LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Deprecated List
Member geo::AuxDetGeo::FindSensitiveVolume (double const worldLoc[3]) const
Use the version with geo::Point_t argument instead
Member geo::AuxDetGeo::PositionToSensitiveVolume (double const worldLoc[3], size_t &sv) const
Use the version with geo::Point_t argument instead
Member geo::AuxDetSensitiveGeo::GetCenter (double *xyz, double localz=0.0) const
Use the version returning a vector instead.
Member geo::AuxDetSensitiveGeo::GetNormalVector (double *xyzDir) const
Use the version returning a vector instead.
Member geo::ChannelMapAlg::NearestWire (const TVector3 &worldPos, geo::PlaneID const &planeID) const
Use NearestWireID(const TVector3&, geo::PlaneID const&) instead.
Member geo::ChannelMapAlg::NearestWire (const TVector3 &worldPos, unsigned int PlaneNo, unsigned int TPCNo, unsigned int cstat) const
Use NearestWireID(const TVector3&, geo::PlaneID const&) instead.
Member geo::ChannelMapAlg::NearestWireID (const TVector3 &worldPos, unsigned int PlaneNo, unsigned int TPCNo, unsigned int cstat) const =0
Use the version with geo::PlaneID instead
Member geo::ChannelMapAlg::PlaneWireToChannel (geo::WireID const &wireID) const
Use the version with geo::WireID
Member geo::ChannelMapAlg::PlaneWireToChannel (unsigned int plane, unsigned int wire, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int cstat) const =0
Use the version with geo::WireID
Member geo::ChannelMapAlg::WireCoordinate (double YPos, double ZPos, unsigned int PlaneNo, unsigned int TPCNo, unsigned int cstat) const =0
Use the version with geo::PlaneID instead
Member geo::CryostatGeo::FindTPCAtPosition (double const worldLoc[3], double const wiggle) const
Use PositionToTPCID() instead
Member geo::CryostatGeo::LocalToWorld (Point const &local) const
This method breaks the distinction between local and global vectors, since input and output vectors share the same type; use the "official" vector types geo::Point_t, geo::CryostatGeo::LocalPoint_t, geo::Vector_t and geo::CryostatGeo::LocalVector_t, and then use the method geo::CryostatGeo::toWorldCoords() instead.
Member geo::CryostatGeo::WorldToLocal (Point const &world) const
This method breaks the distinction between local and global vectors, since input and output vectors share the same type; use the "official" vector types geo::Point_t, geo::CryostatGeo::LocalPoint_t, geo::Vector_t and geo::CryostatGeo::LocalVector_t, and then use the method geo::CryostatGeo::toLocalCoords() instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::ChannelsIntersect (raw::ChannelID_t c1, raw::ChannelID_t c2, double &y, double &z) const
This is clearly not APA-aware
Member geo::GeometryCore::CryostatBoundaries (double *boundaries, geo::CryostatID const &cid) const
Use CryostatGeo::Boundaries() (from Cryostat(cid)).
Member geo::GeometryCore::CryostatBoundaries (double *boundaries, unsigned int cstat=0) const
Use CryostatBoundaries(double*, geo::CryostatID const&) or (recommended) CryostatGeo::Boundaries() from Cryostat(cid) instead
Member geo::GeometryCore::FindAuxDetAtPosition (double const worldLoc[3]) const
Use the version with geo::Point_t.
Member geo::GeometryCore::FindAuxDetSensitiveAtPosition (double const worldLoc[3], size_t &adg, size_t &sv) const
Use the version with geo::Point_t.
Member geo::GeometryCore::FindCryostatAtPosition (geo::Point_t const &worldLoc) const
Use PositionToCryostatID() instead
Member geo::GeometryCore::GetClosestOpDet (geo::Point_t const &point) const
This method does not tell in which cryostat the detector is; use geo::CryostatGeo::GetClosestOpDet() instead (find the cryostat with PositionToCryostatPtr()).
Member geo::GeometryCore::IntersectionPoint (geo::WireID const &wid1, geo::WireID const &wid2, double &y, double &z) const
This method uses arbitrary assumptions and should not be used. Use WireIDsIntersect() returning a vector, instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::IntersectionPoint (unsigned int wire1, unsigned int wire2, unsigned int plane1, unsigned int plane2, unsigned int cstat, unsigned int tpc, double &y, double &z) const
This method uses arbitrary assumptions and should not be used. Use WireIDsIntersect() returning a vector, instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::NearestWire (geo::Point_t const &point, geo::PlaneID const &planeid) const
Use NearestWireID() instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::NearestWire (const double worldLoc[3], geo::PlaneID const &planeid) const
Use NearestWireID() instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::NearestWireID (const double point[3], geo::PlaneID const &planeid) const
Use the version with a geo::Point_t and PlaneID arguments
Member geo::GeometryCore::PlaneIDs () const
use IteratePlaneIDs() instead plane IDs of DUNE FD? probably better to use iterators instead
Member geo::GeometryCore::PositionToAuxDet (double const worldLoc[3], unsigned int &ad) const
Use the version with geo::Point_t.
Member geo::GeometryCore::PositionToAuxDetSensitive (double const worldLoc[3], size_t &ad, size_t &sv) const
Use the version with geo::Point_t.
Member geo::GeometryCore::PositionToCryostat (double const worldLoc[3], geo::CryostatID &cid) const
Use PositionToCryostat(geo::Point_t const&) instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::PositionToCryostat (double const worldLoc[3], unsigned int &cstat) const
Use PositionToCryostat(geo::Point_t const&) instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::PositionToTPC (double const worldLoc[3], TPCID &tpcid) const
Use PositionToTPCID() or PositionToTPC().ID()
Member geo::GeometryCore::PositionToTPC (double const worldLoc[3], unsigned int &tpc, unsigned int &cstat) const
Use PositionToTPCID() or PositionToTPC().ID()
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireAngleToVertical (geo::View_t view, geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
This does not feel APA-ready
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireCoordinate (double YPos, double ZPos, geo::PlaneID const &planeid) const
Use WireCoordinate(geo::Point_t const&, geo::PlaneID const&) instead
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireCoordinate (double YPos, double ZPos, unsigned int PlaneNo, unsigned int TPCNo, unsigned int cstat) const
Use the version with plane ID instead
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireEndPoints (geo::WireID const &wireid, double *xyzStart, double *xyzEnd) const
use the wire ID interface instead (but note that it does not sort the ends)
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireEndPoints (geo::WireID const &wireID) const
use the wire ID interface instead (but note that it does not sort the ends)
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireEndPoints (unsigned int cstat, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int plane, unsigned int wire, double *xyzStart, double *xyzEnd) const
use the wire ID interface instead (but note that it does not sort the ends)
Member geo::GeometryCore::WireIDsIntersect (WireID const &wid1, WireID const &wid2, WireIDIntersection &widIntersect) const
This method uses arbitrary assumptions and should not be used. Use the interface returning a full vector instead.
Member geo::GeometryCore::WorldBox (double *xlo, double *xhi, double *ylo, double *yhi, double *zlo, double *zhi) const
Use the version without arguments instead.
Member geo::InvalidWireError::InvalidWireError (std::string cat)
Specify at least the wrong wire number!
Class geo::InvalidWireIDError
Use InvalidWireError instead
Member geo::WireGeo::GetCenter (double *xyz, double localz=0.0) const
Use the version returning a vector instead.
Member geo::WireGeo::GetEnd (double *xyz) const
Use the version returning a vector instead.
Member geo::WireGeo::GetStart (double *xyz) const
Use the version returning a vector instead.
Member raw::RawDigit::GetPedestal () const
Might be removed soon
Member recob::HitAndAssociationsWriterBase::put_into (art::Event &)
Use the version with no arguments instead.
Member recob::HitCollectionAssociator::put_into (art::Event &)
Use the version with no arguments instead.
Member recob::HitCollectionCreator::put_into (art::Event &)
Use the version with no arguments instead.
Member recob::HitRefinerAssociator::put_into (art::Event &)
Use the version with no arguments instead.
Member recob::Shower::Shower (TVector3 const &dcosVtx, TVector3 const &dcosVtxErr, TVector3 const &xyz, TVector3 const &xyzErr, std::vector< double > TotalEnergy, std::vector< double > TotalEnergyErr, std::vector< double > dEdx, std::vector< double > dEdxErr, int bestplane, int id=util::kBogusI)
Use the complete constructor instead!
Member util::for_each_associated_group (A const &assns, F &func)
Moved into canvas: art::for_each_group().