LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
util::TensorIndices< RANK > Class Template Reference

Converts a tensor element specification into a linear index. More...

#include "TensorIndices.h"

Public Types

using Index_t = Base_t::Index_t
 Type of a single index in the tensor. More...
using DimSize_t = Base_t::DimSize_t
 Type for the specification of a dimension size. More...
using LinIndex_t = Base_t::LinIndex_t
 Type of the linear index. More...
using MinorTensor_t = TensorIndices< rank()-1 >
 Type of the tensor indices with rank smaller by one. More...

Public Member Functions

template<typename... OTHERDIMS>
 TensorIndices (DimSize_t first, OTHERDIMS...others)
 Constructor: initialises the dimension of the tensor. More...
template<typename ITER , typename = std::enable_if_t <std::is_convertible<decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t>::value, void>>
 TensorIndices (ITER dimIter)
 Constructor: initialises the dimension of the tensor. More...
template<typename... OTHERINDICES>
LinIndex_t operator() (Index_t first, OTHERINDICES...others) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices. More...
template<typename ITER >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t >::value, LinIndex_toperator() (ITER indexIter) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices. More...
template<typename... OTHERINDICES>
LinIndex_t at (Index_t first, OTHERINDICES...others) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices. More...
template<typename ITER >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t >::value, LinIndex_tat (ITER indexIter) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices. More...
template<typename... OTHERINDICES>
bool has (Index_t first, OTHERINDICES...others) const
 Returns whether the specified set of indices is valid. More...
template<typename ITER >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t >::value, bool > has (ITER indexIter) const
 Returns whether the specified set of indices is valid. More...
template<unsigned int DIM>
DimSize_t dim () const
 Returns the size of the specified dimension. More...
template<unsigned int DIM>
bool hasIndex (Index_t index) const
 Returns whether a index is valid within a specified dimension. More...
template<unsigned int DIM = 0>
DimSize_t size () const
 Returns the size of the minor tensor. More...
bool hasLinIndex (LinIndex_t linIndex) const
 Returns whether the specified linear index is valid in this tensor. More...
MinorTensor_t const & minor () const
 Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension. More...
bool operator== (TensorIndices< RANK > const &t) const
 Returns whether all sizes of the tensor t are the same as this one. More...
bool operator!= (TensorIndices< RANK > const &t) const
 Returns whether any size of the tensor t is different from this one. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr unsigned int rank ()
 Rank of this tensor. More...

Protected Member Functions

DimSize_t totalSize () const
 Returns the total size of this tensor (the same as size()) More...

Protected Attributes

MinorTensor_t m
 the rest of the tensor indices More...
DimSize_t totSize
 size of this tensor More...

Private Types

using Base_t = TensorIndices< 1U >
 type of base class More...


template<unsigned int R, unsigned int D>
struct details::ExtractTensorDimension

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int RANK>
class util::TensorIndices< RANK >

Converts a tensor element specification into a linear index.

Example to use a 6 x 3 x 2 x 4 tensor of rank 4:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
std::vector<double> v(indices.size(), 0.);
std::cout << v[indices(4, 1, 1, 0)] << std::endl;

This will map the content of the vector v as a tensor of rank 4.

Definition at line 47 of file TensorIndices.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<unsigned int RANK>
using util::TensorIndices< RANK >::Base_t = TensorIndices<1U>

type of base class

Definition at line 178 of file TensorIndices.h.

template<unsigned int RANK>
using util::TensorIndices< RANK >::DimSize_t = Base_t::DimSize_t

Type for the specification of a dimension size.

Definition at line 186 of file TensorIndices.h.

template<unsigned int RANK>
using util::TensorIndices< RANK >::Index_t = Base_t::Index_t

Type of a single index in the tensor.

Definition at line 183 of file TensorIndices.h.

template<unsigned int RANK>
using util::TensorIndices< RANK >::LinIndex_t = Base_t::LinIndex_t

Type of the linear index.

Definition at line 189 of file TensorIndices.h.

template<unsigned int RANK>
using util::TensorIndices< RANK >::MinorTensor_t = TensorIndices<rank() - 1>

Type of the tensor indices with rank smaller by one.

Definition at line 196 of file TensorIndices.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename... OTHERDIMS>
util::TensorIndices< RANK >::TensorIndices ( DimSize_t  first,
OTHERDIMS...  others 

Constructor: initialises the dimension of the tensor.

Template Parameters
OTHERINDICEStypes of the other index values
firstthe size of the first dimension
otherssize of each of the other dimensions

Example to initialise indices for a 6 x 3 x 2 x 4 tensor of rank 4:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);

Definition at line 212 of file TensorIndices.h.

213  : Base_t(first), m(others...), totSize(dim0() * m.size()) {}
TensorIndices< 1U > Base_t
type of base class
DimSize_t totSize
size of this tensor
MinorTensor_t m
the rest of the tensor indices
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename ITER , typename = std::enable_if_t <std::is_convertible<decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t>::value, void>>
util::TensorIndices< RANK >::TensorIndices ( ITER  dimIter)

Constructor: initialises the dimension of the tensor.

Template Parameters
ITERtype of iterator to dimension sizes
dimIteriterator pointing to the first dimension size

Dimensions are initialised from the values pointed by the specified iterator. The iterator is required to be a forward iterator pointing to a type convertible to a DimSize_t type. The iterator must be valid when increased up to rank() - 1 times, so that all the rank() dimensions can be extracted.

Example to initialise indices for a 6 x 3 x 2 x 4 tensor of rank 4:

std::array<size_t, 4> dims { 6, 3, 2, 4 };
TensorIndices<4> indices(dims.begin());

Note that no end iterator is required.

Definition at line 241 of file TensorIndices.h.

242  : Base_t(dimIter), m(++dimIter), totSize(dim0() * m.size()) {}
TensorIndices< 1U > Base_t
type of base class
DimSize_t totSize
size of this tensor
MinorTensor_t m
the rest of the tensor indices
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.

Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename... OTHERINDICES>
LinIndex_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::at ( Index_t  first,
OTHERINDICES...  others 
) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices.

Template Parameters
OTHERINDICEStypes of the other index values
firstthe index of the first dimension
othersthe indices of the other dimensions
std::out_of_rangeif any of the indices is not valid
the offset of the specified element with respect to the first one
See also
operator()(), has()

If any of the index values is not in the valid index range, an exception is thrown.

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
auto validIndex =, 2, 0, 1);
auto invalidIndex =, 3, 2, 1); // throws std::out_of_range

(in the example, note that the last line has two indices out of range and an exception will be thrown).

Definition at line 322 of file TensorIndices.h.

323  {
324  return Base_t::checkOuterIndex(first) * minor().size()
325  + minor().at(others...);
326  }
Index_t checkOuterIndex(Index_t index) const
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
LinIndex_t at(Index_t first, OTHERINDICES...others) const
Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices.
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename ITER >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t>::value, LinIndex_t> util::TensorIndices< RANK >::at ( ITER  indexIter) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices.

Template Parameters
ITERtype of iterator to dimension sizes
indexIteriterator pointing to the first dimension size
std::out_of_rangeif any of the indices is not valid
the offset of the specified element with respect to the first one
See also
operator()(), has()

If any of the index values is not in the valid index range, an exception is thrown.

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
std::array<int, 4> ix { 4, 2, 0, 1 };
auto validIndex =;

The behaviour is the same as in at()(Index_t first, OTHERINDICES... others).

Definition at line 352 of file TensorIndices.h.

353  {
354  auto const baseSize
355  = Base_t::checkOuterIndex(*indexIter) * minor().size();
356  return baseSize + minor()(++indexIter);
357  }
Index_t checkOuterIndex(Index_t index) const
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<unsigned int DIM>
DimSize_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::dim ( ) const

Returns the size of the specified dimension.

Template Parameters
DIMthe dimension (0 is the first one)
the size of the specified dimension

Code won't compile for DIM larger than the tensor rank.

Definition at line 425 of file TensorIndices.h.

static TensorIndicesBasicTypes::DimSize_t dim(TensorIndices< RANK > const &t)
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename... OTHERINDICES>
bool util::TensorIndices< RANK >::has ( Index_t  first,
OTHERINDICES...  others 
) const

Returns whether the specified set of indices is valid.

Template Parameters
OTHERINDICEStypes of the other index values
firstthe index of the first dimension
othersthe indices of the other dimensions
whether the specified set of indices is valid
See also
operator(), at()

If any of the index values is not in the valid index range, an exception is thrown.

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
if (indices.has(4, 2, 0, 1)) {
// ...
if (indices.has(4, 3, 2, 1)) {
// ... (won't be executed)

(in the example, note that the last line has two indices out of range and an exception will be thrown).

Definition at line 385 of file TensorIndices.h.

386  { return Base_t::has(first) && minor().has(others...); }
bool has(Index_t index) const
bool has(Index_t first, OTHERINDICES...others) const
Returns whether the specified set of indices is valid.
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename ITER >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t>::value, bool> util::TensorIndices< RANK >::has ( ITER  indexIter) const

Returns whether the specified set of indices is valid.

Template Parameters
ITERtype of iterator to dimension sizes
indexIteriterator pointing to the first dimension size
whether the specified set of indices is valid
See also
operator(), at()

If any of the index values is not in the valid index range, an exception is thrown.

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
std::array<int, 4> ix { 4, 2, 0, 1 };
if (indices.has(ix.begin())) {
// ...

The behaviour is the same as in has()(Index_t first, OTHERINDICES... others).

Definition at line 413 of file TensorIndices.h.

414  { return Base_t::has(*indexIter)? minor().has(++indexIter): false; }
bool has(Index_t index) const
bool has(Index_t first, OTHERINDICES...others) const
Returns whether the specified set of indices is valid.
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<unsigned int DIM>
bool util::TensorIndices< RANK >::hasIndex ( Index_t  index) const

Returns whether a index is valid within a specified dimension.

Template Parameters
DIMthe dimension (0 is the first one)
indexthe value of the index to be tested
whether a index is valid within a specified dimension

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
if (indices.hasIndex<0>(2)) { // dimension #0 has 6 indices, [ 0 ; 5 ]
// ... (will be executed)
if (indices.hasIndex<0>(6)) {
// ... (will not be executed)
if (indices.hasIndex<2>(0)) { // dimension #2 has 2 indices, { 0 , 1 }
// ... (will be executed)
if (indices.hasIndex<3>(6)) {// dimension #3 has 4 indices, [ 0 ; 3 ]
// ... (will not be executed)

Definition at line 454 of file TensorIndices.h.

455  { return (index >= 0U) && ((DimSize_t) index < dim<DIM>()); }
Base_t::DimSize_t DimSize_t
Type for the specification of a dimension size.
template<unsigned int RANK>
bool util::TensorIndices< RANK >::hasLinIndex ( LinIndex_t  linIndex) const

Returns whether the specified linear index is valid in this tensor.

Definition at line 479 of file TensorIndices.h.

Referenced by util::details::GridContainerIndicesBase< DIMS >::has().

480  { return (linIndex >= 0U) && ((DimSize_t) linIndex < size()); }
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
Base_t::DimSize_t DimSize_t
Type for the specification of a dimension size.
template<unsigned int RANK>
MinorTensor_t const& util::TensorIndices< RANK >::minor ( ) const

Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.

Definition at line 484 of file TensorIndices.h.

Referenced by util::details::ExtractTensorDimension< RANK, DIM >::dim(), util::TensorIndices< DIMS >::operator!=(), util::TensorIndices< DIMS >::operator==(), and util::details::ExtractTensorDimension< RANK, DIM >::size().

484 { return m; }
MinorTensor_t m
the rest of the tensor indices
template<unsigned int RANK>
bool util::TensorIndices< RANK >::operator!= ( TensorIndices< RANK > const &  t) const

Returns whether any size of the tensor t is different from this one.

Definition at line 491 of file TensorIndices.h.

492  { return Base_t::operator!=(t) || (minor() != t.minor()); }
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
bool operator!=(TensorIndices< 1U > const &t) const
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename... OTHERINDICES>
LinIndex_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::operator() ( Index_t  first,
OTHERINDICES...  others 
) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices.

Template Parameters
OTHERINDICEStypes of the other index values
firstthe index of the first dimension
othersthe indices of the other dimensions
the offset of the specified element with respect to the first one
See also
at(), has()

No check is performed on the validity of the indices (that is, whether they fall within the dimension range).

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
auto validIndex = indices(4, 2, 0, 1);
auto invalidIndex = indices(4, 3, 2, 1); // invalid index is returned!

(in the example, note that the last line has two indices out of range and the return value will not be valid!).

Definition at line 266 of file TensorIndices.h.

267  { return first * minor().size() + minor()(others...); }
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<typename ITER >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<decltype(*(ITER())), DimSize_t>::value, LinIndex_t> util::TensorIndices< RANK >::operator() ( ITER  indexIter) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the tensor indices.

Template Parameters
ITERtype of iterator to dimension sizes
indexIteriterator pointing to the first dimension size
the offset of the specified element with respect to the first one
See also
at(), has()

No check is performed on the validity of the indices (that is, whether they fall within the dimension range).

Use it as:

TensorIndices<4> indices(6, 3, 2, 4);
std::array<int, 4> ix { 4, 2, 0, 1 };
auto validIndex = indices(ix.begin());

The behaviour is the same as in operator()(Index_t first, OTHERINDICES... others).

Definition at line 292 of file TensorIndices.h.

293  {
294  auto const baseSize = (*indexIter) * minor().size();
295  return baseSize + minor()(++indexIter);
296  }
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
template<unsigned int RANK>
bool util::TensorIndices< RANK >::operator== ( TensorIndices< RANK > const &  t) const

Returns whether all sizes of the tensor t are the same as this one.

Definition at line 487 of file TensorIndices.h.

488  { return Base_t::operator==(t) && (minor() == t.minor()); }
bool operator==(TensorIndices< 1U > const &t) const
MinorTensor_t const & minor() const
Returns the tensor of rank Rank-1 from stripping the first dimension.
template<unsigned int RANK>
static constexpr unsigned int util::TensorIndices< RANK >::rank ( )

Rank of this tensor.

Definition at line 193 of file TensorIndices.h.

193 { return RANK; }
template<unsigned int RANK>
template<unsigned int DIM = 0>
DimSize_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::size ( ) const

Returns the size of the minor tensor.

Template Parameters
DIMthe index of the outer dimension of the minor tensor
the size of the specified tensor

The total size of the tensor obtained after stripping the DIM most outer dimensions if returned. Therefore, size<0>() is the size of the full tensor, while size<1>() is the size of the tensor obtained by stripping the first dimension (that is, the tensor returned by minor()), and so on.

Code won't compile for DIM larger than the tensor rank.

Definition at line 472 of file TensorIndices.h.

Referenced by util::details::GridContainerIndicesBase< DIMS >::size(), and util::details::ExtractTensorDimension< RANK, 0U >::size().

473  {
474  return (DIM == 0)? totalSize():
475  details::ExtractTensorDimension<rank(), DIM>::size(*this);
476  }
DimSize_t totalSize() const
Returns the total size of this tensor (the same as size())
static constexpr unsigned int rank()
Rank of this tensor.
DimSize_t size() const
Returns the size of the minor tensor.
template<unsigned int RANK>
DimSize_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::totalSize ( ) const

Returns the total size of this tensor (the same as size())

Definition at line 505 of file TensorIndices.h.

505 { return totSize; }
DimSize_t totSize
size of this tensor

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<unsigned int RANK>
template<unsigned int R, unsigned int D>
friend struct details::ExtractTensorDimension

Definition at line 499 of file TensorIndices.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<unsigned int RANK>
MinorTensor_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::m

the rest of the tensor indices

Definition at line 501 of file TensorIndices.h.

template<unsigned int RANK>
DimSize_t util::TensorIndices< RANK >::totSize

size of this tensor

Definition at line 502 of file TensorIndices.h.

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