LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 {
3  gROOT->Reset();
5  // Draw histograms fill by Geant4 TestEm11 simulation
6  TFile f1("./Ta_1000keV_opt3.root");
7  TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*) f1.Get("8");
8  h1->SetTitle("Depth dose distribution of 1000 keV e- in Ta");
9  h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Edep (Mev.cm2/g) along x/r0 x/r0");
10  h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MeV*cm2/g");
11  h1->SetStats(kFALSE); // Eliminate statistics box
12  h1->SetLineColor(4); // blue
13  h1->Draw("HIST");
14 /*
15  TFile f2("./Ta.1000keV.opt2.root");
16  TH1D* h2 = (TH1D*) f2.Get("8");
17  h2->SetStats(kFALSE); // Eliminate statistics box
18  h2->SetLineColor(3); // green
19  h2->Draw("SAME HIST");
20 */
21 /* data
22 * G.J.Lockwood et al.
23 * Sandia report SAND79-0414.UC-34a, February 1987
24 * O.Kadri et al. NIM B 258 (2007) 381
25 */
27  ifstream in;
30  TMarker *pt;
31  Double_t x, y;
32  // First indicate number of data
33  int nbdata = 0;
34  in >> nbdata;
35  for ( int i = 0 ; i < nbdata ; i++ ) {
36  in >> x >> y ;
37  if (!in.good()) break;
38  pt = new TMarker(x,y,22); // 22 for triangle TMatker
39  pt->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
40  pt->Draw();
41  }
42  in.close();
44  // Print the histograms legend
45  TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.6,0.55,0.8,0.68);
46  legend->AddEntry(h1,"ref10-opt3 ","l");
48  legend->AddEntry(pt,"Sandia data","P");
49  legend->Draw();
50 }
Double_t x
Definition: sandia.C:31
TH1D * h1
Definition: sandia.C:7
ifstream in
Definition: sandia.C:27
TFile f1("./Ta_1000keV_opt3.root")
Double_t y
Definition: sandia.C:31
int nbdata
Definition: sandia.C:33
TLegend * legend
Definition: sandia.C:45
TMarker * pt
Definition: sandia.C:30