LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
49 // Always include headers defining everything you use. Starting from
50 // LArSoft and going up the software layers (nusimdata, art, etc.)
51 // ending with C++ is standard.
53 // LArSoft includes
66 // Framework includes
72 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
76 // Utility libraries
77 #include "cetlib/pow.h" // cet::sum_of_squares()
78 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Atom.h"
79 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Table.h"
82 // ROOT includes. Note: To look up the properties of the ROOT classes,
83 // use the ROOT web site; e.g.,
84 // <>
85 #include "TH1.h"
86 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
87 #include "TTree.h"
88 #include "TVector3.h"
90 // C++ includes
91 #include <cmath>
92 #include <map>
94 namespace {
96  // This is a local namespace (as opposed to the one below, which has
97  // the nested name lar::example::).
98  //
99  // The stuff you declare in an local namespace will not be
100  // visible beyond this file (more technically, this "translation
101  // unit", which is everything that gets included in the .cc file from
102  // now on). In this way, any functions you define in this namespace
103  // won't affect the environment of other modules.
105  // We will define functions at the end, but we declare them here so
106  // that the module can freely use them.
110  double DetectorDiagonal(geo::GeometryCore const& geom);
115  bool TDCIDETimeCompare(const sim::TDCIDE&, const sim::TDCIDE&);
117 } // local namespace
119 // It is good programming practice to put your code into a namespace,
120 // to make sure that no method or function you define will conflict
121 // with anything in any other module with the same name. Here we
122 // follow the LArSoft standard of declaring a main namespace of "lar"
123 // with a nested namespace of "example" because we're in the
124 // larexamples product. If an outside package wanted to call this
125 // module, it would have to use something like
126 // lar::example::AnalysisExample.
128 namespace lar {
129  namespace example {
131  // BEGIN AnalysisExample group
132  // -----------------------------------------------
135  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
136  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
137  // class definition
179  public:
180  // This structure describes the configuration parameters of the
181  // module. Any missing or unknown parameters will generate a
182  // configuration error.
183  //
184  // With an additional trick (see below) it allows configuration
185  // documentation to be displayed as a command-line option (see
186  // below).
187  //
188  // Note that, in this example, the Name() string (that is, the
189  // name you call a parameter in the FHiCL configuration file) and
190  // the data member name in the Config struct (that is, the name
191  // you access that parameter in your C++ code) match. This is not
192  // required, but it makes it easier to remember them.
193  //
194  // More details at:
195  //
196  //
197  struct Config {
199  // Save some typing:
200  using Name = fhicl::Name;
203  // One Atom for each parameter
205  Name("SimulationLabel"),
206  Comment("tag of the input data product with the detector simulation "
207  "information")};
210  Name("HitLabel"),
211  Comment("tag of the input data product with reconstructed hits")};
214  Name("ClusterLabel"),
215  Comment("tag of the input data product with reconstructed clusters")};
218  Name("PDGcode"),
219  Comment("particle type (PDG ID) of the primary particle to be selected")};
222  Comment("dx [cm] used for the dE/dx calculation")};
224  }; // Config
226  // If we define "Parameters" in this way, art will know to use the
227  // "Comment" items above for the module description. See what
228  // this command does:
229  //
230  // lar --print-description AnalysisExample
231  //
232  // The details of the art side of this trick are at:
233  //
234  //
235  //
238  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
239  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
240  // Standard constructor for an ART module with configuration validation;
241  // we don't need a special destructor here.
244  explicit AnalysisExample(Parameters const& config);
246  // The following methods have a standard meaning and a standard signature
247  // inherited from the framework (art::EDAnalyzer class).
249  // - The "virtual" keyword is a reminder that the function we are
250  // dealing with is, in fact, virtual. You don't need to
251  // understand it now, but it's very important when you write a
252  // new algorithm.
254  // - The "override" keyword, new in C++ 2011, is an important
255  // safety measure that ensures that the method we are going to
256  // write will override a matching method in the base class. For
257  // example, if we mistyped it as
259  // virtual void beginJob() const;
261  // (adding "const"), the compiler will be very happy with it,
262  // but art will not touch it, because art needs a "void
263  // beginJob()" (non-const) and it will find one in the base
264  // class (void art::EDAnalyzer::beginJob()) and will silently
265  // use that one instead. If you accidentally use:
267  // virtual void beginJob() const override;
269  // the compiler will immediately complain with us that this
270  // method is overriding nothing, hinting to some mistake (the
271  // spurious "const" in this case).
273  // This method is called once, at the start of the job. In this
274  // example, it will define the histograms and n-tuples we'll
275  // write.
276  virtual void beginJob() override;
278  // This method is called once, at the start of each run. It's a
279  // good place to read databases or files that may have
280  // run-dependent information.
281  virtual void beginRun(const art::Run& run) override;
283  // The analysis routine, called once per event.
284  virtual void analyze(const art::Event& event) override;
286  private:
287  // The stuff below is the part you'll most likely have to change to
288  // go from this custom example to your own task.
290  // The parameters we'll read from the .fcl file.
295  int fSelectedPDG;
297  double fBinSize;
299  // Pointers to the histograms we'll create.
300  TH1D* fPDGCodeHist;
304  // The n-tuples we'll create.
308  // The comment lines with the @ symbols define groups in doxygen.
311  int fEvent;
312  int fRun;
313  int fSubRun;
318  int fSimPDG;
321  // Arrays for 4-vectors: (x,y,z,t) and (Px,Py,Pz,E).
322  // Note: old-style C++ arrays are considered obsolete. However,
323  // to create simple n-tuples, we still need to use them.
324  double fStartXYZT[4];
325  double fEndXYZT[4];
326  double fStartPE[4];
327  double fEndPE[4];
334  std::vector<double> fSimdEdxBins;
339  int fRecoPDG;
347  std::vector<double> fRecodEdxBins;
351  // Other variables that will be shared between different methods.
356  }; // class AnalysisExample
359  // END AnalysisExample group
360  // -------------------------------------------------
362  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
363  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
364  // class implementation
366  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
367  // Constructor
368  //
369  // Note that config is a Table<Config>, and to access the Config
370  // value we need to use an operator: "config()". In the same way,
371  // each element in Config is an Atom<Type>, so to access the type we
372  // again use the call operator, e.g. "SimulationLabel()".
373  //
375  : EDAnalyzer(config)
377  , fHitProducerLabel(config().HitLabel())
378  , fClusterProducerLabel(config().ClusterLabel())
379  , fSelectedPDG(config().PDGcode())
380  , fBinSize(config().BinSize())
381  {
382  // Get a pointer to the geometry service provider.
383  fGeometryService = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
385  auto const clock_data =
387  fTriggerOffset = trigger_offset(clock_data);
389  // Since art 2.8, you can and should tell beforehand, here in the
390  // constructor, all the data the module is going to read ("consumes") or
391  // might read
392  // ("may_consume"). Diligence here will in the future help the framework
393  // execute modules in parallel, making sure the order is correct.
394  consumes<std::vector<simb::MCParticle>>(fSimulationProducerLabel);
395  consumes<std::vector<sim::SimChannel>>(fSimulationProducerLabel);
396  consumes<art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle>>(fSimulationProducerLabel);
397  consumes<std::vector<recob::Hit>>(fHitProducerLabel);
398  consumes<std::vector<recob::Cluster>>(fClusterProducerLabel);
399  consumes<art::Assns<recob::Cluster, recob::Hit>>(fHitProducerLabel);
400  }
402  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
404  {
405  // Get the detector length, to determine the maximum bin edge of one
406  // of the histograms.
407  const double detectorLength = DetectorDiagonal(*fGeometryService);
409  // Access ART's TFileService, which will handle creating and writing
410  // histograms and n-tuples for us.
413  // For TFileService, the arguments to 'make<whatever>' are the
414  // same as those passed to the 'whatever' constructor, provided
415  // 'whatever' is a ROOT class that TFileService recognizes.
417  // Define the histograms. Putting semi-colons around the title
418  // causes it to be displayed as the x-axis label if the histogram
419  // is drawn (the format is "title;label on abscissae;label on ordinates").
420  fPDGCodeHist = tfs->make<TH1D>("pdgcodes", ";PDG Code;", 5000, -2500, 2500);
421  fMomentumHist = tfs->make<TH1D>("mom", ";particle Momentum (GeV);", 100, 0., 10.);
423  tfs->make<TH1D>("length", ";particle track length (cm);", 200, 0, detectorLength);
425  // Define our n-tuples, which are limited forms of ROOT
426  // TTrees. Start with the TTree itself.
428  tfs->make<TTree>("AnalysisExampleSimulation", "AnalysisExampleSimulation");
430  tfs->make<TTree>("AnalysisExampleReconstruction", "AnalysisExampleReconstruction");
432  // Define the branches (columns) of our simulation n-tuple. To
433  // write a variable, we give the address of the variable to
434  // TTree::Branch.
435  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("Event", &fEvent, "Event/I");
436  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("SubRun", &fSubRun, "SubRun/I");
437  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("Run", &fRun, "Run/I");
438  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("TrackID", &fSimTrackID, "TrackID/I");
439  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("PDG", &fSimPDG, "PDG/I");
440  // When we write arrays, we give the address of the array to
441  // TTree::Branch; in C++ this is simply the array name.
442  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("StartXYZT", fStartXYZT, "StartXYZT[4]/D");
443  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("EndXYZT", fEndXYZT, "EndXYZT[4]/D");
444  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("StartPE", fStartPE, "StartPE[4]/D");
445  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("EndPE", fEndPE, "EndPE[4]/D");
446  // For a variable-length array: include the number of bins.
447  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("NdEdx", &fSimNdEdxBins, "NdEdx/I");
448  // ROOT branches can contain std::vector objects.
449  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("dEdx", &fSimdEdxBins);
451  // A similar definition for the reconstruction n-tuple. Note that we
452  // use some of the same variables in both n-tuples.
453  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("Event", &fEvent, "Event/I");
454  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("SubRun", &fSubRun, "SubRun/I");
455  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("Run", &fRun, "Run/I");
456  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("TrackID", &fRecoTrackID, "TrackID/I");
457  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("PDG", &fRecoPDG, "PDG/I");
458  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("NdEdx", &fRecoNdEdxBins, "NdEdx/I");
459  fReconstructionNtuple->Branch("dEdx", &fRecodEdxBins);
460  }
462  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
463  // art expects this function to have a art::Run argument; C++
464  // expects us to use all the arguments we are given, or it will
465  // generate an "unused variable" warning. But we don't actually need
466  // nor use the art::Run object in this example. The trick to prevent
467  // that warning is to omit (or comment out) the name of the
468  // parameter.
470  void AnalysisExample::beginRun(const art::Run& /*run*/)
471  {
472  // How to convert from number of electrons to GeV. The ultimate
473  // source of this conversion factor is
474  // ${LARCOREOBJ_INC}/larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/PhysicalConstants.h.
475  // But sim::LArG4Parameters might in principle ask a database for it.
477  fElectronsToGeV = 1. / larParameters->GeVToElectrons();
478  }
480  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
482  {
483  // Start by fetching some basic event information for our n-tuple.
484  fEvent =;
485  fRun =;
486  fSubRun = event.subRun();
488  // This is the standard method of reading multiple objects
489  // associated with the same event; see
490  // <>
491  // for more information.
492  //
493  // Define a "handle" to point to a vector of the objects.
496  // Then tell the event to fill the vector with all the objects of
497  // that type produced by a particular producer.
498  //
499  // Note that if I don't test whether this is successful, and there
500  // aren't any simb::MCParticle objects, then the first time we
501  // access particleHandle, art will display a "ProductNotFound"
502  // exception message and, depending on art settings, it may skip
503  // all processing for the rest of this event (including any
504  // subsequent analysis steps) or stop the execution.
505  if (!event.getByLabel(fSimulationProducerLabel, particleHandle)) {
506  // If we have no MCParticles at all in an event, then we're in
507  // big trouble. Throw an exception to force this module to
508  // stop. Try to include enough information for the user to
509  // figure out what's going on. Note that when we throw a
510  // cet::exception, the run and event number will automatically
511  // be displayed.
512  //
513  // __LINE__ and __FILE__ are values computed by the compiler.
515  throw cet::exception("AnalysisExample")
516  << " No simb::MCParticle objects in this event - "
517  << " Line " << __LINE__ << " in file " << __FILE__ << std::endl;
518  }
520  // Get all the simulated channels for the event. These channels
521  // include the energy deposited for each simulated track.
522  //
523  // Here we use a different method to access objects:
524  // art::ValidHandle. Using this method, if there aren't any
525  // objects of the given type (sim::SimChannel in this case) in the
526  // input file for this art::Event, art will throw a
527  // ProductNotFound exception.
528  //
529  // The "auto" type means that the C++ compiler will determine the
530  // appropriate type for us, based on the return type of
531  // art::Event::getValidHandle<T>(). The "auto" keyword is a great
532  // timesaver, especially with frameworks like LArSoft which often
533  // have complicated data product structures.
535  auto simChannelHandle =
536  event.getValidHandle<std::vector<sim::SimChannel>>(fSimulationProducerLabel);
538  //
539  // Let's compute the variables for the simulation n-tuple first.
540  //
542  // The MCParticle objects are not necessarily in any particular
543  // order. Since we may have to search the list of particles, let's
544  // put them into a map, a sorted container that will make
545  // searching fast and easy. To save both space and time, the map
546  // will not contain a copy of the MCParticle, but a pointer to it.
547  std::map<int, const simb::MCParticle*> particleMap;
549  // This is a "range-based for loop" in the 2011 version of C++; do
550  // a web search on "c++ range based for loop" for more
551  // information. Here's how it breaks down:
553  // - A range-based for loop operates on a container.
554  // "particleHandle" is not a container; it's a pointer to a
555  // container. If we want C++ to "see" a container, we have to
556  // dereference the pointer, like this: *particleHandle.
558  // - The loop variable that is set to each object in the container
559  // is named "particle". As for the loop variable's type:
561  // - To save a little bit of typing, and to make the code easier
562  // to maintain, we're going to let the C++ compiler deduce the
563  // type of what's in the container (simb::MCParticle objects
564  // in this case), so we use "auto".
566  // - We do _not_ want to change the contents of the container,
567  // so we use the "const" keyword to make sure.
569  // - We don't need to copy each object from the container into
570  // the variable "particle". It's sufficient to refer to the
571  // object by its address. So we use the reference operator "&"
572  // to tell the compiler to just copy the address, not the
573  // entire object.
575  // It sounds complicated, but the end result is that we loop over
576  // the list of particles in the art::Event in the most efficient
577  // way possible.
579  for (auto const& particle : (*particleHandle)) {
580  // For the methods you can call to get particle information,
581  // see ${NUSIMDATA_INC}/nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCParticle.h.
582  fSimTrackID = particle.TrackId();
584  // Add the address of the MCParticle to the map, with the
585  // track ID as the key.
586  particleMap[fSimTrackID] = &particle;
588  // Histogram the PDG code of every particle in the event.
589  fSimPDG = particle.PdgCode();
590  fPDGCodeHist->Fill(fSimPDG);
592  // For this example, we want to fill the n-tuples and histograms
593  // only with information from the primary particles in the
594  // event, whose PDG codes match a value supplied in the .fcl file.
595  if (particle.Process() != "primary" || fSimPDG != fSelectedPDG) continue;
597  // A particle has a trajectory, consisting of a set of
598  // 4-positions and 4-mommenta.
599  const size_t numberTrajectoryPoints = particle.NumberTrajectoryPoints();
601  // For trajectories, as for vectors and arrays, the first
602  // point is #0, not #1.
603  const int last = numberTrajectoryPoints - 1;
604  const TLorentzVector& positionStart = particle.Position(0);
605  const TLorentzVector& positionEnd = particle.Position(last);
606  const TLorentzVector& momentumStart = particle.Momentum(0);
607  const TLorentzVector& momentumEnd = particle.Momentum(last);
609  // Make a histogram of the starting momentum.
610  fMomentumHist->Fill(momentumStart.P());
612  // Fill arrays with the 4-values. (Don't be fooled by
613  // the name of the method; it just puts the numbers from
614  // the 4-vector into the array.)
615  positionStart.GetXYZT(fStartXYZT);
616  positionEnd.GetXYZT(fEndXYZT);
617  momentumStart.GetXYZT(fStartPE);
618  momentumEnd.GetXYZT(fEndPE);
620  // Use a polar-coordinate view of the 4-vectors to
621  // get the track length.
622  const double trackLength = (positionEnd - positionStart).Rho();
624  // Let's print some debug information in the job output to see
625  // that everything is fine. MF_LOG_DEBUG() is a messagefacility
626  // macro that prints stuff when the message level is set to
627  // standard_debug in the .fcl file.
628  MF_LOG_DEBUG("AnalysisExample") << "Track length: " << trackLength << " cm";
630  // Fill a histogram of the track length.
631  fTrackLengthHist->Fill(trackLength);
633  MF_LOG_DEBUG("AnalysisExample")
634  << "track ID=" << fSimTrackID << " (PDG ID: " << fSimPDG << ") " << trackLength
635  << " cm long, momentum " << momentumStart.P() << " GeV/c, has " << numberTrajectoryPoints
636  << " trajectory points";
638  // Determine the number of dE/dx bins for the n-tuple.
639  fSimNdEdxBins = int(trackLength / fBinSize) + 1;
640  // Initialize the vector of dE/dx bins to be empty.
641  fSimdEdxBins.clear();
643  // To look at the energy deposited by this particle's track,
644  // we loop over the SimChannel objects in the event.
645  for (auto const& channel : (*simChannelHandle)) {
646  // Get the numeric ID associated with this channel. (The
647  // channel number is a 32-bit unsigned int, which normally
648  // requires a special data type. Let's use "auto" so we
649  // don't have to remember "raw::ChannelID_t".
650  auto const channelNumber = channel.Channel();
652  // A little care: There is more than one plane that reacts
653  // to charge in the TPC. We only want to include the
654  // energy from the collection plane. Note:
655  // geo::kCollection is defined in
656  // ${LARCOREOBJ_INC}/larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/geo_types.h
657  if (fGeometryService->SignalType(channelNumber) != geo::kCollection) continue;
659  // Each channel has a map inside it that connects a time
660  // slice to energy deposits in the detector. We'll use
661  // "auto", but it's worth noting that the full type of
662  // this map is
663  // std::map<unsigned short, std::vector<sim::IDE>>
664  auto const& timeSlices = channel.TDCIDEMap();
666  // For every time slice in this channel:
667  for (auto const& timeSlice : timeSlices) {
668  // Each entry in a map is a pair<first,second>. For
669  // the timeSlices map, the 'first' is a time slice
670  // number. The 'second' is a vector of IDE objects.
671  auto const& energyDeposits = timeSlice.second;
673  // Loop over the energy deposits. An "energy deposit"
674  // object is something that knows how much
675  // charge/energy was deposited in a small volume, by
676  // which particle, and where. The type of
677  // 'energyDeposit' will be sim::IDE, which is defined
678  // in
679  // ${LARDATAOBJ_INC}/lardataobj/Simulation/SimChannel.h.
680  for (auto const& energyDeposit : energyDeposits) {
681  // Check if the track that deposited the
682  // energy matches the track of the particle.
683  if (energyDeposit.trackID != fSimTrackID) continue;
684  // Get the (x,y,z) of the energy deposit.
685  TVector3 location(energyDeposit.x, energyDeposit.y, energyDeposit.z);
687  // Distance from the start of the track.
688  const double distance = (location - positionStart.Vect()).Mag();
690  // Into which bin of the dE/dx array do we add the energy?
691  const unsigned int bin = (unsigned int)(distance / fBinSize);
693  // Is the dE/dx array big enough to include this bin?
694  if (fSimdEdxBins.size() < bin + 1) {
695  // Increase the array size to accomodate
696  // the new bin, padding it with zeros.
697  fSimdEdxBins.resize(bin + 1, 0.);
698  }
700  // Add the energy deposit to that bin. (If you look at the
701  // definition of sim::IDE, you'll see that there's another
702  // way to get the energy. Are the two methods equivalent?
703  // Compare the results and see!)
704  fSimdEdxBins[bin] += energyDeposit.numElectrons * fElectronsToGeV;
706  } // For each energy deposit
707  } // For each time slice
708  } // For each SimChannel
710  // At this point we've filled in the values of all the
711  // variables and arrays we want to write to the n-tuple
712  // for this particle. The following command actually
713  // writes those values.
714  fSimulationNtuple->Fill();
716  } // loop over all particles in the event.
718  //
719  // Reconstruction n-tuple
720  //
722  // All of the above is based on objects entirely produced by the
723  // simulation. Let's try to do something based on reconstructed
724  // objects. A Hit (see ${LARDATAOBJ_INC}/lardataobj/RecoBase/Hit.h)
725  // is a 2D object in a plane.
727  // This code duplicates much of the code in the previous big
728  // simulation loop, and will produce the similar results. (It
729  // won't be identical, because of shaping and other factors; not
730  // every bit of charge in a channel ends up contributing to a
731  // hit.) The point is to show different methods of accessing
732  // information, not to produce profound physics results -- that
733  // part is up to you!
735  // For the rest of this method, I'm going to assume you've read
736  // the comments in previous section; I won't repeat all the C++
737  // coding tricks and whatnot.
739  // Start by reading the Hits. We don't use art::ValidHandle here
740  // because there might be no hits in the input; e.g., we ran the
741  // simulation but did not run the reconstruction steps yet. If
742  // there are no hits we may as well skip the rest of this module.
745  if (!event.getByLabel(fHitProducerLabel, hitHandle)) return;
747  // Our goal is to accumulate the dE/dx of any particles associated
748  // with the hits that match our criteria: primary particles with
749  // the PDG code from the .fcl file. I don't know how many such
750  // particles there will be in a given event. We'll use a map, with
751  // track ID as the key, to hold the vectors of dE/dx information.
752  std::map<int, std::vector<double>> dEdxMap;
754  auto const clock_data =
757  // For every Hit:
758  for (auto const& hit : (*hitHandle)) {
759  // The channel associated with this hit.
760  auto hitChannelNumber = hit.Channel();
762  // We have a hit. For this example let's just focus on the
763  // hits in the collection plane.
764  if (fGeometryService->SignalType(hitChannelNumber) != geo::kCollection) continue;
766  MF_LOG_DEBUG("AnalysisExample") << "Hit in collection plane" << std::endl;
768  // In a few lines we're going to look for possible energy
769  // deposits that correspond to that hit. Determine a
770  // reasonable range of times that might correspond to those
771  // energy deposits.
773  // In reconstruction, the channel waveforms are truncated. So
774  // we have to adjust the Hit TDC ticks to match those of the
775  // SimChannels, which were created during simulation.
777  // Save a bit of typing, while still allowing for potential
778  // changes in the definitions of types in
779  // $LARDATAOBJ_DIR/source/lardataobj/Simulation/SimChannel.h
781  typedef sim::SimChannel::StoredTDC_t TDC_t;
782  TDC_t start_tdc = clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.StartTick());
783  TDC_t end_tdc = clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.EndTick());
784  TDC_t hitStart_tdc = clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.PeakTime() - 3. * hit.SigmaPeakTime());
785  TDC_t hitEnd_tdc = clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.PeakTime() + 3. * hit.SigmaPeakTime());
787  start_tdc = std::max(start_tdc, hitStart_tdc);
788  end_tdc = std::min(end_tdc, hitEnd_tdc);
790  // In the simulation section, we started with particles to find
791  // channels with a matching track ID. Now we search in reverse:
792  // search the SimChannels for matching channel number, then look
793  // at the tracks inside the channel.
795  for (auto const& channel : (*simChannelHandle)) {
796  auto simChannelNumber = channel.Channel();
797  if (simChannelNumber != hitChannelNumber) continue;
799  MF_LOG_DEBUG("AnalysisExample")
800  << "SimChannel number = " << simChannelNumber << std::endl;
802  // The time slices in this channel.
803  auto const& timeSlices = channel.TDCIDEMap();
805  // We want to look over the range of time slices in this
806  // channel that correspond to the range of hit times.
808  // To do this, we're going to use some fast STL search
809  // methods; STL algorithms are usually faster than the
810  // ones you might write yourself. The price for this speed
811  // is a bit of code complexity: in particular, we need to
812  // a custom comparison function, TDCIDETimeCompare, to
813  // define a "less-than" function for the searches.
815  // For an introduction to STL algorithms, see
816  // <>.
817  // For a list of available STL algorithms, see
818  // <>
820  // We have to create "dummy" time slices for the search.
821  sim::TDCIDE startTime;
822  sim::TDCIDE endTime;
823  startTime.first = start_tdc;
824  endTime.first = end_tdc;
826  // Here are the fast searches:
828  // Find a pointer to the first channel with time >= start_tdc.
829  auto const startPointer =
830  std::lower_bound(timeSlices.begin(), timeSlices.end(), startTime, TDCIDETimeCompare);
832  // From that time slice, find the last channel with time < end_tdc.
833  auto const endPointer =
834  std::upper_bound(startPointer, timeSlices.end(), endTime, TDCIDETimeCompare);
836  // Did we find anything? If not, skip.
837  if (startPointer == timeSlices.end() || startPointer == endPointer) continue;
838  MF_LOG_DEBUG("AnalysisExample")
839  << "Time slice start = " << (*startPointer).first << std::endl;
841  // Loop over the channel times we found that match the hit
842  // times.
843  for (auto slicePointer = startPointer; slicePointer != endPointer; slicePointer++) {
844  auto const timeSlice = *slicePointer;
845  auto time = timeSlice.first;
847  // How to debug a problem: Lots of print statements. There are
848  // debuggers such as gdb, but they can be tricky to use with
849  // shared libraries and don't work if you're using software
850  // that was compiled somewhere else (e.g., you're accessing
851  // LArSoft libraries via CVMFS).
853  // The MF_LOG_DEBUG statements below are left over from when I
854  // was trying to solve a problem about hit timing. I could
855  // have deleted them, but decided to leave them to demonsrate
856  // what a typical debugging process looks like.
858  MF_LOG_DEBUG("AnalysisExample")
859  << "Hit index = " << hit.LocalIndex() << " channel number = " << hitChannelNumber
860  << " start TDC tick = " << hit.StartTick() << " end TDC tick = " << hit.EndTick()
861  << " peak TDC tick = " << hit.PeakTime()
862  << " sigma peak time = " << hit.SigmaPeakTime()
863  << " adjusted start TDC tick = " << clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.StartTick())
864  << " adjusted end TDC tick = " << clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.EndTick())
865  << " adjusted peak TDC tick = " << clock_data.TPCTick2TDC(hit.PeakTime())
866  << " adjusted start_tdc = " << start_tdc << " adjusted end_tdc = " << end_tdc
867  << " time = " << time << std::endl;
869  // Loop over the energy deposits.
870  auto const& energyDeposits = timeSlice.second;
871  for (auto const& energyDeposit : energyDeposits) {
872  // Remember that map of MCParticles we created
873  // near the top of this method? Now we can use
874  // it. Search the map for the track ID associated
875  // with this energy deposit. Since a map is
876  // automatically sorted, we can use a fast binary
877  // search method, 'find()'.
879  // By the way, the type of "search" is an iterator
880  // (to be specific, it's an
881  // std::map<int,simb::MCParticle*>::const_iterator,
882  // which makes you thankful for the "auto"
883  // keyword). If you're going to work with C++
884  // containers, you'll have to learn about
885  // iterators eventually; do a web search on "STL
886  // iterator" to get started.
887  auto search = particleMap.find(energyDeposit.trackID);
889  // Did we find this track ID in the particle map?
890  // It's possible for the answer to be "no"; some
891  // particles are too low in kinetic energy to be
892  // written by the simulation (see
893  // ${LARSIM_DIR}/job/simulationservices.fcl,
894  // parameter ParticleKineticEnergyCut).
895  if (search == particleMap.end()) continue;
897  // "search" points to a pair in the map: <track ID, MCParticle*>
898  int trackID = (*search).first;
899  const simb::MCParticle& particle = *((*search).second);
901  // Is this a primary particle, with a PDG code that
902  // matches the user input?
903  if (particle.Process() != "primary" || particle.PdgCode() != fSelectedPDG) continue;
905  // Determine the dE/dx of this particle.
906  const TLorentzVector& positionStart = particle.Position(0);
907  TVector3 location(energyDeposit.x, energyDeposit.y, energyDeposit.z);
908  double distance = (location - positionStart.Vect()).Mag();
909  unsigned int bin = int(distance / fBinSize);
910  double energy = energyDeposit.numElectrons * fElectronsToGeV;
912  // A feature of maps: if we refer to
913  // dEdxMap[trackID], and there's no such entry in
914  // the map yet, it will be automatically created
915  // with a zero-size vector. Test to see if the
916  // vector for this track ID is big enough.
917  //
918  // dEdxMap is a map, which is a slow container
919  // compared to a vector. If we are going to access
920  // the same element over and over, it is a good
921  // idea to find that element once, and then refer
922  // to that item directly. Since we don't care
923  // about the specific type of dEdxMap[trackID] (a
924  // vector, by the way), we can use "auto" to save
925  // some time. This must be a reference, since we
926  // want to change the original value in the map,
927  // and can't be constant.
928  auto& track_dEdX = dEdxMap[trackID];
929  if (track_dEdX.size() < bin + 1) {
930  // Increase the vector size, padding it with
931  // zeroes.
932  track_dEdX.resize(bin + 1, 0);
933  }
935  // Add the energy to the dE/dx bins for this track.
936  track_dEdX[bin] += energy;
938  } // loop over energy deposits
939  } // loop over time slices
940  } // for each SimChannel
941  } // for each Hit
943  // We have a map of dE/dx vectors. Write each one of them to the
944  // reconstruction n-tuple.
945  for (const auto& dEdxEntry : dEdxMap) {
946  // Here, the map entries are <first,second>=<track ID, dE/dx vector>
947  fRecoTrackID = dEdxEntry.first;
949  // This is an example of how we'd pick out the PDG code if
950  // there are multiple particle types or tracks in a single
951  // event allowed in the n-tuple.
952  fRecoPDG = particleMap[fRecoTrackID]->PdgCode();
954  // Get the number of bins for this track.
955  const std::vector<double>& dEdx = dEdxEntry.second;
956  fRecoNdEdxBins = dEdx.size();
958  // Copy this track's dE/dx information.
961  // At this point, we've filled in all the reconstruction
962  // n-tuple's variables. Write it.
963  fReconstructionNtuple->Fill();
964  }
966  // Think about the two big loops above, One starts from the
967  // particles then looks at the channels; the other starts with the
968  // hits and backtracks to the particles. What links the
969  // information in simb::MCParticle and sim::SimChannel is the
970  // track ID number assigned by the LArG4 simulation; what links
971  // sim::SimChannel and recob::Hit is the channel ID.
973  // In general, that is not how objects in the LArSoft
974  // reconstruction chain are linked together. Most of them are
975  // linked using associations and the art::Assns class:
976  // <>
978  // The web page may a bit difficult to understand (at least, it is
979  // for me), so let's try to simplify things:
981  // - If you're doing an analysis task, you don't have to worry
982  // about creating art::Assns objects.
984  // - You don't have to read the art:Assns objects on your
985  // own. There are helper classes (FindXXX) which will do that for
986  // you.
988  // - There's only one helper you need: art::FindManyP. It will do
989  // what you want with a minimum of fuss.
991  // - Associations are symmetric. If you see an
992  // art::Assns<ClassA,ClassB>, the helper classes will find all of
993  // ClassA associated with ClassB or all of ClassB associated with
994  // ClassA.
996  // - To know what associations exist, you have to be a 'code
997  // detective'. The important clue is to look for a 'produces' line
998  // in the code that writes objects to an art::Event. For example,
999  // in ${LARSIM_DIR}/source/larsim/LArG4/, you'll see this
1000  // line:
1002  // produces< art::Assns<simb::MCTruth, simb::MCParticle> >();
1004  // That means a simulated event will have an association between
1005  // simb::MCTruth (the primary particle produced by the event
1006  // generator) and the simb::MCParticle objects (the secondary
1007  // particles produced in the detector simulation).
1009  // Let's try it. The following statement will find the
1010  // simb::MCTruth objects associated with the simb::MCParticle
1011  // objects in the event (referenced by particleHandle):
1013  const art::FindManyP<simb::MCTruth> findManyTruth(
1014  particleHandle, event, fSimulationProducerLabel);
1016  // Note that we still have to supply the module label of the step
1017  // that created the association. Also note that we did not have to
1018  // explicitly read in the simb::MCTruth objects from the
1019  // art::Event object 'event'; FindManyP did that for us.
1021  // Also note that at this point art::FindManyP has already found
1022  // all the simb::MCTruth associated with each of the particles in
1023  // particleHandle. This is a slow process, so in general you want
1024  // to do it only once. If we had a loop over the particles, we
1025  // would still do this outside that loop.
1027  // Now we can query the 'findManyTruth' object to access the
1028  // information. First, check that there wasn't some kind of error:
1030  if (!findManyTruth.isValid()) {
1031  mf::LogError("AnalysisExample")
1032  << "findManyTruth simb::MCTruth for simb::MCParticle failed!";
1033  }
1035  // I'm going to be lazy, and just look at the simb::MCTruth object
1036  // associated with the first simb::MCParticle we read in. (The
1037  // main reason I'm being lazy is that if I used the
1038  // single-particle generator in prodsingle.fcl, every particle in
1039  // the event is going to be associated with just the one primary
1040  // particle from the event generator.)
1042  size_t particle_index = 0; // look at first particle in
1043  // particleHandle's vector.
1045  // I'm using "auto" to save on typing. The result of
1046  // FindManyP::at() is a vector of pointers, in this case
1047  // simb::MCTruth*. In this case it will be a vector with just one
1048  // entry; I could have used art::FindOneP instead. (This will be a
1049  // vector of art::Ptr, which is a type of smart pointer; see
1050  // <>
1051  // To avoid unnecessary copying, and since art::FindManyP returns
1052  // a constant reference, use "auto const&".
1054  auto const& truth =;
1056  // Make sure there's no problem.
1057  if (truth.empty()) {
1058  mf::LogError("AnalysisExample")
1059  << "Particle ID=" << particleHandle->at(particle_index).TrackId() << " has no primary!";
1060  }
1062  // Use the message facility to write output. I don't have to write
1063  // the event, run, or subrun numbers; the message facility takes
1064  // care of that automatically. I'm "going at warp speed" with the
1065  // vectors, pointers, and methods; see
1066  // ${NUSIMDATA_INC}/nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCTruth.h and
1067  // ${NUSIMDATA_INC}/nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCParticle.h for the
1068  // nested calls I'm using.
1069  mf::LogInfo("AnalysisExample")
1070  << "Particle ID=" << particleHandle->at(particle_index).TrackId()
1071  << " primary PDG code=" << truth[0]->GetParticle(0).PdgCode();
1073  // Let's try a slightly more realistic example. Suppose I want to
1074  // read in the clusters, and learn what hits are associated with
1075  // them. Then I could backtrack from those hits to determine the
1076  // dE/dx of the particles in the clusters. (Don't worry; I won't
1077  // put you through the n-tuple creation procedure for a third
1078  // time.)
1080  // First, read in the clusters (if there are any).
1082  if (!event.getByLabel(fClusterProducerLabel, clusterHandle)) return;
1084  // Now use the associations to find which hits are associated with
1085  // which clusters. Note that this is not as trivial a query as the
1086  // one with MCTruth, since it's possible for a hit to be assigned
1087  // to more than one cluster.
1089  // We have to include fClusterProducerLabel, since that's the step
1090  // that created the art::Assns<recob::Hit,recob::Cluster> object;
1091  // look at the modules in ${LARRECO_DIR}/source/larreco/ClusterFinder/
1092  // and search for the 'produces' lines. (I did not know this before I
1093  // wrote these comments. I had to be a code detective and use UNIX
1094  // tools like 'grep' and 'find' to locate those routines.)
1095  const art::FindManyP<recob::Hit> findManyHits(clusterHandle, event, fClusterProducerLabel);
1097  if (!findManyHits.isValid()) {
1098  mf::LogError("AnalysisExample") << "findManyHits recob::Hit for recob::Cluster failed;"
1099  << " cluster label='" << fClusterProducerLabel << "'";
1100  }
1102  // Now we'll loop over the clusters to see the hits associated
1103  // with each one. Note that we're not using a range-based for
1104  // loop. That's because FindManyP::at() expects a number as an
1105  // argument, so we might as well go through the cluster objects
1106  // via numerical index instead.
1107  for (size_t cluster_index = 0; cluster_index != clusterHandle->size(); cluster_index++) {
1108  // In this case, FindManyP::at() will return a vector of
1109  // pointers to recob::Hit that corresponds to the
1110  // "cluster_index"-th cluster.
1111  auto const& hits =;
1113  // We have a vector of pointers to the hits associated
1114  // with the cluster, but for this example I'm not going to
1115  // do anything fancy with them. I'll just print out how
1116  // many there are.
1117  mf::LogInfo("AnalysisExample") << "Cluster ID=" << clusterHandle->at(cluster_index).ID()
1118  << " has " << hits.size() << " hits";
1119  }
1121  } // AnalysisExample::analyze()
1123  // This macro has to be defined for this module to be invoked from a
1124  // .fcl file; see AnalysisExample.fcl for more information.
1127  } // namespace example
1128 } // namespace lar
1130 // Back to our local namespace.
1131 namespace {
1133  // Define a local function to calculate the detector diagonal.
1134  double DetectorDiagonal(geo::GeometryCore const& geom)
1135  {
1136  const double length = geom.DetLength();
1137  const double width = 2. * geom.DetHalfWidth();
1138  const double height = 2. * geom.DetHalfHeight();
1140  return std::sqrt(cet::sum_of_squares(length, width, height));
1141  } // DetectorDiagonal()
1143  // Define a comparison function to use in std::upper_bound and
1144  // std::lower_bound searches above.
1145  bool TDCIDETimeCompare(const sim::TDCIDE& lhs, const sim::TDCIDE& rhs)
1146  {
1147  return lhs.first < rhs.first;
1148  }
1149 } // local namespace
Store parameters for running LArG4.
int fSimNdEdxBins
Number of dE/dx bins in a given track.
const TLorentzVector & Position(const int i=0) const
Definition: MCParticle.h:220
int PdgCode() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:213
TH1D * fPDGCodeHist
PDG code of all particles.
Utilities related to art service access.
fhicl::Atom< art::InputTag > SimulationLabel
int fRecoTrackID
GEANT ID of the particle being processed.
std::pair< unsigned short, std::vector< sim::IDE > > TDCIDE
List of energy deposits at the same time (on this channel)
Definition: SimChannel.h:118
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
Declaration of signal hit object.
art::InputTag fHitProducerLabel
The name of the producer that created hits.
Length_t DetHalfWidth(TPCID const &tpcid=tpc_zero) const
Returns the half width of the active volume of the specified TPC.
double fEndXYZT[4]
(x,y,z,t) of the true end of the particle
geo::GeometryCore const * fGeometryService
pointer to Geometry provider
double fStartPE[4]
(Px,Py,Pz,E) at the true start of the particle
AnalysisExample(Parameters const &config)
Constructor: configures the module (see the Config structure above)
int fSimTrackID
GEANT ID of the particle being processed.
TTree * fReconstructionNtuple
tuple with reconstructed data
virtual void analyze(const art::Event &event) override
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
EDAnalyzer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
std::string Process() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:216
Particle class.
Length_t DetLength(TPCID const &tpcid=tpc_zero) const
Returns the length of the active volume of the specified TPC.
Definition: Run.h:37
int fRecoNdEdxBins
Number of dE/dx bins in a given track.
Access the description of detector geometry.
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
#define DEFINE_ART_MODULE(klass)
Definition: ModuleMacros.h:65
virtual void beginRun(const art::Run &run) override
double fStartXYZT[4]
(x,y,z,t) of the true start of the particle
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
Description of geometry of one entire detector.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:119
Declaration of cluster object.
float bin[41]
Definition: plottest35.C:14
int fRecoPDG
PDG ID of the particle being processed.
Definition of data types for geometry description.
float dEdx(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const TCSlice &slc, TP3D &tp3d)
Definition: PFPUtils.cxx:2675
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
int fSimPDG
PDG ID of the particle being processed.
int fRun
number of the run being processed
SigType_t SignalType(PlaneID const &pid) const
Returns the type of signal on the channels of specified TPC plane.
TH1D * fMomentumHist
momentum [GeV] of all selected particles
bool getByLabel(std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, Handle< PROD > &result) const
LArSoft-specific namespace.
int fEvent
number of the event being processed
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking ...
int trigger_offset(DetectorClocksData const &data)
double fEndPE[4]
(Px,Py,Pz,E) at the true end of the particle
Length_t DetHalfHeight(TPCID const &tpcid=tpc_zero) const
Returns the half height of the active volume of the specified TPC.
TTree * fSimulationNtuple
tuple with simulated data
double fElectronsToGeV
conversion factor
int fTriggerOffset
(units of ticks) time of expected neutrino event
double fBinSize
For dE/dx work: the value of dx.
double GeVToElectrons() const
art framework interface to geometry description
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
TH1D * fTrackLengthHist
true length [cm] of all selected particles
Event finding and building.
int fSelectedPDG
PDG code of particle we&#39;ll focus on.
TDCIDE::first_type StoredTDC_t
Type for TDC tick used in the internal representation.
Definition: SimChannel.h:139
Signal from collection planes.
Definition: geo_types.h:152