LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
SimpleTypesAndConstants Directory Reference


file  classes.h [code]
 Driver for classes to be known by ROOT dictionary infrastructure.
file  geo_optical_vectors.h [code]
 Definitions of vector data types for optical detectors.
file  geo_types.cxx [code]
 Definition of data types for geometry description (implementation).
file  geo_types.h [code]
 Definition of data types for geometry description.
file  geo_types_fhicl.h [code]
 Utilities for using geometry IDs in FHiCL validated configuration.
file  geo_vectors.h [code]
 Definitions of geometry vector data types.
file  PhysicalConstants.h [code]
 Collection of Physical constants used in LArSoft.
file  RawTypes.h [code]
file  readout_types.h [code]
 Classes identifying readout-related concepts.
file  readout_types_fhicl.h [code]
 Utilities for using readout IDs in FHiCL validated configuration.