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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
Files | |
file | ButtonBar.cxx [code] |
The button bar at the top of every display window. | |
file | ButtonBar.h [code] |
A bar containing the next event and related buttons. | |
file | Canvas.cxx [code] |
A base class for defining a detector display. | |
file | Canvas.h [code] |
Base class for define a detector display. | |
file | Colors.cc [code] |
file | Colors.h [code] |
file | Colors_service.cc [code] |
file | ColorScale.cxx [code] |
file | ColorScale.h [code] |
Define a color scale for displaying numeric data. | |
file | DisplayWindow.cxx [code] |
file | DisplayWindow.h [code] |
A window containing a display of the detector or one of its components. | |
file | EditMenu.cxx [code] |
The edit pull down menu. | |
file | EditMenu.h [code] |
The edit pull down menu. | |
file | evdb.cxx [code] |
file | evdb.h [code] |
file | EventDisplay.cc [code] |
file | EventDisplay.h [code] |
The interactive event display. | |
file | EventDisplay_service.cc [code] |
The interactive event display. | |
file | EventDisplayBaseCint.cc [code] |
file | EventHolder.cxx [code] |
file | EventHolder.h [code] |
Singleton to hold the current art::Event for the event display. | |
file | FileMenu.cxx [code] |
The file pull down menu. | |
file | FileMenu.h [code] |
The file pull down menu. | |
file | Functors.h [code] |
file | HelpMenu.cxx [code] |
Implementation of the help pull down menu. | |
file | HelpMenu.h [code] |
The help pull down menu. | |
file | JobMenu.cxx [code] |
The job pull down menu. | |
file | JobMenu.h [code] |
The job pull down menu. | |
file | LinkDef.h [code] |
file | ListWindow.cxx [code] |
file | ListWindow.h [code] |
A window containing a list of objects. | |
file | MenuBar.cxx [code] |
file | MenuBar.h [code] |
The pull down menu bar. | |
file | NavState.cxx [code] |
Holds information about what action to take next. | |
file | NavState.h [code] |
Holds information about what action to take next. | |
file | ObjListCanvas.cxx [code] |
A base class for defining a detector display. | |
file | ObjListCanvas.h [code] |
Base class for displaying lists of objects (eg, MC truth, reco, etc.) | |
file | ParameterSetEdit.cxx [code] |
Popup to edit configuration data. | |
file | ParameterSetEdit.h [code] |
file | ParameterSetEditDialog.cxx [code] |
Pop-up window for editing parameter sets. | |
file | ParameterSetEditDialog.h [code] |
Pop-up window for editing parameter sets. | |
file | Printable.cxx [code] |
file | Printable.h [code] |
Base class for printable objects. | |
file | PrintDialog.cxx [code] |
file | PrintDialog.h [code] |
Pop up dialog for printing. | |
file | Reconfigurable.cxx [code] |
file | Reconfigurable.h [code] |
Interface class to services that are intended to be reconfigurable through the event display. | |
file | RootEnv.cxx [code] |
Configure the ROOT environment. | |
file | RootEnv.h [code] |
Setup the root environment. | |
file | ScanOptions.cc [code] |
file | ScanOptions.h [code] |
file | ScanOptions_service.cc [code] |
file | ScanWindow.cxx [code] |
window for hand scanning | |
file | ScanWindow.h [code] |
A window containing dialog boxes for handscans. | |
file | ServiceTable.cxx [code] |
file | ServiceTable.h [code] |
Interface to services and their configurations. | |
file | StatusBar.h [code] |
A status bar on the bottom of the display. | |
file | View2D.cxx [code] |
A collection of drawable 2-D objects. | |
file | View2D.h [code] |
A collection of drawable 2-D objects. | |
file | View3D.cxx [code] |
file | View3D.h [code] |
A collection of 3D drawable objects. | |
file | WindowMenu.cxx [code] |
Implement the pull down window menu. | |
file | WindowMenu.h [code] |
Pull down menu for launching new windows. | |