LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Class: ISCalcCorrelated
3 // Plugin Type: algorithm
4 // File: ISCalcCorrelated.h and ISCalcCorrelated.cxx
5 // Description: Interface to algorithm class for a specific calculation of
6 // ionization electrons and scintillation photons, based on
7 // simple microphysics arguments to establish an anticorrelation
8 // between these two quantities.
9 // Input: 'sim::SimEnergyDeposit'
10 // Output: num of Photons and Electrons
11 // May 2020 by W Foreman
12 // Modified: Adding corrections for low electric field (LArQL model)
13 // Jun 2020 by L. Paulucci and F. Marinho
26 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandBinomial.h"
30 #include <iostream>
32 namespace larg4 {
33  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& Engine)
36  : fISTPC{*(lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>())}
37  , fSCE(lar::providerFrom<spacecharge::SpaceChargeService>())
38  , fBinomialGen{CLHEP::RandBinomial(Engine)}
39  {
40  MF_LOG_INFO("ISCalcCorrelated") << "IonizationAndScintillation/ISCalcCorrelated Initialize.";
42  fScintPreScale = lar::providerFrom<detinfo::LArPropertiesService>()->ScintPreScale();
46  // The recombination coefficient is in g/(MeVcm^2), but we report
47  // energy depositions in MeV/cm, need to divide Recombk from the
48  // LArG4Parameters service by the density of the argon we got
49  // above.
50  fRecombA = LArG4PropHandle->RecombA();
51  fRecombk = LArG4PropHandle->Recombk() / detProp.Density(detProp.Temperature());
52  fModBoxA = LArG4PropHandle->ModBoxA();
53  fModBoxB = LArG4PropHandle->ModBoxB() / detProp.Density(detProp.Temperature());
54  fEllipsModBoxA = LArG4PropHandle->EllipsModBoxA();
55  fEllipsModBoxB = LArG4PropHandle->EllipsModBoxB() / detProp.Density(detProp.Temperature());
56  fEllipsModBoxR = LArG4PropHandle->EllipsModBoxR();
57  fUseModBoxRecomb = (bool)LArG4PropHandle->UseModBoxRecomb();
58  fUseEllipsModBoxRecomb = (bool)LArG4PropHandle->UseEllipsModBoxRecomb();
59  fUseModLarqlRecomb = (bool)LArG4PropHandle->UseModLarqlRecomb();
60  fUseBinomialFlucts = (bool)LArG4PropHandle->UseBinomialFlucts();
61  fLarqlChi0A = LArG4PropHandle->LarqlChi0A();
62  fLarqlChi0B = LArG4PropHandle->LarqlChi0B();
63  fLarqlChi0C = LArG4PropHandle->LarqlChi0C();
64  fLarqlChi0D = LArG4PropHandle->LarqlChi0D();
65  fLarqlAlpha = LArG4PropHandle->LarqlAlpha();
66  fLarqlBeta = LArG4PropHandle->LarqlBeta();
67  fQAlpha = LArG4PropHandle->QAlpha();
68  fGeVToElectrons = LArG4PropHandle->GeVToElectrons();
70  // ionization work function
71  fWion = 1. / fGeVToElectrons * 1e3; // MeV
73  // ion+excitation work function
74  fWph = LArG4PropHandle->Wph() * 1e-6; // MeV
75  }
77  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80  {
82  double const energy_deposit = edep.Energy();
84  // calculate total quanta (ions + excitons)
85  double num_ions = 0.0; //check if the deposited energy is above ionization threshold
86  if (energy_deposit >= fWion) num_ions = energy_deposit / fWion;
87  double num_quanta = energy_deposit / fWph;
89  double ds = edep.StepLength();
90  double dEdx = (ds <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : energy_deposit / ds;
91  dEdx = (dEdx < 1.) ? 1. : dEdx;
92  double EFieldStep = EFieldAtStep(detProp.Efield(), edep);
93  double recomb = 0., num_electrons = 0.;
95  //calculate recombination survival fraction value inside, otherwise zero
96  if (EFieldStep > 0.) {
97  // calculate recombination survival fraction
98  // ...using Modified Box model
99  if (fUseModBoxRecomb) {
100  double Xi = fModBoxB * dEdx / EFieldStep;
101  recomb = std::log(fModBoxA + Xi) / Xi;
102  }
103  else if (fUseEllipsModBoxRecomb) {
105  double phi = AngleToEFieldAtStep(detProp.Efield(), edep);
107  if (std::isnan(phi)) {
108  double Xi = fModBoxB * dEdx / EFieldStep;
109  recomb = std::log(fModBoxA + Xi) / Xi;
110  }
111  else {
112  double B_ellips =
113  fEllipsModBoxB * dEdx /
114  (EFieldStep * std::hypot(std::sin(phi), std::cos(phi) / fEllipsModBoxR));
116  recomb = std::log(fEllipsModBoxA + B_ellips) / B_ellips;
117  }
118  }
119  // ... or using Birks/Doke
120  else {
121  recomb = fRecombA / (1. + dEdx * fRecombk / EFieldStep);
122  }
123  }
125  if (fUseModLarqlRecomb &&
126  edep.PdgCode() != 1000020040) { //Use corrections from LArQL model (except for alpha)
127  recomb += EscapingEFraction(dEdx) * FieldCorrection(EFieldStep, dEdx); //Correction for low EF
128  }
130  // Guard against unphysical recombination values
131  if (recomb < 0.) {
132  mf::LogWarning("ISCalcCorrelated")
133  << "Recombination survival fraction is lower than 0.: " << recomb << ", fixing it to 0.";
134  recomb = 0.;
135  }
136  else if (recomb > 1.) {
137  mf::LogWarning("ISCalcCorrelated")
138  << "Recombination survival fraction is higher than 1.: " << recomb << ", fixing it to 1.";
139  recomb = 1.;
140  }
142  // using this recombination, calculate number energy_deposit of ionization electrons
143  if (num_ions > 0.)
144  num_electrons =
145  (fUseBinomialFlucts) ?, recomb) : (num_ions * recomb);
147  // calculate scintillation photons
148  double num_photons = (num_quanta - num_electrons) * fScintPreScale;
150  if (edep.PdgCode() == 1000020040) {
151  num_electrons = num_electrons * fQAlpha;
152  num_photons = num_photons * fQAlpha;
153  }
155  MF_LOG_DEBUG("ISCalcCorrelated")
156  << "With " << energy_deposit << " MeV of deposited energy, "
157  << "and a recombination of " << recomb << ", \nthere are " << num_electrons
158  << " electrons, and " << num_photons << " photons.";
160  return {energy_deposit, num_electrons, num_photons, GetScintYieldRatio(edep)};
161  }
163  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
165  {
166  // electric field outside active volume set to zero
167  if (!fISTPC.isScintInActiveVolume(edep.MidPoint())) return 0.;
169  TVector3 elecvec;
172  geo::TPCID tpcid = fGeometry->PositionToTPCID(edep.MidPoint());
173  if (!bool(tpcid)) return 0.;
174  const geo::TPCGeo& tpcGeo = fGeometry->TPC(tpcid);
176  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 1) elecvec.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0);
177  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -1) elecvec.SetXYZ(-1, 0, 0);
178  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 2) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, 1, 0);
179  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -2) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, -1, 0);
180  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 3) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1);
181  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -3) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, 0, -1);
183  elecvec *= efield;
185  if (fSCE->EnableSimEfieldSCE()) {
186  auto const eFieldOffsets = fSCE->GetEfieldOffsets(edep.MidPoint());
187  TVector3 scevec;
189  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 1)
190  scevec.SetXYZ(
191  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
192  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -1)
193  scevec.SetXYZ(
194  -1 * efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
195  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 2)
196  scevec.SetXYZ(
197  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
198  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -2)
199  scevec.SetXYZ(
200  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), -1 * efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
201  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 3)
202  scevec.SetXYZ(
203  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
204  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -3)
205  scevec.SetXYZ(
206  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), -1 * efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
208  elecvec += scevec;
209  }
211  return elecvec.Mag();
212  }
213  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
215  {
217  // electric field outside active volume set to zero
218  if (!fISTPC.isScintInActiveVolume(edep.MidPoint())) return 0.;
220  TVector3 stepvec(
221  edep.StartX() - edep.EndX(), edep.StartY() - edep.EndY(), edep.StartZ() - edep.EndZ());
223  TVector3 elecvec;
226  geo::TPCID tpcid = fGeometry->PositionToTPCID(edep.MidPoint());
227  if (!bool(tpcid)) return 0.;
228  const geo::TPCGeo& tpcGeo = fGeometry->TPC(tpcid);
230  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 1) elecvec.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0);
231  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -1) elecvec.SetXYZ(-1, 0, 0);
232  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 2) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, 1, 0);
233  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -2) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, -1, 0);
234  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 3) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1);
235  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -3) elecvec.SetXYZ(0, 0, -1);
237  elecvec *= efield;
239  // electric field inside active volume
240  if (fSCE->EnableSimEfieldSCE()) {
241  auto const eFieldOffsets = fSCE->GetEfieldOffsets(edep.MidPoint());
243  TVector3 scevec;
245  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 1)
246  scevec.SetXYZ(
247  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
248  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -1)
249  scevec.SetXYZ(
250  -1 * efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
251  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 2)
252  scevec.SetXYZ(
253  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
254  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -2)
255  scevec.SetXYZ(
256  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), -1 * efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
257  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == 3)
258  scevec.SetXYZ(
259  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
260  if (tpcGeo.DetectDriftDirection() == -3)
261  scevec.SetXYZ(
262  efield * eFieldOffsets.X(), efield * eFieldOffsets.Y(), -1 * efield * eFieldOffsets.Z());
264  elecvec += scevec;
265  }
267  double angle = std::acos(stepvec.Dot(elecvec) / (stepvec.Mag() * elecvec.Mag()));
269  if (angle > TMath::PiOver2()) { angle = abs(TMath::Pi() - angle); }
271  return angle;
272  }
274  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275  // LArQL chi0 function = fraction of escaping electrons
276  double ISCalcCorrelated::EscapingEFraction(double const dEdx) const
277  {
278  return fLarqlChi0A / (fLarqlChi0B + std::exp(fLarqlChi0C + fLarqlChi0D * dEdx));
279  }
281  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
282  // LArQL f_corr function = correction factor for electric field dependence
283  double ISCalcCorrelated::FieldCorrection(double const EF, double const dEdx) const
284  {
285  return std::exp(-EF / (fLarqlAlpha * std::log(dEdx) + fLarqlBeta));
286  }
288 } // namespace larg4
geo::Length_t StartX() const
virtual bool EnableSimEfieldSCE() const =0
geo::Length_t EndZ() const
Store parameters for running LArG4.
double FieldCorrection(double const EF, double const dEdx) const
double EscapingEFraction(double const dEdx) const
geo::Length_t StepLength() const
double fModBoxA
from LArG4Parameters service
geo::Length_t EndY() const
double ModBoxA() const
Utilities related to art service access.
ISCalcData CalcIonAndScint(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, sim::SimEnergyDeposit const &edep) override
double fRecombk
from LArG4Parameters service
double fEllipsModBoxA
from LArG4Parameters service
double fWion
W_ion (23.6 eV) == 1/fGeVToElectrons.
CLHEP::RandBinomial fBinomialGen
double fGeVToElectrons
from LArG4Parameters service
double LarqlChi0B() const
double fModBoxB
from LArG4Parameters service
Geometry information for a single TPC.
Definition: TPCGeo.h:36
double fQAlpha
from LArG4Parameters service
double fEllipsModBoxR
from LArG4Parameters service
bool fUseModLarqlRecomb
from LArG4Parameters service
double LarqlBeta() const
double LarqlAlpha() const
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
bool UseModBoxRecomb() const
double AngleToEFieldAtStep(double efield, sim::SimEnergyDeposit const &edep)
Geant4 interface.
double LarqlChi0D() const
double fEllipsModBoxB
from LArG4Parameters service
double EllipsModBoxA() const
geo::Length_t StartY() const
bool UseBinomialFlucts() const
double QAlpha() const
double Efield(unsigned int planegap=0) const
double EllipsModBoxR() const
TPCGeo const & TPC(TPCID const &tpcid=tpc_zero) const
Returns the specified TPC.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:722
double fScintPreScale
scintillation pre-scaling factor from LArProperties service
double EFieldAtStep(double efield, sim::SimEnergyDeposit const &edep) override
double LarqlChi0C() const
double fWph
from LArG4Parameters service
geo::Length_t EndX() const
bool fUseBinomialFlucts
from LArG4Parameters service
bool UseModLarqlRecomb() const
double fLarqlChi0B
from LArG4Parameters service
double Wph() const
bool fUseEllipsModBoxRecomb
from LArG4Parameters service
double fLarqlChi0D
from LArG4Parameters service
geo::Point_t MidPoint() const
bool fUseModBoxRecomb
from LArG4Parameters service
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:381
double RecombA() const
double fLarqlChi0C
from LArG4Parameters service
geo::Length_t StartZ() const
double LarqlChi0A() const
#define MF_LOG_INFO(category)
Double_t edep
Definition: macro.C:13
float dEdx(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const TCSlice &slc, TP3D &tp3d)
Definition: PFPUtils.cxx:2675
double fLarqlChi0A
from LArG4Parameters service
virtual geo::Vector_t GetEfieldOffsets(geo::Point_t const &point) const =0
double EllipsModBoxB() const
double ModBoxB() const
short int DetectDriftDirection() const
Returns the expected drift direction based on geometry.
Definition: TPCGeo.cxx:149
contains information for a single step in the detector simulation
double Recombk() const
bool UseEllipsModBoxRecomb() const
double fLarqlBeta
from LArG4Parameters service
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Energy deposition in the active material.
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
double fLarqlAlpha
from LArG4Parameters service
double Energy() const
const spacecharge::SpaceCharge * fSCE
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
bool isScintInActiveVolume(geo::Point_t const &ScintPoint)
Definition: ISTPC.cxx:36
double fRecombA
from LArG4Parameters service
double GetScintYieldRatio(sim::SimEnergyDeposit const &edep)
Definition: ISCalc.cxx:41
ISCalcCorrelated(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &Engine)
TPCID PositionToTPCID(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the ID of the TPC at specified location.
double GeVToElectrons() const
art framework interface to geometry description