LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
StepUtils.cxx File Reference
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/StepUtils.h"
#include "larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/RawTypes.h"
#include "larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/geo_types.h"
#include "lardataobj/RecoBase/Hit.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/DebugStruct.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/TCVertex.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/Utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




void tca::StepAway (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
bool tca::StopShort (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, bool prt)
void tca::SetStrategy (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::Forecast (TCSlice &slc, const Trajectory &tj)
void tca::UpdateStiffEl (TCSlice const &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::UpdateTraj (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::CheckStiffEl (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::CheckTraj (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::AddHits (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, unsigned short ipt, bool &sigOK)
void tca::AddLAHits (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, unsigned short ipt, bool &sigOK)
void tca::ReversePropagate (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::GetHitMultiplet (const TCSlice &slc, unsigned int theHit, std::vector< unsigned int > &hitsInMultiplet, bool useLongPulseHits)
float tca::HitTimeErr (const TCSlice &slc, unsigned int iht)
float tca::HitsTimeErr2 (const TCSlice &slc, const std::vector< unsigned int > &hitVec)
void tca::ChkStopEndPts (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, bool prt)
void tca::DefineHitPos (TCSlice &slc, TrajPoint &tp)
void tca::FindUseHits (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, unsigned short ipt, float maxDelta, bool useChg)
void tca::FillGaps (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::CheckHiMultUnusedHits (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::CheckHiMultEndHits (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::UpdateDeltaRMS (Trajectory &tj)
void tca::MaskBadTPs (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, float const &maxChi)
bool tca::MaskedHitsOK (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
bool tca::StopIfBadFits (Trajectory &tj)
bool tca::GottaKink (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, bool doTrim)
void tca::ChkBegin (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
void tca::FixBegin (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, unsigned short atPt)
bool tca::IsGhost (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj)
bool tca::IsGhost (TCSlice &slc, std::vector< unsigned int > &tHits)
void tca::LastEndMerge (TCSlice &slc, CTP_t inCTP)
TrajPoint tca::CreateTPFromTj (const Trajectory &tj)
void tca::EndMerge (TCSlice &slc, CTP_t inCTP, bool lastPass)
void tca::MaskTrajEndPoints (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, unsigned short nPts)
void tca::ChkStop (Trajectory &tj)
bool tca::ChkMichel (Trajectory &tj, unsigned short &lastGoodPt)
bool tca::MakeJunkTraj (TCSlice &slc, std::vector< unsigned int > tHits)