LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Simulation Directory Reference


directory  Compatibility


file  AuxDetHit.h [code]
file  AuxDetSimChannel.cxx [code]
file  AuxDetSimChannel.h [code]
 object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking
file  BeamGateInfo.h [code]
file  BeamTypes.h [code]
file  classes.h [code]
file  GeneratedParticleInfo.h [code]
 Contains data associated to particles from detector simulation.
file  OpDetBacktrackerRecord.cxx [code]
file  OpDetBacktrackerRecord.h [code]
file  ParticleAncestryMap.cxx [code]
file  ParticleAncestryMap.h [code]
file  sim.h [code]
 Tools and modules for checking out the basics of the Monte Carlo.
file  SimChannel.cxx [code]
file  SimChannel.h [code]
 object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking
file  SimDriftedElectronCluster.h [code]
 contains objects relating to SimDriftedElectronCluster
file  SimEnergyDeposit.h [code]
 contains information for a single step in the detector simulation
file  SimEnergyDepositLite.h [code]
 contains information for a single step in the detector simulation (pared down in size to the essential information)
file  SimPhotons.cxx [code]
 Simulation objects for optical detectors (implementation file).
file  SimPhotons.h [code]
 Simulation objects for optical detectors.
file  SupernovaTruth.cxx [code]
 Stores extra MC truth information that is recorded when generating events using a time-dependent supernova neutrino spectrum.
file  SupernovaTruth.h [code]
 Stores extra MC truth information that is recorded when generating events using a time-dependent supernova neutrino spectrum.