LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include "larreco/RecoAlg/GausFitCache.h" // hit::GausFitCache
13 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
16 #include <cassert>
17 #include <fstream>
19 #include "TF1.h"
20 #include "TH1F.h"
22 namespace reco_tool {
29  public:
31  BaselinedGausFitCache(std::string const& new_name = "BaselinedGausFitCache")
32  : hit::GausFitCache(new_name)
33  {}
35  protected:
39  virtual TF1* CreateFunction(size_t nFunc) const
40  {
41  // add the Gaussians first
42  std::string formula;
43  std::size_t iGaus = 0;
44  while (iGaus < nFunc)
45  formula += "gaus(" + std::to_string(3 * (iGaus++)) + ") + ";
46  formula += "[" + std::to_string(3 * nFunc) + "]";
48  std::string const func_name = FunctionName(nFunc);
49  auto* pF = new TF1(func_name.c_str(), formula.c_str());
50  pF->SetParName(iGaus * 3, "baseline");
51  return pF;
52  } // CreateFunction()
54  }; // BaselinedGausFitCache
57  public:
58  explicit PeakFitterGaussian(const fhicl::ParameterSet& pset);
60  void findPeakParameters(const std::vector<float>&,
63  double&,
64  int&) const override;
66  private:
67  // Member variables from the fhicl file
68  const double fMinWidth;
69  const double fMaxWidthMult;
70  const double fPeakRange;
71  const double fAmpRange;
72  const bool fFloatBaseline;
73  const bool fOutputHistograms;
74  const bool fRefit;
75  const double fRefitThreshold;
76  const double fRefitImprovement;
79  TH1F* fROISizeHist;
91  mutable TH1F fHistogram;
93  const geo::GeometryCore* fGeometry = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
95  void SetFitParameters(TF1& Gaus,
96  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
97  const unsigned int nGaus,
98  const float baseline,
99  const float startTime,
100  const float roiSize) const;
102  void GetFitParameters(const TF1& Gaus,
103  PeakParamsVec& peakParamsVec,
104  const unsigned int nGaus,
105  const float startTime,
106  double& chi2PerNDF,
107  int& NDF) const;
109  ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate FindRefitCand(
110  const TF1& fittedGaus,
111  const std::vector<float>& waveform,
112  const int startTime,
113  const int roiSize,
114  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
115  const PeakParamsVec& fittedPeakVec) const;
117  std::pair<ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate, PeakFitParams_t> FindShiftedGaussian(
118  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
119  const PeakParamsVec& fittedPeakVec) const;
120  };
122  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
123  // Constructor.
125  : fMinWidth(pset.get<double>("MinWidth", 0.5))
126  , fMaxWidthMult(pset.get<double>("MaxWidthMult", 3.))
127  , fPeakRange(pset.get<double>("PeakRangeFact", 2.))
128  , fAmpRange(pset.get<double>("PeakAmpRange", 2.))
129  , fFloatBaseline(pset.get<bool>("FloatBaseline", false))
130  , fOutputHistograms(pset.get<bool>("OutputHistograms", false))
131  , fRefit(pset.get<bool>("Refit"))
132  , fRefitThreshold(pset.get<double>("RefitThreshold"))
133  , fRefitImprovement(pset.get<double>("RefitImprovement"))
134  {
135  fHistogram = TH1F("PeakFitterHitSignal", "", 500, 0., 500.);
137  fHistogram.Sumw2();
139  std::string function = "Gaus(0)";
141  // If asked, define the global histograms
142  if (fOutputHistograms) {
143  // Access ART's TFileService, which will handle creating and writing
144  // histograms and n-tuples for us.
147  // Make a directory for these histograms
148  art::TFileDirectory dir = tfs->mkdir("PeakFit");
150  fNumCandHitsHist = dir.make<TH1F>("NumCandHits", "# Candidate Hits", 100, 0., 100.);
151  fROISizeHist = dir.make<TH1F>("ROISize", "ROI Size", 400, 0., 400.);
152  fCandPeakPositionHist = dir.make<TH1F>("CPeakPosition", "Peak Position", 200, 0., 400.);
153  fCandPeakWidHist = dir.make<TH1F>("CPeadWidth", "Peak Width", 100, 0., 25.);
154  fCandPeakAmpitudeHist = dir.make<TH1F>("CPeakAmplitude", "Peak Amplitude", 100, 0., 200.);
155  fCandBaselineHist = dir.make<TH1F>("CBaseline", "Baseline", 200, -25., 25.);
156  fFitPeakPositionHist = dir.make<TH1F>("FPeakPosition", "Peak Position", 200, 0., 400.);
157  fFitPeakWidHist = dir.make<TH1F>("FPeadWidth", "Peak Width", 100, 0., 25.);
158  fFitPeakAmpitudeHist = dir.make<TH1F>("FPeakAmplitude", "Peak Amplitude", 100, 0., 200.);
159  fFitBaselineHist = dir.make<TH1F>("FBaseline", "Baseline", 200, -25., 25.);
160  }
162  return;
163  }
165  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167  const std::vector<float>& roiSignalVec,
168  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
169  PeakParamsVec& peakParamsVec,
170  double& chi2PerNDF,
171  int& NDF) const
172  {
173  // The following is a translation of the original FitGaussians function in the original
174  // GausHitFinder module originally authored by Jonathan Asaadi
175  //
176  // *** NOTE: this algorithm assumes the reference time for input hit candidates is to
177  // the first tick of the input waveform (ie 0)
178  //
179  if (hitCandidateVec.empty()) return;
181  // in case of a fit failure, set the chi-square to infinity
182  chi2PerNDF = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
184  int startTime = hitCandidateVec.front().startTick;
185  int endTime = hitCandidateVec.back().stopTick;
186  int roiSize = endTime - startTime;
188  // Check to see if we need a bigger histogram for fitting
189  if (roiSize > fHistogram.GetNbinsX()) {
190  std::string histName = "PeakFitterHitSignal_" + std::to_string(roiSize);
191  fHistogram = TH1F(histName.c_str(), "", roiSize, 0., roiSize);
192  fHistogram.Sumw2();
193  }
195  for (int idx = 0; idx < roiSize; idx++)
196  fHistogram.SetBinContent(idx + 1, roiSignalVec[startTime + idx]);
198  // Build the string to describe the fit formula
199  unsigned int const nGaus = hitCandidateVec.size();
200  assert(fFitCache.Get(nGaus));
201  TF1 Gaus = *(fFitCache.Get(nGaus));
203  // Set the baseline if so desired
204  const float baseline(fFloatBaseline ? roiSignalVec[startTime] : 0.f);
206  if (fOutputHistograms) {
207  fNumCandHitsHist->Fill(hitCandidateVec.size(), 1.);
208  fROISizeHist->Fill(roiSize, 1.);
209  fCandBaselineHist->Fill(baseline, 1.);
210  }
212  SetFitParameters(Gaus, hitCandidateVec, nGaus, baseline, startTime, roiSize);
214  int fitResult{-1};
216  try {
217  fitResult = fHistogram.Fit(&Gaus, "QNWB", "", 0., roiSize);
218  }
219  catch (...) {
220  mf::LogWarning("GausHitFinder") << "Fitter failed finding a hit";
221  }
223  // If the fit result is not zero there was an error
224  if (!fitResult) {
225  GetFitParameters(Gaus, peakParamsVec, nGaus, startTime, chi2PerNDF, NDF);
227  // TODO: The refit functionality should be split out into a dedicated tool that will take in
228  // the fit previous fit result, find the new parameters for the refit, and call a
229  // fitting tool to perform the refit. This would enable the use with any fitting tool
230  // rather than being bound within this tool.
231  if (fRefit && chi2PerNDF > fRefitThreshold &&
232  chi2PerNDF < std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
234  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate refitParams =
235  FindRefitCand(Gaus, roiSignalVec, startTime, roiSize, hitCandidateVec, peakParamsVec);
237  if (refitParams.hitHeight > 0) {
239  ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec newHitCandidateVec = hitCandidateVec;
240  newHitCandidateVec.push_back(refitParams);
242  // Build the string to describe the fit formula
243  unsigned int const nGausNew = nGaus + 1;
244  assert(fFitCache.Get(nGausNew));
245  Gaus = *(fFitCache.Get(nGausNew));
247  SetFitParameters(Gaus, newHitCandidateVec, nGausNew, baseline, startTime, roiSize);
249  int newFitResult{-1};
250  try {
251  newFitResult = fHistogram.Fit(&Gaus, "QNWB", "", 0., roiSize);
252  }
253  catch (...) {
254  mf::LogWarning("GausHitFinder") << "Fitter failed finding a hit";
255  }
257  // If the fit result is not zero there was an error
258  if (!newFitResult) {
259  const float newChi2PerNDF = Gaus.GetChisquare() / Gaus.GetNDF();
260  if (newChi2PerNDF * fRefitImprovement < chi2PerNDF || newChi2PerNDF < fRefitThreshold) {
261  peakParamsVec.clear();
262  GetFitParameters(Gaus, peakParamsVec, nGausNew, startTime, chi2PerNDF, NDF);
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  }
268  if (fOutputHistograms) fFitBaselineHist->Fill(Gaus.GetParameter(3 * nGaus), 1.);
269  }
270  return;
271  }
274  TF1& Gaus,
275  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
276  const unsigned int nGaus,
277  const float baseline,
278  const float startTime,
279  const float roiSize) const
280  {
281  if (fFloatBaseline) {
282  Gaus.SetParameter(nGaus * 3, baseline);
283  Gaus.SetParLimits(nGaus * 3, baseline - 12., baseline + 12.);
284  }
285  else
286  Gaus.FixParameter(nGaus * 3, baseline); // last parameter is the baseline
288  int parIdx{0};
289  for (auto const& candidateHit : hitCandidateVec) {
290  double const peakMean = candidateHit.hitCenter - startTime;
291  double const peakWidth = candidateHit.hitSigma;
292  double const amplitude = candidateHit.hitHeight - baseline;
293  double const meanLowLim = std::max(peakMean - fPeakRange * peakWidth, 0.);
294  double const meanHiLim = std::min(peakMean + fPeakRange * peakWidth, double(roiSize));
296  if (fOutputHistograms) {
297  fCandPeakPositionHist->Fill(peakMean, 1.);
298  fCandPeakWidHist->Fill(peakWidth, 1.);
299  fCandPeakAmpitudeHist->Fill(amplitude, 1.);
300  }
302  Gaus.SetParameter(parIdx, amplitude);
303  Gaus.SetParameter(1 + parIdx, peakMean);
304  Gaus.SetParameter(2 + parIdx, peakWidth);
305  Gaus.SetParLimits(parIdx, 0.1 * amplitude, fAmpRange * amplitude);
306  Gaus.SetParLimits(1 + parIdx, meanLowLim, meanHiLim);
307  Gaus.SetParLimits(
308  2 + parIdx, std::max(fMinWidth, 0.1 * peakWidth), fMaxWidthMult * peakWidth);
310  parIdx += 3;
311  }
312  }
315  PeakParamsVec& peakParamsVec,
316  const unsigned int nGaus,
317  const float startTime,
318  double& chi2PerNDF,
319  int& NDF) const
320  {
321  chi2PerNDF = (Gaus.GetChisquare() / Gaus.GetNDF());
322  NDF = Gaus.GetNDF();
324  int parIdx{0};
325  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < nGaus; idx++) {
326  PeakFitParams_t peakParams;
328  peakParams.peakAmplitude = Gaus.GetParameter(parIdx);
329  peakParams.peakAmplitudeError = Gaus.GetParError(parIdx);
330  peakParams.peakCenter = Gaus.GetParameter(parIdx + 1) + startTime;
331  peakParams.peakCenterError = Gaus.GetParError(parIdx + 1);
332  peakParams.peakSigma = Gaus.GetParameter(parIdx + 2);
333  peakParams.peakSigmaError = Gaus.GetParError(parIdx + 2);
335  if (fOutputHistograms) {
336  fFitPeakPositionHist->Fill(peakParams.peakCenter, 1.);
337  fFitPeakWidHist->Fill(peakParams.peakSigma, 1.);
338  fFitPeakAmpitudeHist->Fill(peakParams.peakAmplitude, 1.);
339  }
341  peakParamsVec.emplace_back(peakParams);
343  parIdx += 3;
344  }
345  }
348  const TF1& fittedGaus,
349  const std::vector<float>& waveform,
350  const int startTime,
351  const int roiSize,
352  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
353  const PeakParamsVec& fittedPeakVec) const
354  {
356  // Find the candidate that was shifted most by the fit
357  std::pair<ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate, PeakFitParams_t> shiftedHitCanPair =
358  FindShiftedGaussian(hitCandidateVec, fittedPeakVec);
360  // If the candidate was shifted more than some given amount, place a new candidate on the other side
361  float offset(shiftedHitCanPair.second.peakCenter - shiftedHitCanPair.first.hitCenter);
363  // If we have too many Gaussians it is just a mess
364  if (std::abs(offset) > 1.f && hitCandidateVec.size() == 1) {
366  offset = std::min(offset, roiSize / 8.f);
368  const int candPos(
369  offset > 0 ?
370  std::min(shiftedHitCanPair.first.hitCenter + 4.f * offset,
371  (shiftedHitCanPair.first.hitCenter + shiftedHitCanPair.first.stopTick) / 2.f) :
372  std::max(shiftedHitCanPair.first.hitCenter + 4.f * offset,
373  (shiftedHitCanPair.first.hitCenter + shiftedHitCanPair.first.startTick) / 2.f));
376  0,
377  0,
378  0,
379  0,
380  0,
381  float(candPos + startTime),
382  3.f * std::abs(offset),
383  0.5f * waveform[candPos]};
384  }
386  // If we are not trying a peak that was shifted, find the largest diff between fitted and input
387  int maxDiffPos(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
388  float maxDiff(0);
389  for (int i = 0; i < roiSize; i++) {
390  float diff(waveform[startTime + i] - fittedGaus.Eval(i));
392  // Prefer excesses over deficits
393  if (diff > 0) diff *= 1.25;
395  diff *= diff;
397  // We want to avoid adding new Gaussians in the tails
398  float peakDist(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
399  for (auto const& hitCandidate : hitCandidateVec)
400  peakDist = std::min(peakDist, std::abs(hitCandidate.hitCenter - float(startTime) - i));
402  // Or too close to a peak
403  if (peakDist < 3) continue;
405  diff *= std::log(peakDist);
407  if (std::abs(diff) > std::abs(maxDiff)) {
408  maxDiff = diff;
409  maxDiffPos = i;
410  }
411  }
413  if (maxDiffPos == std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
415  0,
416  0,
417  0,
418  0,
419  0,
420  std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(),
421  std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(),
422  std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()};
424  // Recover the actual diff
425  maxDiff = (waveform[startTime + maxDiffPos] - fittedGaus.Eval(maxDiffPos));
427  int lowLim(maxDiffPos);
428  int highLim(maxDiffPos);
429  const bool useMax(maxDiff > 0);
431  // Find the point where the excess crosses the fitted Gaussian
432  if (useMax) {
433  while (lowLim > 0 && waveform[startTime + lowLim] > fittedGaus.Eval(lowLim))
434  lowLim--;
436  while (highLim < roiSize && waveform[startTime + highLim] > fittedGaus.Eval(highLim))
437  highLim++;
438  }
439  else {
440  while (lowLim > 0 && waveform[startTime + lowLim] < fittedGaus.Eval(lowLim))
441  lowLim--;
443  while (highLim < roiSize && waveform[startTime + highLim] < fittedGaus.Eval(highLim))
444  highLim++;
445  }
447  const float amplitude(std::max(std::abs(2 * maxDiff), waveform[startTime + maxDiffPos] / 2.f));
450  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float(maxDiffPos + startTime), 0.5f * (highLim - lowLim), amplitude};
451  }
453  std::pair<ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate, IPeakFitter::PeakFitParams_t>
455  const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec& hitCandidateVec,
456  const PeakParamsVec& fittedPeakVec) const
457  {
458  float minDiff(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
459  ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate const* minHit;
460  PeakFitParams_t const* minPeak{nullptr};
462  for (auto const& hitCand : hitCandidateVec) {
463  for (auto const& fittedPeak : fittedPeakVec) {
464  const float offset(hitCand.hitCenter - fittedPeak.peakCenter);
465  if (std::abs(offset) < minDiff) {
466  minDiff = offset;
467  minHit = &hitCand;
468  minPeak = &fittedPeak;
469  }
470  }
471  }
473  assert(minPeak);
474  return std::pair<ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate, PeakFitParams_t>(*minHit, *minPeak);
475  }
478 }
Definition: ToolMacros.h:42
Utilities related to art service access.
const double fPeakRange
set range limits for peak center
const double fMaxWidthMult
multiplier for max width for gaussian fit
const bool fOutputHistograms
If true will generate summary style histograms.
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
const bool fRefit
If true will attempt to refit with an extra Gaussian.
const double fRefitThreshold
Reduced Chi2 threshold above which to refit.
PeakFitterGaussian(const fhicl::ParameterSet &pset)
std::pair< ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate, PeakFitParams_t > FindShiftedGaussian(const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec &hitCandidateVec, const PeakParamsVec &fittedPeakVec) const
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
A set of TF1 linear sum of base functions (Gaussians)
Definition: GausFitCache.h:45
const double fAmpRange
set range limit for peak amplitude
BaselinedGausFitCache fFitCache
Preallocated ROOT functions for the fits.
ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidate FindRefitCand(const TF1 &fittedGaus, const std::vector< float > &waveform, const int startTime, const int roiSize, const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec &hitCandidateVec, const PeakParamsVec &fittedPeakVec) const
void SetFitParameters(TF1 &Gaus, const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec &hitCandidateVec, const unsigned int nGaus, const float baseline, const float startTime, const float roiSize) const
decltype(auto) constexpr to_string(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::to_string.
const double fRefitImprovement
Factor by which the refit must improve the chi2.
BaselinedGausFitCache(std::string const &new_name="BaselinedGausFitCache")
Constructor (see base class constructor).
virtual TF1 * Get(size_t nFunc)
Returns a function sum of nFunc base functions.
Description of geometry of one entire detector.
Definition: GeometryCore.h:119
GausFitCache(std::string new_name="GausFitCache")
Constructor; optionally set the name of the repository.
Definition: GausFitCache.h:48
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
virtual TF1 * CreateFunction(size_t nFunc) const
std::vector< PeakFitParams_t > PeakParamsVec
Definition: IPeakFitter.h:34
const bool fFloatBaseline
Allow baseline to "float" away from zero.
decltype(auto) get(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::to_string.
Definition: StdUtils.h:120
void GetFitParameters(const TF1 &Gaus, PeakParamsVec &peakParamsVec, const unsigned int nGaus, const float startTime, double &chi2PerNDF, int &NDF) const
This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with fitting peaks on input waveforms...
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5
virtual std::string FunctionName(size_t nFunc) const
Returns a name for the function with nFunc base functions.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Provide caches for TF1 functions to be used with ROOT fitters.
void findPeakParameters(const std::vector< float > &, const ICandidateHitFinder::HitCandidateVec &, PeakParamsVec &, double &, int &) const override
art framework interface to geometry description
const double fMinWidth
minimum initial width for gaussian fit
std::vector< HitCandidate > HitCandidateVec