8 #ifndef LAR_NEUTRINO_ID_TOOL_H 9 #define LAR_NEUTRINO_ID_TOOL_H 1 42 const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos);
96 const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *
const pandora::PfoList &nuPfos)
104 void GetSpacePoints(
const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *
const pPfo, pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints)
114 pandora::CartesianVector
const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints,
115 std::function<
const pandora::CartesianVector &pointA,
const pandora::CartesianVector &pointB)> fShouldChooseA)
125 pandora::CartesianVector
const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints,
const pandora::CartesianVector &
134 pandora::CartesianVector
const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints)
143 pandora::CartesianVector
const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints)
153 void GetPointsInSphere(
const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints,
const pandora::CartesianVector &vertex,
const float radius,
154 pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePointsInSphere)
174 const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, SliceFeaturesVector &sliceFeaturesVector)
187 const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses,
unsigned int &bestSliceIndex)
198 bool PassesQualityCuts(
const pandora::Algorithm *
const pAlgorithm,
const float purity,
const float completeness)
207 void Collect2DHits(
const pandora::PfoList &pfos, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructedCaloHitList,
208 const pandora::CaloHitSet &reconstructableCaloHitSet)
226 int GetNuanceCode(
const pandora::Algorithm *
const pAlgorithm)
235 void SelectAllPfos(
const pandora::Algorithm *
const pAlgorithm,
const SliceHypotheses &hypotheses, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos)
247 const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses,
const SliceFeaturesVector &sliceFeaturesVector, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos)
255 void SelectPfos(
const pandora::PfoList &pfos, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos)
257 pandora::StatusCode
const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle);
283 #endif // #ifndef LAR_NEUTRINO_ID_TOOL_H float m_defaultProbability
Default probability set if score could not be calculated.
bool PassesQualityCuts(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const float purity, const float completeness) const
Determine if the event passes the selection cuts for training and has the required NUANCE code...
std::vector< pandora::PfoList > SliceHypotheses
MvaTypes::MvaFeatureVector MvaFeatureVector
bool GetBestMCSliceIndex(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const SliceHypotheses &nuSliceHypotheses, const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, unsigned int &bestSliceIndex) const
Get the slice with the most neutrino induced hits using Monte-Carlo information.
SliceFeatures(const pandora::PfoList &nuPfos, const pandora::PfoList &crPfos, const NeutrinoIdTool *const pTool)
void GetFeatureMap(LArMvaHelper::DoubleMap &featureMap) const
Get the feature map for the MVA.
bool IsFeatureVectorAvailable() const
Check if all features were calculable.
Default constructor.
float m_minProbability
Minimum probability required to classify a slice as the neutrino.
int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm) const
Use the current MCParticle list to get the nuance code of the neutrino in the event.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
const NeutrinoIdTool *const m_pTool
The tool that owns this.
void SelectOutputPfos(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const SliceHypotheses &nuSliceHypotheses, const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos)
Select which reconstruction hypotheses to use; neutrino outcomes or cosmic-ray muon outcomes for each...
void SelectAllPfos(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const SliceHypotheses &hypotheses, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos) const
Select all pfos under the same hypothesis.
LArMvaHelper::DoubleMap m_featureMap
A map between MVA features and their names.
float m_minCompleteness
Minimum completeness of the best slice to use event for training.
std::string m_filePathEnvironmentVariable
The environment variable providing a list of paths to mva files.
void Collect2DHits(const pandora::PfoList &pfos, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructedCaloHitList, const pandora::CaloHitSet &reconstructableCaloHitSet) const
Collect all 2D hits in a supplied list of Pfos and push them on to an existing hit list...
bool m_selectNuanceCode
Should select training events by nuance code.
unsigned int m_maxNeutrinos
The maximum number of neutrinos to select in any one event.
unsigned int CountNeutrinoInducedHits(const pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitList) const
Count the number of neutrino induced hits in a given list using MC information.
std::pair< unsigned int, float > UintFloatPair
void GetFeatureVector(LArMvaHelper::MvaFeatureVector &featureVector) const
Get the feature vector for the MVA.
pandora::CartesianVector GetLowerDirection(const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints) const
Use a sliding fit to get the lower direction of a collection of spacepoints.
void GetSliceFeatures(const NeutrinoIdTool *const pTool, const SliceHypotheses &nuSliceHypotheses, const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, SliceFeaturesVector &sliceFeaturesVector) const
Get the features of each slice.
Header file for the master algorithm class.
Header file for the lar adaptive boosted decision tree class.
std::map< std::string, double > DoubleMap
int m_nuance
Nuance code to select for training.
bool m_isAvailable
Is the feature vector available.
Header file for the lar support vector machine class.
void SelectPfos(const pandora::PfoList &pfos, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos) const
Add the given pfos to the selected Pfo list.
bool m_useTrainingMode
Should use training mode. If true, training examples will be written to the output file...
float m_minPurity
Minimum purity of the best slice to use event for training.
Header file for the stitching tool base class.
LArMvaHelper::MvaFeatureVector m_featureVector
The MVA feature vector.
const pandora::ParticleFlowObject * GetNeutrino(const pandora::PfoList &nuPfos) const
Get the recontructed neutrino the input list of neutrino Pfos.
float GetNeutrinoProbability(const T &t, const float defaultProbability) const
Get the probability that this slice contains a neutrino interaction.
void SelectPfosByProbability(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const SliceHypotheses &nuSliceHypotheses, const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, const SliceFeaturesVector &sliceFeaturesVector, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos) const
Select pfos based on the probability that their slice contains a neutrino interaction.
std::vector< SliceFeatures > SliceFeaturesVector
bool m_persistFeatures
If true, the mva features will be persisted in the metadata.
pandora::CartesianVector GetDirectionFromVertex(const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints, const pandora::CartesianVector &vertex) const
Use a sliding fit to get the direction of a collection of spacepoint near a vertex position...
pandora::CartesianVector GetUpperDirection(const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints) const
Use a sliding fit to get the upper direction of a collection of spacepoints.
pandora::CartesianVector GetDirection(const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints, std::function< bool(const pandora::CartesianVector &pointA, const pandora::CartesianVector &pointB)> fShouldChooseA) const
Use a sliding fit to get the direction of a collection of spacepoints.
void GetPointsInSphere(const pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints, const pandora::CartesianVector &vertex, const float radius, pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePointsInSphere) const
Get a vector of spacepoints within a given radius of a vertex point.
void GetSpacePoints(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, pandora::CartesianPointVector &spacePoints) const
Get the 3D space points in a given pfo.
std::string m_trainingOutputFile
Output file name for training examples.
NeutrinoIdTool< AdaBoostDecisionTree > BdtNeutrinoIdTool
NeutrinoIdTool< SupportVectorMachine > SvmNeutrinoIdTool