluster, hitsAssociatedWith(cluster, hitsPerCluster));
185  auto const planeNo = plane.Plane;
186  if (clusterEnergies[planeNo] >= 0.) {
187  mf::LogWarning("LinearEnergyAlg")
188  << "Warning! two or more clusters share plane "
189  << plane << "! (the last with energy " << E
190  << ", the previous " << clusterEnergies[planeNo] << " GeV)";
191  }
192  clusterEnergies[planeNo] = E;
194  } // for all clusters
196  return clusterEnergies;
198 } // calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateEnergy()
geo::GeometryCore const * geom
Pointer to the geometry to be used.
Float_t E
Definition: plot.C:23
unsigned int Nplanes() const
Number of planes in this tpc.
Definition: TPCGeo.h:145
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
Cluster finding and building.
double CalculateClusterEnergy(recob::Cluster const &cluster, BeginHitIter beginHit, EndHitIter endHit) const
Calculates the energy of a single cluster.
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:195
std::string to_string(Flag_t< Storage > const flag)
Convert a flag into a stream (shows its index).
Definition: BitMask.h:187
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
TPCGeo const & TPC(unsigned int const tpc=0, unsigned int const cstat=0) const
Returns the specified TPC.
double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateHitEnergy ( recob::Hit const &  hit) const

Returns the corrected energy from the hit.

hitthe hit to be corrected
the corrected hit energy [GeV]
document the algorithm here

Definition at line 123 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References detc, fDeconNorm, fElectronLifetime, recob::Hit::Integral(), kWion, recob::Hit::PeakTime(), RecombinationCorrection(), and detinfo::DetectorClocks::TPCTick2TrigTime().

Referenced by CalculateClusterEnergy().

124 {
126  double const t = detc->TPCTick2TrigTime( hit.PeakTime() );
127  double const LifetimeCorr = std::exp( t / fElectronLifetime );
129  // hit charge (ADC) -> Coulomb -> Number of electrons -> eV
130  // TODO: implement the non-UseArea option
131  double dE = hit.Integral() * kWion * fDeconNorm;
133  // dE * lifetime correction
134  dE *= LifetimeCorr;
136  // dE / recombination factor
137  double const dEdx = 2.3;
138  double const RecombCorr = RecombinationCorrection( dEdx ) * kWion / dEdx;
139  dE /= RecombCorr;
141  return dE;
143 } // calo::LinearEnergyAlg::CalculateHitEnergy()
double RecombinationCorrection(double dEdx) const
TODO: make it more flexible.
detinfo::DetectorClocks const * detc
Pointer to the detector clock.
static constexpr double kWion
ionization potenial in LAr, 23.6 eV = 1e, Wion in GeV/e
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
virtual double TPCTick2TrigTime(double tick) const =0
Converts a TPC time (in ticks) into a trigger time [µs].
template<typename Stream >
void calo::LinearEnergyAlg::DumpConfiguration ( Stream &&  out,
std::string  indent,
std::string  firstIndent 
) const

Prints the current algorithm configuration.

Template Parameters
Streamtype of output stream
outoutput stream where to write the information
indentindentation for all lines
firstIndentspecial indentation for the first line

The configuration parameters are printed in human-readable form. The output starts at the current line of the stream, and it terminates with a new line.

This method does not require the algorithm to have been set up (via Setup()), since it just prints user configuration as given at construction time.

Definition at line 417 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

References calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxParameters::A, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksParameters::A, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxParameters::B, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModelName::Birks, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModelName::Constant, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ConstantRecombParameters::factor, fRecombModel, fUseArea, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::BirksParameters::k, kBirks, kConstant, kModBox, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModelName::ModBox, recombBirksParams, recombConstParams, and recombModBoxParams.

Referenced by CalculateClusterEnergy(), DumpConfiguration(), and setup().

418 {
420  out << firstIndent << "LinearEnergyAlg configuration:"
421  << "\n" << indent << " use hit " << (fUseArea? "area": "peak amplitude")
422  << " for charge estimation"
423  << "\n" << indent << " recombination model: ";
424  switch ( fRecombModel ) {
425  case kModBox:
426  out << ModelName::ModBox
427  << "\n" << indent << " A = " << recombModBoxParams.A
428  << "\n" << indent << " B = " << recombModBoxParams.B;
429  break;
430  case kBirks:
431  out << ModelName::Birks
432  << "\n" << indent << " A = " << recombBirksParams.A
433  << "\n" << indent << " k = " << recombBirksParams.k;
434  break;
435  case kConstant:
436  out << ModelName::Constant
437  << "\n" << indent << " k = " << recombConstParams.factor;
438  break;
439  default:
440  out << "invalid (" << ((int) fRecombModel) << ")!!!";
441  } // switch
442  out << "\n";
444 } // calo::LinearEnergyAlg::DumpConfiguration()
static const std::string Constant
static const std::string Birks
std::string indent(std::size_t const i)
ModBoxParameters recombModBoxParams
Parameters for recombination box model; filled only when this model is selected.
ConstantRecombParameters recombConstParams
Parameters for constant recombination factor; filled only when this model is selected.
BirksParameters recombBirksParams
Parameters for recombination Birks model; filled only when this model is selected.
static const std::string ModBox
template<typename Stream >
void calo::LinearEnergyAlg::DumpConfiguration ( Stream &&  out,
std::string  indent = "" 
) const

Prints the current algorithm configuration.

Template Parameters
Streamtype of output stream
outoutput stream where to write the information
indent(default: none) indentation for all lines (including the first one)

The configuration parameters are printed in human-readable form. The output starts at the current line of the stream, and it terminates with a new line.

Definition at line 248 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

References CalculateClusterEnergy(), and DumpConfiguration().

249  { DumpConfiguration(std::forward<Stream>(out), indent, indent); }
std::string indent(std::size_t const i)
void DumpConfiguration(Stream &&out, std::string indent, std::string firstIndent) const
Prints the current algorithm configuration.
void calo::LinearEnergyAlg::initialize ( )

Definition at line 115 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References detp, detinfo::DetectorProperties::ElectronLifetime(), and fElectronLifetime.

Referenced by setup().

115  {
119 }
detinfo::DetectorProperties const * detp
Pointer to the detector property.
virtual double ElectronLifetime() const =0
Returns the attenuation constant for ionization electrons.
double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxInverse ( double  dEdx) const

Definition at line 216 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxParameters::A, calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ModBoxParameters::B, detinfo::DetectorProperties::Density(), detp, detinfo::DetectorProperties::Efield(), kWion, and recombModBoxParams.

Referenced by RecombinationCorrection().

216  {
217  // Modified Box model correction has better behavior than the Birks
218  // correction at high values of dQ/dx.
219  double rho = detp->Density(); // LAr density in g/cm^3
220  double Efield = detp->Efield(); // Electric Field in the drift region in KV/cm
221  double Beta = recombModBoxParams.B / (rho * Efield);
222  double Alpha = recombModBoxParams.A;
224  double dQdx = std::log ( Alpha + Beta * dEdx ) / ( Beta * kWion );
226  return dQdx;
227 }
static constexpr double kWion
ionization potenial in LAr, 23.6 eV = 1e, Wion in GeV/e
ModBoxParameters recombModBoxParams
Parameters for recombination box model; filled only when this model is selected.
virtual double Density(double temperature) const =0
Returns argon density at a given temperature.
detinfo::DetectorProperties const * detp
Pointer to the detector property.
virtual double Efield(unsigned int planegap=0) const =0
Returns the nominal electric field in the specified volume.
double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::RecombinationCorrection ( double  dEdx) const

TODO: make it more flexible.

Definition at line 200 of file LinearEnergyAlg.cxx.

References BirksInverse(), calo::LinearEnergyAlg::ConstantRecombParameters::factor, fRecombModel, kBirks, kConstant, kModBox, ModBoxInverse(), and recombConstParams.

Referenced by CalculateHitEnergy().

200  {
202  switch ( fRecombModel ) {
203  case kModBox:
204  return this->ModBoxInverse( dEdx );
205  case kBirks:
206  return this->BirksInverse( dEdx );
207  case kConstant:
208  return recombConstParams.factor;
209  default:
210  throw std::logic_error
211  ("Unexpected! recombination model in RecombinationCorrection()");
212  }
213 }
double BirksInverse(double dEdx) const
double ModBoxInverse(double dEdx) const
ConstantRecombParameters recombConstParams
Parameters for constant recombination factor; filled only when this model is selected.
void calo::LinearEnergyAlg::setup ( detinfo::DetectorProperties const &  detproperty,
detinfo::DetectorClocks const &  detclock,
geo::GeometryCore const &  geometry 

Sets up the algorithm.

geometrythe geometry service provider

Acquires the geometry description. This method must be called every time the geometry is changed.

Definition at line 214 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

References detc, detp, DumpConfiguration(), geom, art::detail::indent(), and initialize().

215  { detp = &detproperty; detc = &detclock; geom = &geometry; initialize(); }
geo::GeometryCore const * geom
Pointer to the geometry to be used.
detinfo::DetectorClocks const * detc
Pointer to the detector clock.
detinfo::DetectorProperties const * detp
Pointer to the detector property.

Member Data Documentation

detinfo::DetectorClocks const* calo::LinearEnergyAlg::detc = nullptr

Pointer to the detector clock.

Definition at line 339 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by CalculateHitEnergy(), and setup().

detinfo::DetectorProperties const* calo::LinearEnergyAlg::detp = nullptr

Pointer to the detector property.

Definition at line 336 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by BirksInverse(), initialize(), ModBoxInverse(), and setup().

double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::fDeconNorm

Definition at line 358 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by CalculateHitEnergy().

double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::fElectronLifetime

Definition at line 357 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by CalculateHitEnergy(), and initialize().

int calo::LinearEnergyAlg::fRecombModel

Definition at line 342 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by DumpConfiguration(), LinearEnergyAlg(), and RecombinationCorrection().

bool calo::LinearEnergyAlg::fUseArea

Definition at line 341 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by DumpConfiguration(), and LinearEnergyAlg().

geo::GeometryCore const* calo::LinearEnergyAlg::geom = nullptr

Pointer to the geometry to be used.

Definition at line 333 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by CalculateEnergy(), and setup().

constexpr double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::kRecombFactor = 0.62

constant correction used in the current MicroBooNE shower reconstruction

Definition at line 362 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

constexpr double calo::LinearEnergyAlg::kWion = 23.6e-9

ionization potenial in LAr, 23.6 eV = 1e, Wion in GeV/e

Definition at line 360 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by BirksInverse(), CalculateHitEnergy(), and ModBoxInverse().

BirksParameters calo::LinearEnergyAlg::recombBirksParams

Parameters for recombination Birks model; filled only when this model is selected.

Definition at line 347 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by BirksInverse(), DumpConfiguration(), and LinearEnergyAlg().

ConstantRecombParameters calo::LinearEnergyAlg::recombConstParams

Parameters for constant recombination factor; filled only when this model is selected.

Definition at line 349 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by DumpConfiguration(), LinearEnergyAlg(), and RecombinationCorrection().

ModBoxParameters calo::LinearEnergyAlg::recombModBoxParams

Parameters for recombination box model; filled only when this model is selected.

Definition at line 345 of file LinearEnergyAlg.h.

Referenced by DumpConfiguration(), LinearEnergyAlg(), and ModBoxInverse().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: