LArSoft  v06_85_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
egs.C File Reference

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TFile f1 ("./Ta_1000keV_opt3.root")
 TFile f1("./Al_1033keV_opt3.root");. More...
h1 SetTitle ("Depth dose distribution of 1000 keV e- in Ta")
h1 GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Edep (Mev.cm2/g) along x/r0 x/r0")
h1 GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("MeV*cm2/g")
h1 SetStats (kFALSE)
h1 SetLineColor (kBlack)
h1 Draw ("HIST")
in open ("./EGSnrc/Ta_1000keV_EGSnrc.ascii")"./EGSnrc/Al_1033keV_EGSnrc.ascii"); More...
 for (int i=0;i< nbdata;i++)
in close ()
legend AddEntry (h1,"ref10 ","l")
legend AddEntry (pt,"EGSnrc","P")
legend Draw ()


TH1D * h1 = (TH1D*) f1.Get("8")
ifstream in
TMarker * pt
Double_t x
Double_t y
int nbdata = 0
TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.6,0.5,0.8,0.70)

Function Documentation

legend AddEntry ( h1  ,
"ref10 "  ,
legend AddEntry ( pt  ,
"EGSnrc"  ,
in close ( )
h1 Draw ( "HIST"  )
legend Draw ( )
TFile f1 ( "./Ta_1000keV_opt3.root"  )

TFile f1("./Al_1033keV_opt3.root");.

for ( )

Definition at line 30 of file egs.C.

References y.

30  {
31  in >> x >> y ;
32  if (!in.good()) break;
33  pt = new TMarker(x,y,22); // 22 for triangle TMatker
34  pt->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
35  pt->Draw();
36  }
ifstream in
Definition: egs.C:21
Double_t x
Definition: egs.C:26
TMarker * pt
Definition: egs.C:25
Double_t y
Definition: egs.C:26
h1 GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Edep (Mev.cm2/g) along x/r0 x/r0")
h1 GetYaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("MeV*cm2/g")
in open ( "./EGSnrc/Ta_1000keV_EGSnrc.ascii"  )"./EGSnrc/Al_1033keV_EGSnrc.ascii");

h1 SetLineColor ( kBlack  )
h3 SetStats ( kFALSE  )
h1 SetTitle ( "Depth dose distribution of 1000 keV e- in Ta"  )

Variable Documentation

TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*) f1.Get("8")

Definition at line 9 of file egs.C.

ifstream in

Definition at line 21 of file egs.C.

TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.6,0.5,0.8,0.70)

Definition at line 40 of file egs.C.

in nbdata = 0

Definition at line 28 of file egs.C.

Double_t x

Definition at line 26 of file egs.C.

Double_t y

Definition at line 26 of file egs.C.

Referenced by for().