LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
trkf::TrackAna::MCHists Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 MCHists ()
 MCHists (const std::string &subdir)

Public Attributes

TH2F * fHduvcosth
TH1F * fHcosth
TH1F * fHmcu
TH1F * fHmcv
TH1F * fHmcw
TH1F * fHupull
TH1F * fHvpull
TH1F * fHmcdudw
TH1F * fHmcdvdw
TH1F * fHdudwpull
TH1F * fHdvdwpull
TH1F * fHHitEff
TH1F * fHHitPurity
TH1F * fHstartdx
TH1F * fHstartdy
TH1F * fHstartdz
TH1F * fHenddx
TH1F * fHenddy
TH1F * fHenddz
TH2F * fHlvsl
TH1F * fHdl
TH2F * fHpvsp
TH2F * fHpvspc
TH1F * fHdp
TH1F * fHdpc
TH1F * fHppull
TH1F * fHppullc
TH1F * fHmcstartx
TH1F * fHmcstarty
TH1F * fHmcstartz
TH1F * fHmcendx
TH1F * fHmcendy
TH1F * fHmcendz
TH1F * fHmctheta
TH1F * fHmcphi
TH1F * fHmctheta_xz
TH1F * fHmctheta_yz
TH1F * fHmcmom
TH1F * fHmcmoml
TH1F * fHmcke
TH1F * fHmckel
TH1F * fHmclen
TH1F * fHmclens
TH1F * fHgstartx
TH1F * fHgstarty
TH1F * fHgstartz
TH1F * fHgendx
TH1F * fHgendy
TH1F * fHgendz
TH1F * fHgtheta
TH1F * fHgphi
TH1F * fHgtheta_xz
TH1F * fHgtheta_yz
TH1F * fHgmom
TH1F * fHgmoml
TH1F * fHgke
TH1F * fHgkel
TH1F * fHglen
TH1F * fHglens
TH1F * fHestartx
TH1F * fHestarty
TH1F * fHestartz
TH1F * fHeendx
TH1F * fHeendy
TH1F * fHeendz
TH1F * fHetheta
TH1F * fHephi
TH1F * fHetheta_xz
TH1F * fHetheta_yz
TH1F * fHemom
TH1F * fHemoml
TH1F * fHeke
TH1F * fHekel
TH1F * fHelen
TH1F * fHelens

Detailed Description

Definition at line 318 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::MCHists ( )

Definition at line 562 of file

Referenced by MCHists().

562  :
563  //
564  // Purpose: Default constructor.
565  //
566  fHduvcosth(0),
567  fHcosth(0),
568  fHmcu(0),
569  fHmcv(0),
570  fHmcw(0),
571  fHupull(0),
572  fHvpull(0),
573  fHmcdudw(0),
574  fHmcdvdw(0),
575  fHdudwpull(0),
576  fHdvdwpull(0),
577  fHHitEff(0),
578  fHHitPurity(0),
579  fHstartdx(0),
580  fHstartdy(0),
581  fHstartdz(0),
582  fHenddx(0),
583  fHenddy(0),
584  fHenddz(0),
585  fHlvsl(0),
586  fHdl(0),
587  fHpvsp(0),
588  fHpvspc(0),
589  fHdp(0),
590  fHdpc(0),
591  fHppull(0),
592  fHppullc(0),
593  fHmcstartx(0),
594  fHmcstarty(0),
595  fHmcstartz(0),
596  fHmcendx(0),
597  fHmcendy(0),
598  fHmcendz(0),
599  fHmctheta(0),
600  fHmcphi(0),
601  fHmctheta_xz(0),
602  fHmctheta_yz(0),
603  fHmcmom(0),
604  fHmcmoml(0),
605  fHmcke(0),
606  fHmckel(0),
607  fHmclen(0),
608  fHmclens(0),
609  fHgstartx(0),
610  fHgstarty(0),
611  fHgstartz(0),
612  fHgendx(0),
613  fHgendy(0),
614  fHgendz(0),
615  fHgtheta(0),
616  fHgphi(0),
617  fHgtheta_xz(0),
618  fHgtheta_yz(0),
619  fHgmom(0),
620  fHgmoml(0),
621  fHgke(0),
622  fHgkel(0),
623  fHglen(0),
624  fHglens(0),
625  fHestartx(0),
626  fHestarty(0),
627  fHestartz(0),
628  fHeendx(0),
629  fHeendy(0),
630  fHeendz(0),
631  fHetheta(0),
632  fHephi(0),
633  fHetheta_xz(0),
634  fHetheta_yz(0),
635  fHemom(0),
636  fHemoml(0),
637  fHeke(0),
638  fHekel(0),
639  fHelen(0),
640  fHelens(0)
641  {}
trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::MCHists ( const std::string &  subdir)

Definition at line 643 of file

References geo::GeometryCore::DetHalfHeight(), geo::GeometryCore::DetHalfWidth(), geo::GeometryCore::DetLength(), dir, fHcosth, fHdl, fHdp, fHdpc, fHdudwpull, fHduvcosth, fHdvdwpull, fHeendx, fHeendy, fHeendz, fHeke, fHekel, fHelen, fHelens, fHemom, fHemoml, fHenddx, fHenddy, fHenddz, fHephi, fHestartx, fHestarty, fHestartz, fHetheta, fHetheta_xz, fHetheta_yz, fHgendx, fHgendy, fHgendz, fHgke, fHgkel, fHglen, fHglens, fHgmom, fHgmoml, fHgphi, fHgstartx, fHgstarty, fHgstartz, fHgtheta, fHgtheta_xz, fHgtheta_yz, fHHitEff, fHHitPurity, fHlvsl, fHmcdudw, fHmcdvdw, fHmcendx, fHmcendy, fHmcendz, fHmcke, fHmckel, fHmclen, fHmclens, fHmcmom, fHmcmoml, fHmcphi, fHmcstartx, fHmcstarty, fHmcstartz, fHmctheta, fHmctheta_xz, fHmctheta_yz, fHmcu, fHmcv, fHmcw, fHppull, fHppullc, fHpvsp, fHpvspc, fHstartdx, fHstartdy, fHstartdz, fHupull, fHvpull, art::TFileDirectory::make(), MCHists(), and art::TFileDirectory::mkdir().

647  {
648  // Make sure all histogram pointers are initially zero.
650  *this = MCHists();
652  // Get services.
657  // Make histogram directory.
659  art::TFileDirectory topdir = tfs->mkdir("trkana", "TrackAna histograms");
660  art::TFileDirectory dir = topdir.mkdir(subdir);
662  // Book histograms.
664  fHduvcosth = dir.make<TH2F>("duvcosth", "Delta(uv) vs. Colinearity",
665  100, 0.95, 1., 100, 0., 1.);
666  fHcosth = dir.make<TH1F>("colin", "Colinearity", 100, 0.95, 1.);
667  fHmcu = dir.make<TH1F>("mcu", "MC Truth U", 100, -5., 5.);
668  fHmcv = dir.make<TH1F>("mcv", "MC Truth V", 100, -5., 5.);
669  fHmcw = dir.make<TH1F>("mcw", "MC Truth W", 100, -20., 20.);
670  fHupull = dir.make<TH1F>("dupull", "U Pull", 100, -20., 20.);
671  fHvpull = dir.make<TH1F>("dvpull", "V Pull", 100, -20., 20.);
672  fHmcdudw = dir.make<TH1F>("mcdudw", "MC Truth U Slope", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
673  fHmcdvdw = dir.make<TH1F>("mcdvdw", "MV Truth V Slope", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
674  fHdudwpull = dir.make<TH1F>("dudwpull", "U Slope Pull", 100, -10., 10.);
675  fHdvdwpull = dir.make<TH1F>("dvdwpull", "V Slope Pull", 100, -10., 10.);
676  fHHitEff = dir.make<TH1F>("hiteff", "MC Hit Efficiency", 100, 0., 1.0001);
677  fHHitPurity = dir.make<TH1F>("hitpurity", "MC Hit Purity", 100, 0., 1.0001);
678  fHstartdx = dir.make<TH1F>("startdx", "Start Delta x", 100, -10., 10.);
679  fHstartdy = dir.make<TH1F>("startdy", "Start Delta y", 100, -10., 10.);
680  fHstartdz = dir.make<TH1F>("startdz", "Start Delta z", 100, -10., 10.);
681  fHenddx = dir.make<TH1F>("enddx", "End Delta x", 100, -10., 10.);
682  fHenddy = dir.make<TH1F>("enddy", "End Delta y", 100, -10., 10.);
683  fHenddz = dir.make<TH1F>("enddz", "End Delta z", 100, -10., 10.);
684  fHlvsl = dir.make<TH2F>("lvsl", "Reco Length vs. MC Truth Length",
685  100, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength(), 100, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
686  fHdl = dir.make<TH1F>("dl", "Track Length Minus MC Particle Length", 100, -50., 50.);
687  fHpvsp = dir.make<TH2F>("pvsp", "Reco Momentum vs. MC Truth Momentum",
688  100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.);
689  fHpvspc = dir.make<TH2F>("pvspc", "Reco Momentum vs. MC Truth Momentum (Contained Tracks)",
690  100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.);
691  fHdp = dir.make<TH1F>("dp", "Reco-MC Momentum Difference", 100, -5., 5.);
692  fHdpc = dir.make<TH1F>("dpc", "Reco-MC Momentum Difference (Contained Tracks)",
693  100, -5., 5.);
694  fHppull = dir.make<TH1F>("ppull", "Momentum Pull", 100, -10., 10.);
695  fHppullc = dir.make<TH1F>("ppullc", "Momentum Pull (Contained Tracks)", 100, -10., 10.);
697  fHmcstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("mcxstart", "MC X Start Position",
698  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
699  fHmcstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("mcystart", "MC Y Start Position",
700  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
701  fHmcstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("mczstart", "MC Z Start Position",
702  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
703  fHmcendx = dir.make<TH1F>("mcxend", "MC X End Position",
704  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
705  fHmcendy = dir.make<TH1F>("mcyend", "MC Y End Position",
706  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
707  fHmcendz = dir.make<TH1F>("mczend", "MC Z End Position",
708  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
709  fHmctheta = dir.make<TH1F>("mctheta", "MC Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
710  fHmcphi = dir.make<TH1F>("mcphi", "MC Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
711  fHmctheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("mctheta_xz", "MC Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
712  fHmctheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("mctheta_yz", "MC Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
713  fHmcmom = dir.make<TH1F>("mcmom", "MC Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
714  fHmcmoml = dir.make<TH1F>("mcmoml", "MC Momentum", 10, 0., 1.);
715  fHmcke = dir.make<TH1F>("mcke", "MC Kinetic Energy", 10, 0., 10.);
716  fHmckel = dir.make<TH1F>("mckel", "MC Kinetic Energy", 10, 0., 1.);
717  fHmclen = dir.make<TH1F>("mclen", "MC Particle Length", 10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
718  fHmclens = dir.make<TH1F>("mclens", "MC Particle Length", 10, 0., 0.1 * geom->DetLength());
720  fHgstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("gxstart", "Good X Start Position",
721  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
722  fHgstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("gystart", "Good Y Start Position",
723  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
724  fHgstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("gzstart", "Good Z Start Position",
725  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
726  fHgendx = dir.make<TH1F>("gxend", "Good X End Position",
727  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
728  fHgendy = dir.make<TH1F>("gyend", "Good Y End Position",
729  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
730  fHgendz = dir.make<TH1F>("gzend", "Good Z End Position",
731  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
732  fHgtheta = dir.make<TH1F>("gtheta", "Good Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
733  fHgphi = dir.make<TH1F>("gphi", "Good Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
734  fHgtheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("gtheta_xz", "Good Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
735  fHgtheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("gtheta_yz", "Good Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
736  fHgmom = dir.make<TH1F>("gmom", "Good Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
737  fHgmoml = dir.make<TH1F>("gmoml", "Good Momentum", 10, 0., 1.);
738  fHgke = dir.make<TH1F>("gke", "Good Kinetic Energy", 10, 0., 10.);
739  fHgkel = dir.make<TH1F>("gkel", "Good Kinetic Energy", 10, 0., 1.);
740  fHglen = dir.make<TH1F>("glen", "Good Particle Length", 10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
741  fHglens = dir.make<TH1F>("glens", "Good Particle Length", 10, 0., 0.1 * geom->DetLength());
743  fHestartx = dir.make<TH1F>("exstart", "Efficiency vs. X Start Position",
744  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
745  fHestarty = dir.make<TH1F>("eystart", "Efficiency vs. Y Start Position",
746  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
747  fHestartz = dir.make<TH1F>("ezstart", "Efficiency vs. Z Start Position",
748  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
749  fHeendx = dir.make<TH1F>("exend", "Efficiency vs. X End Position",
750  10, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
751  fHeendy = dir.make<TH1F>("eyend", "Efficiency vs. Y End Position",
752  10, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
753  fHeendz = dir.make<TH1F>("ezend", "Efficiency vs. Z End Position",
754  10, 0., geom->DetLength());
755  fHetheta = dir.make<TH1F>("etheta", "Efficiency vs. Theta", 20, 0., 3.142);
756  fHephi = dir.make<TH1F>("ephi", "Efficiency vs. Phi", 10, -3.142, 3.142);
757  fHetheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("etheta_xz", "Efficiency vs. Theta_xz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
758  fHetheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("etheta_yz", "Efficiency vs. Theta_yz", 40, -3.142, 3.142);
759  fHemom = dir.make<TH1F>("emom", "Efficiency vs. Momentum", 10, 0., 10.);
760  fHemoml = dir.make<TH1F>("emoml", "Efficiency vs. Momentum", 10, 0., 1.);
761  fHeke = dir.make<TH1F>("eke", "Efficiency vs. Kinetic Energy", 10, 0., 10.);
762  fHekel = dir.make<TH1F>("ekel", "Efficiency vs. Kinetic Energy", 10, 0., 1.);
763  fHelen = dir.make<TH1F>("elen", "Efficiency vs. Particle Length",
764  10, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
765  fHelens = dir.make<TH1F>("elens", "Efficiency vs. Particle Length",
766  10, 0., 0.1 * geom->DetLength());
767  }
TFileDirectory mkdir(std::string const &dir, std::string const &descr="")
T * make(ARGS...args) const
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5

Member Data Documentation

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHcosth

Definition at line 328 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHdl

Definition at line 350 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHdp

Definition at line 353 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHdpc

Definition at line 354 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHdudwpull

Definition at line 336 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH2F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHduvcosth

Definition at line 327 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHdvdwpull

Definition at line 337 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHeendx

Definition at line 401 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHeendy

Definition at line 402 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHeendz

Definition at line 403 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHeke

Definition at line 410 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHekel

Definition at line 411 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHelen

Definition at line 412 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHelens

Definition at line 413 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHemom

Definition at line 408 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHemoml

Definition at line 409 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHenddx

Definition at line 346 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHenddy

Definition at line 347 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHenddz

Definition at line 348 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHephi

Definition at line 405 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHestartx

Definition at line 398 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHestarty

Definition at line 399 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHestartz

Definition at line 400 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHetheta

Definition at line 404 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHetheta_xz

Definition at line 406 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHetheta_yz

Definition at line 407 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgendx

Definition at line 382 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgendy

Definition at line 383 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgendz

Definition at line 384 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgke

Definition at line 391 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgkel

Definition at line 392 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHglen

Definition at line 393 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHglens

Definition at line 394 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgmom

Definition at line 389 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgmoml

Definition at line 390 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgphi

Definition at line 386 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgstartx

Definition at line 379 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgstarty

Definition at line 380 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgstartz

Definition at line 381 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgtheta

Definition at line 385 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgtheta_xz

Definition at line 387 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHgtheta_yz

Definition at line 388 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHHitEff

Definition at line 338 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHHitPurity

Definition at line 339 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH2F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHlvsl

Definition at line 349 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcdudw

Definition at line 334 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcdvdw

Definition at line 335 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcendx

Definition at line 363 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcendy

Definition at line 364 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcendz

Definition at line 365 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcke

Definition at line 372 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmckel

Definition at line 373 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmclen

Definition at line 374 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmclens

Definition at line 375 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcmom

Definition at line 370 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcmoml

Definition at line 371 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcphi

Definition at line 367 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcstartx

Definition at line 360 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcstarty

Definition at line 361 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcstartz

Definition at line 362 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmctheta

Definition at line 366 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmctheta_xz

Definition at line 368 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmctheta_yz

Definition at line 369 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::endJob(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcu

Definition at line 329 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcv

Definition at line 330 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHmcw

Definition at line 331 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHppull

Definition at line 355 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHppullc

Definition at line 356 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH2F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHpvsp

Definition at line 351 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH2F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHpvspc

Definition at line 352 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHstartdx

Definition at line 343 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHstartdy

Definition at line 344 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHstartdz

Definition at line 345 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHupull

Definition at line 332 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::MCHists::fHvpull

Definition at line 333 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze(), and MCHists().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: