LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
ChargedSpacePoints.h File Reference

Offers proxy::ChargedSpacePoints and proxy::SpacePointWithCharge class for recob::SpacePoint with recob:Charge access. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  proxy::ChargedSpacePoints
 Proxy tag for a recob::SpacePoint collection with charge. More...
struct  proxy::SpacePointWithCharge< CollProxy >
 Proxy class for charged space point proxy elements. More...
class  proxy::ChargedSpacePointsCollectionProxy< MainColl, AuxColl >
 Proxy collection class for space points associated to charge. More...
struct  proxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< ChargedSpacePoints >
 Traits of proxy::ChargedSpacePoints proxy. More...


 Encloses LArSoft data product proxy objects and utilities.See this doxygen module for an introduction to data proxies in LArSoft.


template<typename Tag = proxy::ChargedSpacePoints::ChargeTag>
auto proxy::withCharge (art::InputTag inputTag)
 Adds additional recob::PointCharge information to the proxy. More...
template<typename Event , typename... Args>
auto proxy::getChargedSpacePoints (Event const &event, art::InputTag inputTag, Args &&...withArgs)
 Creates and returns a proxy to space points with associated charge. More...

Detailed Description

Offers proxy::ChargedSpacePoints and proxy::SpacePointWithCharge class for recob::SpacePoint with recob:Charge access.

Gianluca Petrillo (
December 20, 2017

This file defined the proxy of a space point collection with associated reconstructed charge. It contains:

See the documentation about this proxy for examples on how to use it.

Definition in file ChargedSpacePoints.h.