LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
CMTAlgMatch Directory Reference


file  CFAlgoQRatio.cxx [code]
file  CFAlgoQRatio.h [code]
 Class def header for a class CFAlgoQRatio.
file  CFAlgoShowerCompat.cxx [code]
file  CFAlgoShowerCompat.h [code]
 This algo only matches clusters if they are not track-like. This is implemented in an algo because it allows the comparison of cluster parameters across planes, rather than individually. It is intended to be added as the last matching algo, with the "kLastAlgo" mode.
file  CFAlgoTimeOverlap.cxx [code]
file  CFAlgoTimeOverlap.h [code]
 Class def header for a class CFAlgoTimeOverlap.
file  CFAlgoZOverlap.cxx [code]
file  CFAlgoZOverlap.h [code]
 Class def header for a class CFAlgoZOverlap.