![]() |
Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
TFile | f ("testem6_0.root") |
gPad | SetLogy () |
h7 | SetMinimum (minY) |
h7 | SetMaximum (maxY) |
h7 | GetXaxis () -> SetLimits(std::log10(minE), std::log10(maxE)) |
h7 | SetTitle ("Comparison of e+ Annihilation Processes(totcrsPerAtom)") |
h7 | GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("microbarn") |
h7 | SetLineColor (kRed) |
h9 | SetLineColor (kBlue) |
h11 | SetMarkerColor (kRed) |
h11 | SetMarkerStyle (22) |
c1 | cd () |
h7 | Draw ("HIST") |
h8 | Draw ("HIST SAME") |
h10 | Draw ("HIST P SAME") |
xaxis | SetTitle ("GeV") |
xaxis | Draw () |
gStyle | SetOptStat (0) |
leg | AddEntry (h8,"to 2 gammas","l") |
leg | AddEntry (h7,"to MuPair","l") |
leg | AddEntry (h9,"to Hadrons","l") |
h15 | SetMinimum (minY1) |
h15 | SetMaximum (maxY1) |
h15 | SetTitle ("Comparison of EM Processes(totcrsPerVolume)") |
h12 | SetLineColor (6) |
h13 | SetLineColor (kGreen) |
leg1 | AddEntry (h15,"to 2 gammas","l") |
leg1 | AddEntry (h14,"to MuPair","l") |
leg1 | AddEntry (h16,"to Hadrons","l") |
leg1 | AddEntry (h12,"Bremsstrahlung","l") |
leg1 | AddEntry (h13,"Ionization","l") |
Variables | |
double | minE = 40 |
double | maxE = 10000 |
double | minY = 1e-2 |
double | maxY = 1e+2 |
double | minY1 = 1e-8 |
double | maxY1 = 1 |
TH1D * | h7 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h7") |
TH1D * | h8 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h8") |
TH1D * | h9 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h9") |
TH1D * | h10 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h10") |
TH1D * | h11 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h11") |
TH1D * | h12 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h12") |
TH1D * | h13 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h13") |
TH1D * | h14 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h14") |
TH1D * | h15 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h15") |
TH1D * | h16 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h16") |
TH1D * | h17 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h17") |
TCanvas * | c1 = new TCanvas("c1", " ") |
TGaxis * | xaxis = new TGaxis(std::log10(minE),minY,std::log10(maxE),minY,minE,maxE,510,"G") |
TLegend * | leg = new TLegend(0.78,0.59,0.98,0.76) |
TCanvas * | c2 = new TCanvas("c2", " ") |
TGaxis * | xaxis1 = new TGaxis(std::log10(minE),minY1,std::log10(maxE),minY1,minE,maxE,510,"G") |
TLegend * | leg1 = new TLegend(0.78,0.59,0.98,0.76) |
c1 cd | ( | ) |
h7 Draw | ( | "HIST" | ) |
h8 Draw | ( | "HIST SAME" | ) |
h11 Draw | ( | "HIST P SAME" | ) |
xaxis Draw | ( | ) |
TFile f | ( | "testem6_0.root" | ) |
h7 SetLineColor | ( | kRed | ) |
h9 SetLineColor | ( | kBlue | ) |
h12 SetLineColor | ( | 6 | ) |
h13 SetLineColor | ( | kGreen | ) |
gPad SetLogy | ( | ) |
h11 SetMarkerColor | ( | kRed | ) |
h10 SetMarkerStyle | ( | 22 | ) |
gStyle SetOptStat | ( | 0 | ) |
xaxis1 SetTitle | ( | "GeV" | ) |
h15 SetTitle | ( | "Comparison of EM Processes(totcrsPerVolume)" | ) |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", " ") |
Definition at line 38 of file plot_hist.C.
TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", " ") |
Definition at line 75 of file plot_hist.C.
Referenced by lar_dl_content::DlVertexingAlgorithm::DrawRing(), GetIntersection(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::makeSpacePoints(), cluster::ClusterMatchTQ::MatchedClusters(), cluster::LineMerger::produce(), vertex::VertexFinder2D::produce(), geoalgo::GeoAlgo::SqDist(), trkf::CosmicTrackerAlg::Track3D(), ems::EMShower3D::Validate(), and geo::GeometryCore::Views().
TH1D* h10 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h10") |
Definition at line 23 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h11 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h11") |
Definition at line 24 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h12 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h12") |
Definition at line 27 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h13 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h13") |
Definition at line 28 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h14 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h14") |
Definition at line 29 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h15 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h15") |
Definition at line 30 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h16 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h16") |
Definition at line 31 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h17 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h17") |
Definition at line 34 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h7 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h7") |
Definition at line 20 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h8 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h8") |
Definition at line 21 of file plot_hist.C.
TH1D* h9 = (TH1D*)f.Get("h9") |
Definition at line 22 of file plot_hist.C.
TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.78,0.59,0.98,0.76) |
Definition at line 67 of file plot_hist.C.
TLegend* leg1 = new TLegend(0.78,0.59,0.98,0.76) |
Definition at line 105 of file plot_hist.C.
double maxE = 10000 |
Definition at line 8 of file plot_hist.C.
Referenced by nnet::EvaluateROIEff::analyze(), DUNE::NeutrinoShowerEff::checkCNNtrkshw(), tss::Segmentation2D::mergeDenseParts(), and DUNE::NeutrinoShowerEff::processEff().
double maxY = 1e+2 |
Definition at line 10 of file plot_hist.C.
Referenced by lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetCaloHitListInBoundingBox(), pma::PMAlgCosmicTagger::GetDimensions(), lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetLengthSquared(), pma::Track3D::InitFromMiddle(), and evgen::ActiveVolumeVertexSampler::sample_vertex_pos().
double maxY1 = 1 |
Definition at line 12 of file plot_hist.C.
double minE = 40 |
Definition at line 7 of file plot_hist.C.
double minY = 1e-2 |
Definition at line 9 of file plot_hist.C.
Referenced by lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetCaloHitListInBoundingBox(), pma::PMAlgCosmicTagger::GetDimensions(), lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetLengthSquared(), pma::Track3D::InitFromMiddle(), and evgen::ActiveVolumeVertexSampler::sample_vertex_pos().
double minY1 = 1e-8 |
Definition at line 11 of file plot_hist.C.
Definition at line 61 of file plot_hist.C.
Referenced by ShowerRecoTools::ShowerBayesianTrucatingdEdx::CalculatePosterior(), ShowerRecoTools::ShowerBayesianTrucatingdEdx::CheckPoint(), evd_tool::MicroBooNEDrawer::DrawAxes(), evd_tool::ICARUSDrawer::DrawAxes(), evd_tool::StandardDrawer::DrawAxes(), evd_tool::ProtoDUNEDrawer::DrawAxes(), and evd::TWireProjPad::SetZoomFromView().