LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
LegacyLArG4 Directory Reference


file [code]
file  AllPhysicsLists.h [code]
file  AuxDetReadout.cxx [code]
 A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates information.
file  AuxDetReadout.h [code]
 A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates information.
file  AuxDetReadoutGeometry.cxx [code]
 Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels.
file  AuxDetReadoutGeometry.h [code]
 Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the AuxDet.
file  ConfigurablePhysicsList.hh [code]
file  ConfigurablePhysicsList.icc [code]
file  CustomPhysicsBuiltIns.hh [code]
file  CustomPhysicsFactory.hh [code]
file  CustomPhysicsLArSoft.h [code]
file  CustomPhysicsTable.cxx [code]
file  CustomPhysicsTable.hh [code]
file  FastOpticalPhysics.cxx [code]
file  FastOpticalPhysics.h [code]
file  G4BadIdeaAction.cxx [code]
 Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4.
file  G4BadIdeaAction.h [code]
 this UserAction derived class is to implement catches to known bugs in Geant4 that require grabbing const G4 objects and altering them - a very bad idea in general. Please do not add to this class without discussing with the LArSoft Conveners
file  G4ThermalElectron.cxx [code]
file  G4ThermalElectron.hh [code]
file  IonizationAndScintillation.cxx [code]
file  IonizationAndScintillation.h [code]
 Singleton to access a unified treatment of ionization and scintillation in LAr.
file  IonizationAndScintillationAction.cxx [code]
 Use Geant4's user "hooks" to determine the number of ionization electrons and scintillation photons for each step.
file  IonizationAndScintillationAction.h [code]
 this UserAction derived class is to provide a hook during G4 stepping in which to call the code that calculates the number of ionization electrons and scintillation photons produced by each step
file  ISCalculation.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping.
file  ISCalculation.h [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping.
file  ISCalculationCorrelated.cxx [code]
file  ISCalculationCorrelated.h [code]
file  ISCalculationNEST.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for calculating ionization electrons and scintillation photons using nest.
file  ISCalculationNEST.h [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for a specific calculation of ionization electrons and scintillation photons using NEST.
file  ISCalculationSeparate.cxx [code]
 Interface to algorithm class for calculating ionization electrons and scintillation photons using separate algorithms for each.
file  ISCalculationSeparate.h [code]
file [code]
 Use Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation.
file [code]
 Use Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation.
file [code]
file  LArStackingAction.cxx [code]
file  LArStackingAction.h [code]
file  LArVoxelReadout.cxx [code]
 A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates voxel information.
file  LArVoxelReadout.h [code]
 A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates voxel information.
file  LArVoxelReadoutGeometry.cxx [code]
 Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels.
file  LArVoxelReadoutGeometry.h [code]
 Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels.
file  MaterialPropertyLoader.cxx [code]
file  MaterialPropertyLoader.h [code]
file  MuNuclearSplittingProcess.cxx [code]
file  MuNuclearSplittingProcess.h [code]
 Check of Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation.
file  MuNuclearSplittingProcessXSecBias.cxx [code]
file  MuNuclearSplittingProcessXSecBias.h [code]
 Check of Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation.
file  NestAlg.cxx [code]
file  NestAlg.h [code]
file [code]
 High precision neutron physics constructor for Geant4.
file  NeutronHPphysics.hh [code]
 High precision neutron physics constructor for Geant4.
file  OpBoundaryProcessSimple.cxx [code]
file  OpBoundaryProcessSimple.hh [code]
file  OpDetLookup.cxx [code]
file  OpDetLookup.h [code]
file  OpDetPhotonTable.cxx [code]
file  OpDetPhotonTable.h [code]
file  OpDetReadoutGeometry.cxx [code]
file  OpDetReadoutGeometry.h [code]
file  OpDetSensitiveDetector.cxx [code]
file  OpDetSensitiveDetector.h [code]
file  OpFastScintillation.cxx [code]
file  OpFastScintillation.hh [code]
file  OpParamAction.cxx [code]
file  OpParamAction.h [code]
file  OpParamSD.cxx [code]
file  OpParamSD.h [code]
file  OpticalPhysics.cxx [code]
file  OpticalPhysics.hh [code]
file  ParticleListAction.cxx [code]
 Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4.
file  ParticleListAction.h [code]
 Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4.
file  PhysicsList.cxx [code]
file  PhysicsList.h [code]
 Create the physics lists to be used by Geant4.
file  VisualizationAction.cxx [code]
file  VisualizationAction.h [code]