LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright 2008-2009, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
2  Authors: Christian Hoeppner & Sebastian Neubert
4  This file is part of GENFIT.
6  GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with GENFIT. If not, see <>.
18 */
22 #include <math.h>
26 #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
27 #include "TGeoManager.h"
28 #include "TGeoMaterial.h"
29 #include "TGeoMedium.h"
30 #include "TGeoVolume.h"
31 #include "TMatrixT.h"
32 #include "TMatrixTBase.h"
33 #include "TMatrixTUtils.h"
34 #include "TParticlePDG.h"
39 {
40  // for(unsigned int i=0;i<fEnergyLoss.size();++i) delete;
41  //delete geoMatManager;
42 }
44 /*
45 genf::GFMaterialEffects::GFMaterialEffects(){
46  // append all EnergyLoss classes
47  fEnergyLoss.push_back(new GFEnergyLossBetheBloch());
48  fEnergyLoss.push_back(new GFEnergyLossBrems());
49  fEnergyLoss.push_back(new GFEnergyLossCoulomb());
51  //geoMatManager = new GFGeoMatManager(); // handles material parameters and geometry - GFGeoMatManager uses TGeoMaterial and TGeoManager
52 }
53 */
56  : fEnergyLossBetheBloch(true)
57  , fNoiseBetheBloch(true)
58  , fNoiseCoulomb(true)
59  , fEnergyLossBrems(true)
60  , fNoiseBrems(true)
61  , me(0.510998910E-3)
62  , fstep(0)
63  , fbeta(0)
64  , fdedx(0)
65  , fgamma(0)
66  , fgammaSquare(0)
67  , fmatDensity(0)
68  , fmatZ(0)
69  , fmatA(0)
70  , fradiationLength(0)
71  , fmEE(0)
72  , fpdg(0)
73  , fcharge(0)
74  , fmass(0)
75 {}
78 {
79  if (finstance == NULL) finstance = new GFMaterialEffects();
80  return finstance;
81 }
84 {
85  if (finstance != NULL) {
86  delete finstance;
87  finstance = NULL;
88  }
89 }
91 double genf::GFMaterialEffects::effects(const std::vector<TVector3>& points,
92  const std::vector<double>& pointPaths,
93  const double& mom,
94  const int& pdg,
95  const bool& doNoise,
96  TMatrixT<Double_t>* noise,
97  const TMatrixT<Double_t>* jacobian,
98  const TVector3* directionBefore,
99  const TVector3* directionAfter)
100 {
102  //assert(points.size()==pointPaths.size());
103  fpdg = pdg;
105  double momLoss = 0.;
107  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) {
108  // TVector3;
109  //TVector3;
110  //TVector3 dir=p2-p1;
111  TVector3 dir = - - 1);
112  double dist = dir.Mag();
113  double realPath =;
115  if (dist > 1.E-8) { // do material effects only if distance is not too small
116  dir *= 1. / dist; //normalize dir
118  double X(0.);
119  /*
120  double matDensity, matZ, matA, radiationLength, mEE;
121  double step;
122  */
124  gGeoManager->InitTrack( - 1).X(),
125 - 1).Y(),
126 - 1).Z(),
127  dir.X(),
128  dir.Y(),
129  dir.Z());
131  while (X < dist) {
133  getParameters();
134  // geoMatManager->getMaterialParameters(matDensity, matZ, matA, radiationLength, mEE);
136  // step = geoMatManager->stepOrNextBoundary(dist-X);
137  gGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(dist - X);
138  fstep = gGeoManager->GetStep();
140  // Loop over EnergyLoss classes
141  if (fmatZ > 1.E-3) {
142  /*
143  for(unsigned int j=0;j<fEnergyLoss.size();++j){
144  momLoss += realPath/dist*>energyLoss(step,
145  mom,
146  pdg,
147  matDensity,
148  matZ,
149  matA,
150  radiationLength,
151  mEE,
152  doNoise,
153  noise,
154  jacobian,
155  directionBefore,
156  directionAfter);
157  }
158  */
159  calcBeta(mom);
161  if (fEnergyLossBetheBloch) momLoss += realPath / dist * this->energyLossBetheBloch(mom);
162  if (doNoise && fEnergyLossBetheBloch && fNoiseBetheBloch)
163  this->noiseBetheBloch(mom, noise);
165  if (/*doNoise &&*/ fNoiseCoulomb) // Force it
166  this->noiseCoulomb(mom, noise, jacobian, directionBefore, directionAfter);
168  if (fEnergyLossBrems) momLoss += realPath / dist * this->energyLossBrems(mom);
169  if (doNoise && fEnergyLossBrems && fNoiseBrems) this->noiseBrems(mom, noise);
170  }
172  X += fstep;
173  }
174  }
175  }
176  //std::cout << "GFMaterialEffects::effects(): momLoss " << momLoss << std::endl;
177  return momLoss;
178 }
180 double genf::GFMaterialEffects::stepper(const double& maxDist,
181  const double& posx,
182  const double& posy,
183  const double& posz,
184  const double& dirx,
185  const double& diry,
186  const double& dirz,
187  const double& mom,
188  const int& /* pdg */)
189 {
191  static const double maxPloss = .005; // maximum relative momentum loss allowed
193  gGeoManager->InitTrack(posx, posy, posz, dirx, diry, dirz);
195  double X(0.);
196  double dP = 0.;
197  double momLoss = 0.;
198  /*
199  double matDensity, matZ, matA, radiationLength, mEE;
200  double step;
201  */
203  while (X < maxDist) {
205  getParameters();
207  gGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(maxDist - X);
208  fstep = gGeoManager->GetStep();
209  //
210  // step = geoMatManager->stepOrNextBoundary(maxDist-X);
212  // Loop over EnergyLoss classes
214  if (fmatZ > 1.E-3) {
215  /*
216  for(unsigned int j=0;j<fEnergyLoss.size();++j){
217  momLoss +=>energyLoss(step,
218  mom,
219  pdg,
220  matDensity,
221  matZ,
222  matA,
223  radiationLength,
224  mEE);
225  }
226  */
227  calcBeta(mom);
229  if (fEnergyLossBetheBloch) momLoss += this->energyLossBetheBloch(mom);
231  if (fEnergyLossBrems) momLoss += this->energyLossBrems(mom);
232  }
234  if (dP + momLoss > mom * maxPloss) {
235  double fraction = (mom * maxPloss - dP) / momLoss;
236  if ((fraction <= 0.) || (fraction >= 1.))
237  throw GFException(std::string(__func__) + ": invalid fraction", __LINE__, __FILE__)
238  .setFatal();
239  dP += fraction * momLoss;
240  X += fraction * fstep;
241  break;
242  }
244  dP += momLoss;
245  X += fstep;
246  }
248  return X;
249 }
252 {
253  if (!gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume()->GetMedium())
254  throw GFException(std::string(__func__) + ": no medium", __LINE__, __FILE__).setFatal();
255  TGeoMaterial* mat = gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume()->GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
256  fmatDensity = mat->GetDensity();
257  fmatZ = mat->GetZ();
258  fmatA = mat->GetA();
259  fradiationLength = mat->GetRadLen();
260  fmEE = MeanExcEnergy_get(mat);
262  // You know what? F*ck it. Just force this to be LAr.... is what I *could/will* say here ....
263  // See comment in energyLossBetheBloch() for why fmEE is in eV here.
264  fmatDensity = 1.40;
265  fmatZ = 18.0;
266  fmatA = 39.95;
267  fradiationLength = 13.947;
268  fmEE = 188.0;
270  TParticlePDG* part = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(fpdg);
271  fcharge = part->Charge() / (3.);
272  fmass = part->Mass();
273 }
276 {
277  fbeta = mom / sqrt(fmass * fmass + mom * mom);
279  //for numerical stability
280  fgammaSquare = 1. - fbeta * fbeta;
281  if (fgammaSquare > 1.E-10)
282  fgammaSquare = 1. / fgammaSquare;
283  else
284  fgammaSquare = 1.E10;
285  fgamma = sqrt(fgammaSquare);
286 }
288 //---- Energy-loss and Noise calculations -----------------------------------------
291 {
293  // calc fdedx, also needed in noiseBetheBloch!
294  fdedx = 0.307075 * fmatZ / fmatA * fmatDensity / (fbeta * fbeta) * fcharge * fcharge;
295  double massRatio = me / fmass;
296  // me=0.000511 here is in GeV. So fmEE must come in here in eV to get converted to MeV.
297  double argument =
298  fgammaSquare * fbeta * fbeta * me * 1.E3 * 2. /
299  ((1.E-6 * fmEE) * sqrt(1 + 2 * sqrt(fgammaSquare) * massRatio + massRatio * massRatio));
301  if (fmass == 0.0) return (0.0);
302  if (argument <= exp(fbeta * fbeta)) {
303  fdedx = 0.;
304  // so-called Anderson-Ziegler domain ... Let's approximate it with a flat
305  // 100 MeV/cm, looking at the muon dE/dx curve in the PRD Review, or, ahem, wikipedia.
306  //
307  // But there's a practical problem: must not reduce momentum to zero for tracking in G3,
308  // so allow only 50% reduction of kinetic energy.
309  // fdedx = 100.0*1.E-3/fstep; // in GeV/cm, hence 1.e-3
310  //if (fdedx > 0.5*0.5*fmass*fbeta*fbeta/fstep) fdedx = 0.5*0.5*fmass*fbeta*fbeta/fstep;
311  }
312  else {
313  fdedx *= (log(argument) - fbeta * fbeta); // Bethe-Bloch [MeV/cm]
314  fdedx *= 1.E-3; // in GeV/cm, hence 1.e-3
315  if (fdedx < 0.) fdedx = 0;
316  }
318  double DE = fstep * fdedx; //always positive
319  double momLoss =
320  sqrt(mom * mom + 2. * sqrt(mom * mom + fmass * fmass) * DE + DE * DE) - mom; //always positive
322  //in vacuum it can numerically happen that momLoss becomes a small negative number. A cut-off at 0.01 eV for momentum loss seems reasonable
323  if (fabs(momLoss) < 1.E-11) momLoss = 1.E-11;
325  // if(fabs(momLoss)>mom)momLoss=mom; // For going fwd and ending its life. EC.
326  return momLoss;
327 }
329 void genf::GFMaterialEffects::noiseBetheBloch(const double& mom, TMatrixT<double>* noise) const
330 {
332  // ENERGY LOSS FLUCTUATIONS; calculate sigma^2(E);
333  double sigma2E = 0.;
334  double zeta =
335  153.4E3 * fcharge * fcharge / (fbeta * fbeta) * fmatZ / fmatA * fmatDensity * fstep; // eV
336  double Emax = 2.E9 * me * fbeta * fbeta * fgammaSquare /
337  (1. + 2. * fgamma * me / fmass + (me / fmass) * (me / fmass)); // eV
338  double kappa = zeta / Emax;
340  if (kappa > 0.01) { // Vavilov-Gaussian regime
341  sigma2E += zeta * Emax * (1. - fbeta * fbeta / 2.); // eV^2
342  }
343  else { // Urban/Landau approximation
344  double alpha = 0.996;
345  double sigmaalpha = 15.76;
346  // calculate number of collisions Nc
347  double I = 16. * pow(fmatZ, 0.9); // eV
348  double f2 = 0.;
349  if (fmatZ > 2.) f2 = 2. / fmatZ;
350  double f1 = 1. - f2;
351  double e2 = 10. * fmatZ * fmatZ; // eV
352  double e1 = pow((I / pow(e2, f2)), 1. / f1); // eV
354  double mbbgg2 = 2.E9 * fmass * fbeta * fbeta * fgammaSquare; // eV
355  double Sigma1 = fdedx * 1.0E9 * f1 / e1 * (log(mbbgg2 / e1) - fbeta * fbeta) /
356  (log(mbbgg2 / I) - fbeta * fbeta) * 0.6; // 1/cm
357  double Sigma2 = fdedx * 1.0E9 * f2 / e2 * (log(mbbgg2 / e2) - fbeta * fbeta) /
358  (log(mbbgg2 / I) - fbeta * fbeta) * 0.6; // 1/cm
359  double Sigma3 = fdedx * 1.0E9 * Emax / (I * (Emax + I) * log((Emax + I) / I)) * 0.4; // 1/cm
361  double Nc = (Sigma1 + Sigma2 + Sigma3) * fstep;
363  if (Nc > 50.) { // truncated Landau distribution
364  // calculate sigmaalpha (see GEANT3 manual W5013)
365  double RLAMED = -0.422784 - fbeta * fbeta - log(zeta / Emax);
366  double RLAMAX =
367  0.60715 + 1.1934 * RLAMED + (0.67794 + 0.052382 * RLAMED) * exp(0.94753 + 0.74442 * RLAMED);
368  // from lambda max to sigmaalpha=sigma (empirical polynomial)
369  if (RLAMAX <= 1010.) {
370  sigmaalpha = 1.975560 + 9.898841e-02 * RLAMAX - 2.828670e-04 * RLAMAX * RLAMAX +
371  5.345406e-07 * pow(RLAMAX, 3.) - 4.942035e-10 * pow(RLAMAX, 4.) +
372  1.729807e-13 * pow(RLAMAX, 5.);
373  }
374  else {
375  sigmaalpha = 1.871887E+01 + 1.296254E-02 * RLAMAX;
376  }
377  // alpha=54.6 corresponds to a 0.9996 maximum cut
378  if (sigmaalpha > 54.6) sigmaalpha = 54.6;
379  sigma2E += sigmaalpha * sigmaalpha * zeta * zeta; // eV^2
380  }
381  else { // Urban model
382  double Ealpha = I / (1. - (alpha * Emax / (Emax + I))); // eV
383  double meanE32 = I * (Emax + I) / Emax * (Ealpha - I); // eV^2
384  sigma2E += fstep * (Sigma1 * e1 * e1 + Sigma2 * e2 * e2 + Sigma3 * meanE32); // eV^2
385  }
386  }
388  sigma2E *= 1.E-18; // eV -> GeV
390  // update noise matrix
391  (*noise)[6][6] += (mom * mom + fmass * fmass) / pow(mom, 6.) * sigma2E;
392 }
395  TMatrixT<double>* noise,
396  const TMatrixT<double>* jacobian,
397  const TVector3* directionBefore,
398  const TVector3* directionAfter) const
399 {
401  // MULTIPLE SCATTERING; calculate sigma^2
402  // PANDA report PV/01-07 eq(43); linear in step length
403  double sigma2 =
404  225.E-6 / (fbeta * fbeta * mom * mom) * fstep / fradiationLength * fmatZ / (fmatZ + 1) *
405  log(159. * pow(fmatZ, -1. / 3.)) /
406  log(
407  287. *
408  pow(
409  fmatZ,
410  -0.5)); // sigma^2 = 225E-6/mom^2 * XX0/fbeta^2 * Z/(Z+1) * ln(159*Z^(-1/3))/ln(287*Z^(-1/2)
412  // noiseBefore
413  TMatrixT<double> noiseBefore(7, 7);
415  // calculate euler angles theta, psi (so that directionBefore' points in z' direction)
416  double psi = 0;
417  if (fabs((*directionBefore)[1]) < 1E-14) { // numerical case: arctan(+-inf)=+-PI/2
418  if ((*directionBefore)[0] >= 0.)
419  psi = M_PI / 2.;
420  else
421  psi = 3. * M_PI / 2.;
422  }
423  else {
424  if ((*directionBefore)[1] > 0.)
425  psi = M_PI - atan((*directionBefore)[0] / (*directionBefore)[1]);
426  else
427  psi = -atan((*directionBefore)[0] / (*directionBefore)[1]);
428  }
429  // cache sin and cos
430  double sintheta =
431  sqrt(1 - (*directionBefore)[2] * (*directionBefore)[2]); // theta = arccos(directionBefore[2])
432  double costheta = (*directionBefore)[2];
433  double sinpsi = sin(psi);
434  double cospsi = cos(psi);
436  // calculate NoiseBefore Matrix R M R^T
437  double noiseBefore34 =
438  sigma2 * cospsi * sinpsi * sintheta * sintheta; // noiseBefore_ij = noiseBefore_ji
439  double noiseBefore35 = -sigma2 * costheta * sinpsi * sintheta;
440  double noiseBefore45 = sigma2 * costheta * cospsi * sintheta;
442  noiseBefore[3][3] =
443  sigma2 * (cospsi * cospsi + costheta * costheta - costheta * costheta * cospsi * cospsi);
444  noiseBefore[4][3] = noiseBefore34;
445  noiseBefore[5][3] = noiseBefore35;
447  noiseBefore[3][4] = noiseBefore34;
448  noiseBefore[4][4] = sigma2 * (sinpsi * sinpsi + costheta * costheta * cospsi * cospsi);
449  noiseBefore[5][4] = noiseBefore45;
451  noiseBefore[3][5] = noiseBefore35;
452  noiseBefore[4][5] = noiseBefore45;
453  noiseBefore[5][5] = sigma2 * sintheta * sintheta;
455  TMatrixT<double> jacobianT(7, 7);
456  jacobianT = (*jacobian);
457  jacobianT.T();
459  noiseBefore = jacobianT * noiseBefore * (*jacobian); //propagate
461  // noiseAfter
462  TMatrixT<double> noiseAfter(7, 7);
464  // calculate euler angles theta, psi (so that A' points in z' direction)
465  psi = 0;
466  if (fabs((*directionAfter)[1]) < 1E-14) { // numerical case: arctan(+-inf)=+-PI/2
467  if ((*directionAfter)[0] >= 0.)
468  psi = M_PI / 2.;
469  else
470  psi = 3. * M_PI / 2.;
471  }
472  else {
473  if ((*directionAfter)[1] > 0.)
474  psi = M_PI - atan((*directionAfter)[0] / (*directionAfter)[1]);
475  else
476  psi = -atan((*directionAfter)[0] / (*directionAfter)[1]);
477  }
478  // cache sin and cos
479  sintheta =
480  sqrt(1 - (*directionAfter)[2] * (*directionAfter)[2]); // theta = arccos(directionAfter[2])
481  costheta = (*directionAfter)[2];
482  sinpsi = sin(psi);
483  cospsi = cos(psi);
485  // calculate NoiseAfter Matrix R M R^T
486  double noiseAfter34 =
487  sigma2 * cospsi * sinpsi * sintheta * sintheta; // noiseAfter_ij = noiseAfter_ji
488  double noiseAfter35 = -sigma2 * costheta * sinpsi * sintheta;
489  double noiseAfter45 = sigma2 * costheta * cospsi * sintheta;
491  noiseAfter[3][3] =
492  sigma2 * (cospsi * cospsi + costheta * costheta - costheta * costheta * cospsi * cospsi);
493  noiseAfter[4][3] = noiseAfter34;
494  noiseAfter[5][3] = noiseAfter35;
496  noiseAfter[3][4] = noiseAfter34;
497  noiseAfter[4][4] = sigma2 * (sinpsi * sinpsi + costheta * costheta * cospsi * cospsi);
498  noiseAfter[5][4] = noiseAfter45;
500  noiseAfter[3][5] = noiseAfter35;
501  noiseAfter[4][5] = noiseAfter45;
502  noiseAfter[5][5] = sigma2 * sintheta * sintheta;
504  //calculate mean of noiseBefore and noiseAfter and update noise
505  (*noise) += 0.5 * noiseBefore + 0.5 * noiseAfter;
506 }
508 double genf::GFMaterialEffects::energyLossBrems(const double& mom) const
509 {
511  if (fabs(fpdg) != 11) return 0; // only for electrons and positrons
513 #if !defined(BETHE)
514  static const double C[101] = {
515  0.0, -0.960613E-01, 0.631029E-01, -0.142819E-01, 0.150437E-02, -0.733286E-04,
516  0.131404E-05, 0.859343E-01, -0.529023E-01, 0.131899E-01, -0.159201E-02, 0.926958E-04,
517  -0.208439E-05, -0.684096E+01, 0.370364E+01, -0.786752E+00, 0.822670E-01, -0.424710E-02,
518  0.867980E-04, -0.200856E+01, 0.129573E+01, -0.306533E+00, 0.343682E-01, -0.185931E-02,
519  0.392432E-04, 0.127538E+01, -0.515705E+00, 0.820644E-01, -0.641997E-02, 0.245913E-03,
520  -0.365789E-05, 0.115792E+00, -0.463143E-01, 0.725442E-02, -0.556266E-03, 0.208049E-04,
521  -0.300895E-06, -0.271082E-01, 0.173949E-01, -0.452531E-02, 0.569405E-03, -0.344856E-04,
522  0.803964E-06, 0.419855E-02, -0.277188E-02, 0.737658E-03, -0.939463E-04, 0.569748E-05,
523  -0.131737E-06, -0.318752E-03, 0.215144E-03, -0.579787E-04, 0.737972E-05, -0.441485E-06,
524  0.994726E-08, 0.938233E-05, -0.651642E-05, 0.177303E-05, -0.224680E-06, 0.132080E-07,
525  -0.288593E-09, -0.245667E-03, 0.833406E-04, -0.129217E-04, 0.915099E-06, -0.247179E-07,
526  0.147696E-03, -0.498793E-04, 0.402375E-05, 0.989281E-07, -0.133378E-07, -0.737702E-02,
527  0.333057E-02, -0.553141E-03, 0.402464E-04, -0.107977E-05, -0.641533E-02, 0.290113E-02,
528  -0.477641E-03, 0.342008E-04, -0.900582E-06, 0.574303E-05, 0.908521E-04, -0.256900E-04,
529  0.239921E-05, -0.741271E-07, -0.341260E-04, 0.971711E-05, -0.172031E-06, -0.119455E-06,
530  0.704166E-08, 0.341740E-05, -0.775867E-06, -0.653231E-07, 0.225605E-07, -0.114860E-08,
531  -0.119391E-06, 0.194885E-07, 0.588959E-08, -0.127589E-08, 0.608247E-10};
532  static const double xi = 2.51, beta = 0.99, vl = 0.00004;
533 #endif
534 #if defined(BETHE) // no MIGDAL corrections
535  static const double C[101] = {
536  0.0, 0.834459E-02, 0.443979E-02, -0.101420E-02, 0.963240E-04, -0.409769E-05,
537  0.642589E-07, 0.464473E-02, -0.290378E-02, 0.547457E-03, -0.426949E-04, 0.137760E-05,
538  -0.131050E-07, -0.547866E-02, 0.156218E-02, -0.167352E-03, 0.101026E-04, -0.427518E-06,
539  0.949555E-08, -0.406862E-02, 0.208317E-02, -0.374766E-03, 0.317610E-04, -0.130533E-05,
540  0.211051E-07, 0.158941E-02, -0.385362E-03, 0.315564E-04, -0.734968E-06, -0.230387E-07,
541  0.971174E-09, 0.467219E-03, -0.154047E-03, 0.202400E-04, -0.132438E-05, 0.431474E-07,
542  -0.559750E-09, -0.220958E-02, 0.100698E-02, -0.596464E-04, -0.124653E-04, 0.142999E-05,
543  -0.394378E-07, 0.477447E-03, -0.184952E-03, -0.152614E-04, 0.848418E-05, -0.736136E-06,
544  0.190192E-07, -0.552930E-04, 0.209858E-04, 0.290001E-05, -0.133254E-05, 0.116971E-06,
545  -0.309716E-08, 0.212117E-05, -0.103884E-05, -0.110912E-06, 0.655143E-07, -0.613013E-08,
546  0.169207E-09, 0.301125E-04, -0.461920E-04, 0.871485E-05, -0.622331E-06, 0.151800E-07,
547  -0.478023E-04, 0.247530E-04, -0.381763E-05, 0.232819E-06, -0.494487E-08, -0.336230E-04,
548  0.223822E-04, -0.384583E-05, 0.252867E-06, -0.572599E-08, 0.105335E-04, -0.567074E-06,
549  -0.216564E-06, 0.237268E-07, -0.658131E-09, 0.282025E-05, -0.671965E-06, 0.565858E-07,
550  -0.193843E-08, 0.211839E-10, 0.157544E-04, -0.304104E-05, -0.624410E-06, 0.120124E-06,
551  -0.457445E-08, -0.188222E-05, -0.407118E-06, 0.375106E-06, -0.466881E-07, 0.158312E-08,
552  0.945037E-07, 0.564718E-07, -0.319231E-07, 0.371926E-08, -0.123111E-09};
553  static const double xi = 2.10, fbeta = 1.00, vl = 0.001;
554 #endif
556  double BCUT = 10000.; // energy up to which soft bremsstrahlung energy loss is calculated
558  double THIGH = 100., CHIGH = 50.;
559  double dedxBrems = 0.;
561  if (BCUT > 0.) {
562  double T, kc;
564  if (BCUT >= mom) BCUT = mom; // confine BCUT to mom
566  // T=mom, confined to THIGH
567  // kc=BCUT, confined to CHIGH ??
568  if (mom >= THIGH) {
569  T = THIGH;
570  if (BCUT >= THIGH)
571  kc = CHIGH;
572  else
573  kc = BCUT;
574  }
575  else {
576  T = mom;
577  kc = BCUT;
578  }
580  double E = T + me; // total electron energy
581  if (BCUT > T) kc = T;
583  double X = log(T / me);
584  double Y = log(kc / (E * vl));
586  double XX;
587  int K;
588  double S = 0., YY = 1.;
590  for (unsigned int I = 1; I <= 2; ++I) {
591  XX = 1.;
592  for (unsigned int J = 1; J <= 6; ++J) {
593  K = 6 * I + J - 6;
594  S = S + C[K] * XX * YY;
595  XX = XX * X;
596  }
597  YY = YY * Y;
598  }
600  for (unsigned int I = 3; I <= 6; ++I) {
601  XX = 1.;
602  for (unsigned int J = 1; J <= 6; ++J) {
603  K = 6 * I + J - 6;
604  if (Y <= 0.)
605  S = S + C[K] * XX * YY;
606  else
607  S = S + C[K + 24] * XX * YY;
608  XX = XX * X;
609  }
610  YY = YY * Y;
611  }
613  double SS = 0.;
614  YY = 1.;
616  for (unsigned int I = 1; I <= 2; ++I) {
617  XX = 1.;
618  for (unsigned int J = 1; J <= 5; ++J) {
619  K = 5 * I + J + 55;
620  SS = SS + C[K] * XX * YY;
621  XX = XX * X;
622  }
623  YY = YY * Y;
624  }
626  for (unsigned int I = 3; I <= 5; ++I) {
627  XX = 1.;
628  for (unsigned int J = 1; J <= 5; ++J) {
629  K = 5 * I + J + 55;
630  if (Y <= 0.)
631  SS = SS + C[K] * XX * YY;
632  else
633  SS = SS + C[K + 15] * XX * YY;
634  XX = XX * X;
635  }
636  YY = YY * Y;
637  }
639  S = S + fmatZ * SS;
641  if (S > 0.) {
642  double CORR = 1.;
643 #if !defined(BETHE)
644  CORR = 1. / (1. + 0.805485E-10 * fmatDensity * fmatZ * E * E /
645  (fmatA * kc * kc)); // MIGDAL correction factor
646 #endif
648  double FAC = fmatZ * (fmatZ + xi) * E * E * pow((kc * CORR / T), beta) / (E + me);
649  if (FAC <= 0.) return 0.;
650  dedxBrems = FAC * S;
652  double RAT;
654  if (mom > THIGH) {
655  if (BCUT < THIGH) {
656  RAT = BCUT / mom;
657  S = (1. - 0.5 * RAT + 2. * RAT * RAT / 9.);
658  RAT = BCUT / T;
659  S = S / (1. - 0.5 * RAT + 2. * RAT * RAT / 9.);
660  }
661  else {
662  RAT = BCUT / mom;
663  S = BCUT * (1. - 0.5 * RAT + 2. * RAT * RAT / 9.);
664  RAT = kc / T;
665  S = S / (kc * (1. - 0.5 * RAT + 2. * RAT * RAT / 9.));
666  }
667  dedxBrems = dedxBrems * S; // GeV barn
668  }
670  dedxBrems = 0.60221367 * fmatDensity * dedxBrems / fmatA; // energy loss dE/dx [GeV/cm]
671  }
672  }
674  if (dedxBrems < 0.) dedxBrems = 0;
676  double factor = 1.; // positron correction factor
678  if (fpdg == -11) {
679  static const double AA = 7522100., A1 = 0.415, A3 = 0.0021, A5 = 0.00054;
681  double ETA = 0.;
682  if (fmatZ > 0.) {
683  double X = log(AA * mom / fmatZ * fmatZ);
684  if (X > -8.) {
685  if (X >= +9.)
686  ETA = 1.;
687  else {
688  double W = A1 * X + A3 * pow(X, 3.) + A5 * pow(X, 5.);
689  ETA = 0.5 + atan(W) / M_PI;
690  }
691  }
692  }
694  double E0;
696  if (ETA < 0.0001)
697  factor = 1.E-10;
698  else if (ETA > 0.9999)
699  factor = 1.;
700  else {
701  E0 = BCUT / mom;
702  if (E0 > 1.) E0 = 1.;
703  if (E0 < 1.E-8)
704  factor = 1.;
705  else
706  factor = ETA * (1. - pow(1. - E0, 1. / ETA)) / E0;
707  }
708  }
710  double DE = fstep * factor * dedxBrems; //always positive
711  double momLoss =
712  sqrt(mom * mom + 2. * sqrt(mom * mom + fmass * fmass) * DE + DE * DE) - mom; //always positive
714  return momLoss;
715 }
717 void genf::GFMaterialEffects::noiseBrems(const double& mom, TMatrixT<double>* noise) const
718 {
720  if (fabs(fpdg) != 11) return; // only for electrons and positrons
722  double LX = 1.442695 * fstep / fradiationLength;
723  double S2B = mom * mom * (1. / pow(3., LX) - 1. / pow(4., LX));
724  double DEDXB = pow(fabs(S2B), 0.5);
725  DEDXB = 1.2E9 * DEDXB; //eV
726  double sigma2E = DEDXB * DEDXB; //eV^2
727  sigma2E *= 1.E-18; // eV -> GeV
729  (*noise)[6][6] += (mom * mom + fmass * fmass) / pow(mom, 6.) * sigma2E;
730 }
732 /*
733 Reference for elemental mean excitation energies at:
735 */
737 const int MeanExcEnergy_NELEMENTS = 93; // 0 = vacuum, 1 = hydrogen, 92 = uranium
739  1.e15, 19.2, 41.8, 40.0, 63.7, 76.0, 78., 82.0, 95.0, 115.0, 137.0, 149.0, 156.0, 166.0,
740  173.0, 173.0, 180.0, 174.0, 188.0, 190.0, 191.0, 216.0, 233.0, 245.0, 257.0, 272.0, 286.0, 297.0,
741  311.0, 322.0, 330.0, 334.0, 350.0, 347.0, 348.0, 343.0, 352.0, 363.0, 366.0, 379.0, 393.0, 417.0,
742  424.0, 428.0, 441.0, 449.0, 470.0, 470.0, 469.0, 488.0, 488.0, 487.0, 485.0, 491.0, 482.0, 488.0,
743  491.0, 501.0, 523.0, 535.0, 546.0, 560.0, 574.0, 580.0, 591.0, 614.0, 628.0, 650.0, 658.0, 674.0,
744  684.0, 694.0, 705.0, 718.0, 727.0, 736.0, 746.0, 757.0, 790.0, 790.0, 800.0, 810.0, 823.0, 823.0,
745  830.0, 825.0, 794.0, 827.0, 826.0, 841.0, 847.0, 878.0, 890.0};
748 {
749  if ((Z < 0) || (Z > MeanExcEnergy_NELEMENTS))
750  throw GFException(std::string(__func__) + ": unsupported Z", __LINE__, __FILE__).setFatal();
751  return MeanExcEnergy_vals[Z];
752 }
755 {
756  if (mat->IsMixture()) {
757  double logMEE = 0.;
758  double denom = 0.;
759  TGeoMixture* mix = (TGeoMixture*)mat;
760  for (int i = 0; i < mix->GetNelements(); ++i) {
761  int index = int(floor((mix->GetZmixt())[i]));
762  logMEE += 1. / (mix->GetAmixt())[i] * (mix->GetWmixt())[i] * (mix->GetZmixt())[i] *
763  log(MeanExcEnergy_get(index));
764  denom += (mix->GetWmixt())[i] * (mix->GetZmixt())[i] * 1. / (mix->GetAmixt())[i];
765  }
766  logMEE /= denom;
767  return exp(logMEE);
768  }
769  else { // not a mixture
770  int index = int(floor(mat->GetZ()));
771  return MeanExcEnergy_get(index);
772  }
773 }
775 //ClassImp(GFMaterialEffects)
static GFMaterialEffects * getInstance()
void noiseBrems(const double &mom, TMatrixT< double > *noise) const
calculation of energy loss straggeling
const int MeanExcEnergy_NELEMENTS
void noiseCoulomb(const double &mom, TMatrixT< double > *noise, const TMatrixT< double > *jacobian, const TVector3 *directionBefore, const TVector3 *directionAfter) const
calculation of multiple scattering
Float_t Y
Definition: plot.C:37
double energyLossBrems(const double &mom) const
Returns energy loss.
Float_t f2
void noiseBetheBloch(const double &mom, TMatrixT< double > *noise) const
calculation of energy loss straggling
unsigned int noise()
Float_t Z
Definition: plot.C:37
TString part[npart]
Definition: Style.C:32
constexpr double kc
Speed of light in vacuum in LArSoft units [cm/ns].
Float_t E
Definition: plot.C:20
const float MeanExcEnergy_vals[MeanExcEnergy_NELEMENTS]
Float_t f1
Float_t mat
Definition: plot.C:38
static GFMaterialEffects * finstance
void calcBeta(double mom)
sets fbeta, fgamma, fgammasquare; must only be used after calling getParameters() ...
Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information) ...
Definition: GFException.h:47
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5
constexpr double dist(const TReal *x, const TReal *y, const unsigned int dimension)
double effects(const std::vector< TVector3 > &points, const std::vector< double > &pointPaths, const double &mom, const int &pdg, const bool &doNoise=false, TMatrixT< Double_t > *noise=NULL, const TMatrixT< Double_t > *jacobian=NULL, const TVector3 *directionBefore=NULL, const TVector3 *directionAfter=NULL)
Calculates energy loss in the travelled path, optional calculation of noise matrix.
GFException & setFatal(bool b=true)
set fatal flag. if this is true, the fit stops for this current track repr.
Definition: GFException.h:75
void getParameters()
contains energy loss classes
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37
double energyLossBetheBloch(const double &mom)
Returns energy loss.
double stepper(const double &maxDist, const double &posx, const double &posy, const double &posz, const double &dirx, const double &diry, const double &dirz, const double &mom, const int &pdg)
Returns maximum length so that a specified momentum loss will not be exceeded.