LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 RecoHists ()
 RecoHists (const std::string &subdir)

Public Attributes

TH1F * fHstartx
TH1F * fHstarty
TH1F * fHstartz
TH1F * fHstartd
TH1F * fHendx
TH1F * fHendy
TH1F * fHendz
TH1F * fHendd
TH1F * fHtheta
TH1F * fHphi
TH1F * fHtheta_xz
TH1F * fHtheta_yz
TH1F * fHmom
TH1F * fHmoml
TH1F * fHlen
TH1F * fHlens
TH1F * fHHitChg
TH1F * fHHitWidth
TH1F * fHHitPdg
TH1F * fHHitTrkId
TH1F * fModeFrac
TH1F * fNTrkIdTrks
TH2F * fNTrkIdTrks2
TH2F * fNTrkIdTrks3

Detailed Description

Definition at line 278 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::RecoHists ( )

Definition at line 472 of file

472  :
473  //
474  // Purpose: Default constructor.
475  //
476  fHstartx(0),
477  fHstarty(0),
478  fHstartz(0),
479  fHstartd(0),
480  fHendx(0),
481  fHendy(0),
482  fHendz(0),
483  fHendd(0),
484  fHtheta(0),
485  fHphi(0),
486  fHtheta_xz(0),
487  fHtheta_yz(0),
488  fHmom(0),
489  fHmoml(0),
490  fHlen(0),
491  fHlens(0)
492  ,fHHitChg(0)
493  ,fHHitWidth(0)
494  ,fHHitPdg(0)
495  ,fHHitTrkId(0)
496  ,fModeFrac(0)
497  ,fNTrkIdTrks(0)
498  ,fNTrkIdTrks2(0)
499  ,fNTrkIdTrks3(0)
500  {}
trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::RecoHists ( const std::string &  subdir)

Definition at line 502 of file

References geo::GeometryCore::DetHalfHeight(), geo::GeometryCore::DetHalfWidth(), geo::GeometryCore::DetLength(), dir, art::TFileDirectory::make(), and art::TFileDirectory::mkdir().

506  {
507  // Make sure all histogram pointers are initially zero.
509  *this = RecoHists();
511  // Get services.
516  // Make histogram directory.
518  art::TFileDirectory topdir = tfs->mkdir("trkana", "TrackAna histograms");
519  art::TFileDirectory dir = topdir.mkdir(subdir);
521  // Book histograms.
523  fHstartx = dir.make<TH1F>("xstart", "X Start Position",
524  100, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
525  fHstarty = dir.make<TH1F>("ystart", "Y Start Position",
526  100, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
527  fHstartz = dir.make<TH1F>("zstart", "Z Start Position",
528  100, 0., geom->DetLength());
529  fHstartd = dir.make<TH1F>("dstart", "Start Position Distance to Boundary",
530  100, -10., geom->DetHalfWidth());
531  fHendx = dir.make<TH1F>("xend", "X End Position",
532  100, -2.*geom->DetHalfWidth(), 4.*geom->DetHalfWidth());
533  fHendy = dir.make<TH1F>("yend", "Y End Position",
534  100, -geom->DetHalfHeight(), geom->DetHalfHeight());
535  fHendz = dir.make<TH1F>("zend", "Z End Position",
536  100, 0., geom->DetLength());
537  fHendd = dir.make<TH1F>("dend", "End Position Distance to Boundary",
538  100, -10., geom->DetHalfWidth());
539  fHtheta = dir.make<TH1F>("theta", "Theta", 100, 0., 3.142);
540  fHphi = dir.make<TH1F>("phi", "Phi", 100, -3.142, 3.142);
541  fHtheta_xz = dir.make<TH1F>("theta_xz", "Theta_xz", 100, -3.142, 3.142);
542  fHtheta_yz = dir.make<TH1F>("theta_yz", "Theta_yz", 100, -3.142, 3.142);
543  fHmom = dir.make<TH1F>("mom", "Momentum", 100, 0., 10.);
544  fHmoml = dir.make<TH1F>("moml", "Momentum", 100, 0., 1.);
545  fHlen = dir.make<TH1F>("len", "Track Length", 100, 0., 1.1 * geom->DetLength());
546  fHlens = dir.make<TH1F>("lens", "Track Length", 100, 0., 0.1 * geom->DetLength());
547  fHHitChg = dir.make<TH1F>("hchg", "Hit Charge (ADC counts)", 100, 0., 4000.);
548  fHHitWidth = dir.make<TH1F>("hwid", "Hit Width (ticks)", 40, 0., 20.);
549  fHHitPdg = dir.make<TH1F>("hpdg", "Hit Pdg code",5001, -2500.5, +2500.5);
550  fHHitTrkId = dir.make<TH1F>("htrkid", "Hit Track ID", 401, -200.5, +200.5);
551  fModeFrac = dir.make<TH1F>("hmodefrac", "quasi-Purity: Fraction of component tracks with the Track mode value", 20, 0.01, 1.01);
552  fNTrkIdTrks = dir.make<TH1F>("hntrkids", "quasi-Efficiency: Number of stitched tracks in which TrkId appears", 20, 0., +10.0);
553  fNTrkIdTrks2 = dir.make<TH2F>("hntrkids2", "Number of stitched tracks in which TrkId appears vs KE [GeV]", 20, 0., +10.0, 20, 0.0, 1.5);
554  fNTrkIdTrks3 = dir.make<TH2F>("hntrkids3", "MC Track vs Reco Track, wtd by nhits on Collection Plane", 10, -0.5, 9.5, 10, -0.5, 9.5);
555  fNTrkIdTrks3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sorted-by-Descending-CPlane-Hits outer Track Number");
556  fNTrkIdTrks3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sorted-by-Descending-True-Length G4Track");
558  }
geo::Length_t DetHalfWidth(geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the half width of the active volume of the specified TPC.
TFileDirectory mkdir(std::string const &dir, std::string const &descr="")
geo::Length_t DetHalfHeight(geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the half height of the active volume of the specified TPC.
geo::Length_t DetLength(geo::TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the length of the active volume of the specified TPC.
T * make(ARGS...args) const
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5

Member Data Documentation

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHendd

Definition at line 294 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHendx

Definition at line 291 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHendy

Definition at line 292 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHendz

Definition at line 293 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHHitChg

Definition at line 306 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHHitPdg

Definition at line 308 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHHitTrkId

Definition at line 309 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHHitWidth

Definition at line 307 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHlen

Definition at line 301 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHlens

Definition at line 302 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHmom

Definition at line 299 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHmoml

Definition at line 300 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHphi

Definition at line 296 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHstartd

Definition at line 290 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHstartx

Definition at line 287 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHstarty

Definition at line 288 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHstartz

Definition at line 289 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHtheta

Definition at line 295 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHtheta_xz

Definition at line 297 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fHtheta_yz

Definition at line 298 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::analyze().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fModeFrac

Definition at line 310 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH1F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fNTrkIdTrks

Definition at line 311 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH2F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fNTrkIdTrks2

Definition at line 312 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

TH2F* trkf::TrackAna::RecoHists::fNTrkIdTrks3

Definition at line 313 of file

Referenced by trkf::TrackAna::anaStitch().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: