LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Geometry Directory Reference


directory  details


file  AuxDetChannelMapAlg.cxx [code]
file  AuxDetChannelMapAlg.h [code]
file  AuxDetGeo.cxx [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of an auxilary detector.
file  AuxDetGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of an auxiliary detector.
file  AuxDetGeometryCore.cxx [code]
 Access the description of auxiliary detector geometry - implementation file.
file  AuxDetGeometryCore.h [code]
 Access the description of auxiliary detector geometry.
file  AuxDetGeoObjectSorter.h [code]
file  AuxDetSensitiveGeo.cxx [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of the sensitive portion of an auxilary detector.
file  AuxDetSensitiveGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of the sensitive portion of an auxiliary detector.
file  BoxBoundedGeo.cxx [code]
 Provides a additional hit information of a line through the box.
file  BoxBoundedGeo.h [code]
 Provides a base class aware of world box coordinates.
file  ChannelMapAlg.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping.
file  ChannelMapAlg.h [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping.
file  ChannelMapStandardAlg.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for the standar, simplest detector channel mapping.
file  ChannelMapStandardAlg.h [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping.
file  CryostatGeo.cxx [code]
file  CryostatGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the construction of a single cyostat.
file  Decomposer.h [code]
 Classes to project and compose a vector on a plane.
file  DriftPartitions.cxx [code]
 Classes describing partition of cryostat volume.
file  DriftPartitions.h [code]
 Data structures and algorithms to partition a cryostat volume.
file  Exceptions.h [code]
 Collection of exceptions for Geometry system.
file  fwd.h [code]
file  geo.h [code]
 Collect all the geometry header files together.
file  geo_vectors_fhicl.h [code]
 Helpers for reading vectors from FHiCL files.
file  geo_vectors_utils.h [code]
 Utilities to extend the interface of geometry vectors.
file  geo_vectors_utils_TVector.h [code]
 Specializations of geo_vectors_utils.h for ROOT old vector types.
file  GeometryBuilder.h [code]
 Interface for geometry extractor classes.
file  GeometryBuilderStandard.cxx [code]
 Standard implementation of geometry extractor (implementation file).
file  GeometryBuilderStandard.h [code]
 Standard implementation of geometry extractor.
file  GeometryBuilderWireless.cxx [code]
 Wmplementation of wireless geometry extractor (implementation file).
file  GeometryBuilderWireless.h [code]
 Implementation of wireless geometry extractor.
file  GeometryCore.cxx [code]
 Access the description of detector geometry - implementation file.
file  GeometryCore.h [code]
 Access the description of detector geometry.
file  GeometryData.h [code]
 Simple data structure holding the data of the geometry.
file  GeometryDataContainers.h [code]
 Containers to hold one datum per TPC or plane.
file  GeometryIDmapper.h [code]
 Mapping between geometry/readout ID and flat index.
file  GeoNodePath.cxx [code]
 Class representing a path in ROOT geometry.
file  GeoNodePath.h [code]
 Class representing a path in ROOT geometry.
file  GeoObjectSorter.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for sorting geo::XXXGeo objects.
file  GeoObjectSorter.h [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for sorting geo::XXXGeo objects.
file  GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for sorting standard geo::XXXGeo objects.
file  GeoObjectSorterStandard.h [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for standard sorting of geo::XXXGeo objects.
file  GeoVectorLocalTransformation.cxx [code]
 Specialization of local-to-world transformations for ROOT GenVector.
file  GeoVectorLocalTransformation.h [code]
 Specialization of local-to-world transformations for ROOT GenVector.
file  GeoVectorLocalTransformation.tcc [code]
file  Intersections.cxx [code]
file  Intersections.h [code]
file  LineClosestPoint.h [code]
 Utility for intersection of two 3D lines.
file  LineClosestPoint.tcc [code]
file  LocalTransformation.cxx [code]
 Class containing local-to-world transformations (implementation file)
file  LocalTransformation.h [code]
 Class containing local-to-world transformations.
file  LocalTransformation.tcc [code]
file  LocalTransformationGeo.h [code]
 Local-to-world transformations with LArSoft geometry vectors.
file  OpDetGeo.cxx [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of an OpDet.
file  OpDetGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of an optical detector.
file  Partitions.h [code]
 Classes describing partition of an area with associated data.
file  PlaneGeo.cxx [code]
file  PlaneGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane.
file  ReadoutDataContainers.h [code]
 Containers to hold one datum per TPC set or readout plane.
file  ReadoutIDmapper.h [code]
 Mapping between geometry/readout ID and flat index.
file  ROOTGeometryNavigator.h [code]
 Class representing a path in ROOT geometry.
file  SimpleGeo.h [code]
 Some simple functions to represent geometry entities.
file  StandaloneBasicSetup.h [code]
 Collection of functions for quick setup of basic facilities.
file  StandaloneGeometrySetup.cxx [code]
 Utilities for one-line geometry initialization.
file  StandaloneGeometrySetup.h [code]
 Utilities for one-line geometry initialization.
file  TPCGeo.cxx [code]
file  TPCGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane.
file  TransformationMatrix.h [code]
 Selection of the type of transformation matrix used in geometry.
file  WireGeo.cxx [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of a wire.
file  WireGeo.h [code]
 Encapsulate the geometry of a wire.