LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 // DPRawHitFinder class
4 //
5 //
6 //
7 // This algorithm is designed to find hits on raw waveforms in collection planes (dual phase/single phase)
8 // It is based on GausHitFinder.
9 // -----------------------------------
10 //
11 // 1. The algorithm walks along the wire and looks for pulses above threshold.
12 // 2. Depending on distance and minimum ADC count between peaks inside the same ROI,
13 // peaks can be grouped. Grouped peaks are fitted together (see later).
14 // 3. Inside each group of peaks, look for pairs of peaks that are very close, with
15 // one peak being much smaller than the other one (in integral and amplitude).
16 // If such a pair of peaks is found, merge the two peaks to one peak.
17 //
18 // For pulse trains with #peaks <= MaxMultiHit and width < MaxGroupLength:
19 // 4. Fit n double exponentials to each group of peaks, where n is the number
20 // of peaks inside this group.
21 // 5. If the Chi2/NDF returned > Chi2NDFRetry, attempt to fit n+1 double exponentials
22 // to the group of peaks by adding a peak close to the maximum deviation between
23 // fit and waveform. If this is a better fit it then uses the parameters of this
24 // fit to characterize the "hit" object. If not, try n+2 exponentials and so on.
25 // Stop when Chi2/NDF is good or 3 times the number of inital exponentials is reached.
26 //
27 // If Chi2/NDF is still bad or if #peaks > MaxMultiHit or width > MaxGroupLength:
28 // 6. Split pulse into equally long hits.
29 //
30 // The parameters of the fit are saved in a feature vector by using MVAWriter to
31 // draw the fitted function in the event display.
32 //
35 // C/C++ standard library
36 #include <algorithm> // std::accumulate()
37 #include <cmath>
38 #include <memory> // std::unique_ptr()
39 #include <string>
40 #include <utility> // std::move()
42 // Framework includes
48 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
51 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
54 // LArSoft Includes
56 #include "larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/RawTypes.h" // raw::ChannelID_t
62 // ROOT Includes
63 #include "TF1.h"
64 #include "TH1F.h"
65 #include "TMath.h"
67 namespace hit {
70  public:
71  explicit DPRawHitFinder(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset);
73  private:
74  void produce(art::Event& evt) override;
75  void beginJob() override;
77  using TimeValsVec = std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int>>; // start, max, end of a peak
79  std::tuple<int, int, int, int>>; // max, width, start, end of a peak within a group
80  using MergedTimeWidVec =
81  std::vector<std::tuple<int,
82  int,
84  int>>; // start, end of group of peaks, PeakTimeWidVec, NFluctuations
85  using PeakDevVec = std::vector<std::tuple<double, int, int, int>>;
86  using ParameterVec = std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>; //< parameter/error vec
90  TimeValsVec& timeValsVec,
91  float& PeakMin,
92  int firstTick) const;
94  int EstimateFluctuations(const std::vector<float> fsignalVec,
95  int peakStart,
96  int peakMean,
97  int peakEnd);
99  void mergeCandidatePeaks(const std::vector<float> signalVec, TimeValsVec, MergedTimeWidVec&);
101  // ### This function will fit N-Exponentials to a TH1D where N is set ###
102  // ### by the number of peaks found in the pulse ###
104  void FitExponentials(const std::vector<float> fSignalVector,
105  const PeakTimeWidVec fPeakVals,
106  int fStartTime,
107  int fEndTime,
108  ParameterVec& fparamVec,
109  double& fchi2PerNDF,
110  int& fNDF,
111  bool fSameShape);
113  void FindPeakWithMaxDeviation(const std::vector<float> fSignalVector,
114  int fNPeaks,
115  int fStartTime,
116  int fEndTime,
117  bool fSameShape,
118  ParameterVec fparamVec,
119  PeakTimeWidVec fpeakVals,
120  PeakDevVec& fPeakDev);
122  std::string CreateFitFunction(int fNPeaks, bool fSameShape);
124  void AddPeak(std::tuple<double, int, int, int> fPeakDevCand, PeakTimeWidVec& fpeakValsTemp);
126  void SplitPeak(std::tuple<double, int, int, int> fPeakDevCand, PeakTimeWidVec& fpeakValsTemp);
128  double WidthFunc(double fPeakMean,
129  double fPeakAmp,
130  double fPeakTau1,
131  double fPeakTau2,
132  double fStartTime,
133  double fEndTime,
134  double fPeakMeanTrue);
136  double ChargeFunc(double fPeakMean,
137  double fPeakAmp,
138  double fPeakTau1,
139  double fPeakTau2,
140  double fChargeNormFactor,
141  double fPeakMeanTrue);
143  void FillOutHitParameterVector(const std::vector<double>& input, std::vector<double>& output);
145  void doBinAverage(const std::vector<float>& inputVec,
146  std::vector<float>& outputVec,
147  size_t binsToAverage) const;
149  void reBin(const std::vector<float>& inputVec,
150  std::vector<float>& outputVec,
151  size_t nBinsToCombine) const;
153  struct Comp {
154  // important: we need two overloads, because the comparison
155  // needs to be done both ways to check for equality
157  bool operator()(std::tuple<int, int, int, int> p, int s) const { return std::get<0>(p) < s; }
158  bool operator()(int s, std::tuple<int, int, int, int> p) const { return s < std::get<0>(p); }
159  };
161  std::string fCalDataModuleLabel;
163  //FHiCL parameter (see "hitfindermodules.fcl" for details)
165  float fMinSig;
168  double fMinADCSum;
172  double fChargeNorm;
176  double fChi2NDFMax;
179  double fMinTau;
180  double fMaxTau;
183  double fGroupMinADC;
197  fNewHitsTag; // tag of hits produced by this module, need to have it for fit parameter data products
198  anab::FVectorWriter<4> fHitParamWriter; // helper for saving hit fit parameters in data products
200  TH1F* fFirstChi2;
201  TH1F* fChi2;
203  }; // class DPRawHitFinder
205  //-------------------------------------------------
206  //-------------------------------------------------
208  : EDProducer{pset}
209  , fNewHitsTag(pset.get<std::string>("module_label"),
210  "",
213  {
214  fLogLevel = pset.get<int>("LogLevel");
215  fCalDataModuleLabel = pset.get<std::string>("CalDataModuleLabel");
216  fMaxMultiHit = pset.get<int>("MaxMultiHit");
217  fMaxGroupLength = pset.get<int>("MaxGroupLength");
218  fTryNplus1Fits = pset.get<bool>("TryNplus1Fits");
219  fChi2NDFRetry = pset.get<double>("Chi2NDFRetry");
220  fChi2NDFRetryFactorMultiHits = pset.get<double>("Chi2NDFRetryFactorMultiHits");
221  fChi2NDFMax = pset.get<double>("Chi2NDFMax");
222  fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits = pset.get<double>("Chi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits");
223  fNumBinsToAverage = pset.get<size_t>("NumBinsToAverage");
224  fMinSig = pset.get<float>("MinSig");
225  fMinWidth = pset.get<int>("MinWidth");
226  fMinADCSum = pset.get<double>("MinADCSum");
227  fMinADCSumOverWidth = pset.get<double>("MinADCSumOverWidth");
228  fChargeNorm = pset.get<double>("ChargeNorm");
229  fTicksToStopPeakFinder = pset.get<double>("TicksToStopPeakFinder");
230  fMinTau = pset.get<double>("MinTau");
231  fMaxTau = pset.get<double>("MaxTau");
232  fFitPeakMeanRange = pset.get<double>("FitPeakMeanRange");
233  fGroupMaxDistance = pset.get<int>("GroupMaxDistance");
234  fGroupMinADC = pset.get<int>("GroupMinADC");
235  fSameShape = pset.get<bool>("SameShape");
236  fDoMergePeaks = pset.get<bool>("DoMergePeaks");
237  fMergeADCSumThreshold = pset.get<double>("MergeADCSumThreshold");
238  fMergeMaxADCThreshold = pset.get<double>("MergeMaxADCThreshold");
239  fMinRelativePeakHeightLeft = pset.get<double>("MinRelativePeakHeightLeft");
240  fMinRelativePeakHeightRight = pset.get<double>("MinRelativePeakHeightRight");
241  fMergeMaxADCLimit = pset.get<double>("MergeMaxADCLimit");
242  fWidthNormalization = pset.get<double>("WidthNormalization");
243  fLongMaxHits = pset.get<double>("LongMaxHits");
244  fLongPulseWidth = pset.get<double>("LongPulseWidth");
245  fMaxFluctuations = pset.get<double>("MaxFluctuations");
247  // let HitCollectionCreator declare that we are going to produce
248  // hits and associations with wires and raw digits
249  // (with no particular product label)
252  // declare that data products with feature vectors describing
253  // hits is going to be produced
256  } // DPRawHitFinder::DPRawHitFinder()
258  //-------------------------------------------------
259  //-------------------------------------------------
260  void DPRawHitFinder::FillOutHitParameterVector(const std::vector<double>& input,
261  std::vector<double>& output)
262  {
263  if (input.size() == 0)
264  throw std::runtime_error(
265  "DPRawHitFinder::FillOutHitParameterVector ERROR! Input config vector has zero size.");
268  const unsigned int N_PLANES = geom->Nplanes();
270  if (input.size() == 1)
271  output.resize(N_PLANES, input[0]);
272  else if (input.size() == N_PLANES)
273  output = input;
274  else
275  throw std::runtime_error("DPRawHitFinder::FillOutHitParameterVector ERROR! Input config "
276  "vector size !=1 and !=N_PLANES.");
277  }
279  //-------------------------------------------------
280  //-------------------------------------------------
282  {
283  // get access to the TFile service
286  // ======================================
287  // === Hit Information for Histograms ===
288  fFirstChi2 = tfs->make<TH1F>("fFirstChi2", "#chi^{2}", 10000, 0, 5000);
289  fChi2 = tfs->make<TH1F>("fChi2", "#chi^{2}", 10000, 0, 5000);
290  }
292  //-------------------------------------------------
294  {
295  //==================================================================================================
296  TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
298  //Instantiate and Reset a stop watch
299  //TStopwatch StopWatch;
300  //StopWatch.Reset();
302  // ################################
303  // ### Calling Geometry service ###
304  // ################################
307  // ###############################################
308  // ### Making a ptr vector to put on the event ###
309  // ###############################################
310  // this contains the hit collection
311  // and its associations to wires and raw digits
312  recob::HitCollectionCreator hcol(evt);
314  // start collection of fit parameters, initialize metadata describing it
315  auto hitID =
316  fHitParamWriter.initOutputs<recob::Hit>(fNewHitsTag, {"t0", "tau1", "tau2", "ampl"});
318  // ##########################################
319  // ### Reading in the Wire List object(s) ###
320  // ##########################################
322  evt.getByLabel(fCalDataModuleLabel, wireVecHandle);
324  // #################################################################
325  // ### Reading in the RawDigit associated with these wires, too ###
326  // #################################################################
327  art::FindOneP<raw::RawDigit> RawDigits(wireVecHandle, evt, fCalDataModuleLabel);
328  // Channel Number
331  //##############################
332  //### Looping over the wires ###
333  //##############################
334  for (size_t wireIter = 0; wireIter < wireVecHandle->size(); wireIter++) {
335  // ####################################
336  // ### Getting this particular wire ###
337  // ####################################
338  art::Ptr<recob::Wire> wire(wireVecHandle, wireIter);
339  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> rawdigits =;
340  // --- Setting Channel Number and Signal type ---
341  channel = wire->Channel();
342  // get the WireID for this hit
343  std::vector<geo::WireID> wids = geom->ChannelToWire(channel);
344  // for now, just take the first option returned from ChannelToWire
345  geo::WireID wid = wids[0];
347  if (fLogLevel >= 1) {
348  std::cout << std::endl;
349  std::cout << std::endl;
350  std::cout << std::endl;
351  std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
352  "------------------------------"
353  << std::endl;
354  std::cout << "Channel: " << channel << std::endl;
355  std::cout << "Cryostat: " << wid.Cryostat << std::endl;
356  std::cout << "TPC: " << wid.TPC << std::endl;
357  std::cout << "Plane: " << wid.Plane << std::endl;
358  std::cout << "Wire: " << wid.Wire << std::endl;
359  }
361  // #################################################
362  // ### Set up to loop over ROI's for this wire ###
363  // #################################################
364  const recob::Wire::RegionsOfInterest_t& signalROI = wire->SignalROI();
366  int CountROI = 0;
368  for (const auto& range : signalROI.get_ranges()) {
369  // #################################################
370  // ### Getting a vector of signals for this wire ###
371  // #################################################
372  const std::vector<float>& signal =;
374  // ROI start time
375  raw::TDCtick_t roiFirstBinTick = range.begin_index();
376  MergedTimeWidVec mergedVec;
378  // ###########################################################
379  // ### If option set do bin averaging before finding peaks ###
380  // ###########################################################
382  if (fNumBinsToAverage > 1) {
383  std::vector<float> timeAve;
384  doBinAverage(signal, timeAve, fNumBinsToAverage);
386  // ###################################################################
387  // ### Search current averaged ROI for candidate peaks and widths ###
388  // ###################################################################
389  TimeValsVec timeValsVec;
390  findCandidatePeaks(timeAve.begin(), timeAve.end(), timeValsVec, fMinSig, 0);
392  // ####################################################
393  // ### If no startTime hit was found skip this wire ###
394  // ####################################################
395  if (timeValsVec.empty()) continue;
397  // #############################################################
398  // ### Merge potentially overlapping peaks and do multi fit ###
399  // #############################################################
400  mergeCandidatePeaks(timeAve, timeValsVec, mergedVec);
401  }
403  // ###########################################################
404  // ### Otherwise, operate directonly on signal vector ###
405  // ###########################################################
406  else {
407  // ##########################################################
408  // ### Search current ROI for candidate peaks and widths ###
409  // ##########################################################
410  TimeValsVec timeValsVec;
411  findCandidatePeaks(signal.begin(), signal.end(), timeValsVec, fMinSig, 0);
413  if (fLogLevel >= 1) {
414  std::cout << std::endl;
415  std::cout << std::endl;
416  std::cout << "-------------------- ROI #" << CountROI << " -------------------- "
417  << std::endl;
418  if (timeValsVec.size() == 1)
419  std::cout << "ROI #" << CountROI << " (" << timeValsVec.size()
420  << " peak): ROIStartTick: " << range.offset
421  << " ROIEndTick:" << range.offset + range.size() << std::endl;
422  else
423  std::cout << "ROI #" << CountROI << " (" << timeValsVec.size()
424  << " peaks): ROIStartTick: " << range.offset
425  << " ROIEndTick:" << range.offset + range.size() << std::endl;
426  CountROI++;
427  }
429  if (fLogLevel >= 2) {
430  int CountPeak = 0;
431  for (auto const& timeValsTmp : timeValsVec) {
432  std::cout << "Peak #" << CountPeak
433  << ": PeakStartTick: " << range.offset + std::get<0>(timeValsTmp)
434  << " PeakMaxTick: " << range.offset + std::get<1>(timeValsTmp)
435  << " PeakEndTick: " << range.offset + std::get<2>(timeValsTmp)
436  << std::endl;
437  CountPeak++;
438  }
439  }
440  // ####################################################
441  // ### If no startTime hit was found skip this wire ###
442  // ####################################################
443  if (timeValsVec.empty()) continue;
445  // #############################################################
446  // ### Merge potentially overlapping peaks and do multi fit ###
447  // #############################################################
448  mergeCandidatePeaks(signal, timeValsVec, mergedVec);
449  }
451  // #######################################################
452  // ### Creating the parameter vector for the new pulse ###
453  // #######################################################
454  ParameterVec paramVec;
456  // === Number of Exponentials to try ===
457  int NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit = 0;
458  unsigned int nExponentialsForFit = 0;
459  double chi2PerNDF = 0.;
460  int NDF = 0;
462  unsigned int NumberOfMergedVecs = mergedVec.size();
464  // ################################################################
465  // ### Lets loop over the groups of peaks we found on this wire ###
466  // ################################################################
468  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NumberOfMergedVecs; j++) {
469  int startT = std::get<0>(;
470  int endT = std::get<1>(;
471  int width = endT + 1 - startT;
472  PeakTimeWidVec& peakVals = std::get<2>(;
474  int NFluctuations = std::get<3>(;
476  if (fLogLevel >= 3) {
477  std::cout << std::endl;
478  if (peakVals.size() == 1)
479  std::cout << "- Group #" << j << " (" << peakVals.size()
480  << " peak): GroupStartTick: " << range.offset + startT
481  << " GroupEndTick: " << range.offset + endT << std::endl;
482  else
483  std::cout << "- Group #" << j << " (" << peakVals.size()
484  << " peaks): GroupStartTick: " << range.offset + startT
485  << " GroupEndTick: " << range.offset + endT << std::endl;
486  std::cout << "Fluctuations in this group: " << NFluctuations << std::endl;
487  int CountPeakInGroup = 0;
488  for (auto const& peakValsTmp : peakVals) {
489  std::cout << "Peak #" << CountPeakInGroup << " in group #" << j
490  << ": PeakInGroupStartTick: " << range.offset + std::get<2>(peakValsTmp)
491  << " PeakInGroupMaxTick: " << range.offset + std::get<0>(peakValsTmp)
492  << " PeakInGroupEndTick: " << range.offset + std::get<3>(peakValsTmp)
493  << std::endl;
494  CountPeakInGroup++;
495  }
496  }
498  // ### Getting rid of noise hits ###
499  if (width < fMinWidth ||
500  (double)std::accumulate(signal.begin() + startT, signal.begin() + endT + 1, 0) <
501  fMinADCSum ||
502  (double)std::accumulate(signal.begin() + startT, signal.begin() + endT + 1, 0) /
503  width <
505  if (fLogLevel >= 3) {
506  std::cout << "Delete this group of peaks because width, integral or width/intergral "
507  "is too small."
508  << std::endl;
509  }
510  continue;
511  }
513  // #####################################################################################################
514  // ### Only attempt to fit if number of peaks <= fMaxMultiHit and if group length <= fMaxGroupLength ###
515  // #####################################################################################################
516  NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit = peakVals.size();
517  nExponentialsForFit = peakVals.size();
518  chi2PerNDF = 0.;
519  NDF = 0;
520  if (NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit <= fMaxMultiHit && width <= fMaxGroupLength &&
521  NFluctuations <= fMaxFluctuations) {
522  // #####################################################
523  // ### Calling the function for fitting Exponentials ###
524  // #####################################################
525  paramVec.clear();
526  FitExponentials(signal, peakVals, startT, endT, paramVec, chi2PerNDF, NDF, fSameShape);
528  if (fLogLevel >= 4) {
529  std::cout << std::endl;
530  std::cout << "--- First fit ---" << std::endl;
531  if (nExponentialsForFit == 1)
532  std::cout << "- Fitted " << nExponentialsForFit << " peak in group #" << j << ":"
533  << std::endl;
534  else
535  std::cout << "- Fitted " << nExponentialsForFit << " peaks in group #" << j << ":"
536  << std::endl;
537  std::cout << "chi2/ndf = " << chi2PerNDF << std::endl;
539  if (fSameShape) {
540  std::cout << "tau1 [mus] = " << paramVec[0].first << std::endl;
541  std::cout << "tau2 [mus] = " << paramVec[1].first << std::endl;
543  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nExponentialsForFit; i++) {
544  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": A [ADC] = " << paramVec[2 * (i + 1)].first
545  << std::endl;
546  std::cout << "Peak #" << i
547  << ": t0 [ticks] = " << range.offset + paramVec[2 * (i + 1) + 1].first
548  << std::endl;
549  }
550  }
551  else {
552  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nExponentialsForFit; i++) {
553  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": A [ADC] = " << paramVec[4 * i + 2].first
554  << std::endl;
555  std::cout << "Peak #" << i
556  << ": t0 [ticks] = " << range.offset + paramVec[4 * i + 3].first
557  << std::endl;
558  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": tau1 [mus] = " << paramVec[4 * i].first
559  << std::endl;
560  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": tau2 [mus] = " << paramVec[4 * i + 1].first
561  << std::endl;
562  }
563  }
564  }
566  // If the chi2 is infinite then there is a real problem so we bail
567  if (!(chi2PerNDF < std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())) continue;
569  fFirstChi2->Fill(chi2PerNDF);
571  // ########################################################
572  // ### Trying extra Exponentials for an initial bad fit ###
573  // ########################################################
575  if ((fTryNplus1Fits && nExponentialsForFit == 1 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFRetry) ||
576  (fTryNplus1Fits && nExponentialsForFit > 1 &&
578  unsigned int nExponentialsBeforeRefit = nExponentialsForFit;
579  unsigned int nExponentialsAfterRefit = nExponentialsForFit;
580  double oldChi2PerNDF = chi2PerNDF;
581  double chi2PerNDF2;
582  int NDF2;
583  bool RefitSuccess;
584  PeakTimeWidVec peakValsTemp;
585  while ((nExponentialsForFit == 1 &&
586  nExponentialsAfterRefit < 3 * nExponentialsBeforeRefit &&
587  chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFRetry) ||
588  (nExponentialsForFit > 1 &&
589  nExponentialsAfterRefit < 3 * nExponentialsBeforeRefit &&
590  chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFRetryFactorMultiHits * fChi2NDFRetry)) {
591  RefitSuccess = false;
592  PeakDevVec PeakDev;
594  nExponentialsForFit,
595  startT,
596  endT,
597  fSameShape,
598  paramVec,
599  peakVals,
600  PeakDev);
602  //Add peak and re-fit
603  for (auto& PeakDevCand : PeakDev) {
604  chi2PerNDF2 = 0.;
605  NDF2 = 0.;
606  ParameterVec paramVecRefit;
607  peakValsTemp = peakVals;
609  AddPeak(PeakDevCand, peakValsTemp);
610  FitExponentials(signal,
611  peakValsTemp,
612  startT,
613  endT,
614  paramVecRefit,
615  chi2PerNDF2,
616  NDF2,
617  fSameShape);
619  if (chi2PerNDF2 < chi2PerNDF) {
620  paramVec = paramVecRefit;
621  peakVals = peakValsTemp;
622  nExponentialsForFit = peakVals.size();
623  chi2PerNDF = chi2PerNDF2;
624  NDF = NDF2;
625  nExponentialsAfterRefit++;
626  RefitSuccess = true;
627  break;
628  }
629  }
631  //Split peak and re-fit
632  if (RefitSuccess == false) {
633  for (auto& PeakDevCand : PeakDev) {
634  chi2PerNDF2 = 0.;
635  NDF2 = 0.;
636  ParameterVec paramVecRefit;
637  peakValsTemp = peakVals;
639  SplitPeak(PeakDevCand, peakValsTemp);
640  FitExponentials(signal,
641  peakValsTemp,
642  startT,
643  endT,
644  paramVecRefit,
645  chi2PerNDF2,
646  NDF2,
647  fSameShape);
649  if (chi2PerNDF2 < chi2PerNDF) {
650  paramVec = paramVecRefit;
651  peakVals = peakValsTemp;
652  nExponentialsForFit = peakVals.size();
653  chi2PerNDF = chi2PerNDF2;
654  NDF = NDF2;
655  nExponentialsAfterRefit++;
656  RefitSuccess = true;
657  break;
658  }
659  }
660  }
662  if (RefitSuccess == false) { break; }
663  }
665  if (fLogLevel >= 5) {
666  std::cout << std::endl;
667  std::cout << "--- Refit ---" << std::endl;
668  if (chi2PerNDF == oldChi2PerNDF)
669  std::cout << "chi2/ndf didn't improve. Keep first fit." << std::endl;
670  else {
671  std::cout << "- Added peaks to group #" << j << ". This group now has "
672  << nExponentialsForFit << " peaks:" << std::endl;
673  std::cout << "- Group #" << j << " (" << peakVals.size()
674  << " peaks): GroupStartTick: " << range.offset + startT
675  << " GroupEndTick: " << range.offset + endT << std::endl;
677  int CountPeakInGroup = 0;
678  for (auto const& peakValsTmp : peakVals) {
679  std::cout << "Peak #" << CountPeakInGroup << " in group #" << j
680  << ": PeakInGroupStartTick: "
681  << range.offset + std::get<2>(peakValsTmp)
682  << " PeakInGroupMaxTick: "
683  << range.offset + std::get<0>(peakValsTmp)
684  << " PeakInGroupEndTick: "
685  << range.offset + std::get<3>(peakValsTmp) << std::endl;
686  CountPeakInGroup++;
687  }
689  std::cout << "chi2/ndf = " << chi2PerNDF << std::endl;
691  if (fSameShape) {
692  std::cout << "tau1 [mus] = " << paramVec[0].first << std::endl;
693  std::cout << "tau2 [mus] = " << paramVec[1].first << std::endl;
695  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nExponentialsForFit; i++) {
696  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": A [ADC] = " << paramVec[2 * (i + 1)].first
697  << std::endl;
698  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": t0 [ticks] = "
699  << range.offset + paramVec[2 * (i + 1) + 1].first << std::endl;
700  }
701  }
702  else {
703  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nExponentialsForFit; i++) {
704  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": A [ADC] = " << paramVec[4 * i + 2].first
705  << std::endl;
706  std::cout << "Peak #" << i
707  << ": t0 [ticks] = " << range.offset + paramVec[4 * i + 3].first
708  << std::endl;
709  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": tau1 [mus] = " << paramVec[4 * i].first
710  << std::endl;
711  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": tau2 [mus] = " << paramVec[4 * i + 1].first
712  << std::endl;
713  }
714  }
715  }
716  }
717  }
719  // #######################################################
720  // ### Loop through returned peaks and make recob hits ###
721  // #######################################################
723  int numHits(0);
724  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nExponentialsForFit; i++) {
725  //Extract fit parameters for this hit
726  double peakTau1;
727  double peakTau2;
728  double peakAmp;
729  double peakMean;
731  if (fSameShape) {
732  peakTau1 = paramVec[0].first;
733  peakTau2 = paramVec[1].first;
734  peakAmp = paramVec[2 * (i + 1)].first;
735  peakMean = paramVec[2 * (i + 1) + 1].first;
736  }
737  else {
738  peakTau1 = paramVec[4 * i].first;
739  peakTau2 = paramVec[4 * i + 1].first;
740  peakAmp = paramVec[4 * i + 2].first;
741  peakMean = paramVec[4 * i + 3].first;
742  }
744  //Highest ADC count in peak = peakAmpTrue
745  double peakAmpTrue = signal[std::get<0>(];
746  double peakAmpErr = 1.;
748  //Determine peak position of fitted function (= peakMeanTrue)
749  TF1 Exponentials("Exponentials",
750  "( [0] * exp(0.4*(x-[1])/[2]) / ( 1 + exp(0.4*(x-[1])/[3]) ) )",
751  startT,
752  endT);
753  Exponentials.SetParameter(0, peakAmp);
754  Exponentials.SetParameter(1, peakMean);
755  Exponentials.SetParameter(2, peakTau1);
756  Exponentials.SetParameter(3, peakTau2);
757  double peakMeanTrue = Exponentials.GetMaximumX(startT, endT);
758  Exponentials.Delete();
760  //Calculate width (=FWHM)
761  double peakWidth =
762  WidthFunc(peakMean, peakAmp, peakTau1, peakTau2, startT, endT, peakMeanTrue);
763  peakWidth /=
764  fWidthNormalization; //from FWHM to "standard deviation": standard deviation = FWHM/(2*sqrt(2*ln(2)))
766  // Extract fit parameter errors
767  double peakMeanErr;
769  if (fSameShape) { peakMeanErr = paramVec[2 * (i + 1) + 1].second; }
770  else {
771  peakMeanErr = paramVec[4 * i + 3].second;
772  }
773  double peakWidthErr = 0.1 * peakWidth;
775  // ### Charge ###
776  double charge =
777  ChargeFunc(peakMean, peakAmp, peakTau1, peakTau2, fChargeNorm, peakMeanTrue);
778  double chargeErr =
779  std::sqrt(TMath::Pi()) * (peakAmpErr * peakWidthErr + peakWidthErr * peakAmpErr);
781  // ### limits for getting sum of ADC counts
782  int startTthisHit = std::get<2>(;
783  int endTthisHit = std::get<3>(;
784  std::vector<float>::const_iterator sumStartItr = signal.begin() + startTthisHit;
785  std::vector<float>::const_iterator sumEndItr = signal.begin() + endTthisHit;
787  // ### Sum of ADC counts
788  double sumADC = std::accumulate(sumStartItr, sumEndItr + 1, 0.);
790  //Check if fit returns reasonable values and ich chi2 is below threshold
791  if (peakWidth <= 0 || charge <= 0. || charge != charge ||
792  (nExponentialsForFit == 1 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMax) ||
793  (nExponentialsForFit >= 2 &&
794  chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits * fChi2NDFMax)) {
795  if (fLogLevel >= 1) {
796  std::cout << std::endl;
797  std::cout << "WARNING: For peak #" << i << " in this group:" << std::endl;
798  if (peakWidth <= 0 || charge <= 0. || charge != charge)
799  std::cout << "Fit function returned width < 0 or charge < 0 or charge = nan."
800  << std::endl;
801  if ((nExponentialsForFit == 1 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMax) ||
802  (nExponentialsForFit >= 2 &&
803  chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits * fChi2NDFMax)) {
804  std::cout << std::endl;
805  std::cout << "WARNING: For fit of this group (" << NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit
806  << " peaks before refit, " << nExponentialsForFit
807  << " peaks after refit): " << std::endl;
808  if (nExponentialsForFit == 1 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMax)
809  std::cout << "chi2/ndf of this fit (" << chi2PerNDF
810  << ") is higher than threshold (" << fChi2NDFMax << ")."
811  << std::endl;
812  if (nExponentialsForFit >= 2 &&
813  chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits * fChi2NDFMax)
814  std::cout << "chi2/ndf of this fit (" << chi2PerNDF
815  << ") is higher than threshold ("
816  << fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits * fChi2NDFMax << ")." << std::endl;
817  }
818  std::cout << "---> DO NOT create hit object from fit parameters but use peak "
819  "values instead."
820  << std::endl;
821  std::cout << "---> Set fit parameter so that a sharp peak with a width of 1 tick "
822  "is shown in the event display. This indicates that the fit failed."
823  << std::endl;
824  }
825  peakWidth =
826  (((double)endTthisHit - (double)startTthisHit) / 4.) /
827  fWidthNormalization; //~4 is the factor between FWHM and full width of the hit (last bin - first bin). no drift: 4.4, 6m drift: 3.7
828  peakMeanErr = peakWidth / 2;
829  charge = sumADC;
830  peakMeanTrue = std::get<0>(;
832  //set the fit values to make it visible in the event display that this fit failed
833  peakMean = peakMeanTrue;
834  peakTau1 = 0.008;
835  peakTau2 = 0.0065;
836  peakAmp = 20.;
837  }
839  // Create the hit
840  recob::HitCreator hitcreator(
841  *wire, // wire reference
842  wid, // wire ID
843  startTthisHit + roiFirstBinTick, // start_tick TODO check
844  endTthisHit + roiFirstBinTick, // end_tick TODO check
845  peakWidth, // rms
846  peakMeanTrue + roiFirstBinTick, // peak_time
847  peakMeanErr, // sigma_peak_time
848  peakAmpTrue, // peak_amplitude
849  peakAmpErr, // sigma_peak_amplitude
850  charge, // hit_integral
851  chargeErr, // hit_sigma_integral
852  sumADC, // summedADC FIXME
853  nExponentialsForFit, // multiplicity
854  numHits, // local_index TODO check that the order is correct
855  chi2PerNDF, // goodness_of_fit
856  NDF // dof
857  );
859  if (fLogLevel >= 6) {
860  std::cout << std::endl;
861  std::cout << "- Created hit object for peak #" << i
862  << " in this group with the following parameters (obtained from fit):"
863  << std::endl;
864  std::cout << "HitStartTick: " << startTthisHit + roiFirstBinTick << std::endl;
865  std::cout << "HitEndTick: " << endTthisHit + roiFirstBinTick << std::endl;
866  std::cout << "HitWidthTicks: " << peakWidth << std::endl;
867  std::cout << "HitMeanTick: " << peakMeanTrue + roiFirstBinTick << " +- "
868  << peakMeanErr << std::endl;
869  std::cout << "HitAmplitude [ADC]: " << peakAmpTrue << " +- " << peakAmpErr
870  << std::endl;
871  std::cout << "HitIntegral [ADC*ticks]: " << charge << " +- " << chargeErr
872  << std::endl;
873  std::cout << "HitADCSum [ADC*ticks]: " << sumADC << std::endl;
874  std::cout << "HitMultiplicity: " << nExponentialsForFit << std::endl;
875  std::cout << "HitIndex in group: " << numHits << std::endl;
876  std::cout << "Hitchi2/ndf: " << chi2PerNDF << std::endl;
877  std::cout << "HitNDF: " << NDF << std::endl;
878  }
880  const recob::Hit hit(hitcreator.move());
882  hcol.emplace_back(std::move(hit), wire, rawdigits);
883  // add fit parameters associated to the hit just pushed to the collection
884  std::array<float, 4> fitParams;
885  fitParams[0] = peakMean + roiFirstBinTick;
886  fitParams[1] = peakTau1;
887  fitParams[2] = peakTau2;
888  fitParams[3] = peakAmp;
889  fHitParamWriter.addVector(hitID, fitParams);
890  numHits++;
891  } // <---End loop over Exponentials
892  // } // <---End if chi2 <= chi2Max
893  } // <---End if(NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit <= fMaxMultiHit && width <= fMaxGroupLength), then fit
895  // #######################################################
896  // ### If too large then force alternate solution ###
897  // ### - Make n hits from pulse train where n will ###
898  // ### depend on the fhicl parameter fLongPulseWidth ###
899  // ### Also do this if chi^2 is too large ###
900  // #######################################################
901  if (NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit > fMaxMultiHit || (width > fMaxGroupLength) ||
902  NFluctuations > fMaxFluctuations) {
904  int nHitsInThisGroup = (endT - startT + 1) / fLongPulseWidth;
906  if (nHitsInThisGroup > fLongMaxHits) {
907  nHitsInThisGroup = fLongMaxHits;
908  fLongPulseWidth = (endT - startT + 1) / nHitsInThisGroup;
909  }
911  if (nHitsInThisGroup * fLongPulseWidth < (endT - startT + 1)) nHitsInThisGroup++;
913  int firstTick = startT;
914  int lastTick = std::min(endT, firstTick + fLongPulseWidth - 1);
916  if (fLogLevel >= 1) {
917  if (NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit > fMaxMultiHit) {
918  std::cout << std::endl;
919  std::cout << "WARNING: Number of peaks in this group (" << NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit
920  << ") is higher than threshold (" << fMaxMultiHit << ")." << std::endl;
921  std::cout
922  << "---> DO NOT fit. Split group of peaks into hits with equal length instead."
923  << std::endl;
924  }
925  if (width > fMaxGroupLength) {
926  std::cout << std::endl;
927  std::cout << "WARNING: group of peak is longer (" << width
928  << " ticks) than threshold (" << fMaxGroupLength << " ticks)."
929  << std::endl;
930  std::cout
931  << "---> DO NOT fit. Split group of peaks into hits with equal length instead."
932  << std::endl;
933  }
934  if (NFluctuations > fMaxFluctuations) {
935  std::cout << std::endl;
936  std::cout << "WARNING: fluctuations (" << NFluctuations
937  << ") higher than threshold (" << fMaxFluctuations << ")." << std::endl;
938  std::cout
939  << "---> DO NOT fit. Split group of peaks into hits with equal length instead."
940  << std::endl;
941  }
942  /*
943  if( ( nExponentialsForFit == 1 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMax ) || ( nExponentialsForFit >= 2 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits*fChi2NDFMax ) )
944  {
945  std::cout << std::endl;
946  std::cout << "WARNING: For fit of this group (" << NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit << " peaks before refit, " << nExponentialsForFit << " peaks after refit): " << std::endl;
947  if ( nExponentialsForFit == 1 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMax ) std::cout << "chi2/ndf of this fit (" << chi2PerNDF << ") is higher than threshold (" << fChi2NDFMax << ")." << std::endl;
948  if ( nExponentialsForFit >= 2 && chi2PerNDF > fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits*fChi2NDFMax ) std::cout << "chi2/ndf of this fit (" << chi2PerNDF << ") is higher than threshold (" << fChi2NDFMaxFactorMultiHits*fChi2NDFMax << ")." << std::endl;
949  std::cout << "---> DO NOT create hit object but split group of peaks into hits with equal length instead." << std::endl;
950  }*/
951  std::cout << "---> Group goes from tick " << roiFirstBinTick + startT << " to "
952  << roiFirstBinTick + endT << ". Split group into ("
953  << roiFirstBinTick + endT << " - " << roiFirstBinTick + startT << ")/"
954  << fLongPulseWidth << " = " << (endT - startT) << "/" << fLongPulseWidth
955  << " = " << nHitsInThisGroup << " peaks (" << fLongPulseWidth
956  << " = LongPulseWidth), or maximum LongMaxHits = " << fLongMaxHits
957  << " peaks." << std::endl;
958  }
960  for (int hitIdx = 0; hitIdx < nHitsInThisGroup; hitIdx++) {
961  // This hit parameters
962  double peakWidth =
963  ((lastTick - firstTick) / 4.) /
964  fWidthNormalization; //~4 is the factor between FWHM and full width of the hit (last bin - first bin). no drift: 4.4, 6m drift: 3.7
965  double peakMeanTrue = (firstTick + lastTick) / 2.;
966  if (NumberOfPeaksBeforeFit == 1 && nHitsInThisGroup == 1)
967  peakMeanTrue = std::get<0>(
968  0)); //if only one peak was found, we want the mean of this peak to be the tick with the max. ADC count
969  double peakMeanErr = (lastTick - firstTick) / 2.;
970  double sumADC =
971  std::accumulate(signal.begin() + firstTick, signal.begin() + lastTick + 1, 0.);
972  double charge = sumADC;
973  double chargeErr = 0.1 * sumADC;
974  double peakAmpTrue = 0;
976  for (int tick = firstTick; tick <= lastTick; tick++) {
977  if (signal[tick] > peakAmpTrue) peakAmpTrue = signal[tick];
978  }
980  double peakAmpErr = 1.;
981  nExponentialsForFit = nHitsInThisGroup;
982  NDF = -1;
983  chi2PerNDF = -1.;
984  //set the fit values to make it visible in the event display that this fit failed
985  double peakMean = peakMeanTrue - 2;
986  double peakTau1 = 0.008;
987  double peakTau2 = 0.0065;
988  double peakAmp = 20.;
990  recob::HitCreator hitcreator(
991  *wire, // wire reference
992  wid, // wire ID
993  firstTick + roiFirstBinTick, // start_tick TODO check
994  lastTick + roiFirstBinTick, // end_tick TODO check
995  peakWidth, // rms
996  peakMeanTrue + roiFirstBinTick, // peak_time
997  peakMeanErr, // sigma_peak_time
998  peakAmpTrue, // peak_amplitude
999  peakAmpErr, // sigma_peak_amplitude
1000  charge, // hit_integral
1001  chargeErr, // hit_sigma_integral
1002  sumADC, // summedADC FIXME
1003  nExponentialsForFit, // multiplicity
1004  hitIdx, // local_index TODO check that the order is correct
1005  chi2PerNDF, // goodness_of_fit
1006  NDF // dof
1007  );
1009  if (fLogLevel >= 6) {
1010  std::cout << std::endl;
1011  std::cout
1012  << "- Created hit object for peak #" << hitIdx
1013  << " in this group with the following parameters (obtained from waveform):"
1014  << std::endl;
1015  std::cout << "HitStartTick: " << firstTick + roiFirstBinTick << std::endl;
1016  std::cout << "HitEndTick: " << lastTick + roiFirstBinTick << std::endl;
1017  std::cout << "HitWidthTicks: " << peakWidth << std::endl;
1018  std::cout << "HitMeanTick: " << peakMeanTrue + roiFirstBinTick << " +- "
1019  << peakMeanErr << std::endl;
1020  std::cout << "HitAmplitude [ADC]: " << peakAmpTrue << " +- " << peakAmpErr
1021  << std::endl;
1022  std::cout << "HitIntegral [ADC*ticks]: " << charge << " +- " << chargeErr
1023  << std::endl;
1024  std::cout << "HitADCSum [ADC*ticks]: " << sumADC << std::endl;
1025  std::cout << "HitMultiplicity: " << nExponentialsForFit << std::endl;
1026  std::cout << "HitIndex in group: " << hitIdx << std::endl;
1027  std::cout << "Hitchi2/ndf: " << chi2PerNDF << std::endl;
1028  std::cout << "HitNDF: " << NDF << std::endl;
1029  }
1030  const recob::Hit hit(hitcreator.move());
1031  hcol.emplace_back(std::move(hit), wire, rawdigits);
1033  std::array<float, 4> fitParams;
1034  fitParams[0] = peakMean + roiFirstBinTick;
1035  fitParams[1] = peakTau1;
1036  fitParams[2] = peakTau2;
1037  fitParams[3] = peakAmp;
1038  fHitParamWriter.addVector(hitID, fitParams);
1040  // set for next loop
1041  firstTick = lastTick + 1;
1042  lastTick = std::min(firstTick + fLongPulseWidth - 1, endT);
1044  } //<---Hits in this group
1045  } //<---End if #peaks > MaxMultiHit
1046  fChi2->Fill(chi2PerNDF);
1047  } //<---End loop over merged candidate hits
1048  } //<---End looping over ROI's
1049  } //<---End looping over all the wires
1051  //==================================================================================================
1052  // End of the event
1054  // move the hit collection and the associations into the event
1055  hcol.put_into(evt);
1057  // and put hit fit parameters together with metadata into the event
1060  } // End of produce()
1062  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1063  // Initial finding of candidate peaks
1064  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1067  std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int>>& timeValsVec,
1068  float& PeakMin,
1069  int firstTick) const
1070  {
1071  // Need a minimum number of ticks to do any work here
1072  if (std::distance(startItr, stopItr) > 4) {
1073  // Find the highest peak in the range given
1074  auto maxItr = std::max_element(startItr, stopItr);
1076  float maxValue = *maxItr;
1077  int maxTime = std::distance(startItr, maxItr);
1079  if (maxValue >= PeakMin) {
1080  // backwards to find first bin for this candidate hit
1081  auto firstItr = std::distance(startItr, maxItr) > 2 ? maxItr - 1 : startItr;
1082  bool PeakStartIsHere = true;
1084  while (firstItr != startItr) {
1085  //Check for inflection point & ADC count <= 0
1086  PeakStartIsHere = true;
1087  for (int i = 1; i <= fTicksToStopPeakFinder; i++) {
1088  if (*firstItr >= *(firstItr - i)) {
1089  PeakStartIsHere = false;
1090  break;
1091  }
1092  }
1093  if (*firstItr <= 0 || PeakStartIsHere) break;
1094  firstItr--;
1095  }
1097  int firstTime = std::distance(startItr, firstItr);
1099  // Recursive call to find all candidate hits earlier than this peak
1100  findCandidatePeaks(startItr, firstItr - 1, timeValsVec, PeakMin, firstTick);
1102  // forwards to find last bin for this candidate hit
1103  auto lastItr = std::distance(maxItr, stopItr) > 2 ? maxItr + 1 : stopItr - 1;
1104  bool PeakEndIsHere = true;
1106  while (lastItr != stopItr) {
1107  //Check for inflection point & ADC count <= 0
1108  PeakEndIsHere = true;
1109  for (int i = 1; i <= fTicksToStopPeakFinder; i++) {
1110  if (*lastItr >= *(lastItr + i)) {
1111  PeakEndIsHere = false;
1112  break;
1113  }
1114  }
1115  if (*lastItr <= 0 || PeakEndIsHere) break;
1116  lastItr++;
1117  }
1119  int lastTime = std::distance(startItr, lastItr);
1121  // Now save this candidate's start and max time info
1122  timeValsVec.push_back(
1123  std::make_tuple(firstTick + firstTime, firstTick + maxTime, firstTick + lastTime));
1125  // Recursive call to find all candidate hits later than this peak
1126  findCandidatePeaks(lastItr + 1,
1127  stopItr,
1128  timeValsVec,
1129  PeakMin,
1130  firstTick + std::distance(startItr, lastItr + 1));
1131  }
1132  }
1134  return;
1135  }
1137  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1138  // Merging of nearby candidate peaks
1139  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1141  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::mergeCandidatePeaks(const std::vector<float> signalVec,
1142  TimeValsVec timeValsVec,
1143  MergedTimeWidVec& mergedVec)
1144  {
1145  // ################################################################
1146  // ### Lets loop over the candidate pulses we found in this ROI ###
1147  // ################################################################
1148  auto timeValsVecItr = timeValsVec.begin();
1149  unsigned int PeaksInThisMergedPeak = 0;
1150  //int EndTickOfPreviousMergedPeak=0;
1151  while (timeValsVecItr != timeValsVec.end()) {
1152  PeakTimeWidVec peakVals;
1154  // Setting the start, peak, and end time of the pulse
1155  auto& timeVal = *timeValsVecItr++;
1156  int startT = std::get<0>(timeVal);
1157  int maxT = std::get<1>(timeVal);
1158  int endT = std::get<2>(timeVal);
1159  int widT = endT - startT;
1160  int FinalStartT = startT;
1161  int FinalEndT = endT;
1163  int NFluctuations = EstimateFluctuations(signalVec, startT, maxT, endT);
1165  peakVals.emplace_back(maxT, widT, startT, endT);
1167  // See if we want to merge pulses together
1168  // First check if we have more than one pulse on the wire
1169  bool checkNextHit = timeValsVecItr != timeValsVec.end();
1171  // Loop until no more merged pulses (or candidates in this ROI)
1172  while (checkNextHit) {
1173  // group hits if start time of the next pulse is < end time + fGroupMaxDistance of current pulse and if intermediate signal between two pulses doesn't go below fMinBinToGroup and if the hits are not all above the merge max adc limit
1174  int NextStartT = std::get<0>(*timeValsVecItr);
1176  double MinADC = signalVec[endT];
1177  for (int i = endT; i <= NextStartT; i++) {
1178  if (signalVec[i] < MinADC) { MinADC = signalVec[i]; }
1179  }
1181  // Group peaks (grouped peaks are fitted together and can be merged)
1182  if (MinADC >= fGroupMinADC && NextStartT - endT <= fGroupMaxDistance) {
1183  int CurrentStartT = startT;
1184  int CurrentMaxT = maxT;
1185  int CurrentEndT = endT;
1186  //int CurrentWidT=widT;
1188  timeVal = *timeValsVecItr++;
1189  int NextMaxT = std::get<1>(timeVal);
1190  int NextEndT = std::get<2>(timeVal);
1191  int NextWidT = NextEndT - NextStartT;
1192  FinalEndT = NextEndT;
1194  NFluctuations += EstimateFluctuations(signalVec, NextStartT, NextMaxT, NextEndT);
1196  int CurrentSumADC = 0;
1197  for (int i = CurrentStartT; i <= CurrentEndT; i++) {
1198  CurrentSumADC += signalVec[i];
1199  }
1201  int NextSumADC = 0;
1202  for (int i = NextStartT; i <= NextEndT; i++) {
1203  NextSumADC += signalVec[i];
1204  }
1206  //Merge peaks within a group
1207  if (fDoMergePeaks) {
1208  if (signalVec[NextMaxT] <= signalVec[CurrentMaxT] &&
1209  ((signalVec[NextMaxT] < fMergeMaxADCThreshold * signalVec[CurrentMaxT] &&
1210  NextSumADC < fMergeADCSumThreshold * CurrentSumADC) ||
1211  (signalVec[NextMaxT] - signalVec[NextStartT]) <
1212  fMinRelativePeakHeightRight * signalVec[CurrentMaxT]) &&
1213  (signalVec[NextMaxT] <= fMergeMaxADCLimit)) {
1214  maxT = CurrentMaxT;
1215  startT = CurrentStartT;
1216  endT = NextEndT;
1217  widT = endT - startT;
1218  peakVals.pop_back();
1219  peakVals.emplace_back(maxT, widT, startT, endT);
1220  }
1221  else if (signalVec[NextMaxT] > signalVec[CurrentMaxT] &&
1222  ((signalVec[CurrentMaxT] < fMergeMaxADCThreshold * signalVec[NextMaxT] &&
1223  CurrentSumADC < fMergeADCSumThreshold * NextSumADC) ||
1224  (signalVec[CurrentMaxT] - signalVec[CurrentEndT]) <
1225  fMinRelativePeakHeightLeft * signalVec[NextMaxT]) &&
1226  (signalVec[CurrentMaxT] <= fMergeMaxADCLimit)) {
1227  maxT = NextMaxT;
1228  startT = CurrentStartT;
1229  endT = NextEndT;
1230  widT = endT - startT;
1231  peakVals.pop_back();
1232  peakVals.emplace_back(maxT, widT, startT, endT);
1233  }
1234  else {
1235  maxT = NextMaxT;
1236  startT = NextStartT;
1237  endT = NextEndT;
1238  widT = NextWidT;
1239  peakVals.emplace_back(maxT, widT, startT, endT);
1240  PeaksInThisMergedPeak++;
1241  }
1242  }
1243  else {
1244  maxT = NextMaxT;
1245  startT = NextStartT;
1246  endT = NextEndT;
1247  widT = NextWidT;
1248  peakVals.emplace_back(maxT, widT, startT, endT);
1249  PeaksInThisMergedPeak++;
1250  }
1251  checkNextHit = timeValsVecItr != timeValsVec.end();
1252  } //<---Checking adjacent pulses
1253  else {
1254  checkNextHit = false;
1255  PeaksInThisMergedPeak = 0;
1256  }
1258  } //<---End checking if there is more than one pulse on the wire
1259  // Add these to our merged vector
1260  mergedVec.emplace_back(FinalStartT, FinalEndT, peakVals, NFluctuations);
1261  }
1262  return;
1263  }
1265  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1266  // Estimate fluctuations for a group of peaks to identify hits from particles in drift direction
1267  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1268  int hit::DPRawHitFinder::EstimateFluctuations(const std::vector<float> fsignalVec,
1269  int peakStart,
1270  int peakMean,
1271  int peakEnd)
1272  {
1273  int NFluctuations = 0;
1275  for (int j = peakMean - 1; j >= peakStart; j--) {
1276  if (fsignalVec[j] < 5)
1277  break; //do not look for fluctuations below 5 ADC counts (this should depend on the noise RMS)
1279  if (fsignalVec[j] > fsignalVec[j + 1]) { NFluctuations++; }
1280  }
1282  for (int j = peakMean + 1; j <= peakEnd; j++) {
1283  if (fsignalVec[j] < 5)
1284  break; //do not look for fluctuations below 5 ADC counts (this should depend on the noise RMS)
1286  if (fsignalVec[j] > fsignalVec[j - 1]) { NFluctuations++; }
1287  }
1289  return NFluctuations;
1290  }
1292  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1293  // Fit Exponentials
1294  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1295  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::FitExponentials(const std::vector<float> fSignalVector,
1296  const PeakTimeWidVec fPeakVals,
1297  int fStartTime,
1298  int fEndTime,
1299  ParameterVec& fparamVec,
1300  double& fchi2PerNDF,
1301  int& fNDF,
1302  bool fSameShape)
1303  {
1304  int size = fEndTime - fStartTime + 1;
1305  int NPeaks = fPeakVals.size();
1307  // #############################################
1308  // ### If size < 0 then set the size to zero ###
1309  // #############################################
1310  if (fEndTime - fStartTime < 0) { size = 0; }
1312  // --- TH1D HitSignal ---
1313  TH1F hitSignal("hitSignal", "", std::max(size, 1), fStartTime, fEndTime + 1);
1314  hitSignal.Sumw2();
1316  // #############################
1317  // ### Filling the histogram ###
1318  // #############################
1319  for (int i = fStartTime; i < fEndTime + 1; i++) {
1320  hitSignal.Fill(i, fSignalVector[i]);
1321  hitSignal.SetBinError(i, 0.288675); //1/sqrt(12)
1322  }
1324  // ################################################
1325  // ### Building TFormula for basic Exponentials ###
1326  // ################################################
1327  std::string eqn = CreateFitFunction(NPeaks, fSameShape);
1329  // -------------------------------------
1330  // --- TF1 function for Exponentials ---
1331  // -------------------------------------
1333  TF1 Exponentials("Exponentials", eqn.c_str(), fStartTime, fEndTime + 1);
1335  if (fLogLevel >= 4) {
1336  std::cout << std::endl;
1337  std::cout << "--- Preparing fit ---" << std::endl;
1338  std::cout << "--- Lower limits, seed, upper limit:" << std::endl;
1339  }
1341  if (fSameShape) {
1342  Exponentials.SetParameter(0, 0.5);
1343  Exponentials.SetParameter(1, 0.5);
1344  Exponentials.SetParLimits(0, fMinTau, fMaxTau);
1345  Exponentials.SetParLimits(1, fMinTau, fMaxTau);
1346  double amplitude = 0;
1347  double peakMean = 0;
1349  double peakMeanShift = 2;
1350  double peakMeanSeed = 0;
1351  double peakMeanRangeLow = 0;
1352  double peakMeanRangeHi = 0;
1353  double peakStart = 0;
1354  double peakEnd = 0;
1356  for (int i = 0; i < NPeaks; i++) {
1357  peakMean = std::get<0>(;
1358  peakStart = std::get<2>(;
1359  peakEnd = std::get<3>(;
1360  peakMeanSeed = peakMean - peakMeanShift;
1361  peakMeanRangeLow = std::max(peakStart - peakMeanShift, peakMeanSeed - fFitPeakMeanRange);
1362  peakMeanRangeHi = std::min(peakEnd, peakMeanSeed + fFitPeakMeanRange);
1363  amplitude = fSignalVector[peakMean];
1365  Exponentials.SetParameter(2 * (i + 1), 1.65 * amplitude);
1366  Exponentials.SetParLimits(2 * (i + 1), 0.3 * 1.65 * amplitude, 2 * 1.65 * amplitude);
1367  Exponentials.SetParameter(2 * (i + 1) + 1, peakMeanSeed);
1369  if (NPeaks == 1) {
1370  Exponentials.SetParLimits(2 * (i + 1) + 1, peakMeanRangeLow, peakMeanRangeHi);
1371  }
1372  else if (NPeaks >= 2 && i == 0) {
1373  double HalfDistanceToNextMean = 0.5 * (std::get<0>( + 1)) - peakMean);
1374  Exponentials.SetParLimits(
1375  2 * (i + 1) + 1,
1376  peakMeanRangeLow,
1377  std::min(peakMeanRangeHi, peakMeanSeed + HalfDistanceToNextMean));
1378  }
1379  else if (NPeaks >= 2 && i == NPeaks - 1) {
1380  double HalfDistanceToPrevMean = 0.5 * (peakMean - std::get<0>( - 1)));
1381  Exponentials.SetParLimits(
1382  2 * (i + 1) + 1,
1383  std::max(peakMeanRangeLow, peakMeanSeed - HalfDistanceToPrevMean),
1384  peakMeanRangeHi);
1385  }
1386  else {
1387  double HalfDistanceToNextMean = 0.5 * (std::get<0>( + 1)) - peakMean);
1388  double HalfDistanceToPrevMean = 0.5 * (peakMean - std::get<0>( - 1)));
1389  Exponentials.SetParLimits(
1390  2 * (i + 1) + 1,
1391  std::max(peakMeanRangeLow, peakMeanSeed - HalfDistanceToPrevMean),
1392  std::min(peakMeanRangeHi, peakMeanSeed + HalfDistanceToNextMean));
1393  }
1395  if (fLogLevel >= 4) {
1396  double t0low, t0high;
1397  Exponentials.GetParLimits(2 * (i + 1) + 1, t0low, t0high);
1398  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": A [ADC] = " << 0.3 * 1.65 * amplitude << " , "
1399  << 1.65 * amplitude << " , " << 2 * 1.65 * amplitude << std::endl;
1400  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": t0 [ticks] = " << t0low << " , " << peakMeanSeed
1401  << " , " << t0high << std::endl;
1402  }
1403  }
1404  }
1405  else {
1406  double amplitude = 0;
1407  double peakMean = 0;
1409  double peakMeanShift = 2;
1410  double peakMeanSeed = 0;
1411  double peakMeanRangeLow = 0;
1412  double peakMeanRangeHi = 0;
1413  double peakStart = 0;
1414  double peakEnd = 0;
1416  for (int i = 0; i < NPeaks; i++) {
1417  Exponentials.SetParameter(4 * i, 0.5);
1418  Exponentials.SetParameter(4 * i + 1, 0.5);
1419  Exponentials.SetParLimits(4 * i, fMinTau, fMaxTau);
1420  Exponentials.SetParLimits(4 * i + 1, fMinTau, fMaxTau);
1422  peakMean = std::get<0>(;
1423  peakStart = std::get<2>(;
1424  peakEnd = std::get<3>(;
1425  peakMeanSeed = peakMean - peakMeanShift;
1426  peakMeanRangeLow = std::max(peakStart - peakMeanShift, peakMeanSeed - fFitPeakMeanRange);
1427  peakMeanRangeHi = std::min(peakEnd, peakMeanSeed + fFitPeakMeanRange);
1428  amplitude = fSignalVector[peakMean];
1430  Exponentials.SetParameter(4 * i + 2, 1.65 * amplitude);
1431  Exponentials.SetParLimits(4 * i + 2, 0.3 * 1.65 * amplitude, 2 * 1.65 * amplitude);
1432  Exponentials.SetParameter(4 * i + 3, peakMeanSeed);
1434  if (NPeaks == 1) {
1435  Exponentials.SetParLimits(4 * i + 3, peakMeanRangeLow, peakMeanRangeHi);
1436  }
1437  else if (NPeaks >= 2 && i == 0) {
1438  double HalfDistanceToNextMean = 0.5 * (std::get<0>( + 1)) - peakMean);
1439  Exponentials.SetParLimits(
1440  4 * i + 3,
1441  peakMeanRangeLow,
1442  std::min(peakMeanRangeHi, peakMeanSeed + HalfDistanceToNextMean));
1443  }
1444  else if (NPeaks >= 2 && i == NPeaks - 1) {
1445  double HalfDistanceToPrevMean = 0.5 * (peakMean - std::get<0>( - 1)));
1446  Exponentials.SetParLimits(
1447  4 * i + 3,
1448  std::max(peakMeanRangeLow, peakMeanSeed - HalfDistanceToPrevMean),
1449  peakMeanRangeHi);
1450  }
1451  else {
1452  double HalfDistanceToNextMean = 0.5 * (std::get<0>( + 1)) - peakMean);
1453  double HalfDistanceToPrevMean = 0.5 * (peakMean - std::get<0>( - 1)));
1454  Exponentials.SetParLimits(
1455  4 * i + 3,
1456  std::max(peakMeanRangeLow, peakMeanSeed - HalfDistanceToPrevMean),
1457  std::min(peakMeanRangeHi, peakMeanSeed + HalfDistanceToNextMean));
1458  }
1460  if (fLogLevel >= 4) {
1461  double t0low, t0high;
1462  Exponentials.GetParLimits(4 * i + 3, t0low, t0high);
1463  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": A [ADC] = " << 0.3 * 1.65 * amplitude << " , "
1464  << 1.65 * amplitude << " , " << 2 * 1.65 * amplitude << std::endl;
1465  std::cout << "Peak #" << i << ": t0 [ticks] = " << t0low << " , " << peakMeanSeed
1466  << " , " << t0high << std::endl;
1467  }
1468  }
1469  }
1471  // ###########################################
1473  // ###########################################
1474  try {
1475  hitSignal.Fit(&Exponentials, "QNRWM", "", fStartTime, fEndTime + 1);
1476  }
1477  catch (...) {
1478  mf::LogWarning("DPRawHitFinder") << "Fitter failed finding a hit";
1479  }
1481  // ##################################################
1482  // ### Getting the fitted parameters from the fit ###
1483  // ##################################################
1484  fchi2PerNDF = (Exponentials.GetChisquare() / Exponentials.GetNDF());
1485  fNDF = Exponentials.GetNDF();
1487  if (fSameShape) {
1488  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(0), Exponentials.GetParError(0));
1489  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(1), Exponentials.GetParError(1));
1491  for (int i = 0; i < NPeaks; i++) {
1492  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(2 * (i + 1)),
1493  Exponentials.GetParError(2 * (i + 1)));
1494  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(2 * (i + 1) + 1),
1495  Exponentials.GetParError(2 * (i + 1) + 1));
1496  }
1497  }
1498  else {
1499  for (int i = 0; i < NPeaks; i++) {
1500  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(4 * i), Exponentials.GetParError(4 * i));
1501  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(4 * i + 1),
1502  Exponentials.GetParError(4 * i + 1));
1503  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(4 * i + 2),
1504  Exponentials.GetParError(4 * i + 2));
1505  fparamVec.emplace_back(Exponentials.GetParameter(4 * i + 3),
1506  Exponentials.GetParError(4 * i + 3));
1507  }
1508  }
1509  Exponentials.Delete();
1510  hitSignal.Delete();
1511  } //<----End FitExponentials
1513  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1514  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::FindPeakWithMaxDeviation(const std::vector<float> fSignalVector,
1515  int fNPeaks,
1516  int fStartTime,
1517  int fEndTime,
1518  bool fSameShape,
1519  ParameterVec fparamVec,
1520  PeakTimeWidVec fpeakVals,
1521  PeakDevVec& fPeakDev)
1522  {
1523  // int size = fEndTime - fStartTime + 1;
1524  // if(fEndTime - fStartTime < 0){size = 0;}
1526  std::string eqn =
1527  CreateFitFunction(fNPeaks, fSameShape); // string for equation of Exponentials fit
1529  TF1 Exponentials("Exponentials", eqn.c_str(), fStartTime, fEndTime + 1);
1531  for (size_t i = 0; i < fparamVec.size(); i++) {
1532  Exponentials.SetParameter(i, fparamVec[i].first);
1533  }
1535  // ##########################################################################
1536  // ### Finding the peak with the max chi2 fit and signal ###
1537  // ##########################################################################
1538  double Chi2PerNDFPeak;
1539  double MaxPosDeviation;
1540  double MaxNegDeviation;
1541  int BinMaxPosDeviation;
1542  int BinMaxNegDeviation;
1543  for (int i = 0; i < fNPeaks; i++) {
1544  Chi2PerNDFPeak = 0.;
1545  MaxPosDeviation = 0.;
1546  MaxNegDeviation = 0.;
1547  BinMaxPosDeviation = 0;
1548  BinMaxNegDeviation = 0;
1550  for (int j = std::get<2>(; j < std::get<3>( + 1; j++) {
1551  if ((Exponentials(j + 0.5) - fSignalVector[j]) > MaxPosDeviation &&
1552  j != std::get<0>( {
1553  MaxPosDeviation = Exponentials(j + 0.5) - fSignalVector[j];
1554  BinMaxPosDeviation = j;
1555  }
1556  if ((Exponentials(j + 0.5) - fSignalVector[j]) < MaxNegDeviation &&
1557  j != std::get<0>( {
1558  MaxNegDeviation = Exponentials(j + 0.5) - fSignalVector[j];
1559  BinMaxNegDeviation = j;
1560  }
1561  Chi2PerNDFPeak +=
1562  pow((Exponentials(j + 0.5) - fSignalVector[j]) / sqrt(fSignalVector[j]), 2);
1563  }
1565  if (BinMaxNegDeviation != 0) {
1566  Chi2PerNDFPeak /=
1567  static_cast<double>((std::get<3>( - std::get<2>(;
1568  fPeakDev.emplace_back(Chi2PerNDFPeak, i, BinMaxNegDeviation, BinMaxPosDeviation);
1569  }
1570  }
1572  std::sort(
1573  fPeakDev.begin(),
1574  fPeakDev.end(),
1575  [](std::tuple<double, int, int, int> const& t1, std::tuple<double, int, int, int> const& t2) {
1576  return std::get<0>(t1) > std::get<0>(t2);
1577  });
1578  Exponentials.Delete();
1579  }
1581  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1583  {
1584  std::string feqn = ""; // string holding fit formula
1585  std::stringstream numConv;
1587  if (fSameShape) {
1588  for (int i = 0; i < fNPeaks; i++) {
1589  feqn.append("+( [");
1590  numConv.str("");
1591  numConv << 2 * (i + 1);
1592  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1593  feqn.append("] * exp(0.4*(x-[");
1594  numConv.str("");
1595  numConv << 2 * (i + 1) + 1;
1596  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1597  feqn.append("])/[");
1598  numConv.str("");
1599  numConv << 0;
1600  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1601  feqn.append("]) / ( 1 + exp(0.4*(x-[");
1602  numConv.str("");
1603  numConv << 2 * (i + 1) + 1;
1604  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1605  feqn.append("])/[");
1606  numConv.str("");
1607  numConv << 1;
1608  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1609  feqn.append("]) ) )");
1610  }
1611  }
1612  else {
1613  for (int i = 0; i < fNPeaks; i++) {
1614  feqn.append("+( [");
1615  numConv.str("");
1616  numConv << 4 * i + 2;
1617  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1618  feqn.append("] * exp(0.4*(x-[");
1619  numConv.str("");
1620  numConv << 4 * i + 3;
1621  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1622  feqn.append("])/[");
1623  numConv.str("");
1624  numConv << 4 * i;
1625  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1626  feqn.append("]) / ( 1 + exp(0.4*(x-[");
1627  numConv.str("");
1628  numConv << 2 * (i + 1) + 1;
1629  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1630  feqn.append("])/[");
1631  numConv.str("");
1632  numConv << 4 * i + 1;
1633  feqn.append(numConv.str());
1634  feqn.append("]) ) )");
1635  }
1636  }
1637  return feqn;
1638  }
1640  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1641  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::AddPeak(std::tuple<double, int, int, int> fPeakDevCand,
1642  PeakTimeWidVec& fpeakValsTemp)
1643  {
1644  int PeakNumberWithNewPeak = std::get<1>(fPeakDevCand);
1645  int NewPeakMax = std::get<2>(fPeakDevCand);
1646  int OldPeakMax = std::get<0>(;
1647  int OldPeakOldStart = std::get<2>(;
1648  int OldPeakOldEnd = std::get<3>(;
1650  int NewPeakStart = 0;
1651  int NewPeakEnd = 0;
1652  int OldPeakNewStart = 0;
1653  int OldPeakNewEnd = 0;
1654  int DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak = 0;
1656  if (NewPeakMax < OldPeakMax) {
1657  NewPeakStart = OldPeakOldStart;
1658  OldPeakNewEnd = OldPeakOldEnd;
1659  DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak = OldPeakMax - NewPeakMax;
1660  NewPeakEnd = NewPeakMax + 0.5 * (DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak - (DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak % 2));
1661  if (DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak % 2 == 0) NewPeakEnd -= 1;
1662  OldPeakNewStart = NewPeakEnd + 1;
1663  }
1664  else if (OldPeakMax < NewPeakMax) {
1665  NewPeakEnd = OldPeakOldEnd;
1666  OldPeakNewStart = OldPeakOldStart;
1667  DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak = NewPeakMax - OldPeakMax;
1668  OldPeakNewEnd = OldPeakMax + 0.5 * (DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak - (DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak % 2));
1669  if (DistanceBwOldAndNewPeak % 2 == 0) OldPeakNewEnd -= 1;
1670  NewPeakStart = OldPeakNewEnd + 1;
1671  }
1672  else if (OldPeakMax == NewPeakMax) {
1673  return;
1674  } //This shouldn't happen
1676 =
1677  std::make_tuple(OldPeakMax, 0, OldPeakNewStart, OldPeakNewEnd);
1678  fpeakValsTemp.emplace_back(NewPeakMax, 0, NewPeakStart, NewPeakEnd);
1679  std::sort(
1680  fpeakValsTemp.begin(),
1681  fpeakValsTemp.end(),
1682  [](std::tuple<int, int, int, int> const& t1, std::tuple<int, int, int, int> const& t2) {
1683  return std::get<0>(t1) < std::get<0>(t2);
1684  });
1686  return;
1687  }
1689  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1690  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::SplitPeak(std::tuple<double, int, int, int> fPeakDevCand,
1691  PeakTimeWidVec& fpeakValsTemp)
1692  {
1693  int PeakNumberWithNewPeak = std::get<1>(fPeakDevCand);
1694  int OldPeakOldStart = std::get<2>(;
1695  int OldPeakOldEnd = std::get<3>(;
1696  int WidthOldPeakOld = OldPeakOldEnd - OldPeakOldStart;
1698  if (WidthOldPeakOld < 3) { return; } //can't split peaks with widths < 3
1700  int NewPeakMax = 0;
1701  int NewPeakStart = 0;
1702  int NewPeakEnd = 0;
1703  int OldPeakNewMax = 0;
1704  int OldPeakNewStart = 0;
1705  int OldPeakNewEnd = 0;
1707  OldPeakNewStart = OldPeakOldStart;
1708  NewPeakEnd = OldPeakOldEnd;
1710  OldPeakNewEnd = OldPeakNewStart + 0.5 * (WidthOldPeakOld + (WidthOldPeakOld % 2));
1711  NewPeakStart = OldPeakNewEnd + 1;
1713  int WidthOldPeakNew = OldPeakNewEnd - OldPeakNewStart;
1714  int WidthNewPeak = NewPeakEnd - NewPeakStart;
1716  OldPeakNewMax = OldPeakNewStart + 0.5 * (WidthOldPeakNew - (WidthOldPeakNew % 2));
1717  NewPeakMax = NewPeakStart + 0.5 * (WidthNewPeak - (WidthNewPeak % 2));
1719 =
1720  std::make_tuple(OldPeakNewMax, 0, OldPeakNewStart, OldPeakNewEnd);
1721  fpeakValsTemp.emplace_back(NewPeakMax, 0, NewPeakStart, NewPeakEnd);
1722  std::sort(
1723  fpeakValsTemp.begin(),
1724  fpeakValsTemp.end(),
1725  [](std::tuple<int, int, int, int> const& t1, std::tuple<int, int, int, int> const& t2) {
1726  return std::get<0>(t1) < std::get<0>(t2);
1727  });
1729  return;
1730  }
1732  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1733  double hit::DPRawHitFinder::WidthFunc(double fPeakMean,
1734  double fPeakAmp,
1735  double fPeakTau1,
1736  double fPeakTau2,
1737  double fStartTime,
1738  double fEndTime,
1739  double fPeakMeanTrue)
1740  {
1741  double MaxValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (fPeakMeanTrue - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1742  (1 + exp(0.4 * (fPeakMeanTrue - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1743  double FuncValue = 0.;
1744  double HalfMaxLeftTime = 0.;
1745  double HalfMaxRightTime = 0.;
1746  double ReBin = 10.;
1748  //First iteration (+- 1 bin)
1749  for (double x = fPeakMeanTrue; x > fStartTime - 1000.; x--) {
1750  FuncValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1751  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1752  if (FuncValue < 0.5 * MaxValue) {
1753  HalfMaxLeftTime = x;
1754  break;
1755  }
1756  }
1758  for (double x = fPeakMeanTrue; x < fEndTime + 1000.; x++) {
1759  FuncValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1760  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1761  if (FuncValue < 0.5 * MaxValue) {
1762  HalfMaxRightTime = x;
1763  break;
1764  }
1765  }
1767  //Second iteration (+- 0.1 bin)
1768  for (double x = HalfMaxLeftTime + 1; x > HalfMaxLeftTime; x -= (1 / ReBin)) {
1769  FuncValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1770  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1771  if (FuncValue < 0.5 * MaxValue) {
1772  HalfMaxLeftTime = x;
1773  break;
1774  }
1775  }
1777  for (double x = HalfMaxRightTime - 1; x < HalfMaxRightTime; x += (1 / ReBin)) {
1778  FuncValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1779  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1780  if (FuncValue < 0.5 * MaxValue) {
1781  HalfMaxRightTime = x;
1782  break;
1783  }
1784  }
1786  //Third iteration (+- 0.01 bin)
1787  for (double x = HalfMaxLeftTime + 1 / ReBin; x > HalfMaxLeftTime; x -= 1 / (ReBin * ReBin)) {
1788  FuncValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1789  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1790  if (FuncValue < 0.5 * MaxValue) {
1791  HalfMaxLeftTime = x;
1792  break;
1793  }
1794  }
1796  for (double x = HalfMaxRightTime - 1 / ReBin; x < HalfMaxRightTime; x += 1 / (ReBin * ReBin)) {
1797  FuncValue = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1798  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1799  if (FuncValue < 0.5 * MaxValue) {
1800  HalfMaxRightTime = x;
1801  break;
1802  }
1803  }
1805  return HalfMaxRightTime - HalfMaxLeftTime;
1806  }
1808  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1809  double hit::DPRawHitFinder::ChargeFunc(double fPeakMean,
1810  double fPeakAmp,
1811  double fPeakTau1,
1812  double fPeakTau2,
1813  double fChargeNormFactor,
1814  double fPeakMeanTrue)
1816  {
1817  double ChargeSum = 0.;
1818  double Charge = 0.;
1819  double ReBin = 10.;
1821  bool ChargeBigEnough = true;
1822  for (double x = fPeakMeanTrue - 1 / ReBin; ChargeBigEnough && x > fPeakMeanTrue - 1000.;
1823  x -= 1.) {
1824  for (double i = 0.; i > -1.; i -= (1 / ReBin)) {
1825  Charge = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x + i - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1826  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x + i - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1827  ChargeSum += Charge;
1828  }
1829  if (Charge < 0.01) ChargeBigEnough = false;
1830  }
1832  ChargeBigEnough = true;
1833  for (double x = fPeakMeanTrue; ChargeBigEnough && x < fPeakMeanTrue + 1000.; x += 1.) {
1834  for (double i = 0.; i < 1.; i += (1 / ReBin)) {
1835  Charge = (fPeakAmp * exp(0.4 * (x + i - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau1)) /
1836  (1 + exp(0.4 * (x + i - fPeakMean) / fPeakTau2));
1837  ChargeSum += Charge;
1838  }
1839  if (Charge < 0.01) ChargeBigEnough = false;
1840  }
1842  return ChargeSum * fChargeNormFactor / ReBin;
1843  }
1845  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1846  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::doBinAverage(const std::vector<float>& inputVec,
1847  std::vector<float>& outputVec,
1848  size_t binsToAverage) const
1849  {
1850  size_t halfBinsToAverage(binsToAverage / 2);
1852  float runningSum(0.);
1854  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < halfBinsToAverage; idx++)
1855  runningSum += inputVec[idx];
1857  outputVec.resize(inputVec.size());
1858  std::vector<float>::iterator outputVecItr = outputVec.begin();
1860  // First pass through to build the erosion vector
1861  for (std::vector<float>::const_iterator inputItr = inputVec.begin(); inputItr != inputVec.end();
1862  inputItr++) {
1863  size_t startOffset = std::distance(inputVec.begin(), inputItr);
1864  size_t stopOffset = std::distance(inputItr, inputVec.end());
1865  size_t count =
1866  std::min(2 * halfBinsToAverage,
1867  std::min(startOffset + halfBinsToAverage + 1, halfBinsToAverage + stopOffset - 1));
1869  if (startOffset >= halfBinsToAverage) runningSum -= *(inputItr - halfBinsToAverage);
1870  if (stopOffset > halfBinsToAverage) runningSum += *(inputItr + halfBinsToAverage);
1872  *outputVecItr++ = runningSum / float(count);
1873  }
1875  return;
1876  }
1878  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1879  void hit::DPRawHitFinder::reBin(const std::vector<float>& inputVec,
1880  std::vector<float>& outputVec,
1881  size_t nBinsToCombine) const
1882  {
1883  size_t nNewBins = inputVec.size() / nBinsToCombine;
1885  if (inputVec.size() % nBinsToCombine > 0) nNewBins++;
1887  outputVec.resize(nNewBins, 0.);
1889  size_t outputBin = 0;
1891  for (size_t inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < inputVec.size();) {
1892  outputVec[outputBin] += inputVec[inputIdx++];
1894  if (inputIdx % nBinsToCombine == 0) outputBin++;
1896  if (outputBin > outputVec.size()) {
1897  std::cout << "***** DISASTER!!! ****** outputBin: " << outputBin
1898  << ", inputIdx = " << inputIdx << std::endl;
1899  break;
1900  }
1901  }
1903  return;
1904  }
1908 } // end of hit namespace
Float_t x
Definition: compare.C:6
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
void findCandidatePeaks(std::vector< float >::const_iterator startItr, std::vector< float >::const_iterator stopItr, TimeValsVec &timeValsVec, float &PeakMin, int firstTick) const
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
std::vector< WireID > ChannelToWire(raw::ChannelID_t const channel) const
Returns a list of wires connected to the specified TPC channel.
void mergeCandidatePeaks(const std::vector< float > signalVec, TimeValsVec, MergedTimeWidVec &)
bool operator()(std::tuple< int, int, int, int > p, int s) const
Declaration of signal hit object.
EDProducer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
void produce(art::Event &evt) override
void FindPeakWithMaxDeviation(const std::vector< float > fSignalVector, int fNPeaks, int fStartTime, int fEndTime, bool fSameShape, ParameterVec fparamVec, PeakTimeWidVec fpeakVals, PeakDevVec &fPeakDev)
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:211
const range_list_t & get_ranges() const
Returns the internal list of non-void ranges.
WireID_t Wire
Index of the wire within its plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:563
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
void SplitPeak(std::tuple< double, int, int, int > fPeakDevCand, PeakTimeWidVec &fpeakValsTemp)
static void declare_products(art::ProducesCollector &collector, std::string instance_name="", bool doWireAssns=true, bool doRawDigitAssns=true)
Declares the hit products we are going to fill.
Definition: HitCreator.cxx:261
DPRawHitFinder(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
void addVector(FVector_ID id, std::array< float, N > const &values)
Definition: MVAWriter.h:96
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, int >> TimeValsVec
int TDCtick_t
Type representing a TDC tick.
Definition: RawTypes.h:25
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:101
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
Class managing the creation of a new recob::Hit object.
Definition: HitCreator.h:87
void FillOutHitParameterVector(const std::vector< double > &input, std::vector< double > &output)
Helper functions to create a hit.
FVector_ID initOutputs(std::string const &dataTag, size_t dataSize, std::vector< std::string > const &names=std::vector< std::string >(N,""))
constexpr ChannelID_t InvalidChannelID
ID of an invalid channel.
Definition: RawTypes.h:31
void AddPeak(std::tuple< double, int, int, int > fPeakDevCand, PeakTimeWidVec &fpeakValsTemp)
A class handling a collection of hits and its associations.
Definition: HitCreator.h:489
#define DEFINE_ART_MODULE(klass)
Definition: ModuleMacros.h:65
raw::ChannelID_t Channel() const
Returns the ID of the channel (or InvalidChannelID)
Definition: Wire.h:223
anab::FVectorWriter< 4 > fHitParamWriter
std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> ParameterVec
std::string CreateFitFunction(int fNPeaks, bool fSameShape)
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, int, int >> PeakTimeWidVec
std::vector< std::tuple< double, int, int, int >> PeakDevVec
tick_as<> tick
Tick number, represented by std::ptrdiff_t.
Definition: electronics.h:73
const RegionsOfInterest_t & SignalROI() const
Returns the list of regions of interest.
Definition: Wire.h:211
double ChargeFunc(double fPeakMean, double fPeakAmp, double fPeakTau1, double fPeakTau2, double fChargeNormFactor, double fPeakMeanTrue)
void emplace_back(recob::Hit &&hit, art::Ptr< recob::Wire > const &wire=art::Ptr< recob::Wire >(), art::Ptr< raw::RawDigit > const &digits=art::Ptr< raw::RawDigit >())
Adds the specified hit to the data collection.
Definition: HitCreator.cxx:299
PlaneID_t Plane
Index of the plane within its TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:481
void put_into(art::Event &)
Moves the data into an event.
Definition: HitCreator.h:622
void saveOutputs(art::Event &evt)
Check consistency and save all the results in the event.
Definition: MVAWriter.h:404
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
TTree * t2
Definition: plottest35.C:36
ProducesCollector & producesCollector() noexcept
void FitExponentials(const std::vector< float > fSignalVector, const PeakTimeWidVec fPeakVals, int fStartTime, int fEndTime, ParameterVec &fparamVec, double &fchi2PerNDF, int &fNDF, bool fSameShape)
bool getByLabel(std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, Handle< PROD > &result) const
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
unsigned int Nplanes(TPCID const &tpcid=tpc_zero) const
Returns the total number of planes in the specified TPC.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:977
Declaration of basic channel signal object.
int EstimateFluctuations(const std::vector< float > fsignalVec, int peakStart, int peakMean, int peakEnd)
void doBinAverage(const std::vector< float > &inputVec, std::vector< float > &outputVec, size_t binsToAverage) const
2D representation of charge deposited in the TDC/wire plane
Definition: Hit.h:46
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
unsigned int ChannelID_t
Type representing the ID of a readout channel.
Definition: RawTypes.h:28
Index of the TPC within its cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:399
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, PeakTimeWidVec, int >> MergedTimeWidVec
second_as<> second
Type of time stored in seconds, in double precision.
Definition: spacetime.h:82
recob::Hit && move()
Prepares the constructed hit to be moved away.
Definition: HitCreator.h:338
Definition: fwd.h:26
double WidthFunc(double fPeakMean, double fPeakAmp, double fPeakTau1, double fPeakTau2, double fStartTime, double fEndTime, double fPeakMeanTrue)
void reBin(const std::vector< float > &inputVec, std::vector< float > &outputVec, size_t nBinsToCombine) const
art framework interface to geometry description
bool operator()(int s, std::tuple< int, int, int, int > p) const